What's the big secret?// A Good Day

Guide to being Korean




I woke up a bit early this morning, correction I couldn't go to sleep, so I just watched anime all night, and finally decided to get out of bed.

I stretched as I got up "kairitai!" (I wanna go home) I called out to absolutely no one. 

But I wonder what everyone was up to yesterday. They all had really strange looks on their faces, especially Kyuhyun and Heechul. You know what, I'm not even going to ask. 

I quickly got dressed and headed over to their apartment again. Heechul was going to re-attempt teaching me hangeul. Oh this is gonna be funny, but he has "Schedules" today so some of the guys whose names I cannot remember volunteered to take me around Seoul.They're probably gonna cosplay again. Oh well they can suit themselves.


~~~ A while later outside the dorms~~~

As I approached the apartment complex, I saw a small group of girls all crowded around the security guard who let me in the last time. They were mostly yelling out incoherent squeaks, but I did manage to make out a few words mostly "Oppa! Saranghae" and "SUJU", most of them were holding blue signs, but seeing as how I can't read Hangeul I had no clue what they said.

Staring into the small crowd my eyes did happen upon a couple of things in english, I saw the words E.L.F and Super J-something it was cut off by some other sign with 'Prom15e to 13elieve' written on it. Oh well, doesn't matter, now the big thing is that I need to find a way into that building. 


"Psshhst~ Kei," I heard again I looked around, and there was no one there.

"I SAID PSSHHST DARNIT!" I heard and then turned around.

"Oh, Kangin-ah! Seriously with the cosplay again" I said glaring at his ridiculously layered outfit  He was wearing a couple of shirts a scarf, sunglasses, a hat ,and a whole bunch of other things,

"It's Sungmin," 

"Oops sorry ^^,"

"Anyway~ lets go, I can sneak you in through the back."

"Um, okay but like. What's with the screaming girls hovered around the entrance."

He gave out a subtle laugh. "Oh you'll find out sooner or later"

"Aish~ whatever," I said as he dragged me out to the back of the building.


As Sungmin and I walked into the apartment, he decided to announce my presence, "Guys I got her, but I don't think we can go out for a while" he sighed.

"Wei?" one of the guys asked.

"E.L.F's?" asked Heechul.

"E.L.F's" replied Sungmin.

"Elves?" I asked fairly confused.

"Aish~, but I've got to go in 5 minutes" Heechul complained.

"You're purposely ignoring me aren't you!"


"Well at least you're honest," I sighed as I went to go sit on the couch. A few more people whose names I can't remember walked in and spoke to Heechul about some random things (aish~ why are there so many of them). Kyuhyun (I remember his name cause it's easy to write in Japanese)  sat down on the couch next to me as I the T.V  and began flipping through the channels. 

"GANGNAM STYLE!" I called out pointing to the T.V. I guess I had stumbled upon some Korean MTV or something, but whatever, IT’S the Hyunah version too~ yay!

"Oppa ddak nae style 

     Ddak nae style~" I sang.

Kyuhyun started laughing "Wait you actually know this song?"

"Yup! It's really~ popular in America."

"Wow," he laughed. The song finished, and something else came on.

"Ha ha ha is this James Bond style?" I asked with a completly lame Gangnam style reference.

Kyuhyun looked away from me and to the T.V and for some reason jumped up really quickly.

I saw a strangely familiar looking figure on the T.V for about three seconds until Kyuhyun jumped in front of me.

"Ya~ Kyuhyun what are you doing! I'm trying to watch T.V here," the music started playing, and all the guys stared at me like deers in a head light.

I heard a gunshot and then what I'm guessing was a trumpet. Then there was some singing "Naega saranghan S.P.Y." the T.V sang, but Kyuhyun was still in my way.

"Ya! Kyuhyun!" He then began trying to grab the remote from my hands I, confused strongly resisted. "Ya!", was all I could say as we struggled, and the other guys just stared.

 Eventually he grabbed the remote, but the song was already over, so I completely missed it. He looked at the T.V, then at me  and then gave off an embarrassed smile as he threw the remote back at me.

"YA! What is with you! It was a pretty good song too~ I wanted to see who it was by ><" 

He laughed, "It’s not as if you would be able to read the group's name anyway,"

