Chapter 4

Misconceptions of You

(Narrator’s POV)

When Key, Minho, and Taemin arrived home after the dance off, Jonghyun and Onew were waiting at the door for them.

“Where have you guys been?” Onew asked curiously as he blocked the doorway.  Jonghyun snickered behind him quietly.

“Um…we went to the store,” Taemin said quickly.

Key elbowed him.

“You went to the store?”

“Well, we went in for a second to get water bottles, because it’s so hot outside. Then, we went to play soccer in the park,” Minho filled in.

“And you guys didn’t invite us? Why aren’t you sweaty?” Onew asked, raising his eyebrow and not buying the lies.

“We went to go play soccer but the fields were already in use, so we went to a restraunt,” Key said, hoping the eldest members would believe them.

Right as Key said that, Taemin’s stomach growled.

Key rolled his eyes. Of course his stomach would growl right then.

Taemin shot Key an apologetic glance.

“Oh, so you let the youngest starve?”

“I wasn’t hungry when they went to eat, so I didn’t order anything hyung,” Taemin said softly.

“Taemin, you’re always hungry. Come on guys, where were you?” Onew said persistently.

“You know what? Fine! I went to have a dance off with those girls that we met at the supermarket last night,” Key admitted finally.

“What?!” Onew yelled.

“Taemin said that the girl that danced my part was better than me…So I wanted to prove him wrong.”

“And did you prove him wrong?” the Dino asked, smirking.

“No, she totally owned him,” Minho said laughing.

Key hit Minho and looked at Onew. “Can we come in now?”

Onew nodded and moved out of the doorway. “Alright…wait…do they know not to tell anyone about this?”

Key shrugged. “Most likely. They didn’t seem like the stupid type hyung.”

Onew huffed. “Call them and tell them not to tell anyone about the dance off…if Manager hyung finds out about this, he will be so mad at you three…” he said, leaving the room angrily.

Jonghyun burst out into laughter. “I can’t believe you were beat by a girl!” he said, putting his hand on Key’s shoulder.

“Oh, shut up babo. If she is a better dancer than me, then she would crush you,” Key smirked, walking to the kitchen to find something to make for a late lunch.



“Rachel, why are you staring at your phone like you just received a death threat?” Abby asked her, drinking a glass of chocolate milk early the next morning.

“Taemin texted me,” Rachel responded.

Abby choked on her milk. “He did?”

“Well, I think it's him... can you translate it for me?” she said, bringing the phone across the room to Abby.

Abby took the phone. “It says, ‘We are having a dance rehearsal today…want to come?’”

Rachel’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?!”


“Oh my God, no. No!” Rachel declared. 

“Yes! You’re going!” her friend said, typing a response of

                        Sure! What time and where?

“What did you just say?” Rachel asked her.

“I sent them an RSVP,” Abby said with a grin.

“Abby!” Rachel yelled, ripping the phone out of her hand.

“What?! I did you a favor! You get to go hang out with Key!” Abby said, taking another sip of her milk.

“But Key isn’t the person I thought he would be, so why would I want to hang out with him?”

The phone buzzed and Rachel looked at it, forgetting she couldn’t read Korean. She reluctantly handed it over to Abby. “What’s it say?”

“’Is now okay?’” Abby translated. “’We can come pick you up at your hotel so we don’t have to worry about security.’ Oh my gosh Rachel, they want to pick you up!”

“Tell him I’m not going if Key is going to be there!”

“Yeah? And who will you talk to if Key isn’t there?”

She thought for a minute. “What if you come?”

Abby shook her head. “Nope, I can’t dance…It will be awkward for me.”

“It will be awkward for me too!”

Abby shrugged. “Oh well,” she said and began typing a response.

“What’d you say?”

“I told him that now is good and that you’ll see him soon. Come on, let’s go find you something to wear.”

“What’s wrong with this?” Rachel asked, motioning to the t-shirt and athletic shorts she was wearing.

“You really want to meet up with SHINee in casual clothing?”

“Abby…we’ll be dancing. I’m not going to wear skinny jeans unnecessarily like you do when we dance,” Rachel said. “Besides, I’m not trying to impress any of them anymore.”

