A Summer to Remember
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Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love,
the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

Kevin Arnold

I felt confined.

Trapped and lost.

I woke early the next morning, crusty eyes preventing me from opening my eyes. I wiped away the dry tears shed last night and looked to my left. Kris had been laying there with his eyes open for who knows how long.

If you had been in my position you would have probably freaked the out and wondered if the light of your life had been put out.




But he was just laying there. He blinked after a while.

He looked over at me and smiled.

“Good morning” he greeted hoarsely, then cleared his throat and waved. I returned the wave and got out of my bed. I don’t actually recall what happened last night or yesterday for that matter.

It’s all a blur.

But something incredibly nerve wracking must have happened if I had cried myself to sleep the other night.

“Nayoung?” I turn my head and my heart jumps.

“Yes Kris?”

“Can you come over here?” he urges me by waving his hand with great vigor. I nod in response and swing my legs out of bed. As soon as I get over, Kris holds my hand and pulls me down.

“Woah!” I quietly scream, if that makes sense, and start laughing. “What’s with you today?”

“I just wanted to touch your hand… and bring you in close to smell you” he smiles.

“What the… Kris, you’re such a weirdo” I laugh and he kisses my cheek over and over again.

“You smell pretty nice” he compliments and proceeds to scoot over for me to sit next to him. We sit in bed together.

We hold hands and talk endlessly about, well, just about everything. I look down at our hands and realize that mine are bare.

He’s wrapped up in wires that are monitoring his health and I try to ignore it. But it’s hard when my thumb accidentally brushes past them every now and then.

The doctor comes in and greets us warmly.

“Well don’t you two look warm for the upcoming season?” she smiles and walks over to Kris. I get out of the bed and he tries to pull me back but I assure him I’ll come after his check up is done.

After she’s done inspecting him, she says he’s doing fine and should be out of the hospital once his parents come to pick the two of us up.

“Hopefully you won’t have to come back anytime soon” she adds as she starts to exit the room. “Oh and by the way” she comments as she starts to leave the room, “if you weren’t taken by such a beautiful girl, my daughter would have swept you right off your feet” she winks at the two of us and closes the door quietly.

“Well don’t you feel special?” I tease and Kris’ face immediately brightens up.

“Oh shush” he whispers and reaches out for me. He misses only by a little because I’m out of his reach.

Only just a little.





“Oh my god, please tell me you’re okay, please tell me you’re breathing!”


“I—I love you so much.”

“Don’t leave me now, I’m not ready…”




“Welcome home, Kris!” was all I heard before being showered with confetti and hugs by his group of friends, family, extended family, and etc. There was a big party being thrown for Kris at my house because it was fairly larger than the Wu residence.

I looked up at his face, bright and excited. This was the happiest I’ve seen him before he first told me about his Alzheimer’s.

“Wow” he said quietly, then looked around and then looked at me. He clutched my hand tightly.

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Seunghoyatic #1
Chapter 21: My best friend and I read this when it was first completed. Something reminded me of the story and I read it again. I’m still so in love with it. This story made me hurt so bad I couldn’t even look at photos of Kris without it making my heart hurt! 😂
Chapter 21: Reread this story. Still makes me cry. Did she ever give Kyungsoo a chance? lol
swoonnie #3
Chapter 21: It's truly a beautiful story!!!! gosh I'm crying like mess at the part she couldn't control herself anymore when she heard her wedding song and started hearing Kris' vow(?) OMG it was sooooo sad ;;;A;;;
And now my eyes hurt so much... thanks author-nim I love this fic!!
Exoticsmaniac #4
Chapter 21: Yeah, it's a bit rushed at the end but it was a good decision, or else I would cry and be depressed at the corner of my room for a whole week! It's truly beautiful, until the very last word and it's worth it. Thank you for writing this and yes, I've watched the movie 'a moment to remember'... this is much better tho lol
Seunghoyatic #5
Chapter 21: to he completely honest, this is one of the best fanfic that ive read in a really long time. its so hard finding a really goof fanfic that would keep me reading to the very end. i love every bit of this story! thanks for writing this~ ^^
stardusted_ #6
Chapter 21: Thank you for making me cry because I love fics that make me cry :'( ok I hope that didn't come out too weird, and I just wanna say that I enjoyed this fic a lot~
ermahgawdd #7
Chapter 2: I love this ficcc :)
ermahgawdd #8
Chapter 2: Omg omg omg omg omg omgggg
Chapter 20: This's so sad :(
Chapter 20: this so sad :(