Fulfilling A Promise

It's All Because of You

Fulfilling A Promise

Chapter XXI


"Sooyoungie! Can we please stop shopping for a second? I'm not your shopping buddy and for Pete's sake, take your hands off of me! It makes people think we're a couple!" Kyuhyun sighed exasperatedly as he tried taking off Sooyoung's hands off of his arm.


"But we're a couple, Kyuhyun oppa!" Sooyoung giggled.


"Ugh! Stop! Sooyoungie, JUST STOP!" He whined as he succeeded in prying his cousin's arms off of his.


"Oh, Kyuhyunnie Oppa! Didn't you missed your dongsaeng? I've been gone for 8 years and that's how you treat me?!" Sooyoung dramatically uttered.


"Oh please, Choi Sooyoung! You talk to me almost everyday! Add the fact that we just saw each other last Christmas, it's not like we haven't seen each other for 8 years!" Kyuhyun complained and the other stared, amused by her cousin's attitude.


"You never changed after all, Kyuhyunnie Oppa. You're still the snarky brat I met last Christmas. Wow. You sure know how to be stable!" She giggled and the other glared at her.


"Same goes for you little one. You're still the annoying brat I met last December." He backfired.


"You're mean!" She complained.


"You're annoying!" He complained.


"That's how I roll." Sooyoung shrugged.


"That's how I roll." Kyuhyun mimicked.


"Okay, there's something wrong. You're way too annoying, right now. What's up?" The younger asked as she placed her elbow to the older's shoulder, revealing her true colors.


"Nothing." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and removed his cousin's elbow on his arms.


"Is it because of a girl?" Sooyoung put her elbow back to Kyuhyun's shoulder.


Sooyoung lived in America for 8 years when her parents decided to focus on their business there. Since she was an only child, she grew up treating the Cho siblings as her own brother and sister. As Kyuhyun mentioned, they saw each other last Christmas, which is a kind of reunion for their family. It's either the Choi family flying to Korea or the Cho going to the States to see each other. It's a routine every year, so they never lost contact or grew apart from each other. Sooyoung can read Kyuhyun like an open book which is why something inside her was triggered when she saw the girl from earlier.She knew that there's something between the girl and her very own cousin, Cho Kyuhyun.


"No! It's not because of Seohyun!" Kyuhyun defended removing her elbow from his shoulder by moving far from her.


"Who said it's because of her? I just asked if it's because of a girl." She smirked and Kyuhyun looked at her, speechless.


"Gotcha." She continued as she knew she caught her cousin.


"Is it because of her? Huh? Huh?" She childishly chimed.


"Okay, okay! Fine, it's because of her!" Kyuhyun rant.


"Oh! You finally took an interest in a girl! It's a miracle!" Sooyoung exxagerated and Kyuhyun could only shook his head, giving up the feeling of being annoyed.


I'm just stressing myself. He told himself.


"So what's up with her?" Sooyoung asked as a rack of clothes fished her eyes. Kyuhyun sighed but followed her nonetheless.


"Well, I kinda promised her something ---" "You promised something to a girl?! Who are you and what did you do to my ugly cousin?!" Sooyoung interrogated and Kyuhyun could only chuckle.


"She did something for me, alright. Something worth granting her wish." He smiled absent-mindedly.


"Oh no. The almighty Kyuhyun is smiling by himself. Could it be ---" "Don't dare continuing your sentence Choi Sooyoung, I'm not, okay?! I'm not falling for Seo Joo Hyun." Kyuhyun glared at the younger.


You're struck by it, brother. Sooyoung thought as a smirk made its way to her face.


"Who says you're in-love?" Sooyoung smirked. "I was going to say, could it be that Cho Kyuhyun is going crazy?" The smug smile on her face tells Kyuhyun that she was teasing him.


"I hate you." Kyuhyun glared at her and she let out a whole-hearted laugh.


"I love you, too!" She beamed as she pulled a dress from the rack.


Kyuhyun could only sigh, he couldn't believe he got fooled, twice. He heaved another sigh as he started looking for a seat. He found one, not too far from where Sooyoung is. He looked around and his eyes landed to someone, so familiar in his eyes. Seo Joo Hyun with his boyfriend. With just the thought, Kyuhyun felt anger taking its toll on him. 


I'm not letting you go. He told himself but as soon as he realized his thoughts, he shooked his head vigorously as he tried clearing his head.


NO. No, Cho Kyuhyun, No! What are you thinking?! AISH. He pulled himself together as he looked at the direction where the couple is located.



"You know, you still have a promise to her, use that as a ticket. Idiot." Kyuhyun almost jumped out of his skin as a voice started whispering to him.


"What the hell, Choi Sooyoung!" He shouted, frustrated.


"What?" The other asked, innocently as she started skipping to the counter to pay for another 3 dress, she liked..


"Will she ever run out of clothes?" He asked himself, amused. However, his thoughts wandered off to his cousin's word. Absent-mindedly, he took his phone out and started typing words.