"SHIKKEREO!" I yelled while throwing a couch pillow at him. He laughed and threw it back. I caught the pillow and held it real tight to my stomach,which was now singing its own little song. "Um...... Food." I mumbled.


"All we have is one thing of Ramen." Yesung said as he walked towards me.

"Yay! I'm fine with that" I smiled. Me loves Ramen ^^.

"Is everyone fine with me having that."


"No objections then. Awesome." "I'll make it no-- Great!" 

"What?" Heechul asked.

"Eyelash in my eye-.- I'll be back."

 I ran over to the bathroom and after 5 minutes of poking my own eye I finally got it.

Then I walked happily over to the Kitchen ignoring all glares from Ryeowook (he's probably still mad about the whole kitchen up in flames thing~ oh well)

"Ramen~ Ramen~ Ramen~," I sang, probably sounding as if I was a three year old.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I saw it. I probably died then and there, and so will he.

"YA! Kim Heechul! I was gonna eat that!" I started squeaking.

"Ya' snooze ya' loose and aish~ -.- why'd your voice get so high?" 

"IT happens when I'm agitated and don't try to change the subject on me!"

"Hey what can I say? I was hungry."


"Well I have no clue what you just said." he laughed.


"Here go grab a pair of chopsticks and we can split it okay?"


I quickly grabbed some chopsticks and pulled my stool next to him. "Ya~ Slow down." I told him, I mean I wanted some, and he was eating it all.

"Aish~ stop complaining." 

We sat there sharing the small cup of Ramen for like a minute or two, at one point we ended up getting the same noodle but I just cut it with my teeth and continued to eat until it was all gone.

"Do you have any sense of innocence?" he asked.


"Nothing," he smiled.


Che, weirdo 


"Heechul. It's about time for you to go," Leeteuk said. 

"Ye~", "Oh yeah and Kei, when I return we'll go over hangeul like I said."


He quickly ran off, leaving me to clean up the mess. I threw the chopsticks in the sink, then the cup in the garbage and headed back out to the living room. 

"Hey Kei you ready to go?" asked Kyuhyun.

"Ready to go where?"

"Remember, Heechul had asked a few of us to baby sit-- I mean give you a tour of Seoul."

"Oh yeah~ so who's coming?"

"Just a few of us. Me, Donghae, Sungmin and Yesung." 

Wait which one was Donghae again? And why does that name seem so familiar?

"Yup, I'm ready."

"Is the coast clear though?" asked Yesung.

"Yea I just ran out earlier, and no one was there." 

"Perfect," Sungmin smiled.


We all quickly ran out of the apartment, apparently they wanted to leave while it was still "safe". Aish~ these people are such weirdos's.

As I followed behind them, I began singing the song that I heard earlier to myself even though I only remembered the first line.


"Naega sarang han S. P. Y." I sang.

They all turned around and looked at me.

"What? It was a cool song!"

"This is so~ gonna be fun." Kyuhyun laughed quietly.

"What's gonna be fun?" I asked running up to him.

"You'll see~" 

"Aish, neither you or Sungmin will give me a clear answer >< NO FAIR!"


"Oh yeah, do you guys know who that S.P.Y song was by? so I can google it later."


"Fine, ignore me, I understand," I said in a pouty voice. 

"Don't worry Kei, you'll find out soon enough." Yesung said.

I pouted again, and he smiled.

"So where are we going anyway?" I asked.

"Well we were told to give you a tour of Seoul, but we really can't go to the super popular places so we'll just show you where we usually go," Sungmin answered.

"Okay then," I responded, getting pretty used to their eccentricities.

Maybe they're all Sociophobiacs or Cryptozoophobics, whatever you call people suffering from a fear of elves. Haha~ a fear of elves, they must so~ freak out during Christmas time.


A big gust of wind came and almost knocked me off my feet I quickly closed my eyes (to avoid getting anything in them) and began to walk forward but the wind caused me to stumbled back a few steps.

"Ooff!" I said as fell into someone behind me, keeping my eyes closed until the wind stopped I stayed pushed up against, who ever. 

"Sorry about that." I said as I began to wipe my eyes.

"It's no problem," said the voice. I looked up, and it was..........

"Who are you again? And my main question. Have I met you before?"

"Oh, I'm Donghae, uh I live with the guys and was asked to guide you around Seoul remember?"

"Oh~ Donghae-ssi and No, no, I mean before that! I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before today!"

"When we all ate together?"

"No! Before that!"


