Chapter 1 - And You Are

White Scent

The cool autumn wind blew, scattering dead leaves all over the narrow street as the brown-haired girl shivered, pulling the top of her loose blue hoodie over her hair and adjusting her glasses. Her purple bookbag felt heavy slung over the right side of her shoulder, and it was quickly getting uncomfortable for her. She quickened her pace with her head bowed, passing rows and rows of shops, loving couples and loud groups of friends, intent on getting to her destination.

A cheerful jangle sounded from little bell above the glass-windowed door as she set foot into the establishment, relieved to be out of the wind and noise. Illa Café. It was a strange name that required one to roll the tongue nicely to pronounce it right, but the girl never questioned it. As long as the coffee tasted just as good as the first time she had a chilled mug of the smooth, perfect bittersweet blend.

The girl chose a dark green double couch to sink into, sliding her bag carelessly next to her. The nametag attached to its front glinted in the orange atmospheric lights, spelling Im Suhee.

As a familiar handsome waiter rushed to greet her and hand over the menu, she smiled and nodded with friendliness unlike the hostile aura she wore earlier. “Busy day, Daehyunnie?” Suhee initiated, still smiling as she flipped through the pages while scanning over some scrumptious-sounding blends.

The boy crinkled into a wide charming smile, shaking his head as he waited patiently for her order. “Not really, it being a weekday and all. Haven’t seen you in several weeks, been caught up as well?”

The girl sighed tiredly, sweeping her fringe to the side. “Yeah, assignments… they’re all done though. So I’m here to finally enjoy some me time.”

Daehyun smiled and nodded in understanding. “Or my company, maybe?” He joked and winked. His customer didn’t seem like the type to party with friends after all. Suhee wasn’t ugly or anything, but there was always a distant look in her eyes like she wasn’t all there. Whenever the girl came, she was almost always alone and would have her nose buried in a book or her laptop. Sometimes she would look out of the glass windows, people-watching until her eyes glazed over. Suhee was quite accommodating and friendly whenever he spoke to her, though. Daehyun thought of her as a sweet girl, if a little strange.

The sound of Suhee’s voice brought Daehyun out of his thoughts. “Not unless you can give me free-flow of coffee for a lifetime,” she scoffed. It made Daehyun laugh. “Plus my mom nags about me coming too often and wasting my money on expensive drinks all the time, so…” This time they chuckled together. “Okay, so… can I have an iced mocha chip blend and a slice of raspberry cheesecake?”

“Sure thing,” Daehyun smiled another one of his addictive eyesmiles. With a quick reassurance of her order, he left Suhee to her own devices. The said girl leant back into the sofa and closed her eyes, still smiling. It wasn’t fun at all to be dog-tired and still slogging through all-nighters to perfect her assignments. Now they have been handed in, she hoped her work would be worth it in the end.

Suhee must have dozed off somehow because the next thing she knew, someone was tapping her shoulder softly. Fuzzy with sleep, she expected a smiling Daehyun telling her to enjoy her meal – instead, she tiredly squinted into a new face. It was a different waiter, a brunette with pale skin, rosy cheeks, plump lips, a button nose and almond-shaped eyes. The beautiful boy wore a concerned look and was leaning in a way where his face was quite close to hers.

Suhee felt her heart speed up and instinctively she jerked back. The side of her head immediately collided with the window next to her. “Ack! !” she cursed, trying to rub the pain away. This guy must be new, who on earth leans close to a customer like that unless they thought they were dead or something?

“Hi, um– ” The waiter backed away apologetically, seeing Suhee getting all flustered.  “You look really tired, are you feeling alright?”

 Trying to hide her awkwardness and slight annoyance, the girl managed a wan smile and a nod. “I’ll be fine, I just need some sleep. Thanks for the concern but there’s no need to lean over me like that, you know?” The waiter was actually rather adorable, especially when he scratched his head embarrassedly while bowing his apologies. It made her smile.

Then again, he looked kind of familiar… Suhee couldn’t quite place him though. Man, she hated being so forgetful.

The boy gestured to the table where her tempting cold coffee blend and cake sat – serviette, metal fork, knife, and straw all set out nicely in front of her. “Your order, miss,” the waiter said added somewhat unhelpfully, bowing again. Suhee hummed, smirking a bit as she said her thanks.sHer eyes wandered to the waiter’s nametag. Yoo Youngjae. She was sure she recognized him now. Where had she seen that name before?

“Hey,” she called as the boy hugging the tray was just about return to the counter. “Yoo Youngjae from Psychology?” The brunette turned around, looking confused.

