Use Your Imagination

L.Joe and Chunji were in a rather dark room, sitting on a small love seat together, both of their right hands on a crystal ball. The old lady they had paid ten dollars to was speaking in a weird language with a very dramatic voice.

"Shee bulahg! Noeru sarula fungilus! BORANDU DU DU! Oh. ru.ru.ru! Laestiuca fulamou! OH FUFU utututu!"

Byunghun was taken aback, totally surprised and not buying it at all. Chanhee on the other hand had his mouth gapped open, totally buying everything. The old lady stared at Chunji, piercing into his soul. Byunghun rolled his eyes as the old lady took Chunji's hand in hers and brushed over it. Then she abruptly jerked her head to face L.Joe, and he jumped a little.

"Your hand," she said in a very serious voice. He slowly reached his hand out to her and she roughly grabbed it and began to study it with a very hard passion. It seemed like forever for her to finally take a deep breath, and say, "You are both lovely boys. I wish you great happiness. You are both about to find the ones you were meant to be with, very, very soon."

L.joe shifted uncomfortably. Chunji immediately began asking questions. "Really? How do you know? ? Who am I meant to be with? How soon will I meet her??"

The old lady smiled. "That, my dear, would require another reading." Chunji was about to spend all there money on this lady, and that was not happening. L.Joe quickly thanked the lady and dragged his best friend out of there.

"Aw, why can't I get another reading??!! I want to know who I'm meant to be with!!"

L.Joe let go of his arm. "She is just a scammer. Do  you really believe her? Aish, let's go. "

They began walking out of the carnival when they saw a little diner. "Ah, how about we go there?" Chunji asked.

L.Joe's belly rumbled just then. "Sounds good."

They headed into the diner and looked over the vast selection of sandwiches. They all looked so good. They looked up at the menu and just stood shocked, they had easily over 50 to select from. "Wow! Swiss double chedder cheese with pickles and relish?? AMAZING!" Chunji shouted.

Byunghun gave him a weird look. "Where do you see that?"

Chunji hit L.Joe on the arm and giggled. "I was kidding, silly. That'd be gross!"

He turned back to look at the menu again but accidentally ran into some extremely tall person and ended up spilling the persons food all over both of them.

"Aisssh!! " The tall guy said while he tried to shake the food off his hands.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorr- hey! Aren't you that guy who checked us out at our hotel?" Chunji gasped.

The tall man stopped and glared at him, sighing. "Yes, that would be me."

Byunghun handed both of them tons of napkins. "Chanhee! Why are you so clumsy??"

Chunji blushed. "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry, uh...."

"Changjo. "

"Right, Changjo. Sorry. I'll buy you a new lunch.. Or dinner, which were you having?"

Changjo sighed yet again. "That was my lunch. And my friends lunch," and just then another boy ran up to Changjo, shouting, "Omo! What happened? You got our food all over you! You're so clumsy!"

Changjo pouted. "Actually," he pointed at Chanhee, "It was him who spilled it. He ran into me. And he's buying us a new lunch."

The boy frowned and turned to Chunji. "You don't have to pay for us, it's fine, accidents happen."

"No, I insist. I stole my friends wallet anyways.." And then L.Joe hit him. "Ow! What was that for?"

"Don't say things like that!" L.Joe turned to Changjo and the other boy. "We will pay for your lunches though, so please just tell me what you had and I will order it for you. "

"I had a tuna swiss. Ricky had a ...salmon...chedder....fish sandwich? With honey..chips.."

The boy who was apparently named Ricky rolled his eyes. "I just had plain salmon. With cheddar crackers. "

L.Joe nodded. "Tuna swiss, salmon .. And chedder crackers."

"Ney~" Ricky smiled brightly.

"Chanhee, what do you want?"

"A swiss double cheddar cheese with pickles and relish!"

Byunghun shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll get you whatever I get. Now shoosh!" He motioned for them to go sit down and he went to stand in line to order. "Wait. Give me Cap's wallet."

Chunji laughed and did as told. He went back to a table with Changjo and Ricky following behind. Ricky and Changjo sat across from Chanhee.

"Soo, Changjo, you're a hotel worker? What's that like?"

"How do you know he's a hotel worker?" Ricky asked before Changjo answered.

"Oh, he checked me and a few friends out at our hotel."

Ricky looked back at Changjo and Changjo nodded, before directing his attention back to Chunji. "It's alright, you know, having to deal with people like your one friend isn't the best though. "

Chanhee blushed. "Y-yeah, about him... He's not actually bipolar.. He just has...Anger problems."

Changjo laughed. "He sure does."

"Who? What happened?" Ricky asked.

"Niel. He went off on Changjo for charging us for a second key."


"Hey, hey, it's not like I wanted to. I'd possibly get fired if I didn't. " Changjo chuckled.

L.Joe came back with a receipt and took a seat next to Chunji. "Orders placed. Chanhee, I got you your favorite, an American hamburger!"

"EWWW! Tell me you didn't! I HATE those disgusting excuses for food! SO HORRIBLE FOR YOUR BODY! "

L.Joe laughed. " I'm kidding, kidding! I just got you chicken and noodle soup. "

"Oh. Good. They have soup here too? This place is amazing." 

"They have 20 different soups, 50 different sandwiches, 15 different flavored chips, and no hamburgers.. But they do have I think, 30 different deserts?" Ricky said.

"Wow, that's a lot. " Chunji replied, amazed.


Chanhee glared as L.Joe got up. "You. Did. NOT put that as your name!" But Byunghun didn't reply, he just went off to get their food, laughing softly all the way there.

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wishful_promises #1
Chapter 2: This is too hilarious, I swear. I'll be waiting for the next update xD
LovingKitty #2
Chapter 2: Omo plz update soon :)
Chapter 2: New subby

Omfg I had a fun time laughing my butts off!!!! XD omg!!!!! XD Ljoe SO. TOTALLY. PUT THAT. AS. HIS. NAME! XDD

grumpy_5 #4
i really enjoy this story... update soon!!^_^
who the hell is MRS. LEE MOSPOULA??????? LOL XD

ok, i assumed that's l.joe's funny name :P
My chunjoe feels ;-;
*new Subbie * Lol Your story had me smiling like an Idiot lol XD UPDATE SOON <3 I love these parts
"A swiss double cheddar cheese with pickles and relish!"

Byunghun shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll get you whatever I get. Now shoosh!" He motioned for them to go sit down and he went to stand in line to order. "Wait. Give me Cap's wallet."

Chanhee glared as L.Joe got up. "You. Did. NOT put that as your name!" But Byunghun didn't reply, he just went off to get their food, laughing softly all the way there.

Their soo Adorably stupid ^^
Another great chapter <3