Keiko House

143 Keiko


He won't help me right? Yeahh, which crazy man gonna help someone like me? What a bad day Keiko!!


"Keiko, I need to tell you one important thing." Eli look into Keiko's eyes. 

"Uhhh...what is it? You can't help me?" I wanna cry. Yamapi, I need you!

"No! Just wanna tell you, that you're going to be my neighbour." Eli smile widely. And yesss, I'm crying rite now. I dont know why should I cry when there is someone who can help me? I think I'm crying because... err, happy?

"Keiko, why?.. Oh my.. What did I do?' Eli was like a father when he said that. He wipe my tears and hug me to keep me calm. KEIKO! Are you crazy? let a guy hug you? But, i love the way he hug me. warm and I feel safe.

"Let me go!" I cry a bit

"Errr,, sorry! I'm just.. errr... Should we go now?" Eli pull my luggage. 




I dont know why but, Keiko really pissed me off. Nobody ever said 'let me go' when I hug someone. Even Kevin loves it very much. Come on Eli! This Keiko is just not your type. 





"This is your house, 506. And, mine is on your left 507. Nice to meet you neighbour. Gotta go. Need to catch my beauty sleep" Eli walk to U-kiss dorm. *loll, just a few steps from Keiko's house*


"Thank you!!" Keiko shout to Eli. 


**hello everybody. Feeling good to contiue my fanfic. By the way, I want to add a new character on the next episode. Wait yaaa**

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anisdonbo #1
@sutekitty thank you for your support. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean that Japanese didn't have apologize culture, I just wanna make this story become interesting. I'm really sorry and I'll edit the part. Anyway thank you. >,<
sutekitty #2
Hi. Nice story so far~(^O^);;
Not to be rude but we Japanese also have that 'apologize' culture. Thank you. Update soon~!
anisdonbo #3
@KimHyeAh kamsahamnida... I'm really sorry for my bad english and short chapter.. Mianhei~
KimHyeAh #4
wow! a cute story . :)
update soon . ^^