Last Time

Just Listen

---Yin's POV---


His words kept echoing in my head. 'So baby don't cry, cry. My love will protect you and never let go'. I kept telling myself not to overthink the meaning behind his words, but it was too late.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like him. Even the slightest. But after I thought about it, the feeling was like those in books. Whenever he was around, I had butterflies in my stomach, I couldn't help but smile with him. His smile made my world brighter, and his voice. That was one of my favorite things about Luhan. His voice was so angelic and calming, it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

But after Luhan sang me the song, he left. He went with his friends, and he never came back. It has been nine days, and he still hasn't come back. His friends weren't here either. I didn't see them out at the playground. Ever since he left, this big hole grew in my heart. Everyday, it grows bigger and bigger and my hopes of him coming back is slowly disapearing.

It made me think that all Luhan really wanted was for me to open up, and I did, so he left. But Luhan's better than that, right? He's the kindest person in the world, why am I even having these thoughts?! Luhan will be back, he has to. Even so, there's this gnawing feeling in the back of my mind telling me otherwise.

Could this really be the end? But it hardly began. I hardly knew a lot about him. I don't even know exactly who he is. He could be a gang member, a homeless beggar, the richest man's son, a famous person.... That made me realize, that although I trusted him, he may not have trusted me. He hardly knew me. I was just a sick person who burdened him. It was his fault for approaching me anyways. Was I just a project to make him feel better about himself?

All of this depression and pain I had slowly simmered into anger. The anger made me want to hate him.... but I couldn't. A bigger part of me liked him too much. Everything happened too quickly. Before I knew it, I had already fallen. And that was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made.


I found myself watching the kids play again. The tattered book laid on the table, forgotten. All the thoughts that flew in my mind were of him. Why couldn't he leave my head as easily as he left me.

The familiar feeling of loneliness was devouring me. That empty pit that I've always had seemed even bigger now that he was gone. No one to talk to, laugh with, smile at. It was as if my life was ripped away from me in a span of less than two weeks.

I'm a weak person. A guy can't even be my friend without me developing feelings for him. I'm pathetic. Even worse than a monster.

The silence was piercing. It amplified even louder than the usual noise that would anger me. I wanted to scream, do something to release this anger.

My eyes drifted back to the children outside. No, I wasn't going to hurt them, if that's what you're thinking. I just... want to go out there. Maybe I'll find refuge in something else. Something better than Luhan.

I opened my window. As it creaked open, all, and I mean all, of the children stopped to see the crazy woman come out of her room. They slowly shifted to their own groups, not daring to make a sound that would set me off. They shot looks at me, but I didn't care.

I brought one leg out the window, then the other, and hopped down to the ground. The grass met my toes once again and I wiggled my toes, like all those nights ago. I took one step forward, then another, and another. The kids were staring at me in horror, wondering what the crazy woman would do.

I smiled at a little girl who I didn't recognize, and she returned the favor. A girl next to her elbowed her, shooting a glare at me. Little kids nowadays are such divas.

I walked to the gate that kept the children in, and raised up the bar locking it. I opened the gate and closed it, sticking my skinny hand through the crack to seal it close again.

The grassy ground disapeared below me, and was replaced with hard cement. Birds dotted the deep blue sky here and there, and an airplane was hidden from sight. The hospital faced a very busy road. All of the noise... It was more than enough to drive me crazy.

There people near me were busy talking on phones as they tried to get to their destination. A bus just stopped a couple feet to my left and a loud creak sounded as it did. A bicyclist road past me, ringing it's bell over and over again. Cars beeped and whizzed past me. All of it was too overwhelming, but I kept going.

I past by many shops, cafes, and people who give me the dirty eye. They must be wondering why a sick looking girl wearing a hospital gown is walking around. I didn't care, I was too busy trying to block out the noises around me.

I was doing better than usual. It's been a couple of minutes now, and I'm still okay. My body is trembling though, nothing too big. But, what I had saw next made me freeze.

