Permenant marker.

My husband is an Alaskan Malamute - HIATUS

Aecha’s POV

“Just a moment.” I started. “S-stop. Right there.”

“What if I don’t want to?” He smirked before coming closer, so his lips were nearly on mine. If I spoke, our lips would be sure to touch.

“Babo.” He chuckled. I could feel his hot breath.

And he did it.

His lips touched mine with greed and wanting as he moulded them, pleasurably? I’m not too sure, but I was confused.

Very confused.

I pulled away and pushed him back.

He smirked as he sat back down.

“Kim Kibum you…you…you…argh!” I screamed. I stood up before running into my private room and wiping my lips roughly.

“It’s not a big deal!” He called out from outside my door.

“Say sorry!” I yelped.

“No!” He argued.

“I hate you!” I cried and he laughed from outside the door.

“Fine then, be that way.” He sighed and I went to sit at the desk.

It was already dark; the stars were sparkling once again.

I opened y drawer, it was full of the jellies I had hidden before, just in case Key ate them.

I ripped open the packet before stuffing inhumane amounts into my mouth.

I chewed slowly, still angered that Key had…kissed me without a warning, ah, and without my consent, not that I would ever want to kiss him anyway.

I looked at the photograph of my family that stayed on my desk as I swallowed before grabbing my phone from my pocket and pressing speed dial one.

“Hello? Aecha?” Sooyoung unnie said from the other side of the line.

“Unnie!” I exclaimed happily.

“IS IT AECHA UNNIE?!” Sulli squealed in the background.

“Is it Aecha?!” My umma and appa said in unison.

“Aecha, one minute, I’ll put you on speaker phone.” Unnie said in an annoyed voice.

“AECHA!” They all called out.


“How was school?” My mother asked.

“It was fine.”

“Are there a lot of hot rich boys there?” Sulli asked and I heard a slap followed by her wail.

“Well, there are quite a few, but ah, there’s one in particular.”

“You’re not having an affair on your husband are you?” My father asked sternly.

“Leave her alone, I’m sure Key won’t mind.” My mother laughed.

“Why aren’t you sleeping? It’s getting late.” Sooyoung unnie asked sadly.

“I miss you guys. A lot.” I softly said as I resisted from crying. “Did you move houses yet?” I asked.

“Yup, just today! It’s so big! Come visit us next time, with brother in law~” Sulli giggled and I laughed.

“Eung…I’m going to go to bed now…I LOVE YOU!” I said quickly before hanging up. One single tear fell from my eye. I breathed in slowly before exiting the room.

Key was sprawled out on the couch watching some show.

“Well look who it is~” Key teased.

I shot him a glare before walking into the kitchen and getting a bottle of banana milk and sitting as far away as I could from Key.

“Yah.” He nudged me with his foot. I slapped his leg and ignored him. “Yah.” He kicked me again and I turned to glare at him.

“What?!” I snapped.

“I thought you forgot how to speak.” He smiled.

I pursed my lips together before turning my back to him.

I snatched the remote control off him before changing the channel.

Happy Together just started, Girls Generation were the guests.

Key went silent, and cold.

“Change the channel.” He ordered.

“Why? Just looking at Yoona is giving you boners?” I scoffed before hiding the control under the couch.

“I said, change the channel. And don’t say that filthy word again.”

“What? Yoona?” I laughed. “I’m not going to get jealous if you like her you know.” I raised my eyebrows.

“Stop saying her name!” He yelled.

I continued to watch it.

“So, Yoona-shi, have you ever had a boyfriend before?” Yoo Jaesuk, the MC asked.

“No, I’ve never dated  before, I’m actually going back to school next week so I want to meet someone there.” Yoona replied.

“Filth. Dirty filth.” Key muttered to himself. He looked pained.

“You okay…?” I asked and he stood up.

“I’m going to bed.” He said like a pissed 4 year old before storming into the room.

“What the hell…” I muttered.

I ventured to the kitchen and slurped down a glass of water.

I went back to the living room and looked at Yoona…there was nothing wrong with her.

She was just a singer, with her own dream of becoming the best, that must count as something shouldn’t it…how was it, dirty filth?

I tilted my head; she was quite beautiful as well.

I turned off the TV and the lights before carefully turning the doorknob to our room.

Key was spooning a pillow. I laughed to myself before walking in and carefully getting into bed.

I leaned in to take a closer at him. He was more peaceