Meet Yin

Just Listen

---Luhan's POV---


EXO M and I were going to this children's hospital to go visit the little kids. It was a little charity thing, but I wanted to go, it seemed like a lot of fun. The ride to the hospital was long though due to traffic. We left the dorms at 3PM and got there at 5PM, so I hope we'll come again tomorrow.

There weren't anyone our age there. The oldest was 12 years old, but all of the kids were fun to play with. EXO M and I played outside with the kids in the little playground and did little activities. Tao and Xiu Min even showed some of the kids some of their kung-fu fighting skills. Lay also brought his guitar and played and sang with Chen, winning the hearts of the little 8-year-old girls. Kris was being the cool duizhang he was and kept to himself, but from the look of his face, you could tell he was really enjoying himself. The cold exterior didn't stop the little girls from giggling and whispering about the tall giant. But it's nice to get away from all the fangirl craziness and spend time with people who treat you for you, and not for the fame you have.

I didn't know what to do, but this little boy brought me to play with his friends. They played in the dirt like how every little kid did when they were young. They were so clueless and oblivious to everything around them, their imagination soared, and I wish I was still like that. Everything was an adventure to them. When the nurses told the kids it was time to go in to wash up and eat dinner, I noticed something in the window.

It was a girl.

She was distracted by something, but the thing that stood out to me was how beautiful she was. She was simple looking, but that was more than enough. She was awfully skinny too. Her black bangs covered her face, contrasting from her pale skin. Her thin, pale-pink lips pouted a little and her cute little nose wrinkled a little as she was doing whatever she was doing. She looked around my age, maybe younger.

"Who's that?" I asked the little boy. The little boy looked up at me and then to the girl that I was referring to. "Oh... that's Yin jie jie," he said quietly. She's chinese, but why did he sound.... scared? "Is there something wrong with her?" I asked, glancing at her once again. The boy hesitated before shaking his head slowly. "W-Well. She has this weird sickness. This one time, a nurse sneezed, and Yin jie jie yelled at her," the little boy said innocently. I blinked at him and smiled softly before ruffling his hair.

Everyone went back inside, but I lingered a little, looking back at the girl, Yin. She blinked a little and sneezed cutely. I chuckled a little and went in before she saw me creeping up on her.

Her weird sickness. I never heard of it before. Yelling at someone because they sneezed. Is that even considered a sickness? My curiousity got the best of me so I asked one of the nurses that was around.

"Excuse me? Who's Yin?" I asked. The nurse's eyes widened and she opened her open to say something. She was a bit older, so I'm pretty sure she wasn't getting flustered over the fact that I'm famous, probably because of the girl.

"Th-That girl. Don't bother that girl. She has a strange disorder. Hatred of sound," she mumbled the last part and went to go tend the other kids. Hatred of sound? That is a strange disorder. I decided to push the thought out of my head and enjoy my time here. The rest of the day went by smoothly, and too quickly. EXO M was saying goodbye to the little kids and I went outside to the playground. The girl was lingering in my mind again.

How long has she been here? Is she always alone? How bad is her disorder? The nurse and kid seemed to pretty scared of her, so did she kill someone or something? My thoughts were interupted when I opened the door and saw someone in white sitting in the bench that Lay and Chen were sitting in earlier. That someone stayed still, not moving, making me freeze too.

I cautiously walked up to the figure, but before I could do anything, the figure got up and ran to the window where I saw the girl in earlier.

"Wait, come back," I called out. But she shut the window already. The girl disapeared and I stood there. Why'd she leave? I wanted to talk to her, maybe connect to a girl my age without having her spazz over me. I wanted to walk over to her window, but I didn't want to seem like a creep. She seemed lonely, coming out at night when everyone was gone.

I decided to go back before manager gege will come and kill me. As I came back in, Tao was there, about to open the door. "Luhan gege! There you are! Everyone's in the van already!" Tao said, pulling on my arm. I followed him and some nurses waved goodbye to us, and we nodded back at them.

Tao led me back to the waiting van and we settled in. "Luhan, don't run off again! And besides, we'll be back tomorrow. We don't have any schedules tomorrow, and the boys wanted to come back," manager gege scolded. I nodded and squeezed myself between Lay and Baozi. The ride home was quiet, so most of us fell asleep.