Abby rolled her eyes at her friend. “I doubt that you won’t fangirl over Key…just saying. You loved him too long to not fangirl.”

“Oh, don’t tell Alyssa where I am when she wakes up. She’ll try to stalk us, or something creepy like that, begging for an answer to her wedding proposal,” she scoffed, ignoring the comment.

Abby nodded with a laugh.

Ten minutes later Taemin texted that they were there and Rachel left the hotel reluctantly.


(Rachel’s POV)

I walked outside the hotel to a black tinted car that was across the street.

Wow, that's not shady looking...

I hesitantly knocked on the window, hoping that it was the right car.

Thankfully, Key opened the door and scooted over so I could get in.

“Hi Rachel!” Taemin squealed in English.

“Anneyong,” I said to him, trying not to sound too much like a foreigner.

He laughed and said something in Korean.

“What did he say?” I asked Key.

“He said your accent was cute,” he replied glumly.

I giggled and Key scoffed.

“You really don’t like me, do you?” I asked bluntly.

“It’s not that I don’t like you…I’m just not happy about the results of the dance off yesterday,” he mumbled.

I laughed to myself at his pouting and the conversation abruptly ended. We continued driving in silence.

God, this is awkward…

“So, how did Jonghyun and Onew find out?” I asked.

“How did you know that they didn’t know?” Key questioned back.

“I assumed since they didn’t come along to see you dance…”

He nodded. “Ah. Well, we tried to make up lies about why we were gone, but they dug it out of us.”

“They played Sherlock?” I asked, snickering.

He rolled his eyes at me. “Oh, you’re so funny.”

A few minutes later, we arrived at the dance hall and I inwardly squealed as I realized we were standing in front of the SM Entertainment building.

I followed them in the building and was introduced to Onew and Jonghyun when we made it to the practice room.

"So, why am I here again?" I asked Key.

Key shrugged. "I'm not sure exactly. We're supposed to be practicing for the next SM Town concert, but Taemin insisted that we dance with you also," he said glumly.

"Look, if you don't want me here, I'll go. I don't want to ruin your rehearsal," I told him.

Key sighed and looked at the rest of the members stretching.

"No. We already drove you here and they're all getting ready," he said sighing again.

I nodded and watched him walk over to the other guys.

Wow, I really feel unwanted.

I sighed and sat in the corner, not knowing what else to do. The music started and I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them and resting my chin. I looked at them with dreamy eyes.

This is so freaking cool...I get to watch SHINee in the practice

I got a text from Abby then that said

                       Fangirling yet? ^.^

I laughed to myself at her uncanny timing.

          A bit. T_T ~I responded.

          A bit?

I looked back up and saw them doing the 'Sherlock Walk' across the floor. I giggled and looked at Key. Why does he have to be so handsome? Just as I looked at him, he looked over at me and smirked as he saw me staring.


                        Okay, a lot! ~I texted back to Abby as I attempted to hide my blush.

When the song was over Jonghyun clapped a little and they all grouped together, discussing bits and pieces of the dance. Another song began to play and the guys looked at each other oddly. It was BoA's "Only One". Taemin giggled.

"TAEMIN!" they all groaned. Onew went to change the track.

"Ahnee!" Taemin screamed. He hurriedly told them something and they sighed, walking toward the chairs next to me. Taemin grinned and began dancing.

"He wants to practice for the concert," Key said, as he sat down next to me. I nodded, remembering how amazing the duet with BoA was on Inkigayo. 

Waiting for his cue, Taemin looked at me and waved me over with a grin on his face.

Instantly knowing what he was thinking, I shook my head.

"You know the dance?" Key asked.

"I've watched it once..." I reluctantly answered.

Taemin waved me over again.

"Go on," Key said, pushing my shoulder. "We won't judge."

I stood up. "Yeah right...." I mumbled as I walked to the center of the room and joined Taemin in the dance.

(Key's POV)

"I thought she said she didn't know the dance..." I mumbled as I watched Rachel dance.

"Woah hyung...she's really good..." Minho whispered.

"It's like I'm watching a white BoA noona dance..." Jonghyun said.

"But she's only seen the dance once..." I muttered, trying to fathom how she had memorized it so quickly.

