A Typical Day

A Lesson Learned Hard

~Zelo's P.O.V~

I don't know what happened first, the hard smack to the face or the painful groan. Cracking my eyes open, I couldn't help but laugh at the sight before me. The facial expression he had was either telling me that he was in pain or that he might be constipated. I think the first one was most... What would Youngjae hyung say? Logical. Whatever that means...

Jonguppie hyung had his nose scrunched up like he smelt something awful, his lips were firmly pressed together and his eyes were closed tightly. On top of that, the back of my hand had mysteriously ended up in the middle of his face-- opps.

Okay, I admit that when I'm having a good nights rest, I tend to be a bed hog and quite harmful... It's not my fault, okay?! Aish...

I laughed once again when I noticed Jongup hyung's expression hadn't changed after a few minutes. I removed my hand from his face and smacked his chest, causing him to groan again. His face twisted into a new painful expression and I'm glad he hadn't hit me... Yet.

"Hyung?" I whispered, poking his arm only to have him swat my hand away. "Why are you making that face?" I waited a few seconds to see if he would respond but instead he threw his arm over his eyes in attempt to block out the morning sun and to his side. He was now facing away from me.

I frowned, poking his shoulder. "Hyuuuuuung..." I whined, squirming on the bed a little to try and get his attention. "Hyuuuuuung!" I grumbled. When he still hadn't reponded to me, I decided a good kick would do me some justice. I slid my foot back a little before I brang it forward and hit the lower part of his leg. Smiling victoriously after I heard a grunt of pain, Jongup hyung finally removed his arm and turned back over to face me.

"What?" He hissed, glaring at me through half open eyes.

I stared at him in silence for a moment, chewing my bottom lip. "Why were you making that face?"

Letting out a heavy sigh, he rubbed his eyes, stretching a little. "I was dreaming about sunshine, lollipops and rainbows..." He yawned mid sentence.

"That sounds like a nice dream... " I smiled, snuggling into his chest as I curled up against him. No, we're not together. We're just very close, thank-you very much.

Peeking up at him, I noticed that he had frowned. "I was being sarcastic Zelo...."

I waved my hand, brushing off his failed attempt with a chuckle. "Yeah, whatever..." I said. "You didn't sound like you were being sarcastic, I mean..." I paused, the gears in my head practically running on overload. It was about 9 in the morning might I add. I rubbed my eyes clear, yawning a little before I continued. "It really does sound like a nice dream! In my dream though, I'd have a bright sun made out of jello. There woud be all lollipops of all shapes, sizes and flavours with a rainbow made of licorice and--"

"I said I was being sarcastic!" Jongup hyung snapped, stopping me from continuing on my delicious idea of a dream. Now that I think about it though, I think I want candy...

"Okay, okay..." I mumbled as I then looked down. Guilt had washed over me and I felt that I had to leave to let him rest. I did steal his bed and I am annoying him. Though when I went to turn my body and get up, his arms s around me and held me against himself tightly.

Jongup hyung placed his head against mine and I couldn't help but laugh a little. He was so grumpy in the mornings, but in reality, he was just a shy boy who could out dance almost anybody. "Noooooo..." He whined, no doubt he was pouting too. "Don't leave me Zeloooo..."

"And why should I not hyung?"

"Because I'm lonelyyyyy!"

"Then... Then, ugh..." I paused to think of someone. "Then hang out with Paige noona."

"I can't, she'll beat me!"

I let out a sigh, shaking my head. I was about to respond to Jonguppie hyung, but familiar voices had stopped me in my tracks. How long had they been there? How embarrassing...

"Awwww! So kawaii!" The older female squealed. She was always the happy-go-lucky one of the duo and the most motherly out of all of us. "Don't you think Paige?! Aren't they just so... So kawaii!"

"Yeah. They're adorable..." The younger female muttered, causing the older female to scowl. Jongup hyung and I laughed, both of us sitting up to greet the girls properly. "Good morning noonas." I said, getting up from Jongup hyung's bed and walked over too the two.

