
Creating My Own Dream Oneshot Request ~ Closed

FrappucinoKelly - Sufany


Relaxing in a nice coffee shop with one of his favorite Shakespeare’s tragic love stories always made him giddy inside. For one, he was er for love stories. Always wondering what it would be like to be in some tragic relationship himself. Two, he loved the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. So every day he would wake up to his daily routine of reading and having himself a macchiato when someone decided to waltz into his life and change it all up.

Now instead of being the studious person he is, he felt like a total creeper. Scratch that, he was a creeper. Not only was he hiding, he was hiding behind a small book that barely covered his face. Suho kept glancing over at the girl sitting across from him every second he got. It was as if her bright red hair, baby looking skin and nice, long legs got him mesmerized. Whenever she smiled after reading something from one of the many magazines stacked on her table, it just made him want to just pick up a puppy and hand it to her. Yes, she makes him this happy that even his thoughts are going crazy.

Frowning, he slumps in his seat, wishing he could be sitting next to her. Oh there she goes giggling once again, leaving him in a mess of frantic heartbeats and longing stares.

“A caramel macchiato.”

Unknowingly, both of them stood up to get the drink. He arrived first and grabbed it, ready to sip on the delicious coffee he’s been waiting for. But out of nowhere a hand covers the lid preventing his lips from touching the white top.

“I believe that’s mine.”

He looked up to see the girl he’s been eyeing at, glaring right at him. Her eyes are squinting to the point where he can’t even see them. Her cheeks are about as red as her hair.

She took him by surprised for a second. For one, he didn’t know why she was so angry. He stood in line before her. He knew this because she bumped into him by accident. Two, his name was clearly written on the cup. Three, the barista handed it to him.

“I actually think this is my cup…” He says softly.

“I don’t know who you think you are. But I am a very busy person, and I need my –“

“A caramel macchiato for Tiffany.”

Both of them turned to the barista holding the cup out for the girl. Baffled, Tiffany immediately took it and brought it close to her, avoiding all eye contact.

Suho laughed, noticing that her eyes were now widening with fear and her cheeks red due to embarrassment instead.

“If you want, you can have my cup.” He chuckled. “And then I can have yours.” Handing her his cup, he whispers, “Tiffany’s a pretty name.”

Shyly looking up to him, she grabs the cup, accepting his invitation of future meetings.

If you want you can have my heart, and then I can have yours.


Leaning against the clear giant window in his two floor condo, Suho stared out into the deep blue darkness of the night. A few stars shining here and there, a half-moon hidden behind the branches of his tree. Other than that the sky looked pretty lonely, bleak almost. Something that his heart could relate too.

Memories of her are coming back again. This time he can’t just shoo them away with a glass of red wine. Nor talk himself out of never loving her. He sighs, holding the glass cup as gentle as possible, watching it wobble between his index finger and his thumb. His eyes downcast on the liquid ready to pour over the tip just like the tears growing larger in the corner of his eyes.

It’s cold. The wind wrapped around his body telling him he should probably get to bed. He blinks back the sting in his eyes and trudges his way into his bedroom. His steps echoing through the large apartment, almost mocking his loneliness. He hops into the king sized bed and cuddles himself to sleep.


Exhausted, Suho rolls to his left. He’s having such a nice dream about dragons and warriors when something hard falls and hits his face. Immediately, he wakes up into sitting position. His eyes can barely make his girlfriend’s arm next to him. That was what hit him in the face, he glared, knowing that she always slept in the most awkward positions.

“You crazy girl.” He chuckles, mischievously rolling himself on top of her.

“Ughh.” She groans, feeling the weight of his body. “Suho~ ah get off of me.” She tries to push him off, but he stubbornly stays on top of her.

Seeing her sleepy face, he smirks and decides to have some fun for himself. So he traces his lips around her face, kissing every part tenderly. Getting a bit rougher when he’s on her lips, slowly taking them in with his own. His grin grows wider when she’s responding back just a little. His lips start moving down the side of her face until he hits the one spot he wants.

“SUHO.” She squeakily moans, using all of her strength to finally push him off.

He goes flying back into his side of the bed, while she’s rushing to get up. Standing there looking like a mess, she giving him a dirty look, while holding the blanket around her waist. “You always have to wake me up this way don’t you.”

Lying down with his head on his hand, he winks. “All the time.”


The sun harshly hit his eyes, causing him to jerk away. He turns to his left and carefully tries to open is eyes. Though he knows that no one would be there, he always wished for a surprised. Of course, he sees no one. So he decides to go back to sleep. Covering himself with more blankets to keep warm, he nearly drifts back to his dreams when his alarm goes off a minute later, blasting through the air like a tornado warning. Once again, he literally jumps out of bed and plops down on the floor.