It was a picture of Luhan. I swear on my life, Lay and the other guys were even on the picture! The picture was stuck to a window of a music store. Luhan was in the middle, two guys on his right, and three on his left... and they seemed to be modeling for something. In the upper left corner, it said 'Mama' in weird lettering, and 'EXO M' under it. To the right of the 'EXO M', it said stuff about S.M. Entertainment, and under all that, was the name of each of them. And no doubt, I found Luhan and Lay.

Who exactly is Luhan?

A girl about my age, maybe younger walked up to the poster and stopped next to me.

"Aren't they handsome? Wahhhhh!! I wish I could marry all of them," she said. Her excited chirp made me flinch. Marry? She doesn't know them, does she? She turned to me and asked, "Who's your favorite?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who are they?" I asked. Her eyes widened. "WHAT?! You don't know EXO M?!" she exclaimed, causing people to look at us. I shook my head. I think she's starting to get on my nerves.

She droned on and on about 'their 23 teasers' and 'April 8' and 'EXO K and EXO M'. Through her chattering, I managed to catch that they were an idol group from a company in South Korea. Their other half, EXO K, promoted in South Korea, whereas they, EXO M, promoted here in China. Right now, they were on tour with some other South Korean group 'Super Junior' for the 'Super Show 4'.

She told me about each of the members. "Tao's the maknae, also known as Huang Zitao, he knows how to do martial arts, his power is time control" she pointed to the guy I snapped at all those days ago. "And that's Zhang Yixing, or Lay," she pointed, "He's the main dancer and a vocalist. He's also the unicorn, cause his power is healing. He can play the guitar, and write lyrics." Then she pointed the guy all the way in the back, the guy that made me cry, "He'a Xiu Min, also known as Kim Minseok. He's Korean and is the lead vocalist and dancer. His power is frost and he'd the oldest. He's cute like a little bun, isn't he?" she asked. I only nodded.

Then, she pointed to Luhan. "Him... Oh my gosh! He's the prettiest thing ever! And he's the second oldest! He's the lead vocalist, dancer and the visual. His other half, Sehun, is stuck in South Korea sadly," she wiped her fake tears. Idiot. But other half...? Sehun? I'm not familiar with Korean names, so is that a guy or girl? If it's a guy, would he be gay?! The crazy girl pointed to the really tall guy from before.

"This is Kris, the duizhang. Damn, that's a y dragon," she muttered the last part. Dragon...? "He's the main rapper and sub-vocalist. He's from Canada and is fluent in Canto, Mando, English AND Korean! His power is flight!" What's up with 'powers' are they some sort of super hero or robot?

She pointed to the last guy, the one who sang with Lay. "This, my friend, is Chen. My bias. He is Korean, and his original name is Kim Jongdae. He is the main vocalist, and DAMN! he can definitely sing! His power is lightening, such a y power," she finished with a contented sigh. Girls could talk so much, she makes me want to cry now.

"Soo... Do you have a bias yet?" she asked. Bias...? My eyes drifted to Luhan's face, and she smiled. "I knew it! That boy is EVERYBODY'S bias, but I don't blame them. He was my bias from teaser 2, up until 'What is Love' then I fell in love with Kim Jongdae," she said. God, she is so weird.

"WAAAAH! Since you're a new EXOTIC, wait here!" she said. I tilted my head as she ran into the store, so I shifted my attention to the poster.

So Luhan... When were you going to tell me you were a singer from an idol group? Within seconds, she was out again with a bag in her hand.

"HERE!" she exclaimed, shoving the bag into my arm. Blinking, I opened it, to see a square box thingy with 'EXO M's' picture on it. Cautiously, I picked it up. Was it.. a CD? The crazy girl squealed again.

"WAAAH! So now, you're officially an EXOTIC! Have fun with your new album! Too bad their other songs weren't on it. I really liked 'My Lady', 'Beautiful', and 'Baby Don't Cry'. That made my head shoot up.

"Baby Don't Cry?" I asked. I realized soon that it was a mistake, because she took that as the queue to start talking again. She nodded. "It was featured in teaser 21 with Kai. The first part was the Korean version by Baekhyun and D.O., then the second part was the the Mandarin version with Luhan and Chen," she explained. She acts as though I know what 'teaser 21' and 'Baekhyun and D.O.' are...=__=

"Well, I've got to go! Nice meeting you, fellow EXOTIC!" she said cheerfully, and waved. I waved and muttered a word of thanks. People are getting so weird nowadays.

