
f i n a l e ;




"Junnie-ah, I'm sorry..."
"Are you sure she doesn't mind hanging out with us?" asked Hyungshik, who was busy tying up his shoelace next to Dongjun. In front of him, Minwoo and Siwan were already all geared up for their bowling match, and doing some last minute stretches.
Dongjun shrugged. "I'm pretty sure she's okay with it, since she was the one who suggested it initally."
"She is," Siwan spoke up. "But you're not."
Next to him, Minwoo snickered, which immediately earned him a death glare from Dongjun.
"Well yeah, I was hoping we could spend some alone time together," he replied snidely, emphasizing on the word 'alone'. "But no, she said she wants to get to know you guys and stuffs - like seriously, you guys aren't that interesting and - "
"Dude, that's not a nice thing to say about your friends," Hyungshik cuts him off with a smirk. "You're just afraid she might think we're cooler than you are."
"Way cooler," Minwoo added.
"Right," Dongjun snorted. "And that will all change when we bowl later."
"Alright, enough with just words," Siwan stepped in between the two boys and intervened. "Where's Tae Eun? It's already 15 minutes past 5."
Dongjun checked the time on his phone and realised that Siwan was right. Tae Eun wasn't usually fashionably late - in fact, she always
turns up minutes earlier before the promised time. 
What could possibly be holding her up?
"I'll give her a call," he said to the other guys. "You can go ahead first, and we'll join when she's here."
"You sure about it?" Siwan asked for confirmation. Hyungshik was starting to follow Minwoo, who was already up ahead, eager to start the game.
Dongjun gave him a tight smile to hide the uneasy feeling in his heart. "I'm sure. It won't take long."
Siwan held his gaze for a few more seconds, before patting him lightly on the shoulder, and nodded his head. 
"Okay then. Don't be so late though. Those two would've plenty of time to overtake you by then."
Dongjun managed a small laugh, but inside, he felt anything but hilarious.
Tae Eun didn't know how she had ended up in that place, bound and gagged tightly by thick ropes which were cutting into her skin. As soon as she opened her eyes, she was already stuck in that position, with zero knowledge about what had exactly happened to land her in that misery.
She would've screamed for help, but what good would it do, being kept in a place only God knows where and a piece of cloth fastened around . 
The terrifying truth then dawned upon her; she had been kidnapped.
Just then, she heard footsteps approaching from behind and when she tried to turn around to see who it was, it only caused her arms to be
in even more pain that they already were.
"If you do as what you are told, you'll be able to get out of here safely," the person, whose breath reeked of cigarette and alcohol spoke into her ear, making her squirm uncomfortably inside. She could feel his fingers running through her hair delicately, before tracing down the side of her face.
Slowly, he took the cloth off . "If you scream, I'll force this down your throat."
She was breaking into cold sweat, due to the raging  fear, to the stuffiness of the room, to the intimidating presence - everything, and Tae Eun still didn't know what the man wanted from her.
As if reading her thoughts, he held out a phone on the palm of his hand, her phone, in front of her face.
"I want you to call your boyfriend, and ask him to come here, as soon as possible. Because if he doesn't, you'll lose a part of you by the hour."
Tae Eun shuddered at the thought, yet she couldn't bring herself to request that from Dongjun. They'd hurt him, or kill him even, and she wouldn't have any of that.
But if she doesn't concede, what then?
While she was still trying to fit the pieces in her mind, the dial tone was already ringing in her ear - and a second later, Dongjun's frantic voice answered the call.
"Where are you? You were supposed to already be here 30 minutes ago!"
"J-jun...I- th-there's s-something you s-should - "
Seeing her hesitation, her abductor smacked the back of her head, with what she guessed, was a gun's . He yanked the phone away from her ear and stood up abruptly, tone threatening enough to send shivers down her spine.
"You get your here in 5 minutes time or I'll blow her head off!"
He ended the call and threw the phone away, sending it flying across the room. Tae Eun backed up against the wall, even though there wasn't anymore space for her to move to. She tried to reach for something to use for defense, but there wasn't anything in plain sight except for rough dirts.
Whirling around, he snarled, "Now, that wasn't so difficult was it?"
Day and night I pray for you to be safe
Day and night I hope that the day I spent with you won't be the last
Day and night I wish for an eternal lifetime with you
He didn't know what to expect.
Probably them already holding their weapons, ready to tear him into pieces. Or all sorts of guns and knives aimed straight at him.
Maybe also, as impossible as it sounds, Tae Eun wasn't there at all and they had just used a voice recording or something.
He didn't want her to be there. He didn't want her anywhere near his world.
His dangerous world.
But he certainly didn't expect for her face to be the first thing he was greeted upon - no, not her bruised, beaten up face, with blood trickling down the side of sickeningly. Not her hair being clamped tightly by the man, whom he would kill without a moment of hesitation once he has the chance.
"I knew you would come," he showed him a crooked, toothy grin which completely disgusted Dongjun. "Been waiting for this day ever since you killed my boy."
Fists already balled up by his sides, and jaw clenched hard, Dongjun was ready to fight it out using just bare hands. But he needed to get her out of there first, he needed to get Tae Eun out safely.
"This is between you and me. So, ask your men to back down and you let her go."
