Hell on earth

A broken Heart

I stand there in silence. Waiting as they take my Appa further and further away from me. There I stand. Doing nothing. What could I do? He's gone..All I could do was cry. Not even that could bring him back.."Suji. They need to ask you some questions." Ji hee speaks softly rubbing my back. Her voice soft. Not being able to go past the sound of a whisper. She blows out the remains from her running nose walking away never wanting anyone to see the cries of her never seen pain. I stay standing in sadness staring at the bright greeness of the grass that all of a sudden seemed so dull. The tramatizing thoughts breaking out onto the walls of my mind becoming like hell. I begin to breath harder. Thinking of how much pain he went through. How much he screamed for help.

He was alone..I let him die alone..I fall again only to be caught by the familiar skinny yet strong arms that were always there for me in my time of pain. He held me close. Resting his cheek at the top of my head. My face burried in his chest. Sobbing my way into a complete silence again. I close my eyes waiting for this nightmare to end..For someone to just wake me up..Please someone just wake me up...Everything was fine..How could this happen? I feel the coldness of the air hit me as he begins to move away slowly. I clench onto the back of his shirt tighter. "Don't let go yet." I whisper keeping my aching eyes closed. My head still resting on his hard chest. He wraps his comforting arms around me again gently begining to rub my back. He can't let me go yet.

Why would he let me go? He never lets go of me so quickly...I need to be held..by him. Only him. That feeling. That feeling of happiness I get when he holds me..When he's with me..I can't deal with him letting go..That coldness, lonliness..fear.. "I'm sorry." I let out a hint of pain in my whisper. He let's go again causing me to shiver at the cold winter breeze. Freezing every breath of air I let out. I open my puffy eyes as much as I could. Opening them up to the person I didn't expect to find.


He flashed me a light smile soon looking to the ground in shyness again. "W-Where's Daniel?" He shifted his eyes to my face again hesatating to speak. My expression becoming more of a pout as I wait for an answer. I-I thought it was Daniel...How could they be so different yet so simular?..Where could he be?

"I-I don't know. No one can find him.." I look to him in slience. He seemed so...nervous. As if he knew he were in trouble for something. I place my hands on his shaking ones.

He freezes his eyes on me begining to shake more. He opens his mouth to speak but only moves his eyes around again nervously. Looking out as if something was supposed to happen that probably couldn't be any worse then this. I move my hand gently placing it onto the softness of his cheek looking into his frightend eyes. The same eyes I saw when we walked to the store..that expression of fear. He's scared..

"I'm gonna go look for him." He grabbed onto my hand letting a tear slide. His body still shaking in fear of the outside world. He shakes his head in disaproval looking down to the cold hard ground again.

"I-I can't let you out of my sight." He spoke without a second of eye contact. I sigh a little. I don't want to disapoint him but I have to find Daniel..I need him.

"Come with me." I finally say thinking of a way I couldn't make him worry and still look for Daniel. He looked up in surprise hesatating to talk again.

"Look. I'll go okay. You don't have to worry about me." I speak again letting him know I would be okay. He shakes his head no again. His grip on my hand becoming tighter. I lean in pushing my lips against his. Then quickly pull away breaking our lips apart again. He stares into space. His eyes widened in shock. I smile only going as far as a light grin.

"I like you." I whisper into his ear before standing up to leave.

He stays staring into space. Now completely frozen by my sudden confession. My sudden intentional confession.. I rock back and forth relieveing my knees from the pain of leaning on the hard concrete sidewalk for so long. Jonghyun still never moving from his unconfortable position on the ground where he caught me. I sigh bringing myself back to the hell of a reality I was in and begin to walk away ready to walk for hours in the cold winter snow. Daniel was always good at finding others but others finding Daniel..It's probably the hardest thing anyone can do in life. It never made sense because he's always in the simplest places..He used to sometimes disapear just to see who would look for him. Or course it was always me and Ji hee but Ji hee always gave up when she got hungry. Jonghyun just prayed he would come back since he's so afraid of outside. So. I looked alone. It took me a while to relize he was under the porch every single time...wait...

