
I'm In Love With My Gay Bestfriend!

So Sorry for updating so super late!!! exams are killing for these past few days. sorry!! (bows) hope you like this chapter!!


(Sunny POV)


At last, the school bell rang. It’s food time! English is a boring subject!

“Minnie! Let’s go eat! I'm super-duper hungry! Minnie! Minnie!” I said to him but he was not paying attention to me.

He’s looking somewhere else. As I followed his eyes to where he is looking, it landed on the place where the transferee is located.

‘What’s his name again?’ I asked myself. ‘Ah! I know! Cho Kyuhyun!’

“LEE SUNGMIN!!” I shouted to his ear and that’s good he heard me because if not, I'm going to get a megaphone and I will used that to call him. Hehehehe. I'm so bad! ;)

“Yah! Don’t shout! I can hear you!” Sungmin said furiously

“Oh? Really? I called like three times and you’re not paying attention to me. All you do is looking at that transferee over there. Like him Minnie?” I as I laughed ‘cause his face became so red when I said the word”like”.

“Wanna make friends with him? Looks like he didn’t have any friends right now?” I said to Sungmin.

“What?! No! Oh, really, really no!! Please Sunny! I don’t know what to do if he’s around us!” Sungmin panicked. Seriously, he look like a grandma when her purse was stolen. What’s with the panic?! I only said friends. Is that really hard for him?

(Sungmin POV)

“Wanna make friends with him? Looks like he didn’t have any friends right now?” Sunny said to me.

“What?! No! Oh, really, really no!! Please Sunny! I don’t know what to do if he’s around us!” I panicked. Friends with that super duper hot guy?! Oh my gosh! Is that possible? Oh please! But why do I have to panic this much?

As I thinking about my actions and panicking, I saw Sunny walking up to the transferee. And it’s too late!! She’s already talking to him!

Oh no! What to do?! What to do?! And I saw them approaching to my place.

I'm melting. Really. Seriously melting. He’s so handsome and his smile melts my heart. Oooohhh. I can go to heaven now. Aaaahhh.


(Kyuhyun POV)

I saw someone approaching my place. It’s a girl with bunny eyes. Wow! She’s cute huh!

“HI!” She said to me. And she’s doing aegyo! How cute!

“Hello too. I'm Cho Kyuhyun” I introduced myself.

“I know. You introduced yourself earlier right?” she said to me which make me laugh because I forgot that I introduce myself at the class. Looking right at her makes me forget things.

“I'm Lee Sunkyu. Nice to meet you!” she said. At last I know her name. Wait! Sunkyu?! That’s an ahjumma’s name!

“Hahahahaha!” I can’t help but laugh and I noticed that it changed her mood. As I put myself back together, I can see that she is now in bad mood.

“I'm sorry I laugh but I can’t really resist because your name.. your name..” I can’t continue because I have to cover my mouth before I start another set of laugh.

“I know. My name is like an ahjumma’s name. that’s why I dislike it. Just call me Sunny” she said as she initiate a handshake.

“Sunny then. Nice to meet you.” I said as I return the handshake.

“Well. I see that you don’t have any friends right now. Do you want to be our friend? I have a group of friends here” Sunny said.

“Sure! I would love too!” I immediately answered.

And she gestured me toward the guy that happens to be my seat mate. Really, I don’t know what’s happening to him. He’s always like sweating earlier and now! He looks like he’s in some kind of limbo, like he’s floating in air.

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kimkaixwife #1
pressed random and got to this story... sounds interesting
-SoneAndElf- #2
Chapter 20: I will wait for your update unnie~~ FIGHTING~~ ^^
eVioletya #3
Chapter 19: uptade soon chingu,pleeaaasee ^_^
Chapter 18: whoaa... so evil!!! please update soon... ^^
-SoneAndElf- #5
Chapter 17: update !!!!!!!
-SoneAndElf- #6
Chapter 17: please update this story soon. I like it very much ~
-SoneAndElf- #7
Chapter 17: Can you please update soon ? I like this story very much ..
SungHaJoon #8
Chapter 17: Update soon!~ C:
-SoneAndElf- #9
i like the story !!! please update soon !!! :)
Oh did they just glue Taeyeon? Thats so mean.. Update soon..