▌Hi, I'm Ljoe, and I'm here to make you suffer!

365 days with L.Joe

chapter one. 
[ hi, im ljoe, and im here to make you suffer! ]
a/n: italic is your thoughts. italic in bold is ljoe's thoughts.

❀ aug. 1, wednesday : 7:30 | location: school
[ listen to some music while your reading :D]


║▌Your Point of View

I inhaled the oxygen around me deeply as I entered the school. I hoped to have atleast a few
of my friends in my class. I turned towards the classboard, and saw my name under a guy
named "Lee Byunghun" I desperately looked to see if my friends were on there, but they weren't.

Great, spending my last year of living without anyone I know. I searched around to find my friends, 
but I couldn't find them. Did they head to class already? Guess I won't see them for awhile, except for
in lunch. Nervously, I slowly walked to the door of the classroom, and held the doorknob. 

Here goes, Hana, you can do this. Just..turn the nob.. and walk calmly into the room and sit down. That's it.
I gulped as I turned the doorknob. Everyone stared at me and smiled, then returned back to what they were 
currently doing, except for one guy. His hair was blonde, and he was quite hot to be honest. I just waved, but
he just gave me a cold stare. Tch, so much for being friends. 

"Annyeong, what is your name?" The teacher asked, holding out her hand to shake. I shooked her hand and bowed,
"Hana."  She examined her clipboard, and pointed at the desk over by the window. "You sit there."  I nodded, and
sat down in my chair. I simply sighed, while looking outside. I was going to daydream until someone slammed their
hands on my desk. "Uh..?" I mumbled. Hmm. What should I say to her? Tell her that Im here to suffer her? Nah. Not yet

"AYO WHADDUP THE NAMES LEE BYUNGHUN JUST CALL ME LJOE AITE."   I bursted out laughing and he gave me that
cold stare, telling me to shut up. "Sorry, I thought that was pretty funny, I hope we can be great frie-"  He pressed his hands
over my mouth and whispered. "We're not going to be friends. Don't want to be, and never will be."

"Then what do you want to be? Lovers?" I scoffed. "Watch what you're saying, I'll cut that tongue of yours."  I shrugged, "Why so
cold? Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?"  He grabbed my collar and pulled me up. "Let me get straight to the point. I'm here to
make you suffer. I know you're going to die in 365 days, so in the meantime, I'm going to make you suffer before you die."

My eyes widened. "W-what? How'd you know that?! I never told anyone that! And what did I do to you?!"  He smirked. "You did nothing.
But.. nah. I'm not going to tell you."  He harshly pushed me down and went back to his seat. What the.. what did I do to deserve this



It was finally lunchtime, I was starving since I didn't eat breakfast. I grabbed my food and looked for a table to sit, but then
suddenly I saw Woohyun, one of my friends. "Woohyun!" I called out. He waved and signaled me to sit next to him. "Hana! Long time no see.
It's quite disappointing that we don't have class together." He frowned. I sighed, "Yeah, I have no one I know in my class. Except this one guy,
but he's a bit harsh.."

Woohyun cracked his knuckles, "Who is he?"  I chuckled. "It's fine. I'll deal with him myself."  Woohyun ruffled my hair and grinned.
"If things get too serious, you could always call me." I nodded and then it was pretty awkward. "Ah.. can't wait for 2 more years, then we'll be out of school! We could hang out, right?"  I choked on my water and stuttered. "Y-Yeah..if I'll still be here." I mumbled the last part.

He looked puzzled at what I mumbled. I awkwardly laughed and saw Ljoe sitting alone, and staring at me with daggers. "Hey, I'm gonna talk to my buddy." I said. He nodded and waved. I ran over and sat across from Ljoe. "You hungry? You didn't get any food.. so maybe I could-"

"Your an idiot. I told you I'm going to make you suffer, but yet you still try to be in contact with me? Who knows, you might die earlier cause of what I'll do." Fear was engulfing my whole body. There was something about this guy that was different from other people. As if.. he was.. a devil.

I stood up and walked away, afraid of what he was going to do to me. I know I'm going to die in a year, but atleast I'll die peacefully.. I can't imagine what he'd do to me. 

After lunch was over, I headed back to class, and tried to avoid contact with Ljoe.
He was staring at me intensely. I shook in fear. I never been this scared
before. I then builded up the courage to talk to him. "Look, quit playing around me. You're just trying to make me scared! Huh, like that's gonna work!"

"You can say that now. Want to know what I am? A devil. Plead all you want for me to leave you alone but it won't work. I'm a devil, and I ruin everybody's life. I will do whatever I please to do, and you will not stop me."  I trembled even in more fear. "Y-You got to be kidding me.. there's no way your a devil.. You would have horns! And wings! And and.."  He rolled his eyes. "Ever heard of hiding them, Einstein?" 

"No.. your just playing around with me. I refuse to believe your a devil!" I yelled. He covered my mouth.
"You can't spill out that I'm a devil. And you don't have to believe that I'm a devil. Just keep a look-out on what's going to happen soon." 

What? What is he going to do? No.. this must be all a dream


School was finally over, and I yawned loudly. Time to walk home all by myself. What a terrible day this is.. some guy is trying to tell me he's a devil and
that he going to make me suffer! Whatta' hunk of baloney! Nothing to worry about Hana, he's just playing with you.

I whistled on my way home and my legs wobbled as I saw my house on fire. I ran to the fireman and asked, "What happened?! M-My parents.. they're 
in there! P-Please! Don't let them die. I'm begging you!"  He frowned. "I'm sorry. We did the best we could.."

A sudden flashback came in my mind


"You can't spill out that I'm a devil. And you don't have to believe that I'm a devil. Just keep a look-out on what's going to happen soon."


End of chapter one.
Yay! I'm done with the first chapter.
Please feel free to comment, I love all kinds of comments ccc:

So, Ljoe's a devil. And look what he did to your house & your parents. :c
Don't worry there will be romance in this story of course, this is just the beginning!

*Sorry for the mistakes. I didn't look through to correct any mistakes ;x

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Fanficsftw21 #2
Chapter 2: O>O WOAH HANA AND L.JOE KNEW EACH OTHER?!?! :OOOOOOOOOO i hope u update soon! :D
Crap, I don't know how to reply to your comment. Is there even a button for thaat? And your such a troll. I find that awesome.(´∀`)OH YEAH. BRO FIST. WE SHOULD LIKE, CHEST BUMP. HEHE. ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
Chapter 2: Haha. I just found this story, and love it already. :O Update authornim. Pleeeease?
crazykpoper #5
Chapter 2: Update soon >< I'm so damn curious what's gonna happen next ><
please update soon :D
Nessie2012 #7
Sounds intersting, Update soon please!!