


s e v e n ;



He knew that he should stay away from her, but he couldn’t.


He knew that he should let her go, but he couldn’t.


He knew that he should forget her, but he couldn’t.




He didn’t need to tell her, but somehow – she’s figured it out on her own. What he has been keeping from her, what he’s been trying to protect her from – Tae Eun finally understood.


But that didn’t make her any less stubborn.


In fact, she wanted to help him. She wanted to show him the right path, and steer him towards the light at the end of the tunnel.


She didn’t want him to live in a dark world anymore, where he has to be constantly on the run.


She wanted them, to at least have a chance.


Because deep down inside, she truly believed that – he was her destiny.




“Let’s go somewhere.”




“Somewhere far away from here.”


Tae Eun’s eyes shone with excitement. “Are you going to take me for a ride on your motorcycle?”


Dong Jun grinned.


“You are!” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him eagerly. She’s been waiting and pestering him endlessly to at least let her ride on it once. And he kept on giving her so many excuses.


But now, Tae Eun didn’t know what made him change his mind, but she was glad. Very glad.


“But you must hold on to me tightly, okay?” he warned her sternly and passed over a helmet.


Tae Eun beamed at him, a smile which reached all the way up to her ears.


Aye, boss!”




It was such a nice, cosy feeling to be zooming down the road as the breezy, cold wind brushed against her face and skin coolly. She had taken her hands off his waist for a couple of times due to her excitement, but then instantly regretting it when she saw Dong Jun glaring at her through the wing mirror.


At one point, Tae Eun had snuggled up close to him and rested her head against his back comfortably. It felt nice, just perfectly right.


Before she realised it, Dong Jun had already pulled up alongside an empty, deserted road – which led to a wide, sandy beach.


“I haven’t been here before,” she said truthfully, as her eyes took in the bare, beautiful coastline in front of her in awe. “This is a really nice place.”


“Which is why, I took you here,” Dong Jun replied as he took off his own helmet, before helping her with hers. “I thought you could use some ‘away’ time.”


Tae Eun smiled gratefully at him and reached out both hands to pinch his cheeks.


“You’re such a darling. Thank you.”


Without waiting for him, she had already started running down the beach with both hands thrown up in the air in a very satisfied manner. A second later, Dong Jun heard her shouting towards the clear, deep blue sea.


Kim Dong Jun is a pabo!”


Hearing that, Dong Jun reacted, “Yah!”


Tae Eun whirled around and flashed him a teasing grin. She motioned for him to come over and join her quick.


“Catch me if you can!”


Dong Jun took off his gloves and placed them back in the bike’s compartment. After making sure that the key was already with him, Dong Jun turned back around and realised that she had already make a head-start and left him behind.


Yah!” he shouted back. “That’s not fair!”


Tae Eun had probably stuck out her tongue at him, but he was too far away to see it clearly. He chuckled to himself and shook his head slightly.


Lee Tae Eun was seriously a kid.


“I’m going to get you!”




At about thirty minutes past six in the evening, the two of them had already made themselves comfortable in the middle of the bare beach – with Tae Eun stretching out her two legs, and Dong Jun lying down on her lap.


“Can we do this again another day?”


He looked up at her and smiled. “Sure, whenever you want.”


A soft sigh escaped her lips as she started to run her hand through his hair lightly, and threw her gaze across the deep, blue ocean.


He frowned. “What’s wrong?”


“Nothing,” she murmured.


Dong Jun grabbed hold of her hand. “If there’s nothing, why aren’t you looking at me?”


Tae Eun dropped her gaze down at him. “I am.”


He scoffed. “Just.


She smirked. “You are too good-looking. It’s burdensome.”


Rolling his eyes, he retorted, “That’s such a lame excuse.”


“But it’s the truth!”


“Yeah right, quick tell me.”


“Tell you what?” Tae Eun tore her eyes away from once again.


“See, you’re doing it again. Tell me what’s wrong.”


“It’s really nothing,” she smiled down at him, but Dong Jun could tell it was a sad, distant smile.


“You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?”


She didn’t answer. Instead, she said, “I wonder where would I be now, if you hadn’t knocked into me that day and then coming back at night to apologise.”


Dong Jun thought about it for a moment.


“You would’ve missed out on an awesome guy, and probably meet a boring person and have a boring time – maybe a guy like Siwan hyung.”


Tae Eun burst out laughing. “I didn’t say you were awesome and for the record, Siwan oppa is not boring. He has his own charms, which only certain people can see.”


“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said slowly. “Not Siwan hyung, but Jun Young hyung probably.”


Tae Eun smacked his arm lightly. “You shouldn’t be talking bad about your hyungs like this. And Jun Young oppa is a very caring person, okay. He cares about you guys a lot.”


“He does,” Dong Jun agreed. “He’s a very good elder brother.”


Tae Eun was quiet for a moment.


Yah,” he nudged her gently. “What is it?”


“He’s a good brother, isn’t he?” she spoke quietly. “Do you think he’ll let you go?”


Dong Jun gulped. He knew where this conversation was heading, and he wasn’t in the mood to argue with her.


“Tae Eun-ah...”


“I’m really worried about you,” she said softly and ruffled his hair tenderly. “Can you not join them, when...you know, they get involved in those things?”


Dong Jun sighed. “We’ve talked about this before – “


“Please, Junnie...just this once, listen to me.”


Dong Jun sat up straight and faced his back towards her.


“You don’t understand. Even if I were to stop now, it’s already too late. I’ve made a lot of enemies. Only if I continue to be with the guys, I will be safe. You will be safe.”


He looked over his shoulder and saw that her head was bent down, hands fiddling with the hem of her shirt. He could see the small pout forming on her face, and it made him feel guilty.


“Please, just trust me on this.”




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941204 #1
Chapter 9: this is one of the best stories i've ever read. oh my gosh. it's so sad, yet so beautiful. hope you continue to write beautiful stories about t-ae and dongjun. :) great job. :)
jjang_nami #2
waa. it made me cried. this is so great ^^
Omg, crying my eyes out. Thank you for such a beautiful fanfic! Please write more. :3 It was so sad but it was so right.
the ending.... gahh this was expected, to be honest. My feels for them are returning, yes, thanks to you. oh my heart. the ending was just... so heartbreaking.

it was a perfect fic, once again. :')
sunfoolfinger #5
i love this pairing..........
crying a bucket of tears :( as much as i hope it was going to be a happy ending, but this is actually the more sensible way to end it. Dongjun needs a bigger reason to leave his clan or the way he lives his life before, and hopefully with Tae Eun saving his life, it would help to open up his eyes. That this would make him realize that life isn't all violence & petty.

I honestly had a little tears in my eyes towards the ending. Another well-written fanfic from you :))
jjang_nami #7
please update soon!^^
lol okay I'm subscribing this back using my new AFF account. Gonna wait till u update it lol ;~~;

talking about dongjun & t-ae, u just got my feels back for them ^^