Day 4: Shebang

Daily Prompt Meme

Title: Shebang
Pairing: Wonkyu
Rating: G
Summary: Day Four: Write a character's reaction to someone's love confession in one sentence.

Kyuhyun flushed almost instantly - this was way too embarrassing, (rose petals on the floor with a solo performance by Siwon, the whole shebang, in front of everybody), so he just...stomped off, trying to hide from everybody, especially Siwon, trying to ignore the flutter of his heart.

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kyuhyunlover3 #1
@Its_Why thanks for reading~glad you like it!
@temptryst thanks for reading~glad you like it! and thank you <3333333333333
The prompts are funny to begin with lol and you did them splendidly!
cute... i like kyuhyuk!!!!