Destiny and Fate

Destiny and Fate


Fate isn't human, it isn't supernatural, it isn't tangible, and it doesn't even exist, yet it’s there. It watches, it moves, and it changes. It's a force that can't be explained or understood; it's just there.

It’s almighty and perfect. Without it, Destiny would fail.

Destiny is cruel. It has many games: love, death, disaster, miracle, even Fate. The pawn that doesn’t know it’s a pawn. It doesn’t want to be cruel; it’s programmed into its design.

Overall it’s a ‘perfect’ system, but then again, nothing is really perfect.

Sometimes Fate lags, a whole universe isn’t an easy job, which can cause many things; a bombing, a birth that wasn’t meant to be, the unexpected death of a powerful person…the crossing of parallel lives.

This particular Thursday happened to be a bad day for Fate, it lagged. Nothing happened as it should.



Kim Kibum, better known as Key, was a very organized and punctual guy. He had never been late once in his whole life, not once. He had a lot of issues that limited his actions. He also had many phobias, the biggest being filth.

He detested all dirty things. Ever since he was little he couldn’t stand it. He had panic attacks as a child whenever he got dirty. After the panic attack he had at his 7th birthday party when he got cake on his shirt his parents took him to a shrink.

There he learned that he had OCD.

Key didn’t get better as he grew. His hate for filth and disorder eventually led him to dislike people. He grew cold and alone and now, at the age of 21, he was starting his senior year of university and he had yet to make a single friend.

He groaned into his white pillow, stretching his bones and letting out a content sigh. For some odd reason he felt at peace.

It had been years since he had felt that feeling.

Key sighed and slowly opened his eyes. The sun was streaming in through his white curtains, its rays comfortably resting on his pure white bed.

His eyes fully snapped open. Quicker than he thought he could, he sat up, snapping his neck to the right at a painful speed.

He glared at his clock.

9:25 A.M.

Key whimpered. He was an hour late to his morning fashion design class and it took him an hour just to get to the class in the first place.

He jumped out of bed and ran straight for the shower, knowing that his morning routine was ruined. In the shower Key cursed, he cursed the heavens for making his alarm clock glitch, he cursed them for giving him OCD, and he cursed them for making the hot water nonexistent.

He left wet footprints as he ran back to his room, his brown hair flopping all over the place. He started crying as he dried himself.

He wouldn’t be able to mop the floor dry, fix his bed-sheets, fix his hair, eat his planned breakfast or have a nice, clean walk to school.

Instead he would ride the filthy bus full of filthy people and sit in those filthy sits while his wet hair clung to his skin.

He could feel a panic attack coming on. He tied his shoelaces with shaky fingers. He stood up fully in front of his mirror and sighed.

“You’re okay Key, you’re perfectly fine. Just breathe.”

He looked at the still full bottle of Celexa on his nightstand through the reflection. Shaking his head, he frowned.

“I don’t need those. I’m strong enough,” He said as he pulled his messenger bag on. “Let’s go.”

Still, he picked them up on the way out.



Choi Minho was the most normal 21-year-old anyone would ever come across. His grades were decent, his life was okay, and his hobbies were normal.

He played soccer for his University, hung-out with his friends during the weekend, and pretended to study while spending pointless hours on the computer. There was nothing extraordinary about him, or at least in his own eyes.

If you asked anyone else about Choi Minho their eyes would immediately start to fill with emotions. A guy would praise his soccer skills and talk about how he was a good guy, their eyes would be full of envy. A girl would talk about his looks and how athletic and smart he was, nothing but lust would be present in their eyes.

Minho was lost. He didn’t know what he was missing. He was just flowing through life, not really caring where the current took him.

At first he was content with it, his life was peaceful, but now he was scared. He was getting bored of his life and he couldn’t find a way to fill the emptiness he felt.

He tried going out with girls, to see if they were what he was missing. No one lasted and it only left him even more defeated.

During the weekends, late at night, he would go to gay clubs to see if someone caught his interest there. After the third consecutive weekend of finding nothing he quit.