"Maybe..." for a second, Dongjun actually thought that there was still a bit of humanity left in him. "...or maybe, no." Apparently, not, because he pushed Tae Eun towards one of his waiting men, and lunged forward for Dongjun with a slick, sharp knife in his right hand.
Because of his quick reflexes, Dongjun was able to step away in time. 
At that very second, the doors to the storage warehouse flew open, and he knew that help had come.
Dongjun took the distraction as an opportunity to kick the knife out of the earlier guy's hand, taking the latter completely by surprise to even retaliate. While the others took care of Chang Soon's men, Dongjun caught a quick movement from the corner of his eye and realised that the guy who was holding onto Tae Eun was trying to bring her out of the room.
"Hyungshik!" he yelled for his friend, and a second later, Dongjun expertly caught a a gleaming blade in his hand - before running towards the escaping enemy at full speed.
With one clean, precise slash to his back, Dongjun took him down within matter of seconds; releasing Tae Eun all at the same time. Just to be sure, he pulled the guy up by his hair and put one, straight slice to his throat - leaving Tae Eun who was watching in horror, rendered speechless.
"You shouldn't be seeing this," was all he said as he grabbed hold of her wrist. "Come on, we have to get out of here."
The door was in a totally clear view, just a few feet away from where they were standing, and they would've probably made it out if only they were a second faster.
As soon as he heard Minwoo's voice shouting for his attention, he immediately shoved Tae Eun's out of danger's way and following his instincts closely, he the the knife into the attacker's lower abdomen before he even whirled around fully.
He wasn't even given the chance to breathe, because one came after the other, leaving Dongjun fending for himself and also for Tae Eun. He
couldn't even check to see how she was doing, if she was still safe from harm.
The only thing he remembered was her voice calling out for him frantically, and a second later, she had thrown herself in front of him - arms spread out in a protective manner.
And it all unfolded in a blurry, incomprehensible motion for him. Perhaps, he yelled for her to get away. Or maybe, nothing even came out of his mouth.
Not that he didn't want to - more like, he was a little tad too late.
Before he could even grasp on what was happening, before he could even stop it, the sharp, gleaming knife had already made contact with her, slicing through her body and stabbing her mercilessly.
Instead of him, it was her.
It was Lee Tae Eun, the girl whom he loved with all his heart, the girl whom he had sworn to protect with his life - the girl who was now lying limply against him, fighting for her life.
He took that as a strength.
He took that as a sign to avenge.
With one arm still wrapped tightly around her waist, he foined his own weapon into Chang Soon's body with one, very strong, and enraged push.
He could feel Tae Eun getting weaker, and slipping from his grasp. He too, knelt down along with her, hands and heart refusing to let her go.
"Stay with me," he choked desperately. "Stay with me, Tae Eun...please."
Her eyelids were drooping, and her breathings were getting heavier and slower. As he gripped on tightly to her hand, he couldn't help noticing how eerily cold it had become.
She said something, in a voice so soft and inaudible to his ears. He cradled her head on his lap and leaned in close to hear her better.
"What is it? Tell me, what is it."
"I-i'm s-sorry..." she said in a hoarse voice, which just sounded heartbreakingly painful to his ears.
"No, no I'm the one who's supposed to say sorry. I shouldn't have...We shouldn't have met - "
But he was silenced by Tae Eun's shaky finger pressed to his lips, defying him to say anything more. Despite the pain she was in, he could still see the faint smile etched at the corner of her lips, as if telling him that it was okay.
That it was okay to let her go.
I wanted to be the one who save you from this miserable life you're leading
I wanted to be the reason for you to leave your dangerous life behind
I wanted to be the light that shines at the end of your lonely, dark tunnel
I wanted to be everything that you need
I wanted to be every single one of your dreams
I wanted to be your everything
But I failed
And for that, Junnie-ah...I'm sorry
thank you for taking your time to read this story of mine :)
and i'm sorry if the ending was disappointing
but i've had it planned all along to end this way
and i apologise if the story was too short : \
i chose dark-light as the title because dongjun represented the dark, and t-ae the light
he needed her, as much as she needed him ~
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941204 #1
Chapter 9: this is one of the best stories i've ever read. oh my gosh. it's so sad, yet so beautiful. hope you continue to write beautiful stories about t-ae and dongjun. :) great job. :)
jjang_nami #2
waa. it made me cried. this is so great ^^
Omg, crying my eyes out. Thank you for such a beautiful fanfic! Please write more. :3 It was so sad but it was so right.
the ending.... gahh this was expected, to be honest. My feels for them are returning, yes, thanks to you. oh my heart. the ending was just... so heartbreaking.

it was a perfect fic, once again. :')
sunfoolfinger #5
i love this pairing..........
crying a bucket of tears :( as much as i hope it was going to be a happy ending, but this is actually the more sensible way to end it. Dongjun needs a bigger reason to leave his clan or the way he lives his life before, and hopefully with Tae Eun saving his life, it would help to open up his eyes. That this would make him realize that life isn't all violence & petty.

I honestly had a little tears in my eyes towards the ending. Another well-written fanfic from you :))
jjang_nami #7
please update soon!^^
lol okay I'm subscribing this back using my new AFF account. Gonna wait till u update it lol ;~~;

talking about dongjun & t-ae, u just got my feels back for them ^^