Ep 2: Crushing On you hurt more everytime

My Clumsy SunFlower Girl/ 내 서툴러서 해바라기 소녀

 Yoona POV


As we got to the car I walked around to Where Seung Hyun was standing and bow to him


 Yoona: “Thank you for your time today it was really fun although it was not as…( I suddenly catch myself ) hot as I though it I had fun and I hope you did too”


Seung Hyun: “(he shrugged & smirk) Uh…yea Good Bye…& Yaaa ( pointing his index finger at me) this will be the last time we get to talk to each other…OK ( he did the ok symbol with his finger) and at school don’t act like you know me…”


 (Yoona nodded her head )


  Yoona: “Good Bye” ( as I stand there waiting him get into the car)


Seung Hyun: “ aren’t you going to get in the car”


  Yoona: “ aniyo I will just take the bus home”


Seung Hyun: OK I wont have to waste an extra trip to your house!!( his voice in relief)


 (Yoona waving goodbye then the car left the parking lot)


Seung Hyun Pov In the car


As I drove off “branggg” my phone rang and saw that it was a text message from my friend

 (red light & open the text)


Frm: Lee Jae Bong


HYUNG… where are you huh did you forget our rehearsal its been 2 hours already!!!


Text Back


To Lee Jae Bong




Author Pov


He quickly made a u-turn to the left and turn


@ the Rehearsal studio


Kim Min woo:  Yaa.. your so late where did you goo huh?


Lee Bong Jae: yea care to explain

Seung Hyun: mind your business  ( as he went over to the refrigerator and grab a cold bottle of water)


Lee Bong Jae: I think I know why you’re late… you ditch us to go out with a girl didn’t you…and let me guess is it…


(interrupted by Seung Hyun)


Seung Hyun: Shut Up… lets start the session now ok… and you Min woo where are the lyrics ?


Kim Min woo:  on top of the desk 


Lee Bong Jae: Fine lets start then…


The Music echoed around the room…


1 hour later ( Break Time)


Kim Min Woo: Yahh are you two going camping with the S.R.S from our school  and other S.R.S club tomorrow… Oh yea I forgot  the student body has invited us to go sing there so what do you think huh were already VIP ?


Lee Jae Bong: hey that seems fun… I feel so special to get invited ( he smiled)


Seung Hyun: send me more info later on and I will see If I want to go and lets end it here for today ok


( he stood up from the couch and walked out the door)


Lee Bong Jae: ( curious face) aish what is wrong him today?


Kim Min Woo: its probably one of those moody days again but are you going tomorrow huh?


Lee Bong Jae: of course why wouldn’t I there will be plenty of new hot girls and beautiful faces there


As they chatter away  The studio door open


Seung Hyun: Lets go tomorrow and it better be as fun as you both describe or you both are dead


They all smile

The Next Day


The boys all got ready and met up at Seung Hyuns place then left to the mountain


@ The Camp Site


All the girls gather there some fans with there sign reads “Seung Hyun We Love you Oppa” “ Min woo-oppa your are so hot” “I love you Bong Jae”


The Guys were amaze on how many girls were there


Seung Hyun: Who are all of them?… Yahh are you sure we came to the right place…

And where’s all the guys?


Lee Bong Jae: wahh… I don’t care cause all these girls here are so beautiful


Kim Min woo: I was sure that it was this place there are boys here too


As surprise as they were they got out the car to see with relieve that there are boys there too… they walked over to there cabin and settled down there stuffs


Lee Bong Jae : yah are you guys excited or what  because I am ( he smile)


Kim Min woo: (smile) Yah Bong Jae don’t get to excited we have to rehearse before we can go anywhere else


Lee Bong Jae: araso… but can we just get to know the girls here...come on guys lets have fun


( he went over to Seung Hyun and bugged him)


Seung Hyun: ok ok… but you guys can go im going to stay inside here and relex


Kim Min Woo: Yahh lets not be like that we came here to have fun remember come on lets go


( the guys drag him out the door)


Seung Hyun: let go of me  I don’t want to go ( he struggle to get back inside) fine…


As they all went around and browse the place Miyoung spotted Seung Hyun

And walked over to the guys


Miyoung: Seung Hyun oppa… you came here too I thought it was just a rumor that everyone was just saying…Oh…Hey Min woo and  Bong Jae


Bong Jae: Hello beautiful


(Min Woo elbow Bong Jae in the abdomen )


Min Woo: Lets go find you a different girl Bong Jae…


(They walked away leaving Seung Hyun and Mi Young)


