Hey there....

The Daily Adventures Of You And Onew (plus more!) [sequel to 3 words, 3 syllables]

hi guys..its me, BanaaBoom.


Right now, my life has been turned upside down. I'm in a family situation right now, so updating is my last thought right now. Sorry guys, I know you're all so eager for an update.


Even though it's summer vacation, I'm sure EricaKpopLove has plans too. ^^


and for those who are curious about what's happening-

 let's just say my life is all jibberish now.


sorry again guys, I feel bad. Don't feel like I do enough for this story

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might update after exam.....sorry busy


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thanks for make onew fics. ! i just read onew fanfics,kaka
just bored and scroll down, shock see onew tags, thanks again
Chapter 12: Fine... Then what name should i use? YOU?
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #3
Chapter 12: erm....I agree with rolledlikeabuffalo ._. too many 'babe's o.o
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #4
I agree! >w< and ooh! a kiss?! O.o Update soon! I wanna know what happens! D:
Lol i say both!!! There both adorable!!
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #6
XDDDD aigoo, Taemin is so adorable when he's completely clueless....only question now, is who's cluelessness is more adorable? Taemin or Onew? O.o
XxJinyoungxBiasedxX #7
XDDDD he just starts talking about the plan and almost gets busted already XDDDD wow jinki....whatever he does it's Onew condition~ :P
So funny!~ Plz update soon^^