
EXONE: The Minor Forces-The Oracle of Fear


I didn’t want to be this way.

I can’t help but feel responsible whenever there’s trouble. I was born this way. I’ve always had this power. It’s my fault that these things happen, right?

Everyone I love gets hurt. Because of me. Mama, Baba…

Kris? Tao?


“Tao?” My eyes frantically opened, searching in the bright light that greeted me.

“Shh, it’s alright.” A female voice said above me.

“Where am I?” I croaked out, my throat somehow groggy. What happened?

“You’re in the hospital. Don’t worry, the doctor will see you soon. Just sleep.”

Sleep sounded like a good idea. I drifted off into the black haziness beside the lullaby of clicks and beeps.

“Wu Kai Lian?”

My eyes fluttered open. A man in a white suit stood above me.

“Good, you’re awake.”

“Hi?” I croaked out.

“Nurse, can you give her some water please?” He called over. Seconds later, a cup was of water was tipped into my mouth. I drank thirstily until the cup was empty.

“That’s better.” The doctor sat down at my bedside. “I’m Dr. Hung.”

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Hung.”

“Likewise.” He looked down at his clipboard. “Would you like to know why you’re here?”

“Sure.” Man was this bed comfortable.

“It seems like you broke your tibia, which we at least put in a more comfortable position for you while you were sleeping. However, we would like to take some x-rays soon so we know how severe the break is.” No wonder I couldn’t feel my foot. He paged through the clipboard. “You also suffered a low voltage burn to your back. We’ll see if that affected your spine or only just damaged the skin and flesh.” I shuddered at his use of the word flesh. “We also got in contact with your parents. Is it true you are staying with your cousin?”

“Yes.” I yawned. “Sorry, Dr. Hung, this bed is really comfortable-“

“I understand.” He chuckled as he set the pages back on his clipboard. “Your body needs to recover too. I’ll check up on you tomorrow.”

“Thanks doctor.” No sooner had those words escaped my mouth did I fall asleep.

[A\N] Yay short update! In a day too!


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If I get less 5 comments with guesses, people guessed get more pics. -shrugs-


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teentopbapshineefx #1
Chapter 50: Im the oracle of fear !! That 's such a badass name !!!!!
Chapter 33: I
Chapter 19: I got kinda freaked out at the photo on top, I was like holy is that another of teletubbie's sun? O U O
Chapter 61: S-E-Q-U-E-L !! Fighting !! ;)
Chapter 60: *giggles* That was sooo nice of him!
>.< I wish there was a person like him in my life too! :)
Hope there'll be a sequel :P
Chapter 59: *.* I didn't expect Tao to be so selfless. That's a good thing I guess. It made me stop seeing him like a self-centered bastard, excuse the language :D
Sequel! Yay!
And no need to thank me, seriously. It was a nice story to read :) Even though it didn't feature my bias in EXO :P
Chapter 58: SO IT WAS THE DRAMA! *sighs* You had me scared here for a second :P
Chapter 57: O.O WHAT?!
I do hope he's filming a MV or else I SWEAR I'LL BREAK EVERY SINGLE BONE FROM HIS FREAKIN' BODY!!!! >.<"
Chapter 56: How ironic! She was sooo into Super Junior when EXO was right under her nose! :)
Chapter 55: Really nice update! It made me wonder about Kalyn's plans :) And about the new EXONE member as well :d Is it a guy? A girl? Hehehhee...
I'm sorry to hear about your laptop. RIP! :(