Saengil Chuka Hamnida Kim Hyung Jun

SS501 One Shots


1 week before Kim Hyung Jun’s Birthday Party:



“Hyung ah…are you busy?” he asked, when he called up the leader of SS501.  Even though they are in different management agency now, they still kept a close connection with one another and in his heart, in all 5 of them actually, they would always be SS501.


“De.  I’m on my way to the set now.  Today is the first filming.”


“Good luck hyung!  Do your best…”


“Komawo, Jun ah.  So, is that the only reason you’re calling me?”


He gave out nervous chuckle.  Kim Hyun Joong always guessed the right thing especially with him, knowing him far too well.


“Your correct guess like this always amazes me, hyung ah.”


“I know you, Jun ah.  So, what is it?  About your birthday party?”


“Arrk…you knew?”


“Hehehe…I was expecting for your call.  Of course I know about the birthday party with the fans.  But, if you are going to ask me if I could be there, I am very sorry.  I can’t.  I have to go to Bali for the “Just the Way You Are” show.”


“Ohh…” he uttered, disappointed that his leader couldn’t make it to the party.


“Jun ah…it’s not even on your own birthday.  I’ll be back on your birthday.  We’ll go out to celebrate.  Okay?  We can ask the other to join too.  Kibum too,” Hyun Joong voiced out, trying to cheer him up. 


And it worked.  He was ecstatic when he heard it.


“Really hyung? Chincha roo?  Komawo hyung…”


“Emm…you set the place.”


“Err…hyung…present?” Hyung Jun asked in a cute way, trying to land himself a gift from Hyun Joong.


“Hahaha…I thought I could escape this.  Ah..arasso…what do you want?”  


“Hehehe…hyung, you know I’m moving to a new place, right?  I need furniture.”

“Furniture?  Aisshh…the expensive ones, you would always ask from me.  Arasso…buy them first and give me the receipt later.  But, I’m buying only the sofa for your living room.  Your bed…buy them yourself.  You would only let me sleep on the sofa if I crash in anyway.”


“No…you can sleep with me, hyung.”


“Hahaha…no thanks.  You sleep with your girlfriend in them.”


“Shhh…hyung.  Aisshh…okay.  I’ll settle with only the sofa.  Hehehe…komawo Hyun Joong hyung…You’re my brother!  Saranghae…”


“Arasso…arasso…I’m hanging up now.”



Hyung Jun set his phone on his bed, smiling happily.  ‘Sofa, done.  I wonder who’d buy me the bed?





A day before the Birthday Party:



Hyung Jun was feeling really excited for the birthday party tomorrow.  Sitting on his chair in front of the study table, he took out his notepad and started to write for his fans, SS501 fans, on how he felt about their support, his feelings and his gratefulness for being part of SS501.  He’s going to read them tomorrow during the party.  His eyes started to get a little watery as he wrote down with his true feelings on the note. 



Aissh…I would probably cry tomorrow when I read this.



As he was writing, his phone beeped, indicating that he received a text message.  He stopped writing and took the phone, opening the message.


TM:  Junnie…I’ll try to come to your party tomorrow.  But I can’t promise anything.


He sighed.  He quickly replied to the message.


Jun’s TM: Ya!  You better make sure you come tomorrow.  I haven’t seen you for quite sometime now.


And that started the text messages relay.


TM:  You’re really a turtle!  I said I’ll try.


Jun’s TM:  Mal, you have to come.  Your best friend is having a birthday party and you can’t come?  What kind of a friend are you?


TM:  If you keep up like this, then I won’t go.  I have other better things to do.  And who says you’re my best friend?


Jun’s TM:  Minnie ah…jebal?


TM:  We’ll see.  It’s not like tomorrow is your real birthday anyway.  Even if I couldn’t make it, I would still go for the get together on your real birthday.


Jun’s TM:  But, tomorrow it would be in front of all the fans…I would really, really appreciate if you are there with me.  Kyu Jong and Yong Saeng hyung would be there as well.


TM:  Arasso.  I’ll try my very best.


Jun’s TM:  Komawo Mal.



He set the phone back to its place and continued with writing the note.




The day of the Birthday Party:



When the video came up, he was disappointed.  ‘Jung Min still didn’t come.  His best…huh.  On my birthday party…



One the video ended, he felt that he needed to clarify about Jung Min to the fans.  Even though he himself was disappointed, he didn’t want the fans to criticize his best friend.  In between his little speech, he was so shocked when he heard Jung Min’s voice.



Jung Min!  He actually came!



He turned around and saw him.  His best friend.  He missed him.  It has been sometime since they met one another.  He can’t expressed how happy he was.  His eyes became glassy as tears started to form.  Happy tears.  Hyung Jun quickly gave Jung Min a hug and whispered in his ear, “Komawo, Minnie ah.”


“Hahaha…you’re really this happy to see me?  This is your birthday party.  Of course, I would clear my schedule for you.”


“Saranghae Jung Min ah.”





He’s here…everything is going to be so much fun today.



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Chapter 29: do u have any updates for this story?
Forever5501 #2
Chapter 29: The exact reaction i wished from Junnie...., hahahaaa
Forever5501 #3
Chapter 3: Cool stories dear
lanternofhair #4
i miss them1
Chocolatemushrooms #5
Great stories! Update soon please :)
Love your story!
Update soon! xD
i love you. just that! hahahahahaha!!!!!!! such a cute stories!
AWEEEEEE.....<br />
<br />
I'm spazzing right now at this part! kekekeke! hAppy marriage to both of ya! ^^
dayna-san #9
amo a Kim Hyun Joong uhm el es dulce en cualquier historia