I turn around and run stopping in front of Daniel's house. "Daniel!" I call out crawling under under the porch looking for what wasn't there. Only the dirt of the ground and the smell of nature. I'm sweet..but i hate the smell of nature.. I sigh fustrated to the point that I wish it was me instead of appa. I can't rest until I find him. I start to cry again only to be inturrupted by an unfamiliar female voice. She kneeled in front of the small entrance that I had managed to  fit through looking to me with her big eyes that complimented her flat nose. Her face small and her skin fair. She's pretty. Her straight brown hair pulled back into a long ponytail. She crawled in closer asking if I was ok. I nod quietly observing her style...Not to bad...She stook her hand out offering to help me out. I take it crawling back out through the small entrance hole I have no idea how I could fit through and stand back up onto my feet again. She dusted of her work clothes and smiled a smile. One of those warm smiles..I wipe my tears and sniffle trying to keep my stuffy nose from running. 

"I-I'm sorry. I was just. looking for someone."

"It's alright ma'm I need to ask you some questions."

She has an accent...that must be why she's so pretty and different..She's american..

"C-Can you ask me later? I need to find someone."

"Who are you looking for Ma'm? Is someone else missing?" 

"N-No. We had a fight and he ran off. I need to find him."

"Well look for him."

"Aniya. I have to find him. I have to tell him this myself."

" Ma'm I can't let you go until I ask you some questions."

"What questions are there to ask!? We were walking from dance practice the door to my house was open we came in and he was dead! That's it ok? I have to find Daniel please let me go!"

"Please calm down m-"

"Calm down!? I'm seventeen years old and I just found my father with his throat slit open!"


"let her go."

She tried to speak again but was cut off by Ji hee's sudden low voice. We both switch our gazes waiting for her to speak her next words. She took a small step foward frightened by the presence of the detective. One thing you Ji hee is afraid of..Cops. You would think it would be me but honestly I never thought cop were ever intimidating. 

"They're the same?" 

"I'm sorry?"

"The questions. They're the same ones you asked me right?"


"So are the answers. I didn't lie about anything. The answers she will give you are the same as mine. Except she found him first. Seconds before I did."

The detective sighed and looked down for only a second then back to me. She has a I-really-don't-wan't-to-do-this-but look and looked over to Ji hee again. She nods "ok." and mumbles letting me go. I sigh this time feeling horrible about yelling at her. She seemed nice. Like the kind of person would jump in front of a bullet for a stranger. I bow multiple times apologizing for my unreasonable yelling and walk away quietly disapointed Daniel wasn't there. Where could he possibly go? He can't be at the dance studio.. 


I cough once agian and swallow trying to keep my throat from getting to dry. "Daniel?" I call still not getting a single response. My body shaking in the coldness of the night. I could hardly keep my balance anymore. Crawling in the tree inch snow, my bare numb hands beggining to turn blue now. "D-Daniel!" I tr to call louder... Nothing. I my chopped lips carefully standing up on my feet again, looking around into the darkness of the silent barren city i've never seen before. Where am I? Am I far? I fall again landing onto the thin clear sheet of ice I slipped on. I shiver bringing my arms inside my short sleeved T-shirt sighingin relief at the little bit of warmth it gave me.

"Suji?," I look up slowly hearing a familiar voice that suprised me none. "Is that you?" He spoke again. I nod hugging myself to keep as warm as I could. "What are you doing here? Are you alright?" He held out his hand offering to help. I take it without hesitating and let him walk me to a near by bench. "stay here." He runs quickly. I stare into the blankness of the night. Filling the silence of the air with only the sound of my shivering teeth. What's he doing here? I look around spotting all the fancystores around me.

The fancy lights, fancy doors, fancy names, fancy trees decorated with fancy christmas lights. Even this bench is fancy. The grass greener than itself...It's one of the rich parts in the city. It must not be far since Minho is lost here too. I don't think even Daniel knows about this place...Footsteps inturrupt my thinking. He smiled handing over a small cup.  I take a sip of the drink closing my eyes with a small smile at the satisfying warmth of the hot tea running down my cold shivering spine. He sat down in theempty spot next to me taking a sip of his own. He looks over to me quietly as I quietly prepare myself to answer many questions.

\"Warmer?," I nod.

"Here."  He sets his cup down on the ground and quickly strips off his coat. "A-Ani." I push the coat away. What if he gets cold? I can't let him just freeze like that...He slaps my hand pushing it down and out of the way then quickly throws his thick warm coat around me. I look out into the darkness of the street a little dumbfounded. Wow..How could a jacket be so warm? The most expensive jacket my Appa ever bought me in this town wasn't even this warm...he must of got this in his old town.. 

"Oppa you'll be cold."

"I like the cold anyway. It's....cold."

"Well, I guess that's good enough."

"Why are you out so late? It's almost one."