He was falling deeper into depression and no one around him seemed to notice.

Minho groaned when he felt the beams of light hit his face. It was too early in the morning for the sun to be out anyways.

He threw the covers off his toned body and stood up, stretching until his bones popped. He turned back to look at his window, wondering why the sun was out so early.

He frowned, the streets 6 floors below seemed to be busier than usual.

“The hell…its only 7.”

He turned to look at his alarm clock, instantly wishing he hadn’t.

9:37 A.M.


Minho sprang into action. He looked at his messy floor, eyes looking for a pair of jeans. When he found a decent pair he pulled them on. He walked to his closet, picking up his shoes on the way, to find a shirt to wear.

He frowned when he saw that he only had a pink button-up shirt left. He groaned. He knew it was his fault, he hadn’t washed his clothe in weeks, not because he didn’t want to but because he didn’t have the drive to do it. He barely had the drive to do anything lately.

He picked up his book bag and headed out the door, grabbing two bananas as he made his way through the kitchen.

He smiled when he stepped inside the elevator, a strong smell of vanilla filling his nose. He had never smelled it before but he wished he had.

He hummed a cheesy pop song he had heard the night before, the silence of the elevator was slightly suffocating.

He sighed when the doors opened to an expensive looking lobby. He frowned, the smell of vanilla now gone.

He smiled at the doorman when he stepped through, frowning again when he turned away. He put his hands in his pockets and started walking towards the bus stop.



Key tapped his foot impatiently. He had been waiting for the past 10 minutes and the bus still hadn’t come. Not only that, he had been made fun of.

A couple had been walking by, talking about the weather and what not, when the girl had noticed Key. The first thing she noticed was the fact that he was glaring, at no one in particular. Then she saw his pink messenger bag. She had pointed to it and asked her boyfriend to buy her one. The boyfriend chuckled, agreeing to buy her one because he was in love.

Of course Key didn’t see this. Key saw her pointing at him and ridiculing him. Then the idiotic looking boyfriend agreed and laughed, causing Key’s anger to boil. His glare intensified.

“You know that if you keep glaring at that car it’s going to melt.”

Key switched his glare to the newcomer.

“So? What’s it to you?”

The taller boy smirked. “Mad?”

Key scoffed. He turned back to glare at the car. He had seen the frog-faced man at school but that didn’t mean he could into his business. He didn’t know what kind of morning Key was going through. At least he wouldn’t bother him anymore; no one bothered Key after he snapped at them.

“Nice pink messenger bag.”

Key’s foot stopped tapping. He turned back to glare at the smirking frog-faced man.

“Thanks frog face. Nice nostrils, how did they get so stretched? Did it have anything to do with your freaky double Adams apple?”

Key internally smirked, satisfied with his lashing. He didn’t know why the tall freak was talking to him, they had never talked before.

Key’s eyes grew big when the other guy started laughing. His composure fell for a second, shocked that his verbal abuse didn’t work.

“Now I know why you look so familiar. You’re Kibum, that gay guy from freshman year that freaked when that Taemin guy picked up your keys.”

Key tensed. ‘That gay guy from freshmen year.’ He clenched his fists and crossed his arms to hide the fact that he was annoyed.

“And who are you?”

“Ha-h-ha, I’m M-minho.”

Key scoffed. “Well alien neck, I’m glad my misfortune brought you laughter. Have a nice life and leave this gay guy alone.”

He turned back to glare at the car, pushing the hurt feeling to the back of his mind.

Key didn’t know why Minho got so far under his skin. He normally didn’t get hurt at peoples insults, he got mad. He hated that Minho hurt him. He hated Minho.  He fumed for a few more seconds, tensing again when he felt a hand on his elbow.

“Hey look man, I was just-“

“Don’t.Touch.Me,” Key hissed. He pulled his elbow out of Minho’s grasp, stepping back in the process. He opened his messenger bag and took out his hand sanitizer, which was perfectly placed next to his sanitizing wipes.

He squirted the strong smelling liquid into his hands and rubbed his elbow, silently cursing Minho while doing so.