The solo ended and she blushed, returning back to her seat, while Taemin continued dancing, even though it wasn't his part.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" Onew asked with disbelief.

I translated for her and she shrugged. "I do ballet... I tried a hip hop class once but the teacher was stupid so I quit."

They all laughed and I stared at her in disbelief. Taemin finished then and came over to us.

"Why you stop dance?" he asked her in broken English.

"I couldn't remember the rest..." she admitted.

Yes! She's not perfect!

"Alright, enough chit-chat, we need to get back to rehearsal," Onew said finally.


(Abby's POV)

Alyssa began stirring in bed and I cringed, knowing she would be pissed when she found out that Rachel was gone. I continued reading my fanfic and watched, out of the corner of my eye, as the elder girl sat up in bed.

"Afternoon sunshine," I said as I looked at the clock which read 2:15pm.

"I'm hungry," she stated sternly as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Hello to you too," I said rolling my eyes.

My own stomach growled and I sighed. "Want to go out to get food?" I asked, following Alyssa into the kitchen.

She nodded, rubbing her eyes."Sure. I want American food though."

I laughed. "As you wish."

Thank goodness she hasn't noticed Rachel is missing yet...

I googled a Domino's Pizza and found that there was one only 3 blocks away from our hotel. Alyssa begged that we take a bus, but I didn't see the point, so I forced the sleepy girl to walk.

"I hate you," Alyssa said as she pulled her hair up into a pony tail.

"I love you too," I smirked.

"Why did I straighten my hair if it was going to curl with sweat anyway?"

I shrugged. "You care too much about your hair..."

A moment later, a car with dark tinted windows pulled up next to us and the window rolled down. Rachel was in the car, smiling at us.

"Rachel!" Alyssa yelled. "I totally forgot you existed!"

Rachel's smile faded into a flat line and I saw Key chuckling behind her. "I'm glad I mean so much to you Alyssa..."

"Sorry..." Alyssa said, pouting some.

"Anyway, where are you going?" Rachel asked.

"Domino's," I said.

"Yah, you're going the wrong direction!" I heard Jonghyun's voice say.

I bent down and saw that all of SHINee was in the car. I gulped and saw Minho looking at me from the passenger’s seat with a soft smile. I instantly straightened back up, to where only Key and Rachel could see me, and blushed...hard. Rachel snickered at me.

"Yeah, you two are heading the wrong direction..." Key mumbled.

Alyssa hit my arm. "You said you knew where we were going!"

"I do!" I said looking at my map. "See! It's the right way!"

Alyssa looked over my shoulder and grabbed the map, flipping it over. "The map was upside down babo. I swear, sometimes I feel like shooting you."

My mouth formed an 'O' and the people in the car laughed.

"Yah, hyung," I heard beautiful Minho's voice say. "Can we drop them off? It's too hot for them to walk."

"Ahnee, that's really o-" Alyssa's hand flew over my mouth before I could finish.

"Please Onewwww," she begged.

"Sure!" the peppy eldest said. "But we'll have to really squeeze in since this car only has 5 seats..."

I gulped again. 5 seats??? And there will be 8 of us in there???

Rachel opened the door and Alyssa squeezed in as I stared at the overly-crowded car.

"I'll just walk..." I said softly.

"Don't be ridiculous," Rachel mumbled.

"You could sit on someone’s lap..." Alyssa said mischievously.

"Yeah, Minho has a lot of extra room up here," Onew suggested.

"I-I'm fine," I said, about to turn around to walk.

I saw the passenger door open up and Minho poked his head out. "Come on, I won't bite," he told me sweetly.

Oh my God, I'm dying!

I blushed and nodded after a second, climbing in and sitting on Minho's lap.

"Arasso, everybody hold on," Onew said, acknowledging the shortage of seat belts.

"So, you never answered the question about who your bias was yesterday..." Minho told me.

I swear. My heart is beating so fast it's going to explode.

"Isn't it obvious hyung?" Jonghyun smirked. "It's you."

Minho's eyes went wide and I turned back to look at Jonghyun. "Yah. Hush." I told him firmly.

Gosh he's so annoying.

Jonghyun snickered.

"Really?" Minho asked.

"You can't see her heart leaping out of her chest and the rose color on her pale cheeks?" Jonghyun asked.