Mi Young: do you want me to show you around the place here is really pretty


Seung Hyun: oh…sure I would like to


As they both went to look around they came upon a small river that leads to a lake, people swim all around the place having fun and laughter…as they walked Yoona wasn’t paying attention and bump into Mi Young causing them both to collapse


Seung Hyun: are you ok Mi young (he helped her up as yoona thought he was going to help her too but didn’t she decide to get up by himself)


Yoona: Seung Hyun I didn’t know you came here too..are you guys  ok im so  sorry I didn’t see you I ____( Seung Hyun cut her off)


Seung Hyun: Watch where you are going next time…it it was me you would have been___


Mi young: Seung Hyun…its ok she didn’t mean too… are you ok


Yoona: (nodded her head) im really sorry


Mi young : don’t  be (she smile warmly) lets go oppa (they walked pass Yoona)


Mina came running towards Yoona..

Mina: Yonna-ah are you ok…what happen are you hurt anywhere


Yoona: oh…uh…( as she looked at her left  hand down to her palm was bleeding as the little piece of glass was still stuck onto her wound)


Mina: Yoona your palm…aish you could have been more careful  


Yonna: ah..(careless experssion) its ok just a little (as she kept peering over to Seung Hyun and MI Young)


Mina : aishh… you careless person lets go clean up the blood


Yoona:  I wished this stupid heart of mine just stop liking him and die already

Mina: its ok yoona lets go


(later @ the lake like beach)


As everyone was having fun in the water Yoona sat at the dock then came Mi Young


Mi Young: its pretty here isnt it


Yoona:( looked up and saw her) oh… its really pretty here


Mi Young: mind if I sit here with you

Yoona: sure (she took in a deep breath)


Miyoung: so how long have you’ve known Seung Hyun


Yoona: oh ever since  1st grade but I really never got the chance to talk to him intill Junior High


Mi Young: oh really that’s pretty long but how come I never heard of him mentioning

You at all


Yoona: oh… Im just a class friend


As they both got to know each other more some of the girls shout out  to miyoung




Mi young turned and looked over to them…


Mi Young: ok I will come right now(she shout back)  Yoona do want to walk with me


Yoona : ah sure ( they both stand up)


As they both stand up Miyoung lost balance on the edge of the dock and felt backward just as she drag Yoona along with her…


Yoona & Mi Young : AHHHHHHHHHH!!!


The  people at shore saw the two fell into the water as they all ran to the dock


A side girl: oh my gosh that’s miyoung and yoona


Mina: What!! Ya yoona cant swim you guys help her please


as she ran to the site she saw Seung Hyun Jump in… He saw yoonas hand reaching out to him but he grabbed Mi Young hands who were the farthest from the dock and helped her to the dock forgetting about Yoona…


Yoona POV


( talking to herslef)


Yoona: As I slightly reached for his hand for then…I was one step closer to his arms thinking that I will be able to finally to breath again and be in his chest but he…he let go of my hand and reached for her hand…the water was so warm now it had turn so cold  it made me…it made me ( breathing hard) wanted to let go and fall deep into the shallow earth…I didn't know that crushing on you will hurt more then just..just a__________


Just then Min woo ran, then  jump into the water & saved Yoona who was already half unconscious



HELLO THERE MY VEIWERS SORRY FOR THE LONG UPDATE HOPE YOU ENJOY…Subscribe and comment if you haven’t(: I really appreciated it much thank you see you next time(: on My Clumsy Sunflower Girl!

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jkzy1992 #1
Pls update soon .... Tks
Chapter 4: Seunghyun is bad...please treat my yoona better...
novamp #3
Chapter 4: Update soon
I hope all misunderstanding will cleÀred
theajie #4
Chapter 4: Why Seunghyun so mean to Yoona? Poor Yoona...
adelliaamanda #5
Chapter 3: please update soon!
Chapter 3: Update soon! :)
Yooonaaa #7
Chapter 3: I dont know why but i hate Miyoung in this story . She seem nice but i had a feeling she is not that nice ? Hahha . The story is pretty intrestg . Cant wait for the nxt update .
Anyway , update soon .
sawa93821 #8
Chapter 3: this is an interesting fanfic can't wait to see how top react when he finds yoona injured :) update soon
novamp #9
Chapter 3: update soon
i hope Top gonna realize what really happened
novamp #10
Finally you update
Can you tag in "TopYoon"
Can't wait for Top for fallin to Yoona