Something about my Brother

My super hawt brother ?!

„Today was a strange day.“, you told Key when you met again to practice.


„Really? Why?“, Key asked you and chuckled. He had a strange day as well. Taemin and Jonghyun were fighting over a girl they both were interested in the whole day. He was glad that he didn't have this kind of problem. He looked at you and smiled even brighter. Yeah...he was thankful that he was the only one who had found this hidden treasure.


„First I came here a bunch of crazy people was standing in front of the rooms because one of the idols came to meet someone.“, you told him and thought about your ideas from afternoon.


„An idol?“, Key asked and furrowed his eyebrows.




„Usually idols aren't allowed to come here.“, he wondered and folded his arms.


„They're not? Well...then it must have been luck that the trainee got a visit from that guy.“, you shrugged your shoulders but then thought about this idol again.


You had those weird ideas...


With a furtive gaze you observed Key.


„Can I ask you something?“




„Is your real name...Taemin?“, you wanted to know.


Key frowned and shook his head. „No, it's not.“


„Phew...“, you made and were glad. This ment that Key was not interested in another trainee...wait! Why did that make you happy?! Aish!


„Why?“, Key wanted to know and came closer.


„Ah...just wanted to know...Taemin was the name of the idol...but sure, you're right – You can't be him otherwise you wouldn't be able to practice with me every evening, huh?“ Nervously chuckling you scratched the floor with the tip of your shoes.


Key looked aside.


Right...yeah...she doesn't know, that I'm an idol yet..., he thought and an embarassing silence made the athmosphere become weird. Key even thought about telling you that he knew Taemin but you were faster and went on talking.


„Well...back to topic: I met up with a guy I got to know yesterday...and some other strange guy came to fetch him. He was creepy...and he called me pure. I don't know why but that creeped the hell out of me!“, you complained and pouted while you tried to figure out what your dancing teacher was thinking at the moment. He was unusual quiet.


Key couldn't laugh about it what made you react insecurely. Of course it wasn't your fault. It was more the fact that he was shocked about the truth behind those two guys you met today.

Now he knew who the girl was, they were talking about...Jonghyun and Taemin...they both...


„...seems like you met up with that idol called Taemin without knowing.“, he said. „Those two guys are members of a boygroup. The guy who called you pure...his name is Jonghyun. That's just his kind of acting with girls he's interested in. He likes girls without plastic surgeries.“, he informed you. „And the other one...that was the maknae Taemin.“


His chest felt heavy. It was impossible...! How could it be that...?! But he thought he was the only one...?!


„What?“, you asked him irritated. „You mean...“ Mystery boy was this Taemin? You knit your eyebrows. „No way!“

But after thinking about it for a could you have been that stupid?! Of course!

He already told you that he was an idol...but being this popular amongst the felt ashamed for not knowing who he was or which boygroup he belonged to. You had even forgotten that he was a real idol. Being around famous people who act the same like every other person...that was a strange feeling.


Now you were insecure about Key again. You had been looking for him already in the trainee part...and when you were about to find him in the idol one you bumped into Taemin. Was it possible that he was an idol who was able to hide it quite well?


„Key-Oppa? Be honest – Are you also an idol?“ You leaned forwards and placed your hands at your waist.


„Me?“ Key blinked in confusion. Should he tell you...? „I-I', I'm not.“


He quickly tried to change the topic.


„Of course I'm not! You really have no idea of K-Pop, huh?“, Key asked you after he had gulped.


„Not really.“, you answered honestly. He wasn' was awkward, but it relieved you.


„Then why do you want to become part of this music industry?“, he went on.


For a moment you were silenced. Should you tell Key about your plan? That you were here to meet your brother? Maybe he knew him and would tell him...but yeah...for sure he wouldn't know who you were talking about. You neither knew how he looked like nor what his name was.


„I'm looking for someone...“


„Who's that someone?“, Key asked and leaned against the wall.


