Chapter 9

Misconceptions of You

(Jonghyun's POV)

We were about to leave the hotel after dropping off Abby and Alyssa when Onew stopped us.

"What's wrong hyung?" Taemin asked him.

"You and Alyssa are the main story on allkpop," Onew told Taemin as firmly as he could.

"Omo... what are we going to do?" the youngest asked.

"I've been thinking... I don't think it would be the best idea right now to continue our relations with them..."

"What are you saying?" Key asked.

"I'm saying that we can't see them anymore... Manager hyung hasn't called me about the scandal yet, but when he does find out about it, he won't be happy..."

"So, you're saying we can't even talk to them?" Key asked softly, aware of Onew’s full intentions.

"No, he's just saying that we can't see them... right, hyung?" Taemin said.

"I think it would be best if we cut off communication with them completely..." Onew mumbled.

I looked down at the floor, “examining” my shoes.

"Jonghyun?" Onew asked.

I slowly lifted my head.

"What are your thoughts on the situation?” he inquired.

"I think it freaking !" I yelled. I stormed out of the building, not wanting to deal with the impending goodbyes.

"I'm sorry," I heard Taemin say just before I was out of hearing range.


(Narrator's POV)

The remaining members returned to the girls’ hotel room and Rachel opened the door when they knocked.

"Hello..." Rachel hesitantly greeted them, concerned by the looks on their faces.

Onew struggled to find the words he wanted and eventually resorted to dragging Key up to her.

"You tell her," he instructed.

Rachel apprehensively looked back and forth between the two.

Key hesitated. "We have to say our goodbyes."

"Goodbyes? What do you mean?" Rachel queried, gradually putting the pieces together in her head.

Alyssa and Abby slowly made their way toward the door, curious about what was taking Rachel so long.

"Um... may we come in?" Key asked.

Rachel nodded and opened the door, allowing the group to enter the room.

"What's wrong?" Alyssa asked.

"You and Taemin made the title article of allkpop, and I think it's best if we stopped this friendship entirely," Onew said, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone.

"Hyung, isn't there another way?" Key asked helplessly.

"If you can think of something better, please, do tell. It hurts me too."

A long silence engulfed the room.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye then," Rachel said, beginning to walk away.

"Wait! Rachel!" Key yelled after her.

He grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him. He looked into the girl's watery eyes and pulled her into a hug. She stood rigid for a moment, then relaxed and accepted the embrace, unable to hold back her tears any longer.


After an unwanted parting, the boys headed back to their car.

"Jonghyun hyung, why did you leave so suddenly?" Taemin asked.

"Because he didn't want to say goodbye to Abby," Key finished for him.

Jonghyun simply nodded his assent and got in the car when Onew unlocked it.

"You liked her?" Taemin asked.

The dinosaur sighed. "It doesn't matter now."

"I'm sorry hyung If I had known, I wouldn't-"

"Don't apologize. I think we all knew it would happen eventually. Besides, it’s not like she likes me. She likes Minho."

"She doesn’t like Minho. He’s just her favorite in the group," Key pointed out, trying to comfort his friend.

"I admire you for even having the guts to say goodbye to Rachel," Jonghyun mumbled back.

Key nodded and looked at the floor of the car.

"I wish we had never met them," Onew softly said from the front seat.


(Abby's POV)

The room was silent. The three of us sat in the living room, not a word being spoken.

I hate these awkward silences.

Although they were my friends, I didn't really lose a soul mate, like Rachel did. It’s not like I did anything special with any of them either, as in Alyssa’s case. I mean, sure, I liked Minho, and still do, but I didn’t know him well enough to be sad about breaking communication with him.

"Want me to get you something to eat?" I asked, finally disturbing the stillness.

Rachel nodded, without a word, and Alyssa mumbled a quiet “sure,” before getting up and walking to the computer.

"What do you guys want?"

Rachel shrugged, indifferent to the matter, and a small “doesn't matter” came from Alyssa's side of the room.

I nodded. "Alright, I'm going out. I'll be back soon," I said, then left the hotel.


It was starting to get cold and dark as I hurried to the nearby noodle shop.

"It's kind of ironic seeing you here," I heard a familiar voice say as I entered the line. "You know, today being the day we all declared we weren’t going to see each other anymore."

I turned around and saw Jonghyun sitting by himself, with a bowl of noodles in front of him.
I grabbed a menu and walked over to his table.

"Just you?" I asked.

"Yes. Why? Looking for Minho?" he sneered.

"No, I was just curious, that's all," I defended myself.

"Do you still not like me?" he asked.

I shrugged. "You're tolerable."

"Why don't you like me as much as Minho?"

"Hmm, let's see. You're self-centered, he's not; you're loud, he's not; you're not attractive, he is; you're short, he's not... Shall I go on?"

"No, please don't," he said, rubbing his temples.

I nodded and turned my attention to the menu.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked.


"I like you."

I chuckled. "Good one," I said, still perusing the menu.

"I'm not kidding. I like you."

This time, I looked up at him.

"Why?" I asked, setting the menu down on the table.

"I don't know. I just do."

I sighed. "I don't know what to say..."

"Say you'll give me a chance. Say you don't really think all those things about me. Say something – anything."

"Why did you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to be that stupid guy in the drama that everyone hates because he won't grow a pair and tell the girl how he feels."

"Were you aware that I'm going back to America in August?"

He nodded. "God, why do I like you?" he asked himself.

"Why do you like me?"

"I don't even freaking know. At first I just found it amusing to pester you and spam your phone. But it got to the point where I was getting anxious waiting for you to respond and got all stupid and smiley whenever you texted. And when Onew told us that we wouldn’t be able to see each other anymore... All I could think was… what will happen to you?"