"I swear Jonghyun, I will kill you."

He let out a short gasp. "I'm so afraid!"

"Seriously," Alyssa butted in. "She really doesn't like you. I wouldn't mess with her."

"Wait, you're serious?" he asked her.

I pursed my lips and looked out the windshield, trying not to yell some very naughty things at that dinosaur.

"I don't think she's kidding hyung," Key said, laughing.

"But why?"

Alyssa shrugged. "There are lots of little things about you that piss her off and it kinda makes it turn into a hating for you. Almost like how Rachel loathes Heechul...but not as intense."

Good Alyssa. Keep talking to IT before I explode at the famous pop star like Rachel did when they were late.

"Wait, Heechul? From Super Junior?" Key questioned.

"Yeah, she despises him. Word of advice, NEVER introduce him to Rachel. For his own safety," I replied.

"Guys...what's going on?" Rachel asked timidly.

Poor Rachel, not understanding a word of what's happening...

"Oh, Minho asked who her bias was, Jonghyun read between the lines and said it was Minho, and Abby threatened to kill him," Alyssa told Rachel.

I turned around to look at my friend. "Good summary."

"Threatened to kill Minho or Jonghyun?" Rachel asked.

Key burst out into laughter.

"Jonghyun you idiot!" I yelled at her.

Rachel grinned, obviously already knowing the answer.

The car stopped and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright you three, we're here."

Minho opened the door and I climbed off his lap. I felt my heart jump again when I looked back at him.

"I would get out to say bye, but I don’t want to start anything…" Minho said, motioning to the crowded street.

"Yeah, I understand," I said, smiling lightly at him. "Thanks for the ride.”

"No problem," Onew said, as he watched the other girls get out, shutting the door behind them.

"Hey you," I heard Jonghyun's obnoxious voice say as one of the windows rolled down. "The one with the long hair."

‘The one with long hair’? Really, how original.

I bent back down and looked in the car. "What?"

"Do you really hate me?"

I chuckled and looked at Jinki. "Just drive."

He nodded and put the car in gear, driving away.

I sighed as we walked into the pizza shop.

"I'm never letting you go dance with them again Rachel. Not if it means I have to see that ugly dinosaur again," I told her.

" went to dance with them?!" Alyssa screeched.

The two of us ignored her.

"Sorry about that Abby..."

"Wait, tell me that you didn't dance with them," Alyssa said, still shocked about the subject.

"Okay, I didn't dance with them," Rachel said. "So Abby...what was it like sitting in you-know-who's lap?"


My two friends laughed and Alyssa opened the doors to the pizza shop.





Hiya guys! So, we were supposed to update on Monday but... well, an old computer was making it very hard to upload this chapter. BUT it’s finally up and I hope you like it! =D

Also, if you were confused with the BoA thing, you need to watch her performance on Inkigayo here " name="BoA Inkigayo ft. Taemin">http://



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onewbby005 #1
Chapter 11: Is Jonghyun trapped! Oh no!!! Have Abby go save him and then cuddle...kekekeke is that too much?
ljoesaranghae_11 #2
Chapter 9: Aigooooo, this was too cute!!
onewbby005 #3
Chapter 9: I just started and its soooo cute! Taessa is literally the cutest couple ever and why is my onew bear being such a meanie :'( update soon! Authornim jjang!!!
AnimeKitty #4
Chapter 8: You're back!!!! :D Taessa is too cute!!!
ljoesaranghae_11 #5
Chapter 8: And btw the text messages never changed colors js.
ljoesaranghae_11 #6
Chapter 8: WHOOOOOOOO!!! TAESSA!!!! VAICBAJFBAOD totally seems like something "character alyssa" //robot voice// would do! XD LMFAO. Yayyyyyyy! Updatteee~ NOW UPDATE MOARRRRRRRRRRR. Lol jk but can't wait for the next updateee wheeee~
ljoesaranghae_11 #7
ljoesaranghae_11 #8
I feel so clever my lovely stranger(: ♥
Wow ljoesaranghae_11, you are just too clever. :P
ljoesaranghae_11 #10
And...sorry for typos. My fingers are to big and long for my phones KEY.board.