“Sorry,” Minho said, confused at the scene unfolding in front of him. “Hey gay pinky--”

Key inhaled sharply, red clouding his thoughts.

“Gay pinky!? What the is your problem Minho? I don’t even know you! If you want to bully me fine! Just not today, not right now, not on this spot. Wait until your friends are around so they can see how cool you are when you pick on the gay guy. Let’s all laugh at Key, he likes pink, he likes , and he likes taking it up the ! Oh and let’s not forget about his OCD! Oh yeah, let’s make fun of him because he freaks out whenever someone touches him or he gets dirty! ing hilarious!”

 Minho frowned. “Bad morning?”

“The ing worst!”

With that being said Key turned and started walking in the direction of his school. He was positive he would kill Minho if he had to be in the same bus with him. He couldn’t even stand breathing the same air as him.

“You know I didn’t mean anything I said as an insult,” Minho said, appearing next to Key. “Your pink messenger bag really is nice.”

Key continued walking. “Thanks. Now stop following me.”


Key glared at the fuzzy sidewalk. “Go away.”


He stopped walking to look up at Minho. The ladder looked guilty, his eyes were sad and he was looking at anything but Key.

He pushed him and walked past him. He took a sanitizing wipe out of his messenger bag and cleaned the handle of the door to the small café. He suddenly didn’t feel like going to school at all. His day was ruined anyway. He pushed the door open, sighing when he saw that it was mostly empty.

Slowly, he walked to the nearest booth. He took out more wipes and started to scrub the table and seat. Satisfied with his work he sat down. A few seconds later a waitress came up.

“Hello my name is Yuri. What can I get you?”

“Do you have hot chocolate?”

Yuri smiled. “Yes we do.”

“Hot chocolate and two muffins,” Key said with a shy smile.

“Okay, I’ll be back with your order,” She said with a smile. She her heels and started walking back.

“Oh! One second,” Key said, a blush appearing on his face.

“Yes?” Yuri asked, smile still intact.

“Could you uh…could you,” He paused and took a deep breath. “Could you please make sure that the cup is clean, please?”

Yuri’s smiled faltered. “They’re always clean but I’ll make sure for you.”

“Thanks,” Key said, embarrassment causing his face to turn red.

He put his face in his hands and sighed. Nothing was going right. His morning had been terrible, he was skipping school, he had been made fun off and to make it worse a guy he had seen at school that he had found attractive turned out to be the worst type of .

He groaned when he heard the seat across from him being occupied, the distinct smell of dirty jeans hitting his nose with a force that gave him nausea.

“I’m sorry.”

Key looked up and scowled. “Okay. I thought I told you to stop following me.”

Minho smiled sheepishly. “Yeah but you looked like you were about to cry so I came to keep you company. Consider yourself lucky.”

“,” Key said. “You were the one who put me in a bad mood in the first place. You can leave by the way, I’m fine.”

Minho glared. “You’re really rude you know that right?”

“Does it look like I care?”

“No wonder you have no friends.”

Key glared at Minho. He was mad because he was letting this guy who he had just met get under his skin. He was mad because he actually felt hurt. Most of all he was mad because he felt the familiar tickling in his throat and the burning behind his eyelids. He closed his eyes and sighed. He felt stupid for being so weak.

“ dude. I’m sorry. I just,” Minho paused. “You’re not exactly easy to talk to and…damn I’m sorry. I really am.”

Key sighed. He was going to let Minho get it good. He opened his eyes and laughed.



Minho stared in confusion at the teary eyed boy laughing in front of him. He didn’t know whether to feel relieved that he was laughing or freaked out.

“Uh,” He paused. “You okay Kibum?”

Kibum stopped laughing. “You remember freshmen year? When I was in the cafeteria?”

Minho nodded, guilt spreading across his face. He should’ve never mentioned the incident.

“I was being brave you know. I hate cafeterias. It’s like a den…for pigs. Anyways, I thought ‘Hey, it’s a new year. Be brave.’ It was disgusting.”