With a new part of Luhan in my hands, I decided to go back to the hospital. This time, I was able to ignore everything, my excitement eating me up. I walked through the gates, past the staring children, and into my room.

I don't think the nurses noticed. Until...

BAM!!! My door swung open and a worried, frantic nurse stood at my door. "Where were you?" she said as calmly as she could, but she failed. "Out," I answered. "Why?!" she asked. "Needed fresh air," I answered. She looked flustered, not getting the answers she wanted. "Don't worry I didn't do anything bad," I assured. She glared at me, but I didn't say anything else.

She was about to leave when I stopped her. "Wait!" I said, and she stopped, looking at me in surprise. This has been the longest conversation we held without anything happening. "Yeah?" she asked in a softer tone.

"C-Can I have a.. CD player?" I asked. Her eyebrow rose. "Why?" she asked. I hid the bag behind my back, and she didn't seem to notice. "J-Just because," I said.

"You can't even listen," she said. "Please?" I asked again, ignoring her comment. She sighed. "Let me see what I can find," she said. I smiled and slipped the bag underneath my pillow. I was excited. Life just seemed to get brighter.

There was something new for me to discover(the album), and I didn't get angry despite all of the noise I went through. Everything seemed to put itself on mute, until the nurse came back in with a little CD player. She set it on the table and plugged it in. "Uh, have fun," she said awkwardly, and left. When I heard the door click close, I pulled album out and sat in front of the CD player.

I took the album out of the bag and carefully ripped the plastic covering off.(A/N: Okay guys, idk what's in the album, I've only seen pictures and I'm basing it kind of on U-KISS's Neverland album, cause that's the only kpop merch I have... So yeah...) When I opened it, there was the pages of lyrics one side, and on the other, was a little photobook.

I flipped through it and a smile grew on my face. Group shots, solo shots, they were all here. I saw Luhan in some of them, and the other guys. In one picture, Luhan wore a jacket that only buttoned the bottom one's, revealing his pale chest. I blushed and closed the book.

Where was the CD? I looked through the pages, and found the CD in the very back. The CD itself had a weird design on it and looked shiny and new.

Smiling, I popped the CD out of it's place and slipped it into the CD player. After turning it on, the disc started to spin, then it stopped. I clicked the play button, then it resumed spinning.

"CARELESS, CARELESS. SHOOT ANONYMOUS, ANONYMO-" I pulled the plug to the CD player. HOLY CRAP! That scared me. It was so loud! I made sure that the nurses didn't come in before resuming. I plugged it back in, making the volume was on low before clicking the play.

The song... It was weird... Not exactly horrible, I liked it, but I like slower things._. I clicked the next button, and it went to this slower song, that sounded weird. "Girl, I can't explain what I feel." although it sounded more like "Gull, I can't essprain whut I feel." I smiled at the engrish and listened on.

The voice that sang after 'Ooooh, my baby baby baby baby, yeah~' surprised me. It was Luhan's. I'd know it anywhere. I kept listening to it and fell in love with the song immediately. By the second chorus, I was already humming along.

The song ended, and switched to the next one. It was another fast one, so I went to the next one. It was slow, much much slower, and beautiful. Luhan's voice was the first thing I heard, and a big smile grew on my face. I deciphered the second voice as Lay's. No way could I forget his voice.

The song... It was just beautiful. It made me want to cry and smile. That has to be my favorite song, besides the one Luhan sang to me. "Anytime you are hurt or sad, I will wipe away those tears." I wanted those words to be true. I laughed at the part where they sang "You ask me where I come from, I say it's it a secret with a smile" Luhan never told me who he really was.

I put the song on repeat and made the song a little lower before I laid on the bed. My eyelids felt heavy as the song replayed in my head.

"As long as you're with me, no matter where, heaven is anytime, anywhere."


---Luhan's POV---

It's been killing me, not seeing Yin these past few days. I wanted to go back so badly, but the manager was getting suspicious of me. And besides, we had to get ready for Super Junior's Super Show 4, so I had no time to go back to see her.

