Prince For Princess


Key walks home alone that day when suddenly he felt someone hit him from his back. Then, he felt blood flowing from his head. Key can't balance his body from fell down. He can hear someone talking with other but then they fighting before he unable to hear anything.

"Serves your right. Wanna to play trick with me, huh? Well, you got a wrong person to play with. Come on, guys. Let him die here."

"Minho ah, why you..."

"Shhh... Don't you ever ask him anything if you don't want to get the same like Key got. Gaja." Onew drags Taemin before Minho lost his control again. They then walk together leaving the bleeding Key behind.


"Hana, mom and dad called me just now. They asking me about your prince. Have you meet him yet?" Jonhyung ask his dongsaeng who playing PSP. Hana didn't pay any attention to his brother but focusing on her games. Sometimes, she sigh when she lost the games.

"Yah, my dear gongju. Are you listening to me or not?" Jonhyung already lost his patient watching at Hana's coldness. He is ready to attack his dongsaeng when suddenly he saw a tears from Hana's eyes. He sit next to her and take her in his arm.

"I'm sorry okay. I wasn't mean to yell at you. It just..."

"Oppa, what if I'm failed to find my Valentine's prince before my birthday? Oppa, I hate being like this. i'm trying to love Minho but I can't."

"My dear gongju, if you think you can't love him; why do you agreed to be with him when he asked you?" She can't answer Jonhyung but keep crying on his chest. Jonhyung rubs gently Hana's head before kiss at her forehead. He understand what his dongsaeng have been through lately.


"Jonhyung, you have to take care your little sister. She is softhearted. I don't want to see her get hurt anymore. As her older brother, I want you to find him a prince before her 19th birthday this February 14." Jonhyung still remembered his dad's words. Their parent living at States while he insisted to stay in Korea before Hana was sent off to lives with him in Seoul.

"Pyeha, why don't we give her to choose her own prince Valentine before her birthday?" Jonhyung tries to play safe with his dad. He knows Hana would think the same like he does.

"Okay, then. She is free to choose her own prince before her birthday. But, if she can't find any prince then I will decide who gonna be her prince. Araso?"

"Yea, pyeha. Thank you. I will tell Hana about it. Send my regards to jeonha. Tell her I miss her so much." After saying the good bye, Jonhyung cut off the call.

*End of flashback

"Oppa, I'm going to hospital. Key got beaten by thugs. I want to see him. May I?" Hana asking for Johyung permission before she went out leaving Jonhyung who dumbfounded. 'Key?, who is he? I thought she with that boy, Minho.'

"Err.. Hana, jakkanman; I'm going with you." Jonhyung takes his shoes and went out with Hana. He want to know who that boy is to his dongsaeng. 'I hope he is my dongsaeng's wangja'. He mumbles in his heart.


"Hana-ah, who is this guy?" Jonhyung whispering at his dongsaeng ear. He was so shocked because that guys is severe injured especially on his head.

"He is my friend, Key. He's the one who gave me a strenght to smile again." Hana sit at the chair and hold Key's hand. Key wasn't concious yet but she knew he can hear her.

"What's happened to this guys actually? It seem like he been beaten by something hard." Jonhyung makes his own assumption that make Hana look at him without winked.

"Yah, Hana! Where do you think you are going? Yah!" Jonhyung shout calling his dongsaeng but Hana won't looked back but keep running to somewhere. She know who responsible for beat Key up.

"Minho, I know this must be yours." said Hana in her anger. She quickly run to the place where Minho always hang up with Onew and Taemin.


Hi readers,,,mianhae..

This story becomes more boring each time I try to update it. Plus, I'm having a complicated relation with him now. So sorry, I will try to look for a better story to update this storyline.=.=

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awww! that was cutely romantic ^^;;;
cute ^^