
My husband is an Alaskan Malamute - HIATUS

Aecha’s POV

I looked up at Key awkwardly as I chewed and he smirked.

“Am I that handsome?” he chuckled and I scowled.

“You wish.” I muttered as I continued to eat quietly.

“Why are you so quiet, you were quite confident before ‘I hate you, but I don’t hate you.’ Obviously that means you love me but hate my personality.” He laughed and I kicked his leg under the table.

“Go away.”

“Oh honey, you wouldn’t want that.” He grinned.

“Would you like me to hurt you even more than before?” I threatened as I shoved a piece of dduk into his mouth. Key chewed happily and I put Hubby into my lap, he looked up at me before my cheek and jumped out of my legs before running around. “I’m going out for dinner tomorrow.” I mentioned quietly.

“WHAT? WITH WHO?” His eyes widened and he banged his chopsticks down onto the table.

“With Tae-…My family.” I smiled and he glared at me.

“Can I go?” He raised his eyebrows.

“NO!” I yelled. “I mean, no, why would you want to go out with my weird family.” I laughed nervously.

“Why? I mean, I should meet my in laws and thank them for handing me such a WONDERFUL daughter.” He smiled sweetly.

“I don’t think they want to see you just yet, maybe next time.” I laughed awkwardly.

“What time?” He asked in a more serious tone.

“I think it’s at 5.” I pouted and he smiled.

“You have to look pretty right? I’ll make you look pretty and do your make up for you.” He smiled sweetly.

“Yea- Wait, why are you being so nice all of a sudden?”

“Well I’d want your parents to think you’re being taken care of.” He grinned before taking the last piece of dduk and going to the kitchen. “Want some ice coffee?” He called out.

I stayed still and didn’t reply. What was going through his mind right now…?

“Yah.” He nudged me and I looked up at him. He put the coffee in my hands and I opened up the bottle before gulping it down. “Wanna do something?” He asked quietly as he forced Hubby to sit in his lap.

“Why all of a sudden? You’re being nice to me again, you being nice is even scarier than when you’re angry.” I eyed him.

“Well, you said you wanted to get along.” He shrugged. “If you don’t want to, fine. I’m going out alone.” He snapped as he stood up and grabbed a hoddie from the room before going to the elevator.

“One minute!” I cried out as I grabbed a loose jumper and Hubby and ran after him.


“Hubby, you’re cold right?” I asked as I kissed the puppies forehead. “Hey Kibum, pass me your jacket.” I tapped Key’s shoulder without looking at him.

“No, use your own.” He exclaimed as he held his jacket protectively. I scowled before taking off my jumper and wrapping it around Hubby before letting out a shiver. We were walking around the park in front of our house.

“You’re going to catch a cold. Wear your jacket, Hubby’s an Alaskan Malamute, he’s used to the cold.” He explained slowly.

“He’s still a baby.” I sighed as I looked down at him adoringly. I shuffled up to the seat before sitting down on it, crossing my legs as I let Hubby down, allowing him to smell the outside world a bit, he wasn’t allowed to walk too much yet.

I watched him walk around and Key sighed. I took a lollipop out of my pocket and popped it into my mouth.

“Where’s mine?”

“I thought you didn’t like lollipops.” I muttered as I passed him one.

“I never said I didn’t like lollipops.” He grinned as he ripped it open and popped it into his mouth.

Hubby whined as he looked up at the seat which was too high for his short puppy legs. I smiled at him before lifting him up and he made himself comfortable on my lap. I took my jacket off and wrapped it around Hubby before his head once with a shiver.

“Here.” Key said coldly as he wrapped his padded jacket around me. I looked up at him and blinked.


“I told you, I don’t want to sleep next to a person with the sniffles.” He shrugged as he shivered.

“You try to act like a man, but it never works. You still feel like a girl.” I laughed and he slapped my arm.

“Stop saying that. I have a thing called pride as well.” He crossed his arms.

“Why did you…why did you come out? Isn’t it a bit cold?”

He let out a sigh.

“Just, because it was too stuffy inside. I felt trapped inside, just thought a bit of fresh air might help a bit.” He answered truthfully.

I was honestly curious as to why he went all angry when I mentioned Yoona’s name…

We stayed silent again. Taemin, the meal with him tomorrow kept bugging me. I liked him, a lot, but it felt wrong, cheating on my ‘husband’ with his best friend.

“Kibum-ah…” I started.

“How many times do I have to remind you to call me Key?” He snapped.

“Fine, Key.”


“Have you ever…loved, someone before?”

“Love?” He chuckled quietly to himself. “I don’t believe in love.” He said softly, so soft it was merely a whisper.

“Why?” My genes of curiosity were taking over my system.

“Aecha, do you like games?” He raised his eyebrows as he looked at me and I nodded my head.

“Of course I do, but I don’t play it for long because it gets boring after a while and I forget about it, unless it’s something really fun with someone really special.” I grinned.

