A Summer to Remember
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My body and heart, exhausted from yearning, whispers
Repeating it by myself, I can't ever erase you even if I die

Dalmatian - E.R.

"Nayoung... Nayoung!" a voice trembled in the distance. I turned 180 degrees and found a long body crawling toward my feet, grabbing onto anything to hold half of their dead weight up. "I..." the figure trailed off and while draping itself onto my legs.

The trail of blood, the pale complexion, all of it was too familiar. Slowly, I bent down and he rested in my lap. I held him in my arms one last time before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. White pupils and no trace of irises. I brought him closer to my body and hoped that the warmth of mine would somehow bring him back to life.

But of course knowing my luck, it didn't.

It got harder to breathe as the lack of oxygen exceeded. My lungs were pushing as hard as they could, but it clearly wasn't enough. I cried into his bloody chest.

The light brown, almond shaped eyes I grew to love. His dirty blonde disheveled hair I had grown fond of. The way his accent slipped out every now and then as he spoke Korean. My favorite saying, "maybe next time," when I begged and begged him to rap for me. Every thing about him that made me so crazy, gone.

I kissed him farewell.



And woke up in a mass puddle of sweat surrounding my body. I nearly screamed but muffled it as my hands shot over my mouth by reflex. Although a small squeak came out.

I looked at my phone and it was still too early for anyone to be awake. I patted the sweat off my face with my shirt, too scared to even fall back asleep.

"Bad dream?" Kris asks and I nearly jump out of bed from the surprise.

"Uh, yeah, you could say that" I continued to pat the remaining sweat off my face. He set his laptop aside and rested on his window sill waiting for me to get up to talk to him. "Couldn't sleep?"

"You could say that" he replies, mocking me. I roll my eyes, and luckily it was too dark to see my face. I tentatively got out of my bed and rested on my window sill, taking in the cold morning breeze that I've grown to love. "What'd you dream about?"

"I'd rather not say, I'm in the process of forgetting it and I don't want to remember" he looks at me and nods his head.

"Do you believe in time travel?"


"You heard me..."

It was too early in the morning for any question of that sort, honestly. But it would be rude not to reply.

"Mmm, honestly, no."


"However, if it did... that would be one hell of a mess for everyone, but it depends on the person really..." I ramble and he looks at me with eyes telling me to go on. "Well, there's two types of people in the world, right? Er, my world anyway. There are the people who take advantage and others who try to do things who benefit others. So, bad and good. If I were to partake in this sort of thing, I would probably limit myself as to how many times I can time travel in a month, or a year. Changing the history or the future is a risky thing and I'm not willing to deal with the consequences that may come out of it, you know?"

"Yeah, I get what you mean" he smiles, he looks much better when he smiles, but of course it disappears instantly as he continues on. "It's a dangerous thing but I guess I'm willing to take the risk."

We went on and on for endless hours and I felt as if I had accomplished a feat. I'm slowly breaking Kris down out of his shell and he doesn't even know... or he could be completely aware and is planning something like the abduction of me for doing so. I honestly believe Kris is from some world out of earth, but no one says a thing or he would be reported to the government...

"So what was your dream about?" he pesters and reminding me of my terrible nightmare at the same time. I sighed and decided that maybe it wouldn't be all that weird to discuss these continuous dreaming of him.

"Well, to start things off, you were in it" he was staring at me and nearly broke into a smile. It was hard to tell whether it was because he was surrpised and happy that he had appeared in my dream or if it was because he thought I was weird. I mean, I had no control over what I dream of, so the first reason was more likely. "And you died in my arms."

"Woah, really? That's weird."

"...Yeah, but the even weirder thing is is that it wasn't the first time it's happened..."

"Hmm, it could happen in the future. What if you're time traveling but you don't know it? Or there's another Nayoung running around but we don't know?"

"You're crazy."

"It's a possible theory."

"A crazy one... you need sleep."

"You're right" he smiles. "Goodnight-- um, morning Nayoung. I'll see you in... three hours I guess." I checked my phone again and we had been rambling for approximately two hours about nothing.