~~~Donghae POV~~~


"No, I don't think so." I said after thinking for a bit.

"For some reason, I can imagine you with like orange hair though ~ and singing and with a girl in a pink suit," she said slightly confused.

Wait, don't tell me, she saw skip beat/ extravagant challenge!

I looked up behind her and I saw Kyuhyun making a big X with his hands. Aish~ now what?

Then I thought; "if I deny her claims she’ll probably still be suspicious , but if I confirm them in a sarcastic voice she'll back down."

"Yes, my name is Lee Donghae, and I am in popular South Korean boy band Super Junior. You must have seen my face in one of the many awesome drama's I've acted in." I said in my sarcastic voice.

Kyuhyun's eye's widened and then relaxed once she began to talk.

"Well, sorry for the confusion Donghae-ssi," she said looking a little disappointed.

"Sorry Kei-ssi!" I whispered under my breathe.




~~~Kei POV~~~

"Anyway, so this is the restaurant that we went to before as you can tell very good food." Yesung said pointing at the restaurant to the left of us. 

"And this building over here is a bank, but they also do currency trade's so if you have American money you wanna make Won, come over here," said Sungmin.

"This street here is Jugye, its not a main street but it has a lot of cool shops and a beautiful game store called Nico Nico if I do say myself." Kyuhyun said.

"Ah Nico, Nico. My Japanese friend gave me that nickname, it means smiley! And seriously I really need to go! I forgot to bring my DS charger and need to buy a new one"

"Then that is definitely the place to go!"

"And if you need anything for your glasses, you should definitely head out to 'Why Style' they have the best stuff." Yesung advised me. 

"Really, then I shall do so later," I smiled. 

"Let's go  somewhere though. It's getting kinda chilly."

"Where shall we go then?"

"Hm? How about somewhere that represents Korea?" Kyuhyun though out load.

Rubbing the back of my head, I let out a slightly confused sigh, "K-mart?" 

"No. How about a sauna!" 

"Well that's slightly random." Sungmin admitted. 

"Yea but how about it?"

Yesung thought for a moment,"I don't think that's a good idea, what if ELF's find us? The 5 of us kinda stand out." 

"Maybe some other time the Kei-ssi" Donghae smiled. 

"Okay, this maybe a weird question but are you guys being stalked by some secret organization who call themselves E.L.F's?" I suddenly asked. 

They all looked at me, trying to decide whether to laugh like crazy or to, calmly tell me what the hecks going on. 

"Why do you ask that?" Kyuhyun replied within muffled laughs. 

I blushed, "It made more sense when I was just thinking it." 

"Tesso/forget it! Lets just find a place to go!" I squealed and they all laughed. 


After a while we had just decided to visit Itaewon, a mini-shopping district not to far  away. I had just did some shopping with Hangeng so there was no need for any serious shopping but I did manage to get in a lot of eye-shopping. After a while we headed into one of the local arcades, "Ya, Cho Kyuhyun! I challenge you!" I pointed at him. 

"I gladly accept this chance to kick your ." He smiled. 

"In your dreams!" I retorted. 

"Yesung-ssi, be our moderator." I motioned Yesung over. 

He ran over to our ice-hockey table and called our match. After about 3 matches we got nothing but ties and we eventually gave up. 

I invited Yesung and Donghae to a round of shooting while Kyuhyun and Sungmin ran to get snacks. 

"But are you sure we've never seen each other before?" I asked Donghae. 

"I'm posi---WATCH YOUR BACK!" He said as he shot a zombie running towards me. 


He gave a sweet but slightly guilty smile, "No prob. But yea~ the other day was the first time we met." 

"I guess im just imagining things then and Yesung-ah, did you just die again?" I sighed. 

"Oops." He smiled while innocently rubbing the back of his head. 

