It's A Beastly Generation

-Beast's pov-

"Yoseob, stop moving around!" Taeko, their designer, smacked him in the head.

"I'm sorry! I'm just thinking...." He stared off into a random corner of the room.

"Yoseob, pay attention! What's the problem?" She put her things down and sat in a chair across from him.

"Jag-eun mulgogi.... It's about this girl...." Taeko looked at Yoseob, then burst out in laughter. "You haven't called me Little Fish ever since I started working. Hahah~ So what's her name? Do I know her? I do work for other idols, too, ya'know? JYP? SM? YG? Cube?"

"She's from SM entertainment...." Doojoon and Dongwoon barged right in. "Yah! Yoseob, if you're telling Taeko about your problems, we want to also!"

"Do I look like a psychiatrist to you 3?" Taeko rolled her eyes at them.

"Taekooooo~ This is serious, man! What do I do?! I like her soooo freakin' much!" Yoseob whined.

"Well, I DAAAAA NAAAA!" Taeko imitated Yoseob's part in Soom.

"You were always meant to be a performer, Taeko. Why the clothes designing?" Doojoon asked.

"I get to touch idols and measure them.... kekeke~" She giggled and blushed red at the dirty thoughts. "Anyways, who're the girls, you guys? I might as well help you out."

"We all like someone from the same group...." Dongwoon added.

"Pssh, is that so? Makes it easier then. Who is it? 2ne1? Kara? F(x)? MissA? Wondergirls?" Taeko listed off many possibilities.

Yoseob looked from Dongwoon and Doojoon, then whispered, "SNSD...."

"Or maybe it-what did you say," She had a blank expression on her face then it turned into a glare.

"Umm.... SNSD." Dongwoon whistled.

"WHICH. ONE. IN. SNSD." She paused after every word, giving it a scary feel.

"Sunny...." "Seohyun...." "Hyoyeon..." The 3 said in unison. Her expression changed 160 degrees around.

"Oooooh~ Well in that case, I'd be glad to help. I love those unnies. What's the problem again?" Taeko teased.

"Sunny is so cute and pretty and I want her to be mine....." Yoseob whined.

"Seohyun is so intellectual and sweet. I'm too shy...." Dongwoon added.

"Hyoyeon is beautiful and her dancing makes me flustered." Doojoon complimented.

"OH! Well.... be yourself. I guess." Taeko said. They just face-palmed at her.

"That's horrible advice. What kind of girl are you!?" Yoseob complained at her.

"I'm actually a man. GAWD! What do you expect, just flirt with them. I don't know!" She left the room in a huff. The rest of Beast came walking in, just as she was leaving.

"Hey, Taeko!" Kikwang said. "I'm sorry I'm not girly enough for you!" She stomped out the room.

"What did you guys do to Taeko? She seemed pissed." Junhyung nagged.

"Yoseob yelled at her.... said she gave horrible advice on girls." Dongwoon told.

"What!? She did! Sheesh. What kind of advice is 'be yourself' or 'flirt'." Yoseob folded his arms.

"Sorry, Seobie, I gotta agree with her." Hyunseung nodded his head. "Yup, me too, You're so stupid, Seobie. Apologize to her." Junhyung nagged again.

"I will....." Taeko came running in and tackled Yoseob. "I accept your apology, Yangyo! But seriously, flirt with Sunny. Same goes for you, Dongwoon&Doojoon. Well, I gotta go. I have to fix outfits for Super Junior, yaaaay!"

"She's kind of random.... I like that." Kikwang started checking Taeko out as she left the room.

"Don't bother, she has a boyfriend." Junhyung added, all knowing.

"What? Who..... it's not fair." Kikwang sighed.

"It's Henry Lau from Super Junior M." Junhyung patted Kikwang on the back.

"What does he have that I don't got?" Kikwang pouted.

"Well for one, he has Taeko. Ahaha~" Dongwoon laughed at his hyung.

"Okay, you guys. We have to go to Music Bank now. Go go go!" Doojoon ordered.

-SNSD's pov-

"Seohyun, what do you think of Doojoon?" Hyoyeon asked their maknae.

"He's ummm, nice looking and funny, I guess. Why do you ask?" Hyoyeon accidentally bumped into Sunny.