Minho stayed tense. He suddenly thought following Kibum into the café was a bad idea. Still, he got a rush. It was…exciting and the fact that he found Kibum attractive helped.

“That’s when Taemin crashed into me. You remember that part?”

Minho nodded. Kibum’s angry yells rang through his head, accompanied by the image of a guilty looking Taemin.

“I swear I was going to have a heart attack. He not only spilled his whole lunch on me. I fell on the dirty floor. Do you know how many shoes have stepped on that floor? Do you know how dirty it is? To make it worse he started touching me. He was wiping the food off my shirt and touching me in the process.”

“Taemin was freaking—“

“Out?” Kibum said. He let out a bitter chuckle. “How do you think I felt? My anxiety was kicking in on my first day of school, the whole cafeteria was laughing at me and my favorite shirt was ruined.”

Minho frowned. “I wasn’t laughing.”

“If you say so,” Kibum replied, smiling as a pretty brunette girl placed a cup of hot chocolate and two muffins in front of him.

She then turned to Minho. “Hi, my name is Yuri. What can I get you?”

“Nothing, thanks anyways,”He replied, giving her a wide smile.

Yuri smiled. She nodded, flicked her hair and started to walk back to the counter, a little bit slower than usual.

“If you’re done drooling over that girl I have something to say.”

Minho turned back to Kibum, a scowl on his lips. “I wasn’t drooling.”

“If you say so,”Kibum said, wiping the cup with a swipe. “Anyways, you’re paying for this.”

“Why should I?”

Kibum looked up at him and glared. “Because I told you to stop following me and you didn’t.”

“I don’t want to.”

“And I don’t care.”

“Damn it Kibum, why are you such a ?”

Kibum glared. “Why are you such a narcissistic ?”

“? I’m here trying to apologize for almost making you cry,” Minho said, running a hand through his hair and letting out a frustrated sigh. “You’re really impossible.”

Kibum scowled. “So I’ve been told. I don’t need you here and if you’re not going to pay you might as well leave alien neck.”

Minho was always good at controlling his temper, he was patient, but something about Kibum made his emotions stronger than they were. He loathed Kibum. He didn’t know how someone could be so rude and so y.

Still something inside of him was shifting, that empty hole was filling with excitement and a desire to tame the wild beast he had now identified as Kibum.

“If you’re done fuming I would kindly appreciate it if you left, you asswipe.”

Still, even Minho sometimes lost his patience.

“You are just the worst type of person aren’t you? I can’t believe that for a second I thought you were attractive Kibum,” Minho paused, anger seeping out of him. “I can’t believe I even thought about asking you out!”

Minho stood up, his glare breaking Kibum’s icy composure.

“I’ll leave. I won’t ever bother you again, I won’t ever look your way and you can bet that I will never, ever think about you again.”

He angrily stomped towards the door, once he reached the handle he stopped. He turned around and stomped back to a shocked and quiet Kibum.

“And if you don’t want to die alone, I suggest you fix everything about yourself.”

He inhaled, turned back around and walked straight out of the café. Once outside he released his breathe and for the first time realized that Kibum was the one with the strong scent of vanilla.

He thought back to the elevator ride and to the harsh words he had said to Kibum. Still he was too stubborn to go back in and apologize.

Minho looked up at the clouds and sighed. Slowly he started walking, not knowing where he was heading.



Key felt the tears roll down his eyes. He had really screwed up this time. He regretted every single word he had said to Minho.

Not because Minho was incredibly handsome or tall nor because his voice was like warm honey flowing through the air but because he said he had found Key attractive, because he had said he thought about asking Key out.

Minho had wanted to ask Key out, Key; the 21-year-old with a ton of problems.

And if you don’t want to die alone, I suggest you fix everything about yourself.’

Key let out a small sob and brought his hand up to wipe away his tears. He didn’t want to die alone. He didn’t want everyone to storm out on him like Minho did.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Key looked up to find Yuri looking down at him, worry in her eyes.

“Yeah,” He replied, sniffling. “I just have…uh, allergies.”

Yuri gave him a sad smile and sat across from him. “Liar. I saw Minho yell at you.”