“I’m from Kyunghee University too,” Suhee clarified. “From Law. I think I’ve seen you around… You used to have blonde hair, right? Spiked?” Her hand went up to the air above her head, gesturing up and down in a fail mimic of spikes.

“Ah, yes you’re right,” Youngjae bowed politely, hiding his amusement at Suhee’s imitation. “Recently I had to drop out though, due to financial difficulties.” Suhee cocked her head to the side, feeling guilty as she sipped her mocha. “Oh… I’m sorry. I just thought you looked familiar.”

Youngjae shook his head with pouty smile. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. Now if you’d excuse me– I’m not supposed to chat on my shift,” he said quietly.

“I hope you enjoy this job, then,” the girl said sincerely. Youngjae nodded slightly before moving to another table. From the corner of her eye, she caught Daehyun standing at the counter and grinned at him. He responded with a small wave, eyes crinkling as well. With the other waitress on leave,  at least her waiter friend would have someone to help out with the orders now.

Looking out of the window, Suhee allowed herself to drift away, the cool drink soothing and melting away all the stress and worries within.

That morning seemed to dawn brighter and clearer than any other day, the tall buildings of Seoul glinting as they caught the chilly rays of the sun. Pale blue earphones wedged into her ears, Suhee walked down the street that was too familiar with a spring in her step.

Today marked the beginning of her university break. She now had two blissful weeks to unwind and replenish the motivation that her daily lectures had all but out of her soul. At ten am, the sun felt nice and warm on her skin. Suhee did a light twirl on her sneakered feet and nearly barreled into some passersby, much to their annoyance.

Suhee didn’t care – today was her day. Her mother had left much earlier to work, but not before fussing over her and reminding her to see to her own breakfast. There was of course, only one place she would go to. Blowing her fringe out of her eyes, Suhee stopped in front of Illa Café. Scanning the scattered queue in front of the café with eyebrows furrowed, she peeked into the glass windows.

Something wasn’t quite right today. Every single seat was occupied, even at the little bar. It was probably the first time in history that this had ever happened, Suhee realized. Due to the slightly steep prices of the menu and limited space, the café had never been the haunt of the crowd. She liked it that way – quiet and peaceful. Until now, that is.

As the queue s into the establishment,  Suhee caught sight of the waitress, Jinri who was back from her holiday and brunette Youngjae serving the customers at maximum speed. Judging from the numbers though, they were fighting a losing battle. Daehyun was nowhere to be seen. At the counter, an unfamiliar middle-aged woman rung up Suhee’s bill as the two baristas worked on the long list of orders.

Suhee moved to the one closest to her and leaned over the counter as he concentrated on blending coffee. “Hey, Himchannie,” the girl asked curiously. The barista looked up from the drink he was making, crinkling into a big smile as soon as he saw her. He had delicate features Suhee knew would break a thousand girls’ hearts. Only she knew him much too well to even consider him attractive. “Oh, are we on talking terms again, Suhee-yah?” he sang happily.

Of course, her stepbrother’s best friend was referring to the last time he came over to the house to hang out with Yongguk. Himchan was close to Suhee as well, but he had a serious tendency to annoy her even when not on purpose. This time, he had emptied Suhee’s stash of snacks out of her secret pantry drawer and finished everything at one go. Man, didn’t that piss her off.

Pointedly ignoring the older man’s remark, she quipped, “What’s up with the crowd? And where’s Daehyun?”

 Himchan chuckled as he drew a coffee heart on the latte he was making. “The pretty Busan boy? He’s on sick leave today. You should go to his house and take care of hi- aw come on, I’m just joking,” he laughed weakly at the unamused expression on Suhee’s face. 

“And apparently,” Himchan continued as he placed several drinks onto the counter and rung the bell, “Some popular magazine published a rave review about Illa’s coffee yesterday, so everyone’s here to try it out.” 

At that, the girl played with her wavy brown hair thoughtfully. “Interesting… no wonder everyone’s working so hard.”

Himchan’s face suddenly lit up with a mischievous smile. He was about to say something, but was interrupted by a polite shove from his fellow co-worker, Bomi who passed Suhee her frappe. “Move over, Himchan dear. Here’s your order Suhee-sshi, enjoy your drink!” Suhee thanked the lady and was about to leave when the black-haired barista called out to her. “You don’t have classes today right? D’you think you can you help out with the orders?”