"I'm looking for Daniel." 

"You can't find him?"

"No...We had a fight and he ran off."

"Do you have any idea where he could be?"


"Nope....Did you check the dance studio?"

"No. That's where we faught he wouldn't go back there..."

"Well you never know."

I shrung and keep quiet. Could he be there? Well, he always is in the simplest places...Aish. I walkedthis long for nothing again? I should've just checked there in the first place...Ugh, Suji, pabo!..

"Come. Let's go together."  He stood and began to make his way. He walked funny. Back and forth but foward..like a penguin.. I smile watching him walk in his cute way.. He made it look so adorable..He stops his tracks finally noticing that I wasn't following. " You coming?" My heart began to flutter..but why? I sit lost in his cuteness..I can't believe I never noticed how nice his hair is..He looks so cool..I slowly bring my fingers to my lips wondering...What does it feel lik to kiss Minho?...Choi Minho..

"Yah! Suji-ah? Waegurae?" I shouldn't do it but..I need to know. Halls my name again earning no reply from me. My mind fighting for control as my feelings take over once more little by little. Soon I couldn't control my actions anymore, grabbinh onto the collar of his shirt and pulling him in closer until our lips met. He kisses back instantly dropping his cup and resting his gentle hands on my waist. 

I kiss deeper trying to get a different feel..but nothing..It felt the same..The same as when I kissd Jonghyun...Good. Not awsome, or amazing,or heart lifting..just. Good. I brake the kid and quickly walk away never making eye contact.. My eyes just as wide as I imaged his to be. The whole walk was quiet. What was I supposed to say? I can't say I like him and I can't s it was just for fun..He lead me perfectly out of the rich town. We weren't lost for a single minute...I guess he's been there more then I thought.. He wasn't lost at all..but..why would he go there?

"Daniel-ah?" I call taking a slow step insde of the dark practice room. I search through the blankness my only source of light was the cresent shaped moon. "Daniel.." I say once more listening for any kind of sigh or sniffle that he would give off as a signal. Nothing...

"Minho oppa.. You should go home and rest. I promise i'll go home if he's not here." I strip the coat off shievering a little at the cold air that hit my shoulders. He accepts it quickly throwing it on ove his upper body backwards and smiles trying not to give off to much of a questioning look. I guess he's wondering why I'm so strange today.. He looked around nervously playing with the ring around his right index finger.. "Is somthing wrong?"

He hesatated to answer. "Mwo? A-Ani.." He stammered before bowing and walking away.. I turn from facing out the door way and bring my eyes back to the spot where I saw the skinny dark figure sitting before..only it wasn't there this time..

"Oppa, you know I saw you." I finally hear that cute sniffle. Seeing movement at the corner of my eye, I turn my head and walk over his face becoming clearer every step I took. He looked frightened, his eyes wide, the rest of him completely frozen. "Oppa?," He didn't answer. He kept that stare...why is he staring like that? He moved slowly, his eyes focused. "Oppa..wegurae?"

He stayed quiet. Keeping his foucus. I become worried, he's being so strange..I suddenly feel a cold rush through my spine.. But it wasn't normal.. This coldness was different..scary different.. Wait... He's not staring at me is he? "J-Jelly!!"

He throws himself towards me letting the both of us fall to the ground. I gasp at the sudden sight of an ax breaking through the wooden floor were I stood. We struggle to stand, Niel's hand now locked onto mine, his grip tighter everytime the man chases faster. He pulls me behind him suddenly stopping to stare at the phyco. What is he doing!? Doesn't he know he could die!?

"oppa!! What are you doing!?"

"Suji. Run and get help ok?"



"Oppa no! Common!"

"now!" he roughly pushed me out of the studio, I fall backwards onto the sidewalk not being able to stand fast enough. "I love you."

He whispers before closing and locking the door on me. Is he crazy!!?!? Banging on the door as tears begin to fall. I felt as if I was having a heart attack. What will i do if he dies? What will I live for? How could I ever keep my sanity?  

"Daniiieeel!!! Oppa No!!! Oppa!!"


Yay chapter update!:D

sorry for the long updates! Very hard to get to a computer and school is killing me! I never thought junior year would be so busy.. 

What you think? I'm trying to improve my writing:3 It's hard to come up with a good chapter name though..

comments please~ Opinions always help:3 

사랑해<3 ^^


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TheGermCafe #1
I love this story already!!!Please update soon I love both of ur stories!!!\(^O^)/