Studying + cooking= Unwanted alone time with the princess

Guide to being Korean


Heechul POV

Once I finished getting dressed and washed up, I quickly exited the bathroom.

"YA! You didn't have to throw me!" I complained. "Plus I could have just changed in my room."

"And would you have gone back to sleep?"

"Most likely."


"Well I'll give ya' points for honesty."

"Aish~ I can't help it I need my beauty sleep."
"I NEED TO LEARN HANGEUL. Much more important."
"Aigoo. Usually people don’t bicker like this until after they get married," Leeteuk said while walking in our direction.
We both blushed.


Kei's face grew straight "Like, hell"
"And I thought we'd never reach agreement."


Leeteuk laughed. 
"Do you want me to move out of the living room so you two can study there?" He asked.

"Its fine we'll just go in the kitchen."

Kei and I moved over to the kitchen and she grabbed a seat while I ran into my room and got some paper, pencils and my laptop.


"Did you bring flash cards?" I asked.
I sat down next to her and opened something up on my laptop.

"I found this video on the internet to help you with Hangeul."
"Wow you actually prepared for this. That’s a surprise."
"Its cause Hangeng told me too." He actually didn’t but I don’t want to make her think I actually care.


(A/N watch this: )


As we watch the video Kei starts laughing mimicking the sounds and banging on the table. The video ends but she keeps laughing.

"Cause it sounds so funny!" She laughs.
"And I thought the Japanese version was funny sounding. "

( A/N watch this: )

Well that video was a bit funny. Before I knew it I was laughing loudly. 
"Aigoo. Okay maybe this site needs to work on there Hangeul and hiragana raps lol."
"It's like 'I know right' in Japanese".
"Oh. Well anyway I guess we can move back onto the Hangeul later. What else is there you don't know?"

"Um. Well. Promise not to laugh."

"Sure~" I said with an evil smile.
I immediately broke out into immense laughter.
I kept laughing and she starting hitting me.
"Ya, stop laughing it's not funny." She said while trying to hold in her own laughter.
Aigoo~ she's so cute..... did i just think that?

"I can count up to six though; hana, dhul, seht, ne, de, tasoo. And I think isoo." She says while counting with her fingers.

What the hell was that?

"YA! Where did you get 'de' from and its 'da seot' not 'tasoo'. And 'Yeo seot' not 'isoo'."

"OoooOOOoooo, well I was pretty close."


"keke~" she laughs.


Shisus save me now.

For the next 45 minutes I try and teach her how to count. AND OF COURSE she can't get pass 8 -.- .

"GOD. HOW. ARE. YOU. KOREAN?" I yelled out and she laughed in that cute Japanese way that always seems to make everything better.

We continued to study for a little longer but then decided that we should stop and eat.

"Perfect" I thought.
"Time for lesson number 3~ Korean food."
"But I Hate Korean Food! It’s too spicy." She whined.
"When in Korea, eat as the Koreans do. Besides we can always make something non-spicy."


~~~~~after a few minutes of googling~~~~~~
"Okay, so this seems easy. It’s called Ahl Chigae, its non-spicy and tastes delicious."
"It better be -.-" 
"Anyway since everyone else has schedules we only have to cook for me, you, Yesung and Leeteuk."
"I’ll go run and tell them what we're having then." 
"I'll do it, you just prepare the ingredients."


I ran out and did as I said, but when I returned I saw her just sitting there staring intensely at the screen.
"What happened to the ingredients?"
"I'm still trying to read the list so far I think this says garlic."
"God I forgot."
"But this website must not be very good it doesn't even say how long to cook the whole thing for."
I look over at the screen "yes it does. See 5 minutes." 
"WAIT. I thought 5 was 'da seot' not oh. "
"We use different counters for things like dates, money, minutes, addresses, phone numbers, and numbers above 100."
"That’s not true. They are used in English as well examples include; cup full’s, bunches, spoon full’s, galloons etc."
"But we stall say 'one cupful' we don't make up a new words for 'one'."
"That is true and false, but ultimately not the point." I said growing annoyed while my stomach started to growl.
"Lol" she said in English. "Does your IQ go up when you get hungry?!" She laughed.
"Anyway let’s cook," she said ignoring me.


We start to cook by what the computer said (I had to read it though). It’s kinda hard though and Ryeowook always makes cooking look so easy.


~~~~A half an hour later Leeteuk walks into the Kitchen~~~~
"Is dinner ready?" He asked.
And right as we opened our mouths to respond.


BAM!! *oven explodes* 

ㅋㅋㅋ~ Kei and I laugh.


Leeteuk sighed “This is why I was shocked when you said you were cooking. I thought it'd be fine with a girl around but apparently she can't cook either Aish~ your terrible cooking comes second to only Kyuhyun's."


"God, how are you gonna explain this to wookie," he added.


"We'll think of that later for now let’s just go out to eat" Yesung said while walking into the kitchen.

We all put on are disguises, glasses, scarves, hats anything to hide us from E.L.F's. I love them, I need them and they are truly my everything HOWEVER if they prevent me from eating one more time I'm gonna flip.


Meanwhile Kei was staring at us dumbfounded as we were about to walk out the door.


"WHAT are you guys wearing?" 