 Groggily, he gets up and goes to the bathroom to wash up. When he looks in the mirror, he sees an unfamiliar face. His once fresh handsome boy look is now masked with dark eye circles and dry lips. If it wasn’t for her, he would have broken the mirror in a million pieces. But he knew how much it would hurt her to see him in pain. After he’s done, he trudges towards the kitchen, where there is never anything to eat. So he rummages through his cabinets for instant ramen noodles.

While his food is cooling down, he feels himself get a little teary-eyed. Just thinking about having no one to hug in the morning or give his morning kiss to always break his heart. Losing her just made him realize how much she was a part of his daily routine.

The noodles were finally finished. He brought them to the wooden table that she loved so much, careful not to ruin the furniture by placing the bowl on a towel. With each bite, his mind went back to those damn memories.


“Suho ah!”

“Neh.” The younger man twirled around in his seat to face his beautiful girlfriend lying on the couch. Her faded red hair blending into the wine colored couch. She turned to face him, her eyes creating a crescent moon shape. With a mischievous grin, she says, “Let’s go somewhere.” She smiles with those soft pink lips of hers that he knows so well.

Shaking his head, he chuckled, twirling back into his original position. He would have almost given in, just almost. If it wasn’t for the rotten homework assignment given by their teacher, he would have ran over and picked up her up then flew out the door. But no. He had a paper to write and not just his own either.

“We have stuff take care of first.” He says, going back to his computer. “You know how important my grades are to me.”

He can feel her pouting from a mile away. “Yeah they’re more important than I am.”

“Let’s not get into this again. Okay?” Sighing, he keeps typing away.

“You never want to go out with me anymore. You never want me around when you’re with your friends. You never want to be around me anymore! You –“

“Miyoung!” He slams his hand against the keyboard before he turns back to look at his girlfriend. “Really?” His asks in a bit of anger and annoyance.

They have had this fight before. Every time she brought up the same points. And every time he would have to listen to her rant. It wasn’t that he never wanted to do anything with her. It’s just that he was a busy man that can’t keep complying with his girlfriend’s needs. But no matter how much he said it, she never understood.

She immediately shuts up and gets off from the couch. Her loud footsteps leading her to the front door. Her hand already on the knob. Without looking back, she whispers, “You don’t even say you love me anymore.”


After cleaning after his mess, Suho decided to go take a walk. He hasn’t been out for a while. Actually, he hasn’t talked to his neighbors, gone to his favorite park nor has he even been to their coffee shop since the breakup. If he wanted to live his life without her now, why not start doing it at this moment?

Reaching for his jacket, he gives one last look around his apartment. His hand reaches for their one year picture and with one swift move; the picture frame is faced downward, parallel to the coffee table.

“Sorry Tiff. If I want to move on, I can’t have your smiling face looking at me all the time.”

Walking out the door, he heads to wherever his feet take him.


Suho laughed so hard, the cup of coke in his hand almost spilt out. Jessica carefully took out a napkin and wiped away any small spills around his lips. Blushing, he nervously chuckled and went back to talking to the rest of his friends.

Today, his group finally got him to get out of his study room for some little fun. At first, he didn’t want to go because of the stress of finals coming up. But after a little nudging, knocking on doors and constant messages, he got out his jacket and stormed off to meet them.

They stood outside of a little food stand down the block. Chatting and reminiscing on the past memories, all of them didn’t want to admit that graduation was just a month away especially Suho, who really didn’t want to think about a life without them.

“Suho~ah! I thought you were studying. Oh look! I found a cute hello kitty store.”

Chanyeol with his advantage of being tall turned to look at whoever was yelling at his friend. “Isn’t that your girlfriend?”

Jessica looked at him with a small smirk on her face. Her eyes directed towards the girl dressed in a pink summer dress. The rest of the guys chuckled and whispered amongst themselves as they all checked out his girlfriend.

Inhaling secretly, he looked back to see that the truth does hurt. The person was holding up small hello kitty packages, staring at him with child-like eyes was Tiffany.

“No.” He said, taking a sip of his drink. “That’s not her. Let’s go before she starts coming over here.”

His friends just shrugged and moved down the street. All of them forgetting about the girl calling after them. The girl who's fast footsteps would never make it towards them, the girl who sounded as if crying out in pain. Suho didn’t forget though. He just chose to ignore.


Of course, he ended up at the coffee shop, where he first met her. After ordering his coffee, he went to go sit at the exact spot where he used to creep at her. Those are the memories he never wanted to lose and always wanted to remember. But somehow, the hurtful ones replayed constantly in his mind.


“What?” She chocked, holding back the unwanted tears. Her hands curled into a fist, while her eyes closed shut. “So that’s it.”