“How do you know his name?”

“We all go to the same University Kibum,” She laughed a little. “Me and you share Fashion Design but you’ve never noticed.”

Key smiled and shook his head. “No, sorry. Apparently I don’t notice a lot of things.” He took a sip of hot chocolate and sighed.

“How about this, I bet that you didn’t know that we lived in the same apartment building.”

Key coughed and turned to look at Yuri with wide eyes. “What? You’re lying.”


“Then what are you doing working here?” He asked, signaling the café with his hand. “And how come I’ve never seen you before.”

“I’ve never seen you either,” She said, picking at one of Key’s muffins. “But two days ago I got up two hours earlier than usual and couldn’t go to sleep so I went for a jog and when I came back you were getting out of the elevator.”

Key made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth. “Still, why are you working here? Why are you working at all? You can’t exactly live there with what they pay you at a café. And, why are you not at school?”

Yuri took a bite out of the muffin and smiled. “My parents are being mean to me and won’t give me any spending money so I have to work for it. I usually only work on weekends but I got called in today because some guy couldn’t come in.”

“Oh,” Key nodded and took a sip of his hot chocolate. “Wow, 4 years and I never even noticed you. Crazy stuff.”

Yuri nodded. “Yeah, not even Minho knows that we all live in the same building.”

Key frowned. He put his hands in his laps and sighed. “I better get going.” He felt the familiar stinging behind his eyes; he had almost forgotten what Minho had said.

“Wait,” Yuri sighed. “I kind of heard everything Minho said to you. He wasn’t being very quiet about it.”

Key looked up and Yuri. “Yeah, he’s a …but he’s not wrong.”

“Hey! I think he is,” She crossed her arms and glared at Key. “I like you and this is the first time we’ve talked in 4 years.”

She liked him. Key felt more tears threatening to spill. He wiped his eyes and sniffled. “Thanks, Yuri.”

“I can help you, you know.”

Key looked at her in confusion. “What?”

“My younger brother has OCD,” She smiled at him. “He used to be like you but he’s all better now. All he needed was some support.”

Key looked down. “I’ve never really had support.”

“It’s decided then,” Yuri said, smiling as she stood up. “I’ll help you out as much as I can. Maybe in a few months you can make Minho eat all his words.”

Key looked up at Yuri and let a few tears slipped. “How can you help? Even if I start to take my pills it’s still going to be slow. I’m going die alone.”

Yuri smiled. “Support. Remember?” She held out her hand. “My shift is over. Want to go to my place, watch a few movies and junk?”

Key cringed at the thought of holding her hand, his own hand instinctively reached inside his messenger bag for a disinfecting swipe. He stopped and thought of Minho’s words.

He forced a smiled and took Yuri’s hand, ignoring the panic that was building inside of him.

Yuri smiled. “There we go. I’ll be your support.”


-6 months later-


“Key! Have you seen my red sweater?”

Key looked up from the magazines he had spread on Yuri’s bed. “No, I don’t make it a habit of going through your closet.”

She scoffed and turned to face him, hands on her hips. “Yeah well, I let you borrow it four days ago for that party we went to.”

Key smiled. “Oh yeah, I threw it away.”

Yuri shrieked. “What!?”

“That Dongwoon guy puked on it after his failed attempt at flirting,” Key said, hands held high. “I didn’t think you would want it back.”

Yuri looked at him with an unreadable expression, after a few seconds she started crying.

Key frowned. He slipped out of her bed and quickly shuffled over to her, wrapping both arms are her. “I’m sorry Yuri. I’ll buy you another one if you want, just don’t cry.”

She pushed him back and sniffled. “It’s not that Key.”

“Then what?”

“Look at you Key,” She said, a big smile apparent on her face. “You just said that some guy threw up on you like it was no big deal. You’re hugging me. I’m pretty sure six months ago you would’ve been in full panic mode if someone threw up on you.”

Key smiled. “I’m pretty awesome aren’t I?”

“Of course you are,” She said with a snort. She pushed herself off him and walked back to her closet. “But you still owe me a new sweater.”