"Good morning Junhong!" The older female smiled brightly and immediately gave me a loving hug. Her name is Hy Sunhee and she's only 21 years old. She's very friendly, kind and warm hearted. Everything she did came from the heart, she never really got that angry or raised her voice at any of us. She was, you could say, a natural born mother who always put others before herself. I think that's why I was so close with her and why she became one of the most important people in my life so quickly.

Sunhee noona was a few inches shorter than me, but then again, who wasn't? I am freakishly tall for someone my age. She has long, wavy, light auburn hair that goes past her shoulders. She is very thin with pale, yet smooth skin. She wore little make-up and wasn't as girly as I thought she would be when I first met her. She only wore comfortable clothing, nothing too flashy or out there. I once questioned her about it and she simply replyed and I quote, "If I dressed in those aweful over flashy, overly small clothing, I would be mistaken for a hooker!" It's a sad thought but it's even sadder because it's true.

She and Yongguk hyung secretly love eachother. I know this because she gets all shy and quiet around him, while Yongguk hyung, it's like he brightens around her or something... Yongguk hyung would try to swoon her, while Sunhee noona would turn into a stuttering cherry cheeks mess and scurry away.

Anyway... I turned to the second female, who gave me a tired smile as I hugged her as well. Her name is Paige Kim and she's the same age as Jongup hyung, but a few months younger. Like Sunhee noona, she's a few inches shorter than me. She has dark peachy skin with short black hair that hangs a few inches over her shoulders.

She was sort of a tomboy, not really caring about what she wore. As long as she had clothes on, she was good and happy. Paige noona is kind and very caring, but she is also the type who isn't afraid to speak her mind. She loves picking on all of us, especially Jongup hyung and I though, I'm not exactly sure why... Well, I have pretty good idea of why she likes to pick fights with Jongup hyung but, why me?

Paige noona and Jonguppie hyung secretly love eachother too. However, they don't dance around one another like Sunhee noona and Yongguk hyung, no, they're more... Wait, Youngjae hyung already explained this me... Oh! They're oblivious to the already obvious and they seem to choose the blind side over confronting their true feelings and confessing. Yeah, that's what he said, though... What exactly does that mean?

With a sigh and much reluctance, Jongup hyung dragged himself off his bed, rubbing his eyes with a yawn and joined the three of us. I could tell he would rather kick us all out and go back to bed, but he also didn't want to be rude. He gave them the best smile he could muster up though, he looked more like the living dead waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill us...

"Good morning Sunhee noona." Jongup hyung greeted her, earning her loving smile in return.

"Good morning Jongup." Sunhee noona said, giving Jongup hyung a hug. "Next time, you should go to bed earlier!" She waved a stern finger at him before walking over to our dresser.

Jongup hyung and I couldn't help but break into a fit of giggles. She was such an over bearing noona, but she was the closest thing we had to a mother. We most definitely wouldn't trade her for anything in the world, not even Paige noona. Though speaking of Paige noona, I nearly leaped out of my skin when I noticed the glare of her face and how her arms were firmly crossed over her chest. Though I must admit that I'm glad the look wasn't directed at me.

"What?" Jongup hyung said, staring at her blankly.

Paige noona looked like she was about to knock him right onto his face. "Aren't you going to greet me stupid?!" She snapped.

"You know I was going to..." Jongup said, casually rolling his eyes. "But I decided not to after I saw that ugly look on your face."

"What?!" Paige noona was outraged. "Did you just say my face was ugly you dirty bastard?!"

"In a sense, I did!" Jongup hyung threw back at her. "And who you calling a dirty bastard you self centered drama queen!"

"I was obviously talking about you! You unkept deranged monkey!"

The insults and the shouting kept going in their vicious cycle. It was always like this for them, as soon as they saw each other, they would argue. Sometimes they got along, but it would eventually lead to an argument. It's weird, we have known them for a year now and already we all act like we've known each other for a life time.

With a sigh, I headed out of the room before things got ugly. Sunhee noona had handed me fresh clothes which I thanked her for, as she left Jongup hyung's clothes on his bed, after she made the bed of course than scurried off to the kitchen. Breakfast must be getting cold... I'm hungry. Too the cherry tomatoes!