“Well, to me love is like a game.” He stated quietly.

“What?” I asked in a confused matter.

“You said it yourself , if you play a game for too long, it gets boring, to me, it’s the same with love. If you play it for too long, it gets boring, I might as well not begin playing at all.” He smiled slightly at me before standing up. “Let’s go home, it’s getting late.” He went off first, rubbing his arms and I let out a pout before looking down at Hubby.

“Let’s go honey.” I said quietly as I took the sleeping Hubby carefully into my arms before shuffling after Key.


“I’m going out for a while!” Key called out and I stopped playing with hubby before running of my room. Hubby jumped up on Key’s legs and happily scratched them.

“No! These are expensive, like anything else I have.” Key snapped.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Pass me my bag.” Key pointed at the fluro green bag with black patterns on it and I handed it to him.

“Here, but where are you going?”  I asked again.

“I’m going out for a while to see my friends.”

“As in Taemin? And the other guys?” I asked as I took the overly excited hubby in my arms to calm him down a bit.

“Yeah.” He said as he went into the elevator. “I’ll be back before you go out.” He grinned as the doors clothes.

“Hubby, he’s lying to me.” I said with certainty. “Taemin’s meeting up with me later, he wouldn’t meet up with Key right before.” I took him into the room and sat him on the floor before thinking to myself.

I mean he doesn’t have to tell me everything, but he never lies…

Why is he lying…?

End of Aecha’s POV

Key’s POV

“I have an appointment at 2PM?” I told the receptionist and she nodded.

“Mr Kim?” She smiled and I gave her a single nod before she stood up and escorted me to the room.

Mr Hwang smiled widely at me.

I took a seat across from him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked as he took out a clean sheet of paper.

“I got married.” I simply stated.

“Isn’t that a happy thing?” He raised his eyebrows.

“No, I was arranged to marry her. And I only knew her for a week.”

“Ah…so how do you feel? Sad and depressed…?” He looked into my eyes.

“Actually…far from it…I feel, weird, tingly whenever I see her. Even when she does the weirdest faces.”

A smile made way to Mr Hwangs face and he entwined his fingers.

“Continue.” He beamed.

“She’s weird, she always annoys me and she’s just so dumb. I get angry when she’s with other guys…she even treats our dog better than me. She makes the same types of food every day and she watches TV all day long when we don’t go to school. All she does is eat ice cream all day and don’t even get me started on her sense of fashion…she’s stupid, annoying and dumb…”

“What do you feel when you look at her? Hatred?”

“No…surprisingly, I’m finding it hard to hate her, I have to, but when she cries secretly at night I want to hold her tight and tell her everything’s going to be okay, but she doesn’t even think about leaning on me, instead she goes to my friends…when she’s happy, which is most of the time, the whole room brightens up, and when she makes funny faces it’s just cute…when I look at her for a long time…my heart starts to beat faster and when she’s sleeping I just want to run my hands down her cheeks…and when I look at her lips…I find myself continuously leaning in to kiss her and I have to stop myself before it happens, but it never works…there’s something wrong with me…isn’t there?” I asked in a worried tone and he laughed to himself.

“Yes, there is a huge problem.” He said in a more serious tone.

“WHAT?!” I got up from my seat. “I knew it…”

“But there is a cure.” He said with a smile. “Let me explain what you have first.”

“I’m ready.” I sighed warily.

“The illness you have is very simple, it causes you to adore and think about one person when they’re not around you and the symptoms you have, are very normal.”

“And? The name of the illness?” I sighed.

“The name of your illness…is love.” Mr Hwang laughed and my eyes widened.

“That is not possible, I’ve only known her for four days.” I said quickly. “Besides, I don’t believe in love, it’s impossible.”

“It’s not something you can avoid Mr. Kim. The cure is, to just love her and make her fall in love with you, you’re married and stuck with her for the rest of your life, you might as well. Your parents are going to want grandchildren.” Mr Hwang shrugged.

“Are you being serious?”

“One hundred percent. But I must say, the fact that you’re only 18 but want to kiss her every time you see her…is a bit shocking, seeming that you’re still very young.”

“Her lips are nice.” I defended myself.

“Ah hah.” Mr Hwang chuckled. “You can go now Mr Kim. Good luck.”

I got up before storming outside.

“Goodbye sir!” The receptionist called out after me. I ignored her before getting into the elevator. I felt like ripping out my hair.

“That’s it? I l-love her? What the hell is this…?” I muttered to myself. “It’s a lie, it’s all a lie, I won’t allow it.” I mumbled as I got out of the elevator and went into the car.

End of Key’s POV

Aecha’s POV

“Catch it!” I threw the ball across the living room and Hubby went to catch it. He took it into his small mouth before playing with it on his own.