"We don't have to run--"


Well then.





The days were quieter without Krystal around. She had left me to go do some... "errands out of town" with her parents. I didn't recall what happened or where she was going; however, the phone conversation she had the day before she left sounded a bit fishy to me.

"I don't kn-- Alright, don't get your -- er, boxers in a bunch... No need, I owe you anyway...okay bye" and with that, she left without telling me anything. I tried to pester her but she just grinned while leaving telling me she would tell me once she got back. That jerk. Anyway, I wasn't too lonely without her here. Each morning, I would continue to jog with Kris secretly behind my parents' backs.

I stepped out onto the wet cement drying up from early morning sprinklers. I had not been expecting Kris to be waiting outside already, dressed in casual clothes.

"What are you dressed so nicely for?" my shoes squeaked as I walked up to him.

"Oh, this is nicely dressed up to you?" he scanned his attire up and down and then looked at me again. "Well, I just thought we could take a break from the usual today."

"And dress nicely to run..?"

He rolled his eyes at my stupidity. "No you nitwit" he began, "to go for... a stroll around town instead of jogging. I just moved here not too long ago and I've taken glimpses of everything... but I haven't you know, exactly taken in the beauty of it all."

"Wow, what are you, a philospher?"

"You are--"


"But yeah, sure, why not?"


"You-- really?"


"Yeah, why not?" I repeated myself and smiled. "I'll just go out in this since it's not too bad." He scanned me from head to toe and clicked his tongue a couple of times. "What?" I asked, obviously annoyed with his response to my attire.

"Nothing, let's go" he started walking and I followed right after.




We strolled around town for a good hour or so, ordering some hot coffee one moment, sitting in a park bench the next, and discussing topics about the world.

"I just think it's wrong for people to have to live in dystopia while we're here literally on our asses doing nothing!" he shouts so loud a flock of birds fly out of their homes.

"Quiet down, Wu, you scared the birds away!"


We argued about a whole variety of topics such as the demographic transition model and which stages are worse, to what was worse chemistry or physics, and much more school related subjects.

"You're smarter than I thought, Jung" he said in defeat as I threw my arms in the air in victory. "But not smarter than me, of course."

"Sure, sure, whatever you say" I take the last sip of my coffee and threw my empty cup in the garbage near by.

"Say you had a sneak peek into your futu

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Seunghoyatic #1
Chapter 21: My best friend and I read this when it was first completed. Something reminded me of the story and I read it again. I’m still so in love with it. This story made me hurt so bad I couldn’t even look at photos of Kris without it making my heart hurt! 😂
Chapter 21: Reread this story. Still makes me cry. Did she ever give Kyungsoo a chance? lol
swoonnie #3
Chapter 21: It's truly a beautiful story!!!! gosh I'm crying like mess at the part she couldn't control herself anymore when she heard her wedding song and started hearing Kris' vow(?) OMG it was sooooo sad ;;;A;;;
And now my eyes hurt so much... thanks author-nim I love this fic!!
Exoticsmaniac #4
Chapter 21: Yeah, it's a bit rushed at the end but it was a good decision, or else I would cry and be depressed at the corner of my room for a whole week! It's truly beautiful, until the very last word and it's worth it. Thank you for writing this and yes, I've watched the movie 'a moment to remember'... this is much better tho lol
Seunghoyatic #5
Chapter 21: to he completely honest, this is one of the best fanfic that ive read in a really long time. its so hard finding a really goof fanfic that would keep me reading to the very end. i love every bit of this story! thanks for writing this~ ^^
stardusted_ #6
Chapter 21: Thank you for making me cry because I love fics that make me cry :'( ok I hope that didn't come out too weird, and I just wanna say that I enjoyed this fic a lot~
ermahgawdd #7
Chapter 2: I love this ficcc :)
ermahgawdd #8
Chapter 2: Omg omg omg omg omg omgggg
Chapter 20: This's so sad :(
Chapter 20: this so sad :(