But, when we came back, the managers gave us the day off, so of course, I went back to the hospital. Without any of my members knowing... I put on a beanie, sunglasses and oversized sweatshirt and left. When I was going there, I saw her... She was walking outside of the hospital, looking as lost and agitated as ever. I knew all of this noise was getting to her, but to my surprise, she stayed strong. I noticed her clenched fist though, so her disorder hadn't gone away.

I followed her, making sure no one would hurt her. Why would she come out into the real world, wearing a thin, flimsy hospital gown? I saw older men staring at her long, flawless legs. Not that I was staring...

She stopped in front of a music store, and walked closer to it. When I saw what she was looking at, I felt something punch me. Not literally, but then what she was looking at was EXO M's MAMA album poster. She didn't know who I was... I was suddenly afraid. Was she going to hate me? For not telling her the whole truth. I didn't exactly lie...

I was too scared to approach her. What if she really did hate me? I hadn't visited for a while anyways... Would she be mad at me for disappearing? Do I even matter to her as much as she matters to me?

Lately, all that's occupied my mind was Yin. How she was doing, what she was doing. What book she was reading, if she still had the blade. All these questions and more has occupied my brain. I was so zoned out, that when I was at the airport, I accidentally got into a fan's car! Who knows what could've happened...

Suddenly, a girl walked past me. She looked younger than me, and she had her earbuds in. I heard her mutter something along the lines of "She's a ma-ma-ma-ma-machine" so I stopped her.

"Excuse me," I said quietly, holding her arm. She looked at me, surprised and took out her earbuds. "Yeah?" she asked, oblivious to who I was.Good, she doesn't recognize me.

"Um, can you do me a favor?" I asked. She rose an eyebrow. "Depends. Do you want me to kill someone for you?" she asked. "What?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Never mind," she said quickly. These were the kinds of fans we got?

"Um, okay.. But do you see that girl over there?" I asked, pointing to Yin. The girl nodded. "Go talk to her about EXO M, she doesn't know them, then buy her an album," I said, slipping money into her hand. Her eyes widened at the amount I gave her.

"W-Wait, this is more than enough for an album," she said. "I know, it's a thanks for doing this," I said. "You don't have to give me money," she protested, handing the money back. "No," I said sternly, "Now go before she leaves." I pushed her towards Yin. The girl shot me a look and then went to go talk to her.

I couldn't help but smile at Yin's reaction to what the girl was saying. It seemed like forever until she stopped. She told Yin to wait and went inside the store. Yin turned back to the poster, and just... stared at it. I wish I knew who she was staring at.

Minutes later, the girl came out, talking to Yin again, then handed her the bag. They talked some more, then the girl finally walked over to me.

"Mission accomplished! Bye Luhan!" she said, and walked away. Wait... What? She knew who I was...? And she didn't do anything about it? She kind of seems like a sasaeng fan... My thoughts were interrupted when Yin started walking back to the hospital. I followed her, and as she went back to her room, I went to talk to the nurses.

They didn't seem surprised to see me. "Hello Luhan," the one who took care of Yin greeted me. I nodded, "Hi, um.. Does Yin have a CD player?" They gave me a weird look. "Why would she need one? She doesn't like sound," she said. "I know. But if she asks for one, just give her one, okay?" I said. "No, we can't. You've seen how she is with sound, why would we give her a machine that makes sound?" she asked.

"Because, just because. You'll see after a while, just... Please?" I asked. The nurse gave me a long look. "Okay, but if she throws the CD player, you better make sure you're there for her to throw it at," the nurse said, heading off somewhere. I thanked her, then thought of something else.

Yin really liked 'Baby Don't Cry' right? Well, I think she should be the first lucky fan to hear it.

I ran out of the hospital, and went to the nearest Apple store, which, lucky for me, was just down the street. I went to the helper person and he helped me pick out an iPod touch for her. SM may not pay us alot, but I came from a rich family.

The next thing I knew, I was holding a bag with a white iPod touch, case and a wall charger. I went back to the dorms and into my room. Lay was out visiting his family for the time being, so that gave me more than enough time to do what I wanted to do.

