Chapter 7 - Favor

White Scent


Suhee’s order came along with Yongguk’s coffee, a steaming latte and a delicate slice of moist cheesecake. Daehyun seemed to ogle at the cake even as he placed the items down on the wooden table, making the girl laugh and her brother to raise an eyebrow.

“A slice of heaven right there,” the waiter clarified, smiling brightly at the two. His eyes lingered on Yongguk a split second longer, meeting his gaze until the older man broke the eye-contact by clearing his throat. Not embarrassed in the least, Daehyun retreated after wishing them a good meal.

Suhee stared at his back, slightly open-mouthed. “Wow, Daehyunnie totally checked you out,” she stated, shifting her gaze back to Yongguk. “I think he likes you, oppa,” the girl dramatically concluded before bursting into giggles again.

The blonde swatted at her shoulder, turning slightly pink. “Stop, I already have Jieun, okay?” Suhee shrugged with a sweet eyesmile on her face. “Well, you never know. In case you might want to expand you ual orientat- Ow, Gukkie oppa, I’m joking!”

Yongguk narrowed his eyes at the pouting girl before he took a sip of his black coffee, making a face. “Needs more sugar,” the man shook his head, ignoring Suhee’s incredulous expression as he tore the tops off three sugar packets and added the contents into his cup.

The next half-hour or so was spent with Yongguk talking about the latest song he composed. It was one of the things Suhee was happy and proud of, having her perfectionist brother actually valuing her opinion on his music. Pulling out a small music player and earphones from his pocket, he offered a side to Suhee, who nodded and listened curiously.

The notes flowed together into a lilting piano melody albeit with a strong beat, giving the signature feel of an R&B ballad. Yongguk had rapped some parts in it, the tentative lyrics echoing in her ears. Talent with words seemed to run in their family.

“I think it’s awesome, but the bass seems to be slightly overpowering. And the beat could be sped up a little,” Suhee said finally, handing the earphone back to Yongguk. He nodded. “I was thinking that too, changing around the rhythm. Once the vocals are in, the bass should be less loud though.” The man gave her a gummy smile, standing up. “Thanks for the input. Uh– excuse oppa for a minute, I need to go to the bathroom…”

“Okay,” the girl smiled before switching her attention back to her drink as she waited, sipping at it contentedly. Suhee reached out to flip through the textbook hand she had borrowed from the university library earlier, only to bump her hand into another’s.

Blinking, she looked up to see Youngjae standing near, surveying her with doe eyes and smiling gently. Butterflies awakened in her stomach at sight of his plump curved lips, her textbook in his hand. “H-hi,” Suhee found her voice cracking as she greeted him, reciprocating with a shy smile.

“Mhm~ Oh, since when did you pick up Psychology?” The brunette waiter cocked his head to the side, gazing at the big print of its title. He flipped through the pages briefly before placing it back into Suhee’s hands. “Looks familiar as well, I’ve probably used it before in class.”

The brown-eyed girl felt a warm feeling blossom in her chest from just listening to the boy’s voice. “Oh, this? Actually… we’re discussing about psychological and psychiatric injuries in class, so I thought I’d do some background reading on the topic. It’s certainly more than I expected though.” Suhee reached up to curl a strand of hair behind her ear, wrinkling her nose in mock-distaste.

Her answer made Youngjae guffaw and place a hand on her head, ruffling the hair lightly. Suhee looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with mirth and slight shyness at the touch. “What, you thought Psychology was easy, didn’t you?” She nodded cheerfully and watched the boy laugh more. “I thought you didn’t condone socializing during working hours, Youngjae-sshi.”

Their contact had been somewhat of a touch-and-go thing, ever since he walked her home that time. It wasn’t that they got uncomfortable each other – more like they never had the chance to hang out after that. In the café, conversations with Youngjae were always short and… correct, if Suhee could put it that way.

The waiter grinned, sliding into Yongguk’s seat. “I just clocked out. Early shift today. Besides, your brother thanked me for ‘taking care of you’–” He waggled his eyebrows at that phrase, making Suhee snort. “He seems pretty cool. Oh nuna, by the way, if you need me to explain some of the basics of Psychology to you, I can help. I had pretty good grades back in university,” Youngjae offered.

Suhee looked at him, slightly startled. “B-but aren’t you busy with work and all? Unless you consider this like tutoring? How much–” She was swiftly interrupted by the brunette. “Hey, we’re friends. No fees needed. I only remember the basic stuff anyway.” Youngjae stated firmly.

“In that case…” the girl bit her lip, considering. I can’t let him do such a big favor without any return, and if he wouldn’t accept monetary rewards, there must be something else I could do… “Ah! I know what I can give you in return,” Suhee smiled widely, holding his wrist in excitement. “You stay by yourself, right? I bet you haven’t tasted home-cooked food in a long time.” Youngjae shook his head. “Then you should come over for dinner! Omma’s kimchi jjigae is the best you’ll ever taste.”