"Yegyo fail."

"You mean Aegyo." Kyuhyun interrupted. 

"Whatever." I laughed, slightly embarressed. 

After a few more minutes of playing Donghae-ah and I finished our game successfully and I gave him a big high five. He gave me a cute smile and I smiled back. 

"Let's eat shall we?" He pointed towards the snacks Kyuhyun, Yesung and Sungmin left for us. 

"Good idea." 

We chatted while we ate our snacks, Donghae-ssi's cute, friendly, and really kind, unlike some diva that I'm stuck with. 


What did he have to do today anyway, a schedule of some sort? "Whatever! That does not concern me." I quickly shook my head, an old-fashioned attempt to rid my mind of an unwanted thought. 

Donghae and I soon re-joined Kyuhyun, Yesung, and Sungmin. We agreed to play a few more games then head to another place. This time I paired off with Sungmin and we played those carnival style games. 

"Come on, you can do it!" I shouted to Sungmin. 

His face cutely showed determination as he rolled up his sleeves and began to get 'serious'. 

He tried to catch the gold fish again but the net broke.....again. 

"Aish, I hate these flimsy things." He frowned. 

"But, sir does it not make it more interesting?" The booth moderator asked. 

Sungmin stayed silent and focused. Then finally, "Got it!" He cheered victoriously.

"Yay" we chimed as we jumped around excitedly. 

The defeated moderator gave us our goldfish and we happily left for another game. 

As we played something that looked like pacman, I saw a young child, possibly a three year old crying alone in the distance. 

Distracted I lost the game and ran over to the kid. 

"Omo, don't tell me your lost?"

The kid continued to cry. By this time Sungmin had managed to catch up to me. 

"Where's your mommy?" He asked. 

The kid continued to cry. "Mommy!" I heard between a few muffled tears. I thought for a few seconds and the picked him up, "Hush, little baby don't say a word. Kei's gonna buy you a mocking bird." I calmly sang to the child in english. Sungmin-ah looked at me slightly surprised. 

"If that mockingbird don't sing,

Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring." I continued to sing. 

After a while I finished the lullaby and the kid had fallen asleep in arms. I smiled at my work and Sungmin and I made our way to the main counter. 

"You have a really beautiful voice." He complimented. 

"Thanks, I use to want to become a singer but... I don't really have much confidence." I half smiled. 

"Are you kidding? Your voice is ama--"

"Can I help you?" The lady at the main desk interrupted. 




"If anyone is missing a son, roughly a 2 or three year old, please come to the main office!" A lady's voice ran through out the arcade. 

"Thank you for bringing him here." She smiled at me and bowed slightly. 

"Ani, it was the least I could do."

"Jung Min-ah!" A distressed Ahjumma yelled as she went running towards the child. Behind her followed a teenage girl. 

Sungmin cowered behind me. "Could she be part of the evil ELF organization?" I asked myself. 

"Are you the one who found my Jung Min-ah. " the lady from before asked approaching me. 


"Thank you so much." She bowed. 

"It was no pro--"

"Coward Ahjussi, do I know you from somewhere?" The teen asked the still under disguise and hiding behind me Sungmin. 

"A-ani" he responded. 

"Oh Eun bi, that is no way to treat someone who helped find your little brother after you just lost him!" Her mother scolded.

She bowed slightly apologetically and the three began to leave. 

"Ahjumma, wait!" Sungmin said as he ran after her. 

Sungmin handed her the small Goldfish,"Please give this to Jung Min when he wakes up." 


"I'm sure he'd appreciate it." She said her sons hair. The three left so we walked to meet up with Kyu, Yesung and Donghae. 

"That was really nice of you to give him your fish." I praised.

He let out a soft smile. 