„My brother.“, you said and bit on your underlip. „He's in this entertainment...I've never met him before. I don't know what his name is, not even how he looks like...I just have a photo of his boygroup and of his parents with a message written by them to prove him that I'm his sister.“


This was the glimpse of hope Key had needed so desperately.

He found his chance in it. If he was just able to help you...maybe that would bring him nearer to you than Taemin and Jonghyun would ever be!

He was more than unwilling to hand you over to one of the other SHINee members.


„Maybe I can h-“


What are you two doing here?!“


Both of you looked up and saw the caretaker standing in front of the door. He was looking angrily back at you.


„It's not allowed to practice at this time!“, he huffed at you and beckoned you outside.


„Go home – both!“


You two were interruped and thrown out by him...Key wasn't able to mark the issue again.



Unfortunately you didn't see Key again after you were thrown out. The caretaker made sure you didn't meet again in the room after they were closed for normal lessons.


You couldn't even go to the idol rehearsal rooms because of the other trainees. They stopped you during break to pump you for information about Taemin. Every try to get rid of them failed – they didn't want to leave you alone.

In the end you told them that you knew him back from school...but that made it even worse.



The casting day came closer and closer until the final day had broached.


You were nervously starring at the clock in front of you while you were sitting in the waiting room next to your competitors. The room was huge but still it was completely filled with young women.

Some of them even brought supporters with them. A lot of them brought their best friend and you started to miss Dahae by just looking at the others joking with their friends.


Lonesome you kneaded the edges of your sleeves.


One girl after another was called into the casting room to participate and the big waiting room became emptier and emptier. The last ones started to practice singing or tried to perfectionate their dance steps. They were so fixated on it, you even wondered if they would notice once they were asked inside.


You sighed and leaned forward until your forehead touched the chair in front of you.


„You're looking quite desperately.“, a familiar voice said and you heard Key chuckling behind you.


„Huh?“ You turned around to face him and smiled when you saw him smiling as well delightedly.


„What are you doing here?“, you wanted to know.


„Supporting you.“, Key answered. „Well...and I'm curious if my extra lessons have some effect on your skills.“


He giggled cheerfully and you joined him.


„We will see.“


Key opened his mouth again to say something when suddenly a woman stepped outside and called out your name.


„Park _____!“, she called and you quickly jumped up to get over to her.


„See you later!“, you said to Key and beckoned. He winked and watched you leaving the waiting room.


„I hope you get into the group...really...“, he whispered to himself. If you won over the others and became a part of UttS, you would be part of SHINee's next MV...and therefore Key would be able to see you more often, he would be able to show the others who you really belonged to...


How crazy am I – really?! Thinking that she's my property...I've never been that egoistic...especially not because of a girl...a girl I just got to know....who knows...I bet she doesn't feel the same about me...


With a short sigh he stood up. Of course he would wait for you...but sitting around and praying would just make him go crazy.


He stretched himself when he realized that you had forgotten your bag outside. It was lying on the chair that you had sat next to.


„Huh...?“ Key blinked at it in wonder when at least a thousand thoughts were flooding his mind.


She said she had some pictures of her family...maybe she's got some with her in the bag? If I just take a short look...yeah, it will just make it easier to help her...I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?, he thought and hesitated before he finally grabbed the bag.


The pictures were safely placed in your wallet that he took out first.


„Let's see...“, Key mumbled and took a look at the photos.



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Chapter 16: yeey~ Thank you for the update! :D
hyunniemia #2
Chapter 16: yayyy!!!! u're updating~~~ i keep think that jonghyun is her brother after all~~~
gomawo author-nim <3
hyunniemia #3
Chapter 15: i wanna ask..are u still working on this story?? becoz i'm really love it.. and i hope u still updating this story~~~ <3
Chapter 15: OMO! I ♥ it!
Chapter 14: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 14: yeey an update! :D
I can't wait for the next one, I ♥ it ;)
Chapter 14: wow that chapter was really great but I don´t get why shinee isn´t really helping her.
Chapter 12: I wonder who is the brother?
Kpoplover9419 #9
Chapter 13: Omg update soon