It Was Just a Dream

A Lesson Learned Hard


~Zelo’s P.O.V~


Glancing around my surroundings, I was immediately struck with a single worded thought.


 All around me were trees and lushes fields of grass. Wild flowers grew in patches in the shade and I was standing in the middle of a dirt path, seemingly on my way somewhere.

But… Where?

I shifted the mask I wore around my neck. The dream was so vivid, I could feel and tell that it was early summer. Birds seemed to chirp happily in the eerily silence. Sun beams shined threw the spaces of trees, illuminating the forest with a gentle glow.

Ah! A forest!

At least I got that where down. Though, where was I going?

I felt my brows furrow together as I pursed my lips. I rescanned my surroundings for an answer, only to come up with nothing. Well, that’s just great.

The scenery was supposed to be calm and relaxing, the sight was even beautiful. It was supposed to be perfect, like a scene in a fairy tale where prince charming and the beautiful princess first fall in love, but… I took a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment.

Something was wrong. Despite the calm and relaxing environment, there was a stir in my gut that wouldn’t go away. I knew from the odd feeling that something was going to happen. Something horrible, something I had been trying to avoid. Though I don’t know what that something is!

I was startled out of my thoughts when I suddenly heard a branch snap, followed by the quick shuffling of feet like someone was running. Then there was laughter, joyous laughter and I opened my eyes only feel my breath hitch in my throat. My eyes focused on a single figure…

A girl, with long brown hair and a flowing white dress was running around the forest with a bright smile on her face. She was laughing and smiling like it was the most natural thing in the world. Not a care seemed to cross her and even though I couldn’t make out her face, I knew she was the one I was following now.

She spread her arms out like they were wings and hoped off her foot like she was going to fly, only to land back on the ground seconds later, stumbling and laughing. I couldn’t help it, it was contagious.

I felt myself smile and went to step forward. It was only then that I realized that I couldn’t. My feet felt like cement blocks, every step I tried to take was an effort. The smile on my face disappeared and I stopped. The girl must have noticed too, because she suddenly appeared in front of me.

There was a distance that separated us, but if I could just get over to her, I would be within arm’s reach in no time. The sudden feeling of wanting to hold her, keep her safe and protect her was over whelming. My chest started to tighten and my picture perfect dream was suddenly turned upside down.

She reached toward me desperately, her very being starting to dissolve into white feathers. “Jun Hong!” She called out to me distressed. “Don’t leave me!”

“Never!” I choked, pushing my foot forward and forcing myself to move. “I’d never leave you!” The more I moved, the more everything turned into a nightmare. An angry thunder storm started to roar above us as bright streaks of lightning lit up the now darkened sky. The trees caught on fire and I noticed I was sinking.

The ground had changed into water and every step I took was weighing me down. It was futile but that didn’t stop me. I had to get to her, I don’t know why but I had to!

I clenched my jaw, reaching out to her as I slowly drew near and let out an aggravated growl. She smiled sadly as tears started too descended down her porcelain face, dropping her hand at her side. “No!” I shouted.  She was almost gone, dissolving faster and faster. “Come back!”

“Jun Hong…” Her voice was nothing but a whisper now. “Don’t leave me…” And with that she disappeared. She disappeared right when I was about to grab a hold of her. I could feel my lips trembling, clutching a handful of white feathers in my hand. “I will never leave you…” I choked as heavy sobs trembled through my body. “I will never leave you!”

I slammed my hands down where she was standing, over and over again. “P-Please come back!” I couldn’t hold it back anymore. Everything that had been locked away in my chest was springing loose. My defense was shattered and I came crashing down with it. “Come back to me—“ I thought the worse had already passed over, but I was very wrong.

I was suddenly dragged deep into the water, the current violently thrashing me around like a rag doll. I reached around wildly, trying to grasp onto something secure to pull myself up to safety. My throat burned from swallowing down gulps of water and my eyes stung.

“Zelo!” Someone was calling me, but I didn’t know from where. I tried to open my eyes to see, only to squeeze them back shut. I continued to struggle against the strong current.

“Zelo!” I was being shaken by an invisible force. No, it felt like hands…

“ZELO!” My eyes snapped open and I found myself staring up at the very worried face of… JongUp. He was securely holding my hands down, watching my face closely. I could feel my chest heaving heavily, like I was hyperventilating. I must have gone into hysterics and woke him up. My eyes were sore and they were opened wide like dinner plates.

JongUp gently moved me over, lying on my bed beside me and placed secure arms around my thin frame. My hands clutched his black wife-beater with firm hands and I tried to calm myself down with steady breaths but it came out ragged and raspy. I must have screamed my voice raw.

“Zelo…” JongUp whispered. He rubbed my back gently, resting his chin on my head. “It was just a dream… You’re okay.” The minute I hid my face away, the minute my head touched his chest, my whole body gave way to heavy sobs. It only made JongUp hold me tighter.

I must have cried myself to sleep, because the next thing I knew, darkness had overwhelmed me and I found myself in the most peaceful of dreams. I don’t know how JongUp did it and I think I’ll never know. Though I was certain about one thing… He was the best hyung I ever had.

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