I couldn't wait to go back tomorrow.


---Yin's POV---

Oh, it's morning again.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I had a weird dream. In the dream, I was out on an adventure like in the book 'The Hunger Games'. And that voice I heard last night, it echoed throughout the whole dream, as if leading me. I shook the dream off of me and got out of bed to  find another hospital gown lying on the foot of it. I picked it up and went into the bathroom to change and wash up. When I got out, I set the hospital gown in the laundry basket. Yes, I had a laundry basket. Which was stupid, because it wasn't like I ran outside and rolled around in mud.

I sat at the window again, with nothing to do. I already finished the book, there was nothing in my room to do. The nurse could've at least dropped two or three books in here. She doesn't understand what it's like to be locked up in this hell hole for 12 years. I stared at the kids playing again. Today, it seemed like there were less kids. I don't know... maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Then, I saw six boys enter the playground outside through the door. There were very good looking, different from the boys I usually saw outside. There was this huge guy(Kris) who's head almost reached the top of the doorway. There was this cute boy who's cheeks were really chubby(Xiu Min), and this other guy who's face was really chiseled(Chen). The fourth boy was tall and looked scary(Tao), unlike the fifth boy(Lay) who looked really innocent and quiet. The fifth boy had a guitar strapped to his back and a smile on his face.

The sixth boy... he was very pretty. He almost didn't look chinese with his dirty blonde hair. He had this big smile on his face as little girls and boys surrounded him and his friends. His eyes widened and he nodded as the little kids talked to him. I couldn't turn away from him, he was beautiful.

He smiled at the little girl who gave him a dandelion and accepted it, making me giggle a little. His eyes looked up and caught my gaze. With a blush, I turned away and hid. When I felt that it was safe to look, I did, but then the boy was still looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows and just backed away from the window altogether. Was there something wrong with my face?

I laid in bed again, sighing frustratedly with nothing to do. It wasn't going to be until around noon until the nurse comes back to give me a new lunch and book. I stretched my pale arm to the table and lifted the book up again to my face. I flipped through the pages again, going back to read my favorite parts. And before I knew it, it was time for lunch.

The nurse came in and gave me a look before quietly stepping over to the table to set down the tray of lunch. She also set down a red book that was titled 'Catching Fire'. On the top right corner, it said 'the Second Book of the Hunger Games'. There's a second book?! Excitedly, I handed her the black book and took the red book from her. She looked surprised, but smiled; something that she never did around me. With that, she left.

I grabbed the waterbottle on the tray and the apple and went to sit at the window, not caring if the boy was there.

I was yet again, engulfed in the book. Everything around me dimmed, I forgot about everything. My sickness, the nurse, that boy...

I wasn't even a quarter of the way through it when the door to my room swung open. I jumped up in my seat and used the tiny book to shield me. All I heard was a voice yelling at the intruder.

"Luhan gege! The nurse clearly said not to go into that room!"


---Luhan's POV---

That girl was there again. She caught me looking at her, or rather, I caught her looking at me too. She blushed when our eyes met, and disapeared. I chuckled and the little girl who gave me the dandelion asked me what was so funny. 

"Ah, nothing. I think I'm going crazy," I joked. Her eyes widened. "Like Yin jie jie?!" she asked. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the girl. "What?" I asked her. The little girl nodded. "Yeah, Yin jie jie is crazy. No one likes her," she informed me. I pouted, thinking that wasn't very nice. But then again, little kids aren't very nice.

I want to know this Yin girl everyone says is crazy. I'll bet them that she really isn't crazy. No one's giving her a chance. I looked back at the empty window and sighed. I need to find her room.

When we went in for lunch, the kids left us, letting EXO M and I to linger around the hospital halls eating our sandwiches. We passed by this one hallway that was labeled 'Mental Hallway.' I stared at it, wondering if Yin was here somewhere, but Chen pulled me along. The rooms on the right side did face the playground. We visited some new kids who weren't really allowed out of their rooms. Most of them were cancer patients. They looked so happy when they saw that they had company, it made me think of Yin again. I want to see her happy.

Isn't this strange? I don't know her, she doesn't know me. Yet I feel something for her. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but I do. It was almost 3 when we finished our little tour, and I passed by the 'Mental Hallway' again. Feeling brave, I entered it. It was empty, plain, unlike the other hallways that were filled with posters and paintings that the children painted. Tao followed me, and one by one, EXO M did too. A nurse noticed and stopped us.