Himchan nodded towards the café’s waiter and waitress. Suhee watched them for a moment as they fervently took down orders from the bustling queue. The university student shook her head a little, pausing as she contemplated his offer. “I’ve never done this before.” Suhee said uncertainly.

“Pah,” he snickered. “You probably know the menu better than the new boy.” The said brunette was passing by, and Suhee could see Youngjae’s forehead beaded with sweat, either reciting orders – or cursing – under his breath.

Pity almost did it for her – save for one very important question. “I’ll get paid for it, right?” Suhee asked suspiciously.

Himchan threw his arms up into the air in exasperation. “Paid with my eternal affection and love? …come on Suhee, it wouldn’t hurt to do something for your favorite café, right?”The man pouted at the girl’s raised brow and doubtful expression. “Look, I’ll replenish the snacks, okay? And I’ll treat you to a meal next time. A proper one.”

Suhee grinned at that. “That sounds more like it.”


Next chapter, Suhee and Youngjae will get some interaction! Yay!

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Put Jongup's photo/short bio in Foreword ^_^


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Chapter 7: Awww sweetie, I love you for updating <3 Sorry it took me so long to leave a comment!
And wow, Suhee. Way to drop a rock like that... did not see the heavy family history coming, which makes her relationship with big bro Yongguk that much more endearing <33
And yes! I'm pretty excited to see how Youngjae acts around Suhee, yongguk AND their mom... and the whole tutoring sessions, hmm? ;);)
PS how are suhee's self defense classes with the hunky instructor coming along? *nudge nudge*
Chapter 6: I wish there was a cafe like Illa where I live, I love the atmosphere of the workers. Especially if there was the combination of Himchan, YoungJae and Daehyun there... <33 lolol

oooh so that's what happened with youngjae. poor thing :( don't make him leave! whats the reason for youngjae beating up this snobby rich kid (which I assume)? haha

hmmmmmmm i understand your predicament, although I love how introverted the two are being at the moment. that's exactly what i would be like with a love interest >> maybe you can get suhee to work temporarily at the cafe again. the manager leaves youngjae and dae hyun (plus suhee) to close up shop for whatever reason; dae hyun takes a hint and leaves first; And then youngjae and suhee play around (not... in the dirty way) in an empty cafe?

wellllll, in the end, it'll be up to you! I'll be looking forward to the next update, but dont feel rushed :P
Chapter 6: Poor YoungJae. D: I really hate it when my mom calls and reminds me of reality. It really ...>_____> /completely understands/

It's cute how YongGuk decided to check YoungJae out a bit (kinda) before SuHee got there. I also love their relationship at the cafe. :) They seem to all get along swimmingly. XD

Hmmm...maybe you could have YoungJae walk SuHee back to her place when it gets late and then BOOM a storm comes out of nowhere and YoungJae can't get back to his apartment! So SuHee lets him into hers and they can bond~ :D ...lame idea but I got nothing. >____>
Chapter 7: Aw Jongup as an instructor? That's so cute! Haha he's adorable! Update soon! :3
B-but I liked ze previous Jongup photo sob sob.
You know, the one with his impeccable big eyes that are sparkly and wonderful?

/demands more Jongup andhimchanofc
jldsaghidhj oh jong up. I LOVE him as a taekwondo instructor!! (and surprisingly, i was totally freaking out in glee while i was reading)
Jong Up's so cute... T-T Why do this to me, why? I thought I was going to ship suhee with youngjae for sure, then you throw adorable high school taekwondo instructer jongup in there and now i'm torn... LOL
ahh i'm so excited for this story! :) update soon, kay? hehe
ps. i'm jealous of your vocabulary, just thought you should know haha
Okay, since I haven't commented for ch 4 (for some strange reason), I'll start with that xD
Ah~ I love Yongguk as an older brother. So caring >w< I wish my actual brother was like that =.= haha
and now i'm curious about daehyun, cause he seems a little more mysterious than 'the friendly waiter' i thought him as (or maybe it's because i'm on a daehyun craze... hm...) haha well, at the very least, wondering about the friendship between daehyun and youngjae, since they don't know each other from school?
minhwan the jerk... suhee should have said no. haha xD
I think your chapter lengths are just fine~ don't worry about it!
I think the length is fine :D I'm glad you updated! Ah, Yong Guk is protective but it's sweet :3 Sure should never trust a guy like Minhwan when it comes to homework! XP
hey you. I saw your story was updated and I got really excited but then I realized it wasn't a new chapter...
I'll just go wait patiently in the corner now...
Chapter 4 isn't up O.o or are you still working on it?