Lack of Control

EXONE: The Minor Forces-The Oracle of Fear

[A/N] Hey guys! Just wanting to let you know Chapter 16 has been updated with edits if you want to read it with NO errors! Well, at least with less errors. Honestly, not too many things were changed (YES!) so if I were you, I would just keep reading. Especially since I'm going to meet you at the bottom. And I hope you weren't too disturbed by the picture, but you'll see >.< Enjoy!

“Sherry! Get over here!” I waved my hand as the phone rang.
“Hello, this is the Beijing Police department,” a lady’s voice said as Sherry walked over. She gave me a questioning look. “May I know your location?”
“Quick!” I handed the phone to her. “Tell her the address of this place.”
Sherry chanted off the store’s name and location, then handed the phone back. “What’s going on?”
I held up a finger as I said into the phone, “I’m reporting a robbery. The men are wearing masks and are armed.”
“Okay, we have sent a squad on your way. Can you stay on hold?”
I saw the men approach the door. “No, sorry, they’re approaching.” I snapped my phone shut and put it back into my wristlet.
“Is this a prank?” Sherry asked, her eyes narrowing. “Because it’s definitely not funny.”
I opened my mouth to reply when the pack stormed in. “Freeze!” One of them barked, aiming his gun. “Everyone put your hands up!”
I complied, putting my hands in the air. I glanced at Sherry, seeing her do the same, dropping open. “See, I wasn’t joking.”
She looked at me, her eyes wide open. “How did you know?”
“Hey, you girls!” We turned to see a guy wave the gun at us. “Be quiet!”
We immediately fell silent, Sherry giving me scared looks. I couldn’t blame her. Most of the guys had surrounded the manager and forced him to the register. His stern face was now fearful, his hands shaking as they shouted commands.
“Stop right there!” Security guards ran inside, pulling their guns from their holsters.
The leader smirked. “You guys won’t stand a chance,” and fired.
Still with my hands in the air, I slowly backed up. Sherry followed suit. A bullet whizzed past my ear, making me duck. “Get down!”
“He said to have hands in the air!” Sherry yelled back.
“Do you want to be shot at?” I tugged her sleeve forcefully, making her come to the ground. “Don’t be stupid and die!”
She winced as there was a bang above us. I glanced up and saw a hole in the sign. “Quick! Get behind me!”
“Trust me on this! You have to go first!” I pushed her behind me. When I was sure that she started moving backwards, I kept a lookout on the scene. Please, let the police arrive on time.
Suddenly the gunshots stopped. I looked up to see the lead gang member blow the smoke off his gun. “That’ll teach the rest of you.”
I cringed. Dang it, I thought the security guards were going to be okay.
“Now who’s next?” The gang leader looked around, then focused on me. “You little girl? Why are you on the ground?”
I slowly stood up underneath his gaze.
“That’s better. You wouldn’t think I would hit you, right?” he sneered.
A bullet went by my ear, you idiot. I curled my hand into a fist.
“What are you going to do, punch me?” he laughed, flipping his gun into the air and then catching it.
I willed all my anger and hatred of these guys making me vulnerable into my fist, and then uncurled my fingers slowly, feeling each of those bad feelings leave until all I was left with calm. I could do nothing. It was best to stay in peace.
“ARGH!” The leader cried out. I looked up to see a tarantula stuck to his face. He dropped the gun, waving his arms in the air. “Get that THING off of me!”
The spider hissed as it started crawling to the guy’s mouth. “MPPHH!!!”
Quickly the other guys noticed and rushed over to help, only when they raised their hands to slap the spider away, they realized other spiders had appeared on their hands. “AHHHH!”
I couldn’t help but laugh. Their screams were higher than mine.
One guy aimed a gun at me, his eyebrows narrowed. “How dare you laugh, little girl!”
I raised an eyebrow. This guy had some nerve, considering the tarantula on his hand that helped aimed the gun.
All of the sudden he screamed, dropping the gun. As he clutched his arm, swearing, I saw two red dots on his hand. The spider had bit him.
Suddenly I felt weak, fatigued. My legs started shaking, and I clutched at the shelf in a vain effort to stay standing. My vision started to blur, and I could barely concentrate on the image in front of me. There were millions of men standing in front of me, clutching their hands and screaming, but not one decided to aim their gun at me.
I assumed that was a good thing.
As my head hit the floor, I could hear sirens. Good, the police finally arrived.
I smiled and let the darkness that tried to swallow me take me in.

[A\N] So if you have noticed, the text looks really different now. It's because I've been typing on Google Docs, which has different formatting that normal Word. Long story short, I got a beta, she hasn't responded (it's been like a week now >.<) and my lovely friend replied with corrections and bam, she also corrected this chapter.

Yeah, okay, it's short, but still, I had some trouble with this chapter. And I'm working on the chapter after that. I kinda like Google docs because it means I can skip lunch for you guys and type! Just kidding, I don't actually skip lunch, but I don't have anything else to do I guess...

THAT being said, I am a current reviewer now (Yay for Exotic Grounds!) AND a high school student, so DON'T say update soon. You know who you are. I already know I've got a bunch of you waiting.

And I do have a friend in real life who reads this and ALWAYS asks me to update. Well, hold on to your britches, kiddo, because I can't snap my fingers and perfect words come out like that. (I WISH!)

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If I get less 5 comments with guesses, people guessed get more pics. -shrugs-


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teentopbapshineefx #1
Chapter 50: Im the oracle of fear !! That 's such a badass name !!!!!
Chapter 33: I
Chapter 19: I got kinda freaked out at the photo on top, I was like holy is that another of teletubbie's sun? O U O
Chapter 61: S-E-Q-U-E-L !! Fighting !! ;)
Chapter 60: *giggles* That was sooo nice of him!
>.< I wish there was a person like him in my life too! :)
Hope there'll be a sequel :P
Chapter 59: *.* I didn't expect Tao to be so selfless. That's a good thing I guess. It made me stop seeing him like a self-centered bastard, excuse the language :D
Sequel! Yay!
And no need to thank me, seriously. It was a nice story to read :) Even though it didn't feature my bias in EXO :P
Chapter 58: SO IT WAS THE DRAMA! *sighs* You had me scared here for a second :P
Chapter 57: O.O WHAT?!
I do hope he's filming a MV or else I SWEAR I'LL BREAK EVERY SINGLE BONE FROM HIS FREAKIN' BODY!!!! >.<"
Chapter 56: How ironic! She was sooo into Super Junior when EXO was right under her nose! :)
Chapter 55: Really nice update! It made me wonder about Kalyn's plans :) And about the new EXONE member as well :d Is it a guy? A girl? Hehehhee...
I'm sorry to hear about your laptop. RIP! :(