"I don't think I would have been able to keep it anyway. Not with Heebum around that is." 

I smiled, "You'd make a good father"

"Really? That's something Donghae and Leeteuk usually here, everyone says I'm too cute have kids." He laughed. 

I looked him from head to toe and then smiled," true."

He gave an adorable pout and I began to laugh. 

"Let's go catch up with the guys shall we?"

"Good idea."

As we began to walk I randomly questioned," So how come you bid behind my back?"


"I knew it, she's part of the Evil ELF society isn't she!" 

"... We'll I guess it's more of the possibility that she may be an E.L.F rather than if she is or not." He shrugged, trying to make sense out of my claim.

"Don't worry, I shall protect you!" I joked as I made a fist. 

We both laughed. 

"Ah! There you guys are!" Kyuhyun called out. 

Kyuhyun, Donghae and Yesung all ran up to us and we told them everything that happened. I complained a little that I lost game playing time , then Kyuhyun ruffled my hair and asked me if I was his female twin. 

"Oh that's right, Kyuhyun you know any place where I can get my iPhone fixed up so I can make calls in Korea? I know all I need to do is switch my SIM card but the one in this bulky old phone is to bug to fit in my iPhone." I whined. 


"Yea sure but...why are you asking me?"

"I don't know, you just seemed like the type of person to know of a place like that. I was right though wasn't I?"

"Fair enough." He sighed. "You guys can head on back, I'm gonna take Kei to get her phone set-up. If Hyung is back tell him that we'll be back in about an hour."

They all agreed and Kyuhyun and I began walking to wherever the store was. 

"So, question." He started. 

"Yea." I replied in English.

"Why are you only informal to me, I'm your Oppa!"

"No silly, I'm informal to Heechul." I said nonchalantly. 

He whined and I laughed,"Don't think much of it, you gotta remember I'm from America. I'm not good with all the formalities."

"But your really formal with everyone else." 

"True, I guess it's cause you're the kinda person I'm used to. All the other guys are slightly awkward around me except for Leeteuk and Yesung so~. I feel like we could be close, even though we just met." I smiled.

He looked away," Cheesy" he sneered. 

I stuck out my tongue and smiled,"Mehrong!" 

"It's probably also because it's kinda fun! You're a bit of a dork." I sped up.

"Ya!" he ran after after me," You're one to talk!"

Laughing as we ran down the streets I couldn't help but think that wow, today was a bit strange, but overall, a pretty good day.



I am back baby I'm back. For those of you who didn't know I was on a month long Hiatus in order to improve my writing (half of this chapter is my new writing and half is my old I marked the begining of my new writing with an aserisk ^^. Anyway so what do you guys think. Is it better? Should I continue my life under a rock?  It still needs work? What? TELL ME TELL ME (if you want future updates) ~ yurp I'm just that evil lol ^^.

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-TGTBK- srry guys its been excatly 3 weeks im writing now will update soon!


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ch3nya #1
Chapter 13: :D you updated, made my day :)
ch3nya #2
Chapter 12: loved it update soon i want to know if kei gets her revenge!
Chapter 11: Lol, so lovely! u finally updated :)
Nicola I want something from u >3>
Chapter 11: An update! Yay! Please update soon! I love it!
Chapter 10: I LOVE this fic ^^ keep the good work!!
Chapter 9: Lol! I'm in too!! I loved that >//< Daebak!!
Chapter 8: Aigoo~ what a cute chapter ^^ Snuggling! lol! update~ plz plz! Heechul will panic when he is up! haha
Chapter 7: OMG! It's a great update!! I can't bekieve you asked for my help? cuz you don't need any! you are a great writer!! FIGHTING!!
Chapter 7: I love it! Please keep updating!
Chapter 7: Unnie update soon~ >< plz plz plz~