“No…YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BRING IT BACK SO I CAN THROW IT AGAIN!” I explained for the hundredth time. Hubby looked up at me with innocent eyes. I let out a sigh.

“Okay, fine.” I mumbled as I sprawled on the couch and the tv. Hubby managed to jump and I cuddled him in my arms. ‘Animal farm’ was on. Hubby’s ears perked as he heard the dogs barking on TV and I laughed. I went to get some ice cream from the fridge and came back to see Hubby jumping on me.

“Okay, okay, calm down.” I sat back down and opened the ice cream carton before taking a large scoop. Hubby whined. “You want some too?” I laughed as I put a few scoops on the lid. I put it down and let him eat.

“I’m back!” I heard Key call out. I shot up and ran to him, accidently running into him. We awkwardly pulled away from each other and I scratched the back of my neck.

“Why are you so late?!” I yelled. “You said you would help me get ready.” I crossed my arms.

“I’ll do it now, how much is left?” He looked at his watch. “It’s only 3:30, well, you would need an hour and a half to get ready. Follow me.” He groaned as he dragged me to the room.


“Say ‘eh’.” He ordered and I did as he said so he could apply the lipstick. It felt like our wedding night again.

He pulled away and paused for a second, looking at me with an unexplainable gaze.

“What?” I asked quietly.

“Nothing. Just, I think I’m really good at make up.” Key chuckled to himself.

“Conceited freak.” I mumbled and he slapped the top of my head.

“Do you want me to just leave your hair like this?” He cocked a brow as he took out a curler along with some hairpins and hair ties.

I stayed silent as he did his work.

He looked handsome when he was concentrating, his habit was actually quite cute. He opened his mouth slightly. He tied a few places.

“Ow! That hurts.” I yelped.

“Stop being such a baby.” He complained as he pulled away once more. “All done.” He grabbed some clothes from the bed.

“I took these out for you, here.” He passed them to me before going outside.

Cloudy grey skinnies with a simple black wife beater along with a thin white blouse.

I shrugged before getting changed and grabbed the bag that Key had chosen for me, he already packed, oil blotch paper and lip gloss, my wallet, phone and keys…typical.

Key stayed still, looking at me as I walked into the living room. Hubby had the same facial expression, they were both frozen. Key blinked and looked away before standing up and walking towards me.

“You’re not supposed to do up these buttons.” He explained softly as he undid the buttons of the blouse. I winced at the sudden contact and how close he was. He looked down at his watch. “It’s already 5:54.” He smiled as he followed me to the elevator.

“I’ll see you later, do you want me to get you something to eat?” I asked.

“I’ll just…try and make some, shin ramen.” He snapped. “Don’t worry about me. Go, hurry.”

Mood swings, Key suffered from them. Maybe he’s just pms-ing, like any girl would.

I kissed Hubby’s nose before the elevator doors closed.

End of Aecha’s POV

Key’s POV

I let out a long sigh before walking back into the living room. I looked down at Hubby.

“You know where she went, don’t you?” I raised my eyebrows and Hubby looked away as if he understood, I picked him up and made him face me. “Where did she go? It’s not her parents…right?”

Hubby whined.

“What was I supposed to expect…?” I sighed before slouching back on the couch. I eyed my phone from the corner of my eye before grabbing it.

I quickly dialed Jonghyun’s number.

“Hey Key.” Jonghyun said, he sounded like he was concentrating on something.

“What are you doing?”


“You’re playing a game.”

“Yeah.” He quickly replied. “What do you want?”

“I need you for a few hours, Aecha went out…be here in 30 minutes.” I ordered before hanging up the phone and throwing it across the couch.

“Choi Aecha…you just watch.” I mumbled before walking into the room. “Argh! Where did it go…?” I asked myself as I looked through the box under my clothes hanger.

“Perfect.” I grabbed the long, brown wavy wig and a hair net.

I never knew I would actually even think about doing this, again…but I was, for some very odd reason.

Because of Choi Aecha.

ooooh, what's Key planning?!

With jonghyun?! :D


Teehee, omg, Key's so dumb, so now, he knows he loves you, but he's going to prevent it somehow..

iunno, read and find out ~

Tell me what you think about this chapters!

and thank you for all your comments and subscriptions ~


Eat your fruits and veges ~

onhyukmin ~

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Awe`. I love the story.!
Thank you for your time.!

<3<3<3 - nancynuggets
I love the story <3
I love this story ♥ ^^
Lou_26 #4
I'm not wrong about subscribing! (: All you must do is Updating! ^^
annieandkey0923 #5
YAYAYAYAY!!!<br />
update soon:)<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ<br />
You've been distracting me from my homework with this great story!!! Hehe I love how you portray Key! :D
Nice story~!<br />
Update soon ma frnd~! :DD
moemonster #8
I'm crying now... I loved this story so much and it was one of the first I subscribed to.. ㅠㅠ all the best in your studies anyway.