awkward meeting


-another day-

minho try to move on with focusing him self on his schedule, but still.. everytime he got his rest time. the sweet memory of her will back and haunted him. sometimes it come when he was appear on one variety show. some of should remain him to be AWAKE. it’s still hard for him to facing the truth that he and her was over.




Minho Pov

“arigatou gozaimasu !!”I shouted before returned to back stage

it was the ending of concert tonight, so exhausting but fun at all. I mean fun when I’m still on stage, if on passed day I always got excited when our concert ended. now I’m feeling like ‘can we just do  the concert the whole day ?’..

“drink ?”manager hyung offered me

“yeah”I said grabbed it from him and drink it immediately.

“remember kids, we gotta back to korea tomorrow. so after this packed your things ok ?”manager hyung said

“ne~”all saying except me

“can I just stay here ?”I asked

“well, even only me,jonghyun hyung and taeminnie who got the schedule there. you still cant be here minho”key said

“we should practice for another SM concert”onew hyung added while pat my shoulder

“you cant avoided her,”jonghyung hyung said while leaving the room followed by the other

I lied my head to the wall and closed my eyes to think, should I go ? what if I meet her ? I don’t know what to do now. it would be awkward again.. can we just start it again ?



-the day when SHINee back to korea-

rainy days, same like minho’s heart now. he was so nervous, he just want to stay at dorm rather than went practice on SM building. he was afraid, afraid to facing the mistake he was done.


Minho Pov

“choi minho get up ! do not pretend you are sleep ! go pack your dance cloth, I’m waiting on living room”onew hyung shaked me

“I know.. I know.. !!”I yelled emotion to my hyung

“you are so emotional this passed days, 15 minutes !”onew hyung said while closing my door

‘god, can I just visiting my mom ?’I said to my self while put the dance's pan on my bag

oh, well it was a bad idea if I went visiting my mom. she will asking about yuri for sure, as I know my mom never miss any episode of ‘fashion king’ as she wanted to see her daughter-in-law so much. she always bothering me with a question like “can the male player replaced by you ? he kissed her !”. and she will be hysteria if I said that ‘we are not together again !’.

I went up to calling onew hyung that I was ready. then here we are on the road to SM building. I put the earphone and played ‘alarm clock’ songs. this song was written by me with no passion on it as I haven’t broke up yet on that time. but after a couple weeks this song is my soul now..

“yah..”onew hyung poked me

“I have asked hyung snsd schedule. they are busy, so don’t worry minho”onew hyung whispered

“thanks hyung.. and I’m sorry about before”I said apologetic

“it’s ok, I know it hard for you two.”he said while smiling like a grandpa

when we arrived I feel comfortable after onew hyung said that snsd will not joining practice. I went to changed my pant first, then walked straight to practice room.

“oh hyung..”kai greeted me formally

it’s only kai, so shall we start dancing ?? I smiled to him and inform to start practicing.



Yuri Pov

“yuri, come on”manager oppa keep shouted

I just finished packed my things to go to SM for another practice. my schedule was not too tight, just finished my time for acting then went home with nothing. I was so lonely, sometimes fany went dorm early and I bothered her who want to sleep with asked her watch my drama with me.

“come on”I smiled to him

we on the ride to SM building, I keep facing on the view outside. I saw some couple walking cross the street when the red light on. I was so jealous of them, but still this is my destiny I should except it.

“you know shinee just back to korea”manager oppa inform me

“I have no interested on that”I said to him remind that I will not be exciting like the past

“but, yeah they was recording star king”

“humh, whatever”I said try to be cool

but deep inside my heart I was so furious, I don’t know I should be happy or sad. actually I’m both now, happy can see him again, sad cause it’s not same anymore.

“we’re here”oppa announced

“thanks oppa”I said walking out from the car

“want something to be eat ?”manager oppa asked

“anything,, but umh.. I want the spicy one”I said and went inside the buildings

minho always love the spicy food..

I hear laugh from another practice room. it was familiar a deep one.. but manager oppa said they have a schedule. oh, chanyeol it must be him.

“yuri..”one of the dancer approach me

“rino unnie..”I said

“you went here alone ? how’s about the other girls ?”she asked

“they have a schedule..”

“should we wait ?”she asked

“can I just practice with my self ?”I asked back

“it will be hard for practicing the boys alone..”she laughed

“omh,,, yeah”I said pretend to laugh too even it’s not funny at all

so we decided to talking and try a random dance.


“come in..”rino unnie said

why my heart beat so fast ? I’m scared if it was minho.

“oh, yuri why you here ?”shim jaewon asked me

“umh, I have no schedule so manager oppa told me to practice for--”he cut my words

“no I mean, you shouldn’t practicing here. come on your hoobae was waiting”he said

“oh,, exo ?”I asked for make sure there is no shinee on here

he just nodded, so I followed him.

