I'm Not Your Average Girl

EXONE: The Minor Forces-The Oracle of Fear


“Your burn seems to going pretty well.” Dr. Hung stepped back with a satisfied look.

“Thanks.” I prayed that I wouldn’t have to go under deblistering again. Hopefully Lay’s healing power made that less likely.

“Now I’m just going to check some of your reflexes just so we can make sure your nerves are fine.” He took out his rubber mallet and tapped my knee. My foot flew out without warning, then settled back to its original position.

As he tested out all my other body parts, I asked, “When do you think I can go home?”

“Soon. Also you have other visitors as well. No more restriction on just relatives. Reflex check done.” He put his rubber mallet away. “Anything else?”

“Can I have some painkillers? I didn’t have any today and my back is starting to ache again.”

“Sure. I’ll check with the nurse. We are trying to lessen the dosage.”

“I know. That’s why I asked. Thank you so much, Doctor.”

“No problem. Take your time to rest.”

Minutes later, the nurse came with the painkiller. As the pain left my body, I felt drowsy.

I opened my eyes to see a familiar pair staring back at me. I blinked, trying to get rid of the haze that lingered on my vision. He just stared at me. “…Tao?” I reached out to him.

He took my hand in response. The touch of his fingers tingling on my skin convinced me it was reality and not a dream. Still he said nothing. His eyes seemed to be swollen as they lingered on my gaze.

“Are you alright?”

He shook his head, smiling. “I don’t know,” he started saying in a hoarse voice. “I don’t know how you can ask that when…” he looked at my leg in the cast. “…when you’ve gone through so much worse.”

“It’s not as bad as it seems. Haven’t you gotten injuries before?”

“But I’ve never gotten an injury trying to save someone else.” He turned away, shaking his hand. “It’s thanks to me you’re hurt.”

“And you’re seriously going to keep punishing yourself for that? It’s not going to change the past.”

“It’ll prevent me from making mistakes in the future.”

“It wasn’t your fault. You know my power-I can’t help it.”

He squeezed my fingers, looking into my eyes. His melancholy gaze changed into one full of fury. “Don’t you DARE make that your excuse to get into trouble.”

“Are you trying to change me for someone I’m not?” My voice wobbled as I tried to hide my fury and confusion. Was he passive or aggressive? He kept switching back and forth, from ignoring me or only saying a few words, to talking to me like I was someone close to him. “Because no one gets to decide what I do except me-“

Suddenly he leaned forward and brushed my mouth with his. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, than ran out of the room.

I touched my lips with a trembling hand. What just happened?

He kissed me.

As my brain started clearing things up, my eyes narrowed. Boys thought that they could get everything with love, that things are easily solved with a kiss. The thing was, I was no stranger to these stereotypes. I refused to let my brain be melted into slop just because I’m afraid of never being held.

I am not afraid of dying alone.

Tao chose the wrong girl to resolve this.


One day I will chant that at a football game. YOU JUST WAIT.

Confession: I had this chapter written down for weeks, but I have fairly good reasons why I wasn't updating.

  1. Too much work. Merr.
  2. I had no idea how to get on from this chapter. So excuse me if the next one is a little bit mediocre. I tried. Need to move on...
  3. I had a friend who had no idea that I wasn't on hiatus anymore and she's been catching up. So I wanted to give her some time.

That being said, I hope you guys liked this one? -dodges the rotten tomatoes-


-sigh- anyway see ya guys soon!

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If I get less 5 comments with guesses, people guessed get more pics. -shrugs-


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teentopbapshineefx #1
Chapter 50: Im the oracle of fear !! That 's such a badass name !!!!!
Chapter 33: I
Chapter 19: I got kinda freaked out at the photo on top, I was like holy is that another of teletubbie's sun? O U O
Chapter 61: S-E-Q-U-E-L !! Fighting !! ;)
Chapter 60: *giggles* That was sooo nice of him!
>.< I wish there was a person like him in my life too! :)
Hope there'll be a sequel :P
Chapter 59: *.* I didn't expect Tao to be so selfless. That's a good thing I guess. It made me stop seeing him like a self-centered bastard, excuse the language :D
Sequel! Yay!
And no need to thank me, seriously. It was a nice story to read :) Even though it didn't feature my bias in EXO :P
Chapter 58: SO IT WAS THE DRAMA! *sighs* You had me scared here for a second :P
Chapter 57: O.O WHAT?!
I do hope he's filming a MV or else I SWEAR I'LL BREAK EVERY SINGLE BONE FROM HIS FREAKIN' BODY!!!! >.<"
Chapter 56: How ironic! She was sooo into Super Junior when EXO was right under her nose! :)
Chapter 55: Really nice update! It made me wonder about Kalyn's plans :) And about the new EXONE member as well :d Is it a guy? A girl? Hehehhee...
I'm sorry to hear about your laptop. RIP! :(