Stepping out of the bathroom. I immediately made my way to the living where I spotted both Daehyun and Youngjae hovering over their ipad, sitting on the couch together. I swear Daehyun was a ninja assassin or something, because the moment I stepped near them, his eyes snapped up at me. His hearing was better than a hawk's. You could whisper something about him in a different room and he would instantly know. It was creepy...

"Good morning Daehyun hyung, Youngjae hyung." I smiled at them both.

At the sound of my voice, Youngjae hyung looked up at me and smiled. "Good morning Zelo." He greeted me back and Daehyun hyung did the same. That or he said something the ghetto. I never really know what he's says when he wears his mask.

I was about to leave them and greet the oldest members when Daehyun hyung's expression caught my attention. There was also the fact that Youngjae hyung suddenly had the same expression a few seconds after. Okay, now I'm really worried. They both looked like they were comfused and didn't know rather or not they should say anything,  so I stared at them questioningly. When neither one spoke, I shook my head.

"What?" I said. "What are you both staring at?"

Youngjae hyung nudged Daehyun hyung, who sighed in return, then looked at me again. I think he was trying hard not to laugh, while Youngjae hyung looked like he felt sorry for me. Whaaaaaat?

"Zelo." Daehyun hyung said. "jdhfhejqhfkgbjdhfng."

I stared at him wide eyed, looking side to side before I looked at him again. "Ugh... Umm..." I paused. "What?"

Daehyun hyung pulled down his mask, an amused smile twitching at his lips. "Your pants are falling..."

"WHAT?!" I swear my eyes nearly popped out of my head and my face had never been redder. My hands scrambled down and snatched my waist band firmly into my hands before I pulled them up. "W-Well, see you later..." I mumbled under my breath before scurrying away. Daehyun hyung had toppled over laughing, while Youngjae hyung tried scold him but ended up in a laughing fit as well. Gee, thanks a lot guys...

When I reached the kitchen, I went over to the table where Himchan hyung and Yongguk hyung were seated. Yongguk hyung was trying to ignore an enthusiastic Himchan hyung by stiring his tea and just going into deep thought. Immediately he looked like he was coming up with a rap since he was drumming his fingers and nodding his head a little. Poor Himchan hyung always got the short end of the stick, no wonder he was always so snappy and yelled a lot.

Sitting down across from them, I ran a hand through dyed blonde hair. "Good morning Yongguk hyung, Himchan hyung." I smiled, tapping Yongguk hyung's. hand a little.

Himchan hyung smiled back at me widely. I swear, if he smiled any bigger his face would either get stuck or possibly break... Or both, you never know. Yongguk hyung on the other hand looked startled. He hadn't expected me to be there at all and it looked like he got the least amount of sleep out of all of us. We were up till at least 3 in the morning last night and I don't think Yongguk hyung went to bed at all. He did wait for us all to go our rooms before he went to bed himself. Unless he stayed in the living room writing? I don't know...

Yongguk hyung let out a deep sigh. "Good morning Zelo..." He mumbled softly. I think he should go to bed, he looked like he was about to pass out at any second.

Himchan chuckled full heartedly, patting Yongguk hyung on the back. "Good morning Zelo!" He greeted me happily, obviously wide.

It was a few minutes later that everyone was dressed and sitting at the table having breakfast. Everyone was smiling, talking and laughing with one another despite how tired some of us were. Plopping a cherry tomato into my mouth, I almost spat it right back out. Jonguppie hyung is just so hilarious! We were both holding our sides, laughing hard as we tossed jokes around. Soon everyone joined in after that. Yup, this was most definitely, a typical day.

"Jongup hyung?" I turned to face him.

"Hmm?" He paused, placing his glass of apple juice down.

"Can you take me to the park?" I asked, shifting the mask I wore around my neck a little.

Jongup hyung smiled at that. "Sure Zelo."



Ugh... Finally. XP Sorry this took so long! I had no idea of what to write for the second chapter, but now I have everything figured out! ~~ Yey. :D

Jongup and Zelo are so adorable... There will be a lot of brotherly love between them. Even in the sequel, if I choose to make one that is... Buahahahaha!

Next chapter shall be cute adorable! Not that Zelo can't be anymore more cute and adorable than he already is... >//w//>

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, leave any suggections/opinions and subscribe if you haven't! LOL! X3


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