
Exotic Bakery

We pushed and shoved our way to the park. I was so nervous. My heart was beating rapidly, my palms were sweating. My feet began to defy me as I kept stopping along the way. I tried to turn back and fake a stomach ache but kyungmi pushed me ahead. The park was just a few more minutes away. 

"Kyung mi, stop pushing me. I know how to walk!" I yelled. I tried brushing her hands off my shoulders but her hands were like glued to it. We argued all the way throughout the walk. Soon, we entered the huge grassy area which had a sign that said, "Neighborhood park" on it. Kyungmi massaged my shoulders and briefly said, "Fighting!" and she quickly scurried away.

I stood at the pavement alone. I guess I was early. 

I walked over and sat on a nearby bench, popping the earplugs on with the music on full blast. Just then, a stray cat appeared from the bushes in front of me. My eyes grew wide with fear. I was dreadfully afraid of cats!

I lifted my legs up to the bench trying to avoid any contact with the furry little creature. But, the cat came closer. It jumped onto the corner of the bench and stared at me. I wanted to run, but my body was frozen solid. The cat opened his mouth and merely made a small meowing sound, but I got up and began running away from it. The cat gave chase, perhaps it thought that I was playing with him. 

I ran away, not thinking about where I was headed but just trying to shake off the little furball.

"Oooof!" I knocked against somebody and fell to the ground. I rubbed the back off my head to ease off the pain. Just then, the cat circled around my ankles and purred. I shivered with fright. I closed my eyes trying to distract my mind from the cat.

"Eunmi... Is that you?" the voice closeby said. 

I slowly fluttered my eyes to see that it was Xiumin. 

I stared at him, trying to speak up, but fear seemed to have swallowed my words. He bent over and carried the cat into his arms. 

"Xiumin o-oppa.." I managed to squeak.

He the cat and burst into laughter, "Hahaha! Are you ok?"

I started to feel my legs so I stood up and brushed off the dirt on my clothes. I looked at the cat fearfully as it stared at me with those piercing green eyes. "I'm ok.", I gulped, "I'm just really scared of cats...."

Xiumin came closer to me with the cat in his arms, "Don't be afraid.. See, it won't bite.." he comforted. The cat snuggled itself in his arms and rubbed it's cheek on to his arm. I smiled at the adorable sight. 

"You wanna touch it?" he smiled. I flashed him a weird look, "No... I can't.." 

This time, he grabbed my hand and said, "I'll touch it with you if you want.. It's not as scary as it looks!" 

His hands brought mine closer to the cat. It finally landed on the fur. It was really cushy and soft, it felt like those soft toys that I had in my room. His hands warmed my cold, frightened hands as he guided my hands to the cat. I blushed.

He looked me into the eyes and said, "See, it isn't that bad is it?" 

I looked to the ground, trying to hide my smile. Soon, he let go off my hand and put the cat down to the ground and we began walking about in the park. I had to admit, I didn't mind touching the cat longer if we stayed in that position. His hands were soft yet strong. 

I coughed softly to empty the silence that filled the air between us.

"Xiumin oppa, can I ask you something?" I spoke.

"Sure, anything!" he plastered a curious look on his face. I turned to him while walking backwards, "Do you like my sister?"

He lifted his hands and scratched the back of his head, "Uh.. I guess you can say that I sort of have a small liking for her.." 

"Ah.... But aren't you sad that she cancelled your date tonight?"

"I wouldn't say that I'm sad. I mean, you're sister's really pretty and all, I'm pretty sure she has much better preferences! Plus, I like to look at the bright side of things!"

I felt really sorry for him then, and to think my sister was going to take him for a fool earlier. He is so sweet and understanding. I looked at him with admiration, without even realising it.


"What?" I snapped.

"Since we're already on the topic.. Can you tell me what it's like to have a girlfriend? In your case, a boyfriend."

"Why? A really nice guy like you should have plenty of girls chasing after you!" 

He cheeks turned red, "Thanks for the compliment! But, believe it or not, I never had a girlfriend. So, I don't know what it's like!"

My jaw dropped and I almost hit the kid behind me who was on his tricycle. I quickly balanced myself and gasped in disbelief, "Wait, what! Why not?"

Xiumin paused to help the kid up and continued, "Well, the rest of the boys say that I'm too nice and that I get taken advantage of easily so whenever I say that I like someone, they go on a crazy 'investigation' on the person. But, they always disapprove. Especially, Luhan. He really cares for me the most. Haha, I know they mean well and all, but I just really want to experience true love." 

Luhan, would do that? Pfffttttt.. I thought to myself.

After finishing his piece, he looked to ground in embarrassment, "I'm sorry if it sounds abit corny." My lips curved into a gently smile as I said, "I don't think it's corny at all... In fact, I think it's really sweet." 

"Really?" he puffed his cheeks. I giggled at his cute expression. 

Curiosity got the better of me, so I asked, "What kind of girls do you like?"

"I don't have a specific type. I mean, if I see someone, I just know she's the one. All I know is that, once I have a girlfriend, I'm gonna do all the things I ever wanted to do with her. I'm gonna love her unconditionally and treat her like how a lady ought to be treated!" 

I gotta admit, my heart melted when I heard him say that. It is so sweet! 

He's so different from Luhan. 

"Ah!" he clasped his hands together, "Enough about me! Wanna get some ice cream?"

I bit my lips, "Sure! Last one to the shop has to give the other one a treat!" I shouted as I got a headstart.

As I ran, all of Xiumin's words were playing in my head. He was too precious. I felt like I got to know so much better. 

He was fragile and strong, a beautiful and perfect combination. 

He completely stole my heart. 


A/N: Hehehe, double update today because I feel happy after spending time with my family today ^^ 

I hope you all had a good day <3

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nerdyninja #1
Chapter 9: omg love this story!!! please update soon!!! keep xiumin and eunmi together!!!
Chapter 8: //s0bs// Make her end up with Xiumin please! T__T Bao zi needs some lovin', y'know? :((
nerdyninja #4
Chapter 7: love the story! please update soon!!! one of the best stories i have ever read!
Chapter 7: I love this story ~ It's so sweet and original. I hope to see more soon ~
Pls update asap! I want to know how the story continue...
kyoung #7
Omg! >.< Make Luhan really jealous of Xiumin and make him feel bad! I hate people who cheat in relationships! BELHH.
haesong21 #9
Ahhhh bozi!!!!