"It's for self protection" Leeteuk replied leaving her with an even bigger question mark floating over her head.


"Anyway, let's go" Yesung said grabbing Kei's hand and whisking her away and out of the apartment. Behind Leeteuk and I followed.

Eventually we began walking at a normal pace but I couldn't help but stare. How long are those two gonna hold hands. Does she not get Skinship?




Wait...... why do I care?

Finally we reached the restaurant. It was nothing fancy but they allowed customers little rooms for private use. Which is good cause I hate eating with my disguise on -.- .


We all sat down, Leeteuk and Kei on one side and Yesung and I on the other. 


We looked at the menus and decided on our orders but Kei was taking forever. And then it hit me

" can't read the menu can you."


She slowly nodded her head with an embarrassed smile and laugh.

We all gave out a small laugh and I, who was sitting in front of her, began reading and pointing at the menu to her, explaining things here and there seeing as how she didn't know much Korean food. 


We had a nice dinner, laughing and smiling and I guess that kids okay. Once we were done Leeteuk, Yesung and I frowned as we had to leave while   Kei staired confusidly. I really hate having to put disguises on -.- .


We returned to the house and continued to study, but this time we went in my room because we were no longer allowed in the kitchen. 

Trying at Hangeul again I gave her a mini test on the Vowels. Once Kei finished she handed her paper in and I started to grade it. The whole time I could feel her look at me nervously.


"What are you so nervous for?"

"Because, I probably got a '2' "


"You gotta a 100" 

"REALLY?!" she said jumping up, smiling like an idiot.

"How much is that?"

I sighed," It's alot okay."

"And I thought I couldn't do it!"

"Me too," I added.

"YA!” she exlaimed and we both laughed.

I'm actually kinda proud I actually had to do the same thing with Hangeng so I'm kinda used to this but in the beginning I thought she was hopeless. 

Wait what am I getting all soft for -.- .


"It's no big deal" I said interrupting our celebrating. 

"Che,ツンデレ." I heard her say under her breath. 


"nothing~" she said sweetly but in a sarcastic way.


We studied for some more, I looked at the clock and it was half past eleven. I looked back over at Kei and she had somehow managed to fall asleep.

"YA! WAKE-" I started, but I guess I changed my mind she has been working hard today. I gave a faint smile "I guess I'll let her sleep."

Walking over to my bed I pulled the cover off and put it over Kei. I smiled at her sleeping face, I mean you gotta admit she's pretty.

"Great now what about me," Leeteuk probably knows where the extra supply of blankets are but then again he's probably asleep, that Ahjumma -.-. 

"I could pull one off of Kyuhyun’s bed next door." 

"And then face his wrath in the morning -.- " I reminded myself. 

"The kid's sure has gotten confidence as of late." 

"You know what WHATEVER!" I thought and I squeezed under the small blanket with Kei taking up most of the blanket. 

She must have been cold because she soon squeezed in closer to me. 


~~~~An hour later~~~~~

~~~Yesung POV~~~

I looked at the time and it was already 12:30, Kei promised to say goodbye when she left but I haven't heard from her. I haven't even heard the door open; I walked out of my room and saw the door open. Siwon, Kyuhyun, Shin dong, Sungmin and Eunhae walked in. 


"Oh hey guys” I waved to them.

"Can't talk Hyung, to tired." Kyuhyun mumbled.

"Oh, yeah you guys all had out of town promotions, well except for Donghae who is still filming."

"Yea, but for the last few days we've been filming in Jeju-do (island), I thought I told you."

"Oh, yea. Where are Ryeowook and Kangin?"

"Their coming they just forgot something in the car so they ran back."


"Are the Hyung’s asleep?"

"I guess so I was about to go check in Heechul's room?"


I walked away and opened the door to Heechul's room. UM! WHY ARE THOSE TWO...... SNUGGLING???!!


How was this chapter? I felt like it was a bit drowned out sorry about that.tuzki56.gif

But I think Kei and and Heechul having alone time together is good :) and wow I can't beleive I wrote

this without a 'Kei POV' anyway hang around for the next chapter please :) you too silent readers :)

Oh yea and if your wondering what ツンデレ means it's a japanese phrase tsundere (

Also I'm srry about not updting for a while school is a jerk :/

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-TGTBK- srry guys its been excatly 3 weeks im writing now will update soon!


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ch3nya #1
Chapter 13: :D you updated, made my day :)
ch3nya #2
Chapter 12: loved it update soon i want to know if kei gets her revenge!
Chapter 11: Lol, so lovely! u finally updated :)
Nicola I want something from u >3>
Chapter 11: An update! Yay! Please update soon! I love it!
Chapter 10: I LOVE this fic ^^ keep the good work!!
Chapter 9: Lol! I'm in too!! I loved that >//< Daebak!!
Chapter 8: Aigoo~ what a cute chapter ^^ Snuggling! lol! update~ plz plz! Heechul will panic when he is up! haha
Chapter 7: OMG! It's a great update!! I can't bekieve you asked for my help? cuz you don't need any! you are a great writer!! FIGHTING!!
Chapter 7: I love it! Please keep updating!
Chapter 7: Unnie update soon~ >< plz plz plz~