"Hey, Hyoyeon, watch it.... what's up?" Sunny asked while Seohyun helped her up.

"Isn't Doojoon so hot? What would you think if I dated him?" Hyoyeon asked the two.

"That'd be fine with us and soooo cute! What about me and Yoseob or Seohyun and her Dongwoon?" Sunny did her ageyo, while asking.

"You guys like someone from Beast, too?" They nodded their heads.

"That's pretty.... weird." Seohyun added.

"Girls, time to go to Music Bank, c'mon! Into the van! Oh.... that sounded like I'm a e. Oops~" Their manager said.

"Oppa, that's so erted sounding....." Sunny hid her face between her hands.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Just hurry up!" Their manager pushed them out the door.

-At Music Bank, Yoseob's Pov-

We all arrived at Music Bank for our duet performances. They quickly got us ready for the stage. I got bored, so I walked around a little bit. Then I accidentally bumped into someone, causing us to fall down. I saw that it was Sunny and our lips were touching! OMG....

"O-oh, Yoseob-sshi! I-I'm so sorry!" She quickly got up and gave me a hand. "I-it's no big deal." Outside, I was blushing and inside, I was just a puddle of goo.

"Ahh... I have to go. It was nice seeing you, Yoseob-sshi." She walked away blushing, sooo cute.

-Sunny's Pov-

I can't believe we kissed! I mean like, I know it was by accident, but still. We kissed. And his lips felt so soft! And warm.... I want to kiss them again. What am I thinking, I have no time for dating.... Sigh.... Sorry Yoseob, please wait for me.

-Hyoyeon's Pov-

I came back from the bathroom and as I rounded the corner, I saw Sunny on top of Yoseob! OMG. I hope they're not doing it! Oh.... nevermind. Yoseob just bumped into her and their lips just touched. Their lips just touched... THEIR LIPS TOUCHED!!! OMG. This is BIIIIIIIG news!

"Whose lips touched?" I jumped and screamed.

"Hyoyeon, I'm so sorry! Didn't mean to scare you like that. It's me, Doojoon." My handsome man standing next to me.... yaaay.

"Oh, Doojoon. You gave me a heartattack." I held my self up using the wall and breathed in and breathed out. AHHH, Soom.... by Beast.

"Sorry. So whose lips touched whose?" He asked again, wetting his lips with his tongue.

"Oh. Uhhh, Yoseob crashed into Sunny and she landed on top of him, with their lips touching." I said almost nonchalantly.

"That's pretty funny. Hahaha!" Oh. My. Doojoon. Even his laugh is y.

"Your laugh is y." I laughed nervously. "Ahh, anyways, I should get back to my waiting room. See you later, Doojoon.

-Doojoon's Pov-

Did I just hear right? 'Your laugh is y.' Does this mean she finds me attractive? Ohh, I don't know anymore.

-Sunny's Pov-

I walked back to my waiting room, that is, until I bumped into someone. I saw black hair and chubby cheeks. He backed into the wall. "O-oh no! Yoseob-sshi, are you okay?" I grabbed his hands, then checked his head for any blood.

"Sunny, I'm fine, I'm fine." He grabbed my hands and we just stared into each other's eyes. I felt ourselves getting closer because I could feel the warmth from him.

How was that for a first chapter? AHHH, I am sooo loving the SunSeob couple. xD xD

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Nomnommonster #1
Chapter 3: Please update
So nice! Good job!
omo, beast and snsd. this is too good~!^^
B2utySones #4
We Got Married:B2ST and SNSD Version.... and make it Sunseob~ :)
B2utySones #5
Sunseob! :)
hello im new reader.. *waves
love doohyo couple :)
anything is good cant wait for more.
I love this story so much.Update soon.I think you should do the We Got Married idea and Dongwoon apologizing to Seohyun.:)
Eycha_sk11 #9
waa really like thisss !<br />
especially DONGWOON+SEOHYUN <3 pls update new reader here !! ^^<br />
emm , i want u make dongwoon seohyun WGM !!dongwoon should apologize to seohyun and the last force them to tell on live tv their crushes<br />
*sorry coz i req so muchh :D
please update soon.<br />
i want to see more of doohyo or sunseob<br />
thank you<br />
update soon please!!! :D