Key smiled. “Thank you.”

“For what?” She asked, walking farther into the closet.

“For being my support.”

She poked her head out of the closet and smiled. “It was my pleasure. Now go make sure Tabby hasn’t eaten the cupcakes. I still have to find a good outfit.”

“It’s just Valentine’s Day Yuri, nothing big.”

“Your mom!”

Key laughed as he made his way to Yuri’s kitchen, that girl was something. He frowned when he saw the cat clawing at one of jumbo sized cupcakes.

“Tabby no! Shoo, go play somewhere.”

The cat hissed at him before jumping off and running to Yuri’s room.

“Crazy cat.”

He let out a relieved sigh when he saw that both cupcakes were still safe inside their containers, although once container had obvious cat scratches.

‘I’m sorry’ was written in white icing on both cupcakes. Key had made both of them with feeling, hoping that their receivers would forgive him.

Yuri came up behind him and tapped his shoulder, scaring him a bit. “Ready to go?”

Key grabbed both containers and put them in a brown bag. “Yeah, let’s go.”



Key took a deep breath as he stood behind the cafeteria doors. One push and he would be inside the world of chaos that he had hated for years. He took a deep breath and raised his hand.

“Wait Key.”

He looked to his left at Yuri. “What?”

“Sunny texted me. She said that Taemin eats lunch in the courtyard. He hasn’t eaten in the cafeteria since freshmen year.”

Key sighed. “Then to the courtyard.”

Yuri smiled, she turned and started walking to the courtyard, dragging him in the process.

He gave himself a pepped talk once they were outside looking for Taemin; his nerves were slowly starting to get at him.

“There he is,” Yuri said, pointing to a tree that was currently shading 7 guys. “Go go!”

Key gulped and started walking towards Taemin. He could clearly see him from here. He still had the same hair do, although now it was dyed blonde. A few more seconds and he would be right in front of him. He sighed and braced himself for the worst.

“Uh, Hi,” He said awkwardly, shifting his weight from side to side when he saw 7 pairs of eyes on him.

“Hi,” Taemin said, confusion and a bit of fear written on his face.

“Um, I,” Key let out a small cough, not knowing how to finish. Instead he reached in the bag for one of the cupcakes. “Here.”

Taemin blushed. He reached out and took the cupcake. “I’m kind of in a relationship right now, I’m flattered though.”

It was now Key’s turn to blush. “No no! Don’t misunderstand, I…I want to say I’m sorry. Freshmen year I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. I’m really sorry and I hope you can forgive me.”

Taemin laughed, immediately making Key cringe.

“Don’t even worry about that. That was a long time ago. Forgive and forget right?”

Key looked at the smiling boy and nodded. “Yeah. Thanks Taemin and I’ll see you around.”

With that said he turned around and started walking back to Yuri, a big smile on his face.

“Wait Key!”

He stopped and turned around, eyebrow raised. “Yeah?”

“We’re going to see The Avengers this weekend. Want to come?”

Key smiled. “Yeah. Of course. Can I bring a friend?”

“As many as you want. I’ll give the details tomorrow. See you later,” Taemin said with a smile, waving his hand.

Key waved back and made his wave over to Yuri where they both squealed in delight.

“Now to find Minho,” Key said with small sigh of defeat.

“Oh don’t be like that. You know you like him,” Yuri said, poking him in the side. “And I already found him for you. He’s sitting in that bench over there; he hasn’t stopped watching you since you gave Taemin that cupcake.”

Key’s eyes went wide. “What?” Key looked in the direction Yuri was pointing. His eyes met Minho’s, instantly making him blush. The both turned away.

Yuri laughed. “Go get him tiger.”

“Shut up,” He hissed. He turned around and started walking towards Minho.

The closer he got the more nervous he grew. The conversation he had with Minho six months ago was still running through his head. He felt dread chew at his stomach, he hoped Minho would forgive him.

“Ehm, Hi,” Key said, waving his hand.

Minho looked up at him, along with the rest of his friends. “Yeah?”