Today was the day he got the courage of ending his relationship with her. Though he wanted them to separate in a good note, he knew that she would never let that happen. That is why he brought her to a park to do it. That way if she did decide to kill him, there were others to witness.

Sighing, he leaned back into the bench. His hands run over his tired face. “Tiff.”

“Don’t call me Tiff.” She growled, turning to face him with her tear stained cheeks. “Only people close to me can call me that.”

“There you go again!” He frustratingly said. “You always have to be so childish about things. I can’t even have a conversation with you without fighting or you making irrelevant comments.”

“Tell me. Tell me when it was the last time we had a conversation that lasted over five minutes. One that didn’t end with you being too busy!”

Suho kept shut. He quickly adverted his eyes back to the flowers in front of him.

“That’s right. You gave up on this relationship long time ago. You were being the .” She’s silently sobbing, holding onto her chest as if it would cure her broken heart. “I hate you. You promised me." Her fists are pounding into the side of his arm. "You said forever. You..." Her voice squeaks. "Even though you did all that, I don’t want us to end.”

She’s clinging onto him, using his shoulder like it was a napkin. His heart is breaking, but he knows that he can’t keep living like this. So he carefully pushes her off, looking at her tenderly. He reaches for her face red with tears and he gently wipes away all the lone droplets. Leaning closer, she let herself succumb to his touch.

“Mianhe.”  He says, watching her rapid breathing go down to a constant level. He could feel her grip on him tighten.

After a few seconds, she lets out a heavy sigh, moving her body away from him. She gets up, wiping away her own tears now. “Me too.” Her laugh broken and lodged in the back of .

Suddenly, her sulken expression is one of confidence. Her eyes glisten of that with tease, her lips forming a smirk. It was as if he was falling in love all over again. She grabbed her things, about to get ready to leave. When she turned towards him and said, “You’re going to miss me, Kim Suho.”

Just like that. She walked right out of his life.


“A caramel macchiato.”

Suho woke from his dream due to the sound of familiar footsteps. His eyes open wide and just in time to see her strutting out the door with a cup of coffee in his hand. Swiftly, he’s out of the door, pausing just outside the shop.

“Tiff.” He says breathlessly. She turns around, not forgetting to do that y hairflip that made him go crazy. “I believe you have my coffee.”

Examining the cup, she lets out a small giggle along with a tint of hot peek cheeks. “I guess I do.”

“And I guess that means I’m having yours.” Scratching the back of his head, he shyly looks at her.

“Suho-ssi, it’s only been a week. You miss me already.” She winks.

Letting out a chuckle, he bites his lips and lets his eyes do the talking.

“Well I have to check my schedule first. I’ll text you if I’m free.” She gives him one last smile before turning back around, leaving him dumbfounded.

Holding back a wide grin, he goes back into the store.

“A caramel macchiato for Tiffany.”

With long strides, he reaches the counter. “And that would be for me.” He grabs the cup out of the barista’s hand and sits back down, tossing the familiar book aside. Maybe tragic love stories aren't for him.

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i love the story that luxubu chingu had suggested
keep up the good work
fighting !
luxubu #2
I like the Yongseo one-shot. Thank you so much and hope the shop will open again soon :)

Pairing: yongseo

Plot: seohyun being awkward with yonghwa and the skinship thing until yonghwa gets bored of it and decides to tell her that she must choose between being with him fully or breakup with him to make seohyun with no choice but to obey him because she loves him alot

Genre: Romance

Ending: Happy
theme song: rihanna california king bed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhBorPm6JjQ

thanks a looooooooooot
1004Diamond #4
Excuse me, do you still take request?
*puppy eyes* T.T

Pairing: SeoKai
Plot: something like their real life as SNSD maknae Seo Joo Hyun and Exo-K dancing machine Kim Jong In
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Ending: Happy

Really, thank you so much if you could make it for us XD
GBU dear ^^
Your SuFany's story is really great :D
Pairing: SeoHan.

Plot: "Baby Steps - TaeTiSeo" lyric.

Genre: Angst, Romance.

Ending: Happy.
Thank you so much ^___^
ahhhh your writing is so good! i loved this chapter, i hope to read more from you!
BBDaeSungSNSD #8
Pairing:Daesung / Tiffany or Daesung / Yoona

Plot: A Modern Beauty and the Beast Story or Bullying type of story...:)

Genre: Comedy and Romance

Ending: I'm a er for happy endings lol but a sad one is okay if it fits the story. :)

Thanks! ^^
Pairing: GTae

Plot: Something to do with loving each other at the wrong time or at different times.

Genre: Angst, Romance

Ending: Up to you! It really depends on the story, so just go with how you see fit. If either one works, I guess I'd prefer a happy ending :)

Thanks for opening this request shop! I really look forward to the stories :D hwaiting!!