
Exotic Bakery

I entered the shop to find a surprisingly huge sea of customers. I tried to squeeze my way through the crowd but to no avail. I saw Suho and tried to get his attention. Thank god he saw me and quickly pulled me in. "Thanks!" I hummed as I skipped my way to the kitchen.

The moment I entered the kitchen, it looked like it was a battlefield. Xiumin and Baekhyun were so busy baking that they failed to realise my prescence. Instead, I decided to offer my help, "So, what do I have to do?". Xiumin beamed a huge smile and threw a pair of mittens at me, "Grab the batch of muffins out from the oven then!".

After hours of tedious work, the crowd finally died down. I grabbed the nearest chair and plopped right down. "Phew. This has got to be one of the most tiring days ever in my life..." I whined. Baekhyun, Suho and Xiumin chuckled. "Aren't you guys tired?" I asked. They shook their heads as Xiumin said, "Nah, we're used to it. Since the holidays are coming soon, plenty of people are buying muffins and logcakes. It's our busiest time of the year."

Baekhyun immediately jumped out of his seat and removed his apron, "Oh no! I forgot that I had a date. So sorry hyungs! Catch up with you guys next time!"

Suho shook his head and chuckled, "Well, I'll just tend the register in case. You two have a nice talk!". Before he left, he winked, a little too obviously at Xiumin and left. Xiumin looked down in embarrassment.

After Suho left, there was a brief second of silence and awkwardness in the air till my tummy began to grumble. Xiumin cocked his head up and chortled, "Hungry?" I nodded shyly. He held out his hand and said, "Come on! I'll make us something to eat.". I grabbed onto his hand and followed him. He went to the cupboard and grabbed two packets of ramen. I smiled as I looked at him cook the meal for us. He seemed so focus and he looked extremely handsome that way. I felt my heart accelerating. The moment he looked up from the pot, flashed a gentle smile in my direction. That was it. I felt my heart drop as it began to skip two beats. How was that even possible.

After he was done, he brought the pot over to the table. "Sorry there aren't any bowls, so we'll just have to share it like this!" he apologised. I shook my head and said, "It's ok! Let's dig in! I'm starving!!".

The two of us chatted away as I got to know more about him, as he did about me. Suho came in and saw the precious scene as his eyes softened. He made no sound and left the kitchen.

"Thanks for the amazing meal once again!" I beamed. Xiumin blushed, "It was just ramen, nothing much!".

But it meant everything to me, and not to mention, it was the best instant ramen anyone has ever made for me... I thought to myself.

It was getting late, so I bade my farewells and left the bakery, alone.

Xiumin hesitated whether he should follow me as he stood by the door. Suho knocked him in the head. "Ya! Hyung! What was that for?" he cursed under his breath. "Go walk her home, you idiot! And don't think that I don't know you shared the pot of ramen on purpose. We had plenty of bowls underneath the sink.."

Xiumin gaped at his hyung and thanked him.

"Eunmi!! Wait up!" Xiumin yelled. I halted and turned around to see a familiar figure running towards me. Xiumin?

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He scratched the back of his head nervously and admitted, "Uh.. I just.. wanted to.. Walk you home."

I felt the blood gushing up to my cheeks, "Okay then.." I smiled meekly.

Xiumin and I walked down the street as we talked. Up ahead was a traffic light that just turned green. "Oh, look! It turned green hurry!!" I snapped as I ran towards the traffic light. Xiumin followed behind me. Being the absolutely clumsy person that I am, I tripped over my shoelaces and scraped my knee. I yelped in pain. Xiumin came rushing over to my side and checked my wound. I looked away from the bleeding area as Xiumin grabbed a few plasters from his wallet and used it to cover my wounds. "That should do it!" he smiled, satisfyingly. I looked over and saw my knee covered in adorable cartoon plasters. I chuckled at the sight.

"Nemo stickers? Really?" I teased.

"Hey, if you weren't so clumsy, my stash of plasters would never be used. Plus, nemo is cute! Just like me!" he answered. I couldn't help but burst into laughter. "So how is it? Can you still walk?" he asked, in a tone of concern. I tried my best to get up but I ended up falling back to the ground. This time, Xiumin grabbed my arms and slung it over his shoulders. Before I knew it, he was carrying me.

"Gah! Put me down! I'm heavy, aren't I?" I squirmed. Xiumin shook his head, "Nah! You're really light! Hmm, maybe it's because I carry big bags of flour all day." After minutes of bickering, I decided to just let him carry me home as I rested my head on his shoulder. I couldn't help but feel that this was all meant to be. Xiumin carried me effortlessly and smiled to himself as he felt my head lying on his shoulders.

I wouldn't mind carrying around like this for a lifetime...... he thought to himself.

Finally, we were at my house. However, I was long gone into slumberland. Xiumin was afraid of waking me up, so he continued making rounds around the neighborhood. He was singing a beautiful tune. After almost 30 minutes, my ears caught the beautiful voice. I fluttered my eyes open to see that Xiumin was still carrying me on his back.

"Oh, you're awake?" he asked with a softened expression.

"Mmmm" I mumbled, "What time is it?"

"About 10.20.."

My eyes widened, "How long have you been walking?!"

Xiumin put me down in front of my house and explained, "I didn't want to wake you up, so I figured I'd walk a few more rounds."

I hit his arm and coughed, "Silly! You're gonna be so decked out! I have to go in now, before my sister makes a big fuss! See you around!"

I limped towards the door and turned back to wave goodbye to Xiumin. He pursed his lips into a melt-worthy smile and walked off with hands in his pocket.

I shut the main door and leaned against it, thinking about the marvellous day. "So who's that?" my sister smirked. I coughed and walked up the stairs, as I chimed, "Nobody~"

She rolled her eyes and stomped off.


A/N: Hehe, how was it? ^^ More Xiumin, yaaaaay!

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nerdyninja #1
Chapter 9: omg love this story!!! please update soon!!! keep xiumin and eunmi together!!!
Chapter 8: //s0bs// Make her end up with Xiumin please! T__T Bao zi needs some lovin', y'know? :((
nerdyninja #4
Chapter 7: love the story! please update soon!!! one of the best stories i have ever read!
Chapter 7: I love this story ~ It's so sweet and original. I hope to see more soon ~
Pls update asap! I want to know how the story continue...
kyoung #7
Omg! >.< Make Luhan really jealous of Xiumin and make him feel bad! I hate people who cheat in relationships! BELHH.
haesong21 #9
Ahhhh bozi!!!!