I saw the pain in his eyes. For once, the stupid dinosaur didn't look so selfish.

"Well you don’t need to worry about that. I’ll be fine.”

"You really don't care that we can't see you guys anymore?"

I shrugged. "It'll be different. We never imagined meeting anyone famous, especially not SHINee... so it's been a ‘dream come true,’ regardless of the outcome. Look, I'm going to order my food and leave... I can tell that I'm putting you in pain."

"Wait, please.”

I sighed. “What do you want me to do? I want to help you, but I'm not sure how."

He thought about it a minute. "Go out with me tonight.”


"Just this once. If you don’t want to see me anymore afterwards, I promise I’ll stop bothering you."

"Why do you want to torture yourself like this?"

"Because I enjoy the pain," he said flatly.

"Well, aren't you a bit sadistic?" I smirked.

"Only for you. So what do you say? Yes?"

I sighed and thought about it for a minute. "Why not?" I said with a smile. It's not like I'll end up liking him if I go. Besides, it's best to leave Alyssa and Rachel alone right now...


Jonghyun and I bought food for Alyssa and Rachel and dropped it off at the hotel. They didn't even notice when I left again.

"So where are we going?" I asked Jonghyun.

"Not entirely sure... Where would you like to go?"

"I don't know... I'm a tourist. Where do most tourists go when they come here?"

"Hmm… most probably go to the Namsan Tower at least once."

"Is that the one that's in ‘Boys Over Flowers’?” I asked.

"Yes. Do you want to go there?"

I nodded with a smile. "That sounds great!"

Jonghyun drove us to the building and we rode the cable car up the mountain, the dark sky illuminated with the lights of Seoul. We climbed the mountain, higher and higher, and eventually, we came across the tower that stretched into the sky.

"There are some shops and stuff up there. We can eat after we're done shopping. Is that alright?"

"Yes, that's fine. I'm pretty indifferent, if you haven't noticed."

"Believe me, I've noticed. It makes it hard when I'm trying to be a gentleman."

I gasped. "Jonghyun is trying to be a gentleman?"

He pushed me lightly. "Hey, at least I'm trying."

"You're right, you're right."

I felt his hand brush up against mine and slowly wrap around it. I pulled my hand away quickly.

"Sorry... too soon?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

Attempting to avoid any uncomfortable silence, Jonghyun quickly changed the subject. "So, Abby, what are you going to study in college?"

"Music," I replied.

"What do you mean? Music composition, performance…?"

"I’d like to study music education and maybe minor in music therapy... or something like that anyway."

"Music education?"

"Yes. I love working with kids."


"You're horrible with small talk," I told him bluntly.

He blushed. "Sorry..."

I laughed. "That face you made just now was so adorable," I said, cursing myself the second the words left my mouth.

He blushed even harder and looked down.

This dinosaur really does like me, doesn’t he?

We made our way to the shops and went to the Teddy Bear Museum. After we made our way through the exhibit, although I protested against it for about five minutes, the short dinosaur bought me one from the gift shop.

We ate a late dinner at the Han Cook restaurant that revolves as you dine. The view was so breath-taking; I could have stayed there for hours.

"Thanks for everything... I actually did have a nice time tonight," I told Jonghyun as he walked me to the hotel lobby.

"You weren't expecting that, were you?"

"Actually... not really..."

"Do you like me now?"


"I shouldn't have asked that question. I already knew what the answer was going to be," he said, his gaze towards the ground.

"Hey, cheer up," I said, sticking my bear in his face.

He chuckled and looked up at me. "So, what are you going to name him?"

"Don't you know that’s a long, time consuming process? And how dare you say that it’s a 'him'? How do you know it's not a she-bear?"

"I bought it. I choose the gender."

I huffed. "Fine."

A moment later we were both dying of laughter.

I sighed. "I think I should be going up now."

He nodded. "Goodnight."

I smiled at him. "Goodnight," I replied.

As I was walking away, I lifted the teddy bear above my head and made it wave to him. I heard him laugh, and I smiled.

No, I didn't like him... but I definitely wouldn't think twice about agreeing to go out with him again.

For now, I hid my teddy bear from Alyssa and Rachel. This was my little secret, and no one would know I was still seeing one of the members.

Hello again! Remember us? Yeahhhh... I'm a horrible updater... *sigh* And the worst part about it is that this chapter has been ready to post for days... Please forgive me! >.<

Oh and what do you guys think of the new poster???

Anyway, comment, suggest, subscribe! =D


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onewbby005 #1
Chapter 11: Is Jonghyun trapped! Oh no!!! Have Abby go save him and then cuddle...kekekeke is that too much?
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
Chapter 9: Aigooooo, this was too cute!!
onewbby005 #3
Chapter 9: I just started and its soooo cute! Taessa is literally the cutest couple ever and why is my onew bear being such a meanie :'( update soon! Authornim jjang!!!
AnimeKitty #4
Chapter 8: You're back!!!! :D Taessa is too cute!!!
ljoesaranghae_11 #5
Chapter 8: And btw the text messages never changed colors js.
ljoesaranghae_11 #6
Chapter 8: WHOOOOOOOO!!! TAESSA!!!! VAICBAJFBAOD totally seems like something "character alyssa" //robot voice// would do! XD LMFAO. Yayyyyyyy! Updatteee~ NOW UPDATE MOARRRRRRRRRRR. Lol jk but can't wait for the next updateee wheeee~
ljoesaranghae_11 #7
ljoesaranghae_11 #8
I feel so clever my lovely stranger(: ♥
Wow ljoesaranghae_11, you are just too clever. :P
ljoesaranghae_11 #10
And...sorry for typos. My fingers are to big and long for my phones KEY.board.