"There's no one down this hall," she said, sounding a little uneasy. I thought she was here somewhere though. I looked in a room near us, and there was no one in there. Why have a mental hall if no one's going to be in it? I nodded and asked her, "Where's Yin?" Her eyes widened when I mentioned her name and her gaze flickered toward this door at the very end of the hall, but she said, "It's best if you don't see her." "Why?" I asked.

She sighed. "Just, don't go into her room. You'll regret it," she said and walked away. That only made me more curious about her. Like when your mom tells you not to touch the hot stove, and you still touch it. I want to know this Yin that everyone fears and hates.

Making sure the nurse was gone, I continued to the room that the nurse looked at. I heard someone gasp behind me. "Luhan gege! What are you doing?" I heard Tao say. I ignored him and pursued into the room. I saw the name printed in a metal nameplate outside of the door: 'Yin Zhang.'

"Luhan gege! The nurse clearly said not to go into that room!" Tao said, but it was too late.

The girl was at the window with a book in her hands, surprise clearly written on her face. was slightly ajar, about to scream maybe. But she still managed to look flawless. Her eyes were wide and there was little color in her cheeks.

When she saw me, she dropped the book and backed away. "Wh-What are y-you doing here?" she stuttered in a soft, angelic voice. She looked frightened, vulnerable. Something that didn't explain why people treated her like a monster.

I smiled warmly at her, and her expression softened a little.

"Hello," I said. Her eyes widened again, looking like D.O's. She scrambled to the side, reaching for the handle of another door, which I assume is the bathroom. "Don't come near me!" she warned. She looked so scared and confused. I wonder why. I'm not going to hurt her.

I felt a strong grip on my arm. "Gege, let's go before we get in trouble." he whispered. "GO AWAY!!" she shrieked, covering her ears when she heard Tao's voice. Tao flinched and pulled my arm. "Come on," he said quietly. She glared at Tao started to scream. "GO  AWAAAY!" she shrieked. I saw tears start to stream out of her eyes and I immediately felt bad.

I heard a gasp behind us and I turned around. It was the nurse who told us not to come in here. Oh crap.

"I told you not to come in here!" she scolded me. The girl shrieked again and picked up the book on the floor. She then flung it at the nurse, who I pulled away so she wouldn't get hurt. I took that as a cue to leave. The nurse was breathing heavily when we shut the door. 

"This... is why you do not go to Yin's room."



C: Thank you guys soooooooooooooooo much for supporting this short story! I lied, it might be A LITTTLEE longer... So yeah...

14 subscribers alreadyy! Can't stop spazzing!! But I know you guys came from 100 Days fic(x Thank youuu! A thousand times! Comment and subscribe!!!


Luhan gives you guys a kiss(:

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Snandunggina #1
Chapter 7: Woww. Its short yet sweet. I wish there will be a sequel for jongdae and bao though. Anyways, ill vote. Ahahhahaha
Runningman_4eva_16 #2
Chapter 7: Gahhh Chen and Bao is like the cutest side couple everrrr and its kinda unbelievable for someone to fall in love that quick kinda like love at first sight but oh well....its a fanfic wat else am I supposed to expect :P
31baby #3
Chapter 8: I love thiiiiis! Omg. At first i pitied yin for her sickness. But now i love yin! I ship HanYin(?) // LuhanYin. I just knew that there's a mental disorder like this too. Whoa. Anyway, great ending you have! ♥♥ for me, it's a beautiful goodbye. Not a bittersweet goodbye. :)
p3bbles #4
I've read this fic some time ago but just got the time now to comment. XD
This story is real sweet, I've never read one with such theme. Finished it in one-seating. ^^
Kinda wished it would be longer. Great job writing it.
Kudos for the one of a kind theme, Author-nim. This really suited my strange for stories with a weird plot lines. I don't normally comment on stories but yours... they're really one of a kind. Like really AWESOME to another level. :)
Chapter 7: Your story is so amazing and unique! I love it! I read all of the chapters without stopping and damn, it was so good! You're such a good writer! I hope this story would be featured because I think it's really awesome! d(^_^)b
Chapter 7: I love the ending! :)