A while ago, before we debuted, we had already recorded all of our songs for the teasers, but SM had decided not to use the whole songs. So sitting in my iTunes account, are all of the songs for our future albums and mini-albums.

I bit my lip, hoping Yin wouldn't be mad if I opened the iPod, but I'm sure she won't mind. I connected the iPod to iTunes and started syncing the music. In a matter of minutes, all of our songs, EXO K and EXO M, were on her iPod in separate playlists, and more from other groups. I also put our music videos, so she knows more about EXO and downloaded a couple of my favorite games then synced it.

After all of that good stuff, I went onto Safari and searched a picture of me. No, I'm not being conceited. Just telling her who this present is from. After I found a decent picture, I saved it as her wallpaper. Then, I took the time to write a rather long note in the notes app. Proud of myself, I slipped the iPod into the pink iPod case I picked out, and back into the plastic container, then back into the bag.

I got up off my and set out for the hospital again. It was almost 3 o'clock, so I had plenty of time, maybe I can even see Yin one last time.

Yeah, after this, I'm not planning on coming back. EXO M is so busy now, now with the album coming up. Training will be hectic and we might be flying back and forth between China and South Korea. I just hope Yin won't forget me.

Doesn't that seem weird? How hard I had fallen for a girl I only knew for a couple of days? But then, Yin's different. She didn't know who I was, so she treated me as a normal person, not as an idol. She trusted me enough to open up to, and when I was singing to her, I felt like I was protecting her. The feeling of being needed by her was addicting. I wanted to be the one to protect her, the one she cries to and smiles at.

She's... everything I want.

But I'm an idol, stuck on the stage, while she's stuck in the hospital. But I'm going to change that. I'll be the one who makes Yin see the melody of life.


---Yin's POV---


Oh.. I fell asleep. The song wasn't playing anymore and my blanket was covering me. I sat up and blinked at the room around me. The clock on the wall read 6PM. Darn it, I won't be able to sleep tonight.

I reached over to the table to turn on the CD player again, when something caught my eye. There was a bag behind it, hidden from sight. *I don't remember that being there before.*

I reached over and opened it. Inside, was a plastic container and a small white box. I took the two items out and opened the small box first. There was a... What is that? It looks like it plugs into the wall... And there was another small opening on the other side.

Confused, I set the item back into the box an opened the plastic container. The tape seemed to have already been taken off, so it only made me more curious. I opened it... and again, I didn't know what it was. Was it a phone? It was covered with a pink gel case, so I took the case off.

iPod. It says on the mirror-like back with a little bitten apple above it. There was a camera in the top left corner, a button on the top, and two others on the side. I turned it over again to the screen and clicked the button on the bottom with the square.

I flinched when the screen came to life and I saw... Luhan.

What is this? The screen suddenly turned black again and I hit the button once more. 'Slide to unlock' it says with an arrow pointing right, so I did. The screen still showed Luhan, but some squares now covered his face. I slid the screen, and to my surprise, they moved to another screen, showing more squares. I slid it over once more, and there was only one square, giving me a better view of his face.

He was staring at the camera with wide eyes, his blondish hair and on his shirt were some weird studs. I smiled at the picture and swiped the screen back.

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door, making the iPod drop to my lap. I cleared my throat before the person could knock again. "Come in," I said. A different nurse than the usual came in.

"H-Hello," she said in a soft tone. I nodded as she started to take my tray of untouched food. Before she left, I stopped her.

"Can you teach me how to work this?" I asked. She blinked at me, then saw the iPod and nodded. Setting the tray down, she sat in the chair next to my bed.

After telling me how to use it, and what each 'apps' were for, she left. This was cool, but why do I have this? Is it mine now? Who gave this to me?


When she was gone, I clicked the orange music app. To my surprise, there were already almost 300 songs on there.

I scanned through it all, and I didn't recognize any of them. My finger accidentally hit the playlist button, and I saw EXO K and EXO M. The crazy girl from today said EXO K was Korean and EXO M was Mandarin. I clicked on EXO K, and they had the same 6 songs... But there were more, maybe 10 more?

I went back and clicked on EXO M, and the same amount of songs were on there. I saw 'Baby Don't Cry', 'My Lady' and 'Beautiful', the songs that the crazy girl said they didn't have. Now, I was confused.