“Can I, uh, talk to you for a minute? Alone,” He asked, rubbing his arm with his free hand.

Minho stood up and started walking towards a less crowded area of the courtyard, Key following suit. Once they got to an empty tree Minho stopped and turned around to face Key, crossing his arms.


Key looked down at his shoes. “I, uh…I wanted to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being such an to you 6 months ago. I want you to know that I actually got better. And uh, thank you for the wakeup call, even if it was a bit harsh. Erm…yeah, basically I’m sorry and I hope you can forgive me. Oh and I made you this cupcake.”

He held up the brown bag to Minho, still not looking him in the eyes. He heard Minho chuckle, crushing his spirits just a bit.

“Where’s the fiery guy I met 6 months ago? You’re so tame now.”

Key looked up and glared. “I just apologized you jerk. Take the cupcake and tell me if you accept the apology.”

Minho let out another laugh. “There he is.”

Key scoffed. He was here to apologize but Minho sure knew how to get under his skin. “You know what, never mind.”

He turned around and started to walk back to Yuri, anger clouding his thoughts. He was stopped when a hand grabbed his arm.

“I forgive you,” Minho said. He turned Key around and gave him a sheepish grin. “I’m sorry too though, for being so harsh to you back then.”

Key let a small grin show on his lips. He held up the bag again. Minho smiled and took it.

“You know,” Minho started, rubbing the back of his head with his free hand. “I actually didn’t stop thinking about you. I felt guilty. I stole a few glances at you now and then, just to make sure you were doing okay.”

Key crossed his arms and smirked. “You stalked me?”

“What!? No! It isn’t like that,” Minho said, waving his arm. “It’s just I, uh…What’s Yuri to you anyways? Are you two together or something.”

Key grinned. “No, why?”

“Oh good. Just because, you know?”

Key smiled and nodded. “Sure. Thanks for accepting my apology. I have to go now, I’ll see you around Minho.”


Key turned back around. “Yes?”

Minho rubbed the back of his head. “Would you want to do something sometime?”

Key giggled. “Like a date?”

“Y-yeah,” Minho said, a blush covering his cheeks.

“How about next weekend? That café where we first met sounds nice.”

Minho nodded and smiled. “Awesome, uh I’ll pick you up?”

“Yeah,” Key said. He turned around and smiled, butterflies threatening to burst out of his stomach any minute now.

“Wait, how am I supposed to know where you live?”

Key turned around. “We live in the same apartment building. I’m on the 4th floor, room 4B. I like hot chocolate so breakfast at the café would be nice.”

Minho gaped at him and slowly caught up to him. “We live in the same building?”

Key nodded.

“Wow, 4 years and we’ve never even met.”

Key nodded, the smile still on his face. “Crazy, huh? If it wasn’t for my clock not working that day six months ago I wouldn’t even be having this conversation with you. Actually, we would’ve never even met. We would never have met.”

Minho smiled and threw his free arm around Key’s shoulder.

“That’s fate I guess.”

No sequel for this. I repeat. No sequel.

Wow, first of all. I'm extremely sorry for no updating this. I thought I had but apparently I didn't and I couldn't find it anywhere in my documents so I had to go back and re-write all of it x_x

Tell me what you think! Any errors you notice will be fixed sooner or later, I have to catch up on sleep so maybe later xD


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Bella2298 #1
Chapter 1: This was so lovely :)
AHHHH!! This was amazingly well written!! Minkey is deff my otp!! :D the way you described key's ocd was really realistic!! really, I loved it!! the ending was great too, it was the perfect ending! it got me thinking! but yea, really awesome fic!! :) hope you write more minkey, cuz minkey rules hahaha :D
i loved this you have no idea how hard it is to find some really good minkey out there so sad that it isnt chaptered BUT dang you could of a least given us a kiss or something if there is to be no sequel
jess_mmam #4
I loved it!! I would have preferred a little more MinKey's interactions, I love them lovey dovey!!
The "No sequel for this." is good info!! Because I was going to beg for more! lool

Thank you for sharing! <3