Shy Girl


Seohyun sat down on the sitting stones carefully making sure she wouldn't knock any of the artworks that were leaning on the side of the sitting some. (A//N: they are like rocky and you and sit on them since they are like made like a chair..ish, you know what i am talking about ? XD ) , she took of the head of her costume and held onto it with her right hand while she fanned herself with her left hand. 

"so hot" she signed, then placed her other hand on the doll head while smiling brightly. 

Then Seohyun turned her head and .... OMO ~ it's him she thought 




Kyuhyun finished his artwork, of the girl in the doll costume and he smiled to himself. 

He went to the place where the sitting stones were to see the other artworks... 


He walked there, then looked at the artworks carefully. 

While he was walking up slowly he noticed a really good artwork, he turned his whole body around, then all of the sudden a girl in a doll costume stood up quickly but the head of it was the other way around.... he turned to the girl,

The girl ran, she almost tripped over and was about to knock down a artwork 

"caref---" Kyuhyun said looking worried but the girl was gone.... 

"she's cute" he told himself smiling I would like to see her without the doll face thought he thought to himself 




Seohyun took off, wow..... he's so handsome she thought to herself sighing 

when Kyuhyun was out of sight, she took off the doll head again, holding onto them with both her hands while walking down the street.... she looked to her surrounding and everything while letting the wind pass through her freely. 


She walked near the fountain, where people put there artworks there for people to see, she walked looking at the artworks smiling. 


Then she noticed one that captured her eyes .... 


"Is that ...... me?" She asked pointing to herself 

but she smiled to herself.... "it's so cute" she smiled shyly blushing a little.... 

I wonder when I will see him again she thought 




Kyuhyun was pretty disappointed he lost his chance to get to talk to her.... 

he wondered why she just rushed off all fo the sudden :/ 







Thanks for reading ! 

sorry for the short and really late update! 

Next update will be Taeyeon, Leeteuk, Siwon and Sooyoung ^^ 

Thanks for comments and subscrbers ! 

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ashley-snsd #1
so cute! my cousin loves this song
great story!
Mariaaa #3
so sweet :) I love the ending :) lol it was so awsome and I wish I had found it earlier instead I foud it when I searched sunsun pictures on google!!! :D great job:)
>soshicharm - yes it's a good poster, but i didn't make it! Thank you so much! :D
wow the poster is probably one of the best i have ever seen!! keke ^-^<br />
lindalor - thanks :)
it so cute:) i love it!
SuperGeneration100 - OMO ~ you scared me for a second XD REally?! My fanfic was the first?! thats an honour ^^ <br />
HaeSica4ever - thank you !
HaeSica4ever #9
i lov it! It's so cute~~~!!!!!!!! ^.^
I didn't really like it....sorry..i have to say it wasnt even that good....<br />
IT WAS GREAT!!!! I didnt like it, I LOVED IT!!!! OMG THIS WAS THE BEST!!! :D GOOD JOB! <br />
btw can you pretty pretty pretty plzzzz finish love is pain I JUST LOVED IT!! That was my first fanfic that i read o here and i really really like it! :D