“we will try the new move as exo joining us for the first time”he said and I just can nodded

“guys, we got the black pearl here”he announced me

“anyeong hanseo”I bowed to them all

when I’m back to normal position and got shocked when I saw the figure that I don’t want to see. how could he was here. sit right in front of me, and how stupid I’m not seeing around just greeting them apologetic cause they was waiting for me.

“o-oh”I blurted out stepped back from him who still sit and staring at me

“aye.. hyung if you miss her, you can hug or kiss her. we promise we will not record it or see it”chanyeol said

“umh,,”I was so confused

minho stood up and walking close to me,,

“omo..omo..”jae won oppa said

“come on we waiting for you”minho said and grabbed my wrist

I was so shocked, well less everyone know about that I was over with him. I can refuse it but it will be embarrassed and my heart still want him actually. I try my best to controlled my emotion to not cry..




one hour passed, we have been practicing a new part and now it’s echoed on my head. I keep repeating the move so I can improve it to be better.

“rest first”greg oppa who just come a half hour ago clapped

I take a seat near the door, reach my bag and drink my water. everyone was staring at me while I’m drink.


then they turned to minho who try catch his breath. I know what they mean, we sit separated and I drink my drink alone without inviting him. cause they don’t know what actually us now..

‘it just acting yuri..’I said to my self, grabbed my bag went closer to him

“here..”I said awkwardly to him who closing his eyes

“sit here”he inform me to sit beside him

I obeyed him and sit beside him, he landed his head on my shoulder. it’s giving me a shock, this should be usual for me but now after he said he cannot bear with me he just act like nothing happen.

‘not now yuri..’I try to calmed my self and bear with him.

“I’m hungry..”he said with his hard breath

“I-I have a meal”I said and take all the meal that manager oppa bought for me before

“yah, kai and the others want some ?”I asked them all they nodded and start picking all the meal

I grab some and give it to minho who still not opened his eyes yet

“here your food..”I handed him the meal

“feed me”he said

“hyung was so childish,,”se hun laughing

“see, eat with your self”I said to him

“please”he said

“just feed him noona”kai said

“say aahhh”I said and feed him

I try my best to not cry and bear with this all, it wouldn’t be long though.

“well, we should go out guys. don’t bothering this couple who haven’t meet in a long- long timee”jae won said and make the situation went worse

“ we still have to practice right ?”I asked them all

“we can do it tomorrow noona”kai said and everyone leaving me and him along on here.

I deeply try to hearing the step disappear. when I hear there is no sounds left, I stood up and packed my things quickly.

“I’m leaving..”I said

“yuri..”he said weakly

“see you”I said try to hold my tears

“yuri…!!”he shouted weak

I cannot bear with this deep voice that I miss for the couple week. I give up and looking on him who still on his old position.

“just don’t go…”he said opening his eyes and a tears run down his cheek fast

“i..i should go”I said

“stay here.. I’m miss you”he said

“but I’m not..”I lied

“yes you are..”he said staring at me and I avoided to have a contact eyes with him

“stop act like you know me, you know nothing since a couple week ago ! we mean nothing now, we just acting before”I  cried

“sshhss..”he said stood up and pulled me into his chest

he hug me tight even my back, I miss him I always miss him. but it’s hurt for remembering he want to broke up because the kiss scene I got on my drama. while I always support him whenever he do, he got his kiss and hot scene with many girls before me. but since I trust him, I keep the jealously on my heart.

“let me off minho, we are over”I said try to be strong in front of him

I try to escape from his muscular arm but I  cant, he was too strong for me.

“please stay like this forever”he begged

“no I don’t want to !”I yelled

“I know you miss me yuri, I know you still love me”he said try to persuade me

“even I’m still love you, I will not permit my self to be with you anymore”I said to him

“really ?”he broke the hug and staring at me

“yeah !”

“look at my eyes yuri !”he said grabbed my head

but I cant stare at his big eyes. I will be melt and fall for him again..

“let me off !!”I yelled pushed his hands from me and running outside

I cant stand like this, the stupid words you have said it’s still echoed on my head. the day when I need his support on my first drama is ruined by him.

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unnie... your story is daebakk...
You are Jjang~~!!! :)
make more ok??
Kwon91 #2
Amuzing fanfiction! I liked it so much! really good story :) It's like this that I like MinYul's fanfiction!
Woooo! I missed your one-shoot stories, unnie! It's so nice!
Aigooooo Yuri is such a good actress. Hahaha PABO Minho (: This is awesome <3
Write more minyul fanfics pls !!! Interesting storyline :)
i hope it was a long story because the story was so nice..
i love it so much...
Kyaaa! Completed already? I love it so much and MinYul is a perfect couple ever! :) Thanks for this lovely story unnie! <3 <3 <3
AdifaSince1495 #8
Sooooo niceeeeeeeeeeee !!!!! Aku ngomment do BBM Aja yaa
AdifaSince1495 #9
AdifaSince1495 #10
Wwaaaaawwwww!!! Update soon !!!