Lunch Box

My Clumsy SunFlower Girl/ 내 서툴러서 해바라기 소녀

(School day of spring)


6:00a.m. beep..beep..beep...yawning slowly and getting out of bed into the bathroom and off  to the  kitchen cooking (30mins later)


Yoona: yes u finally finish (looking at her master piece)...hmm what time is it huh!!(Her eyes widen)its.. its 7:30!!!!..Noo...i'm going to be late for school


 (She quickly put the lunchbox together and went to get dress…some minutes later  she ran out the door and grab her lunchbox put on her shoes and boom the door is shut. She ran to school as fast as she could as she saw Minah rushing her to hurry up before the gate close just as she got in the school the gate closes )                                                                                                                                  


Minah: don’t tell that the lunchbox is for Seung Hyun ??

Yoona: will yes its for him..( holding onto her luchbox tightly

Minah: (sighed)  you know he’s  not going to eat it no matter what you remember that one time when we were in junior high..

Yoona: looking down) of course i remeber..but you never know maybe someday he might just eat it..

Minah: alright..alright lets go to class  before were late

(later in class)


Yoona daydreaming about her and Seung Hyun


Teacher: Im Yoona..please read the last paragraph..( The teacher looked up from her book to the corner where she is sitting) Yoona..

(Minah tapped yoonas back whispering “Yoona wake up…Yoona-ah..”(she worried)

 Yoona Startled and  stood up looking surprise as the whole class look at her curiously

Teacher: will can you tell us your dream that was so important to you that you miss out the lesson i teached

Yoona:(looked down and her cheeks trun red)umm Ms. Juk im sorry next time i wont be doing this again..I__


Teacher: this isn’t the first time this is like i don’t know how many times already i want you to go stay outside in tell class is over then comeback inside and write on  the board "I will not daydream again in class

( A guys voice then came form the outside of the class room)

Seung Hyun: Ms. Juk did you have to write “i would not daydream 100 times on the broad when you daydream in class shouldn’t every girl day dream”

Teacher: uh... uh no...but this is her punishment and  this is not the first time

Seung Hyun : right your not married haven’t you ever dream of you future wedding..( he smirk) I notice a couple time that you have been day dreaming lately during the teacher meeting

Teacher: will…I…(she sigh)Yoona please take a seat you don’t need to go outside no more

Seung Hyun: my work here is done

(Seung Hyun then walks off)

Teacher: ok class please turn to page  39 in your red text book

as Yoona turn the page and  smiled the whole time

 (Later during lunch time)

Yoona walked down the hall to the bench court and saw Seung Hyun and his friend she took a deep breath and walked towards  him 

Yoona: sorry for today Seung Hyun I’m here to give you your lunch box I made..I.. I hope you will enjoy it

Song Min a girl who likes Seung Hyun came and took the box from Yoona

Song Min: YAH..  Yoona when are you going to stop this little routine of yours its really getting annoying you know…this is just a waste of your food Yoona I’ll just take this and feed it to my dog at home..

( As she was  about to open the box )

Seung Hyun: give it to me

( he grab the box and got out of the crowd as his friends follow him… his friend look at Yoona with a disgusted face…just then  the bell ring Yoona walked to class

(end of the day)


Teacher: ok class remember that we have a 3 day vacation so study  and be safe ok Oh remember we have a quiz on the first day of school again.. have a good day class(  Yoona walk out of the room then she bump into Seung Hyun


Yoona: (my heart thump faster and faster as he looked at me) Seung Hyun

 (Then she felt her phone vibrate she grabbed her phone and read the text message sent to her saying "Meet me at the corner gate now it urgent” she put her phone back into her pocket and look up at Seung Hyun) Umm Seung Hyun sorry  I have to go now I”ll catch you later down the stairs


Seung Hyun: hey But wait what about the lunch box aren’t you going to take it back?( He raised up the box )

Yoona: um give it to me whenever ok( she then smiled and run of then turn left)

Seung Hyun: hmm i guess she don’t need it I’ll just take it and throw it away

 (walking down the stairs)

when Yoona got to the corner gate some guys grabbed her hand and shove her into the van but she wont get in just then she kicked the guys knee and break loose, she  ran to the student parking lot as she ran she bump into Seung Hyun again

Seung Hyun: hey watch it (he looked up) Yoona what are you doing here i thought you had something urgent to do today

Yoona: Seung Hyun those..those  bad guys right there are trying to ( the guys interrupted)

Guys: move aside Pretty Boy its non of your problem if you don’t want to get hurt..


Seung Hyun: what if I say no (his eye narrow)

Bad guys: then I guess you’re just going to get hurt with her ( they pop their knuckles)

Seung Hyun : not if i get her first(hand the lunch box over to yoona) hold this

(the guy and Seung Hyun fought in tell the guys gave up and ran off)

Seung Hyun walk to Yoona Who is stunned of what had happen

Yoona: thank you Seung Hyun for helping me if it wasn’t for you i don’t know where i could have been right now..I ..I (she hugged him)

Seung Hyun: uh...aishh(he pushed her off) yea what ever now we should go our own way Bye

 Yoona: Wait but i… I will you go out with me just this one time I will treat you to where ever you want to go( her heart race as she wait impatiently for his answer)

Seung Hyun: (he close his eyes) …you know what lets make a deal..ok If I go with you will you stop bothering me and stop giving me these nasty low class Lunchbox

(His words stab my heart 100 time; Tears of Joy jump all over me  Yoona put her hand behind her back and cross her index & middle finger to gather)

  Yoona: (smiles & jump up & down) Ok if you will go out with me then lets go

(He looked at her with a facial expression of “what did I just got my self into”)

Seung  Hyun : (fake a  smile) yea lets go…

 (she grab his hand just then she triip on her shoe lace the blood scattered on her knee skin just then tears fill up her eye)

Seung Hyun Aish why are you so stupid stand up and lets go already..