She leaned back as a grin started to decorate the ex-student’s face. “Sounds like a good plan to me. I’ve been living off microwavable food for weeks,” Youngjae sighed.

“I have to let you know though,” Suhee’s enthusiasm faltered at what she was about to reveal to the other. Maybe it wasn’t that good of an idea after all. “My mom can be a little erratic sometimes, I hope you don’t mind… She was depressed for a while when my biological father died when our old house burned down–”

The girl trailed off when she saw the shocked look on Youngjae’s face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you my long sob story.” Suhee laughed awkwardly, cringing at herself. “She has a bipolar personality disorder. But she's a lot better since she started medication and like I said, she’s the best chef ever.”

As the form of Yongguk approached, the boy stood and nodded, pulling out a pen and writing his number on a napkin before handing it to the girl. “I bet. I don’t mind in the least. Let me know when you’re free, nuna?” He smiled easily, pale skin glowing in the late afternoon sun.

Suhee nodded brightly. “I will!”



Unedited, but I wanted to post this as a gift to raccoontist who always waits patiently for my updates ^___^ I'll get back to it tomorrow.

My god everyone keeps smiling in my fic. Their cheek muscles must hurt 3


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Put Jongup's photo/short bio in Foreword ^_^


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Chapter 7: Awww sweetie, I love you for updating <3 Sorry it took me so long to leave a comment!
And wow, Suhee. Way to drop a rock like that... did not see the heavy family history coming, which makes her relationship with big bro Yongguk that much more endearing <33
And yes! I'm pretty excited to see how Youngjae acts around Suhee, yongguk AND their mom... and the whole tutoring sessions, hmm? ;);)
PS how are suhee's self defense classes with the hunky instructor coming along? *nudge nudge*
Chapter 6: I wish there was a cafe like Illa where I live, I love the atmosphere of the workers. Especially if there was the combination of Himchan, YoungJae and Daehyun there... <33 lolol

oooh so that's what happened with youngjae. poor thing :( don't make him leave! whats the reason for youngjae beating up this snobby rich kid (which I assume)? haha

hmmmmmmm i understand your predicament, although I love how introverted the two are being at the moment. that's exactly what i would be like with a love interest >> maybe you can get suhee to work temporarily at the cafe again. the manager leaves youngjae and dae hyun (plus suhee) to close up shop for whatever reason; dae hyun takes a hint and leaves first; And then youngjae and suhee play around (not... in the dirty way) in an empty cafe?

wellllll, in the end, it'll be up to you! I'll be looking forward to the next update, but dont feel rushed :P
Chapter 6: Poor YoungJae. D: I really hate it when my mom calls and reminds me of reality. It really ...>_____> /completely understands/

It's cute how YongGuk decided to check YoungJae out a bit (kinda) before SuHee got there. I also love their relationship at the cafe. :) They seem to all get along swimmingly. XD

Hmmm...maybe you could have YoungJae walk SuHee back to her place when it gets late and then BOOM a storm comes out of nowhere and YoungJae can't get back to his apartment! So SuHee lets him into hers and they can bond~ :D ...lame idea but I got nothing. >____>
Chapter 7: Aw Jongup as an instructor? That's so cute! Haha he's adorable! Update soon! :3
B-but I liked ze previous Jongup photo sob sob.
You know, the one with his impeccable big eyes that are sparkly and wonderful?

/demands more Jongup andhimchanofc
jldsaghidhj oh jong up. I LOVE him as a taekwondo instructor!! (and surprisingly, i was totally freaking out in glee while i was reading)
Jong Up's so cute... T-T Why do this to me, why? I thought I was going to ship suhee with youngjae for sure, then you throw adorable high school taekwondo instructer jongup in there and now i'm torn... LOL
ahh i'm so excited for this story! :) update soon, kay? hehe
ps. i'm jealous of your vocabulary, just thought you should know haha
Okay, since I haven't commented for ch 4 (for some strange reason), I'll start with that xD
Ah~ I love Yongguk as an older brother. So caring >w< I wish my actual brother was like that =.= haha
and now i'm curious about daehyun, cause he seems a little more mysterious than 'the friendly waiter' i thought him as (or maybe it's because i'm on a daehyun craze... hm...) haha well, at the very least, wondering about the friendship between daehyun and youngjae, since they don't know each other from school?
minhwan the jerk... suhee should have said no. haha xD
I think your chapter lengths are just fine~ don't worry about it!
I think the length is fine :D I'm glad you updated! Ah, Yong Guk is protective but it's sweet :3 Sure should never trust a guy like Minhwan when it comes to homework! XP
hey you. I saw your story was updated and I got really excited but then I realized it wasn't a new chapter...
I'll just go wait patiently in the corner now...
Chapter 4 isn't up O.o or are you still working on it?