   To                                                               Seo Joo Hyun                                                                    

     Whether you have a boyfriend or not, you're still going to the amusement park with me.                    A promise is a promise.


He mentally cursed himself as he found himself already pressed the send button. He tossed his cellphone up in the air and caught it, hoping the message was not sent but then, he felt his phone vibrate and he smiled at the reply he's gotten.


From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                      


             Whether you have a girlfriend or not, you're going to take me to the amusement park.                      A promise is a promise.


He chuckled with her reply but a thought made him frown. He quickly typed something in his phone.


   To                                                               Seo Joo Hyun                                                                    

What about your boyfriend? Wouldn't he be mad? Shouldn't he take you instead?


He impatiently tapped his phone as he waited for the other's reply.


From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                     

What about your girlfriend? Wouldn't she be mad?


She replied and he got a little bit annoyed.


   To                                                               Seo Joo Hyun                                                                    

I asked first. Answer mine first.

From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                     

I'm sure he wouldn't mind.


What kind of boyfriend is that? He thought to himself. How could he let his girlfriend go with someone else? Tsk. Being Cho Kyuhyun, he wasn't afraid to voice his thoughts, therefore, these wonders were sent to Seohyun.


From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                     

Simple. Because he isn't my boyfriend. :) I've already answered your questions, now, answer mine. Would your girlfriend mind if we hang out on the amusement park?


Kyuhyun raised her brow at her response. Is she perhaps, Jealous? He shrugged his thoughts as he tapped his phone to reply.


   To                                                               Seo Joo Hyun                                                                    

I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                     

How so?


His brows raised as a smile tugged his lips.

   To                                                               Seo Joo Hyun                                                                    

Simple. Because she wasn't my girlfriend. :)


Kyuhyun's smile faded as he remembered something.


"Choi Sooyoung, where the hell are you?!" He practically freaked out as his cousin picked her phone up after 3 phone calls.


"You were too pre-occupied, I was bored so I went out of that shop to eat." She explained.


"I just took my eyes off of you for a second and you were gone!" Kyuhyun complained as he shifted his eyes hoping to spot a tall but skinny girl out of a pool of people.


"I'm not five, Cho Kyuhyun. You don't need to look after me!" The other complained back.


"Where the hell are you?" He asked in a low yet dangerous voice.


"Why should I tell you?" The other backfired and Kyuhyun could see the smirk on her lips.


"Mom and Dad would kill me if you got lost!" Kyuhyun sighed, frustrated.


"Don't worry, I have my GPS. I can lead myself home and I have company." The last lines freaked Kyuhyun out knowing Sooyoung doesn't know anything in Korea.


"Yah! Who are you with!?" He freaked out.


"A friend." The other's voice was playful.


"Kyu, he's with me." A voice, too familiar to Kyuhyun snatched the phone and calmed the other down.


"Oh, noona, glad you're with her. Now I can free myself from that girl!" He sighed in relief as he knew his cousin was safe.


"Now go to the amusement park with the Seohyun." Sooyoung teased and Kyuhyum chuckled as he ended the call.


   To                                                               Seo Joo Hyun                                                                    

Are you with the Yonghwa guy?


Kyuhyun sighed as he re-read his message. It isn't that he is jealous, he's just asking, right? 


From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                     

No. He said he needs to meet with his other friends.

  To                                                                   Seo Joo Hyun                                                                 

Are you free?

From:                                                           Seo Joo Hyun                                                                     

Yeah. Why?

  To                                                                   Seo Joo Hyun                                                                 

Wanna go to the amusement park?


A smile made its way to Seohyun's lips as she read his message.


"So Cho Kyuhyun knows how to keep a promise." 




Author's note:

Because I tricked you yesterday, let me make it up to you. :3

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I missed you! I'm really sorry for not posting for ssssoooooooooooooo long!


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xorivxo #1
khunfany4414 #2
Chapter 9: nice story, author-nim
Chapter 27: wow the story is amazing! I love Kyuhyun's craziness here haha
Guixuxian0206 #4
Chapter 27: continue authornim.. nice
Betbet66 #5
Chapter 27: Omg you updated!! So many times!!! İam so glad you decided to come back! Please update soon!
geaseokyu #6
Chapter 26: kyuhyun oppa just realise that you like seohyun eonnie
before it's to late
you will be regret
hello I'm a new subscribe
I like your story
please update soon
sincerelydannie2 #7
Chapter 26: So cuteee~ new subscriber here o/ I'm already loving the story :-) SeoKyu fighting^^
Chapter 26: Awwwwwwwww so cute!!! Just be together already!!!
yoonfany_lover #9
Chapter 26: Ah finally you update! Seokyu's moments are so cute! Thanks for your update!
yoonfany_lover #10
Chapter 25: your story is daebak!!! waiting for your update! i just wonder why kyuhyun have to avoid falling in love with seo? pabo kyu!!