I exited out of the music app and started to explore some of the other ones. I clicked on the 'utilities' app, to see more apps pop up in a group. I clicked on the weather, calendar, calculator, clock, and lastly, the notes app.

To my surprise, there was already a note. And it was added three hours ago... Around 3 o'clock. It was titled 'Dear Yin'.

With a beating heart, I clicked on the note.

'Dear Yin,', it said.

'This is Luhan. The one and only. How have you been doing the past few days? I hope you've been doing good. So... Now you know who I am, right? I truly hope you're not mad at me. I was just afraid you wouldn't treat me the same, but I was stupid. Because you're better than that. You're probably wondering why I'm giving this to you. The iPod is yours to keep. I bought it for you. But the reason why, is because I believe you can conquer your disorder. I understand that it won't ever go away completely, but I'm hoping this will make it go away temporarily. I put in all of EXO M and K's songs, and I also put in 'Baby Don't Cry'. If the girl earlier told you that 'Baby Don't Cry' wasn't released yet, it hasn't been. But I want you to be the first EXOTIC to be able to listen to it. You are an EXOTIC right? And EXO fan. I hope you are, and it's fine if you're not. You're probably wondering how I know the girl talked to you earlier, well I was there. I wanted to talk to you, but I also wanted to see how you handle yourself alone in the outside world.

'Yin, I know you'll do fine. You're strong, that's one if my favorite traits of you. I hope that maybe one day we can meet again. No, I know we will meet again. Whether you like it or not Yin Zhang, I will find you. This won't be the last time, but I'm going to be busy, with everything coming up, I won't be able to visit you. I'm sad to leave, but then I'm also happy that I've been able to meet an amazing person like you. I hope you will remember me, because I sure won't be able to forget you. Thank you for opening up. You've given me a different perspective of life. Thank you again.'


I'm sad that I won't see him again, but I have to be happy I was able to meet him. I was also disapointed. Was I the only who had feelings? Of course I was, Luhan can't like me anyways.

Sulking, I exited out of the notes and went to the music app again. I searched through the EXO M playlist and found my favorite song: Baby Don't Cry. I clicked on it, and it started blaring through the speakers. Startled, I found the ear buds and plugged in the jack. Sticking each ear bud in my ear, I laid back down, surprising tired.

This definitely won't be the last time we meet again.



Not over(: Meh, I think the note was a little cheesy... O.o But oh wells:3 I'm too lazy to proofread this... It's too long for me.. I'm lazy>< I hoped you liked this... It was kind of ish... But long! The next chapter WILL be the last. Promise! I said this was only going to be two or three chapters... ;~; I lied! Lol! Comment and subscribe!!

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Snandunggina #1
Chapter 7: Woww. Its short yet sweet. I wish there will be a sequel for jongdae and bao though. Anyways, ill vote. Ahahhahaha
Runningman_4eva_16 #2
Chapter 7: Gahhh Chen and Bao is like the cutest side couple everrrr and its kinda unbelievable for someone to fall in love that quick kinda like love at first sight but oh well....its a fanfic wat else am I supposed to expect :P
31baby #3
Chapter 8: I love thiiiiis! Omg. At first i pitied yin for her sickness. But now i love yin! I ship HanYin(?) // LuhanYin. I just knew that there's a mental disorder like this too. Whoa. Anyway, great ending you have! ♥♥ for me, it's a beautiful goodbye. Not a bittersweet goodbye. :)
p3bbles #4
I've read this fic some time ago but just got the time now to comment. XD
This story is real sweet, I've never read one with such theme. Finished it in one-seating. ^^
Kinda wished it would be longer. Great job writing it.
Kudos for the one of a kind theme, Author-nim. This really suited my strange for stories with a weird plot lines. I don't normally comment on stories but yours... they're really one of a kind. Like really AWESOME to another level. :)
Chapter 7: Your story is so amazing and unique! I love it! I read all of the chapters without stopping and damn, it was so good! You're such a good writer! I hope this story would be featured because I think it's really awesome! d(^_^)b
Chapter 7: I love the ending! :)