  Yoona: but it hurts ( tears glared over her pupil)

Seung Hyun: your such a cry baby stand up already( he handed her hand to her) take it or leave it ( she then grab her hand)

(She finally stand up

Seung Hyun: Yahh can you walk or not

  Yoona: of course I can ( sniffs) ( she hold in her pain and loop her hand over his arm)

(seung Hyun annoyed

 She was about to take the route to the bus station he then pulled her into his car)

Seung Hyun: Yahh i don’t ride city bus their dirty… & i also don’t ride taxi its also dirty I only drive my car and our family  put on your seat belt if your going to cry just do because I hate it when girls try to hide there face pretending not to cry and be hurt (the car start and he drove off) I’ll take you to Seoul Land but you are going to pay for everything else

Yoona: Seoul Land (tears drop form her eyes) ok i will stop crying (Seung Hyun Smiled) ( they got there)

 Yoona: WOW I’ve never been here before its so beautiful

Seung Hyun: Huh you are so slow come on this way (grab her hand)

 Yoona POV

“yikes he is holding my hand AHHH..ok stay calm Im  Yoona Stay calm..”

 ( In front gate )

Author POV

Seung Hyun stand and waited for  Yoona to pay but It seems as if she Is unconscious…he poked her waist…she startled and laugh as she regain conscious

 Yoona: ahaha… What are you doing

Seung Hyun: you need to pay so we can get in

  Yoona: oh haha..of course uh pay ( she smile)

(as they got inside)

 Yoona: hey look at that ride right there i want to go to that one lets go there Seung Hyun (he looked at the ride kids ride)

Seung Hyun:Yahhh you really you  want to ride that one lets go this one(the biggest ride in the park)

Yoona : uh..Seung Hyun I  don’t want to ride that one its a little to big..(with a shock face)

Seung Hyun :whats the point of coming if were not going to ride come on lets go

( they went and waited in line in tell it was there turn as the they waited Yoona  hearts beat faster then it was there trun)

(on the  ride as the roller coaster begin)

 Seung Hyun: ya Yoona this is a good way to take out all the stress you have scream it out (Yoona Shook her head yes) as the coaster ride keep going Yoona  close her eyes and scream the whole time she was so scared she try to grab on Seung Hyun hand but he kept moving his hand away form her just then the ride ended

Yoona: wow Seung Hyun that was really ( she laugh excitedly)

Seung Hyun: Yahh.. i just kinda want to come too so i just decided to bring you here

 Yoona: uh..hey look its the swing ride i always see in movies where people sit on it and it goes round and round can we go try it Seung Hyun(running towards the ride as she ran she step on her own shoe lace and trip forward and scratch her same knee she scrape earlier) Seung Hyun look suprise when he saw her trip..

Seung Hyun: (laghing) Yahh Yoona are you that clumsy  you are so clumsy are you ok went up to her

 Yoona :huh my knee its bleeding (touch it)oww..(started to ahve tears in her eyes )

Seung Hyun: dont tell me your going to cry again fine…(look at him tears came down her cheek) huh wiat here (went to the lollipop vender and then the ice-cream vender)  hey do you want  a lollipop or do you want a ice cream

 Yoona : i dont want any

Seung Hyun: fine dont eat it then I can  just eat it by myself then

Yoona: wait i want the ice cream

Seung Hyun: hmm here you go let me see the injure here put this napkin on it and apply pressure to it so it wont bleed anymore

 Yoona :ok.(she stood up and both of them went to sit down on the bench eating the ice cream after that they went to play some games the amusement park has…Yoona played a game and won a little plush which was an sunflower then Seung Hyun played and won a bigger  plush Yoona look at the teddy bear comparing hers to  his

Yoona: yah lets trade not that i wont it or anything but its cute and ___

Seung Hyun: no i don’t like  the idea(Yoona look at him as he walk off) are you ready to go  cause if not im going?

  Yoona: hm..uh..yes i am lets go


Hello its reallly not that much but hang in there with me (: it will get better soon i hope(: I love reading your comments(: & I <3 my subscribers the most so subscribe if you havn;t(:

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jkzy1992 #1
Pls update soon .... Tks
Chapter 4: Seunghyun is bad...please treat my yoona better...
novamp #3
Chapter 4: Update soon
I hope all misunderstanding will cleÀred
theajie #4
Chapter 4: Why Seunghyun so mean to Yoona? Poor Yoona...
adelliaamanda #5
Chapter 3: please update soon!
Chapter 3: Update soon! :)
Yooonaaa #7
Chapter 3: I dont know why but i hate Miyoung in this story . She seem nice but i had a feeling she is not that nice ? Hahha . The story is pretty intrestg . Cant wait for the nxt update .
Anyway , update soon .
sawa93821 #8
Chapter 3: this is an interesting fanfic can't wait to see how top react when he finds yoona injured :) update soon
novamp #9
Chapter 3: update soon
i hope Top gonna realize what really happened
novamp #10
Finally you update
Can you tag in "TopYoon"
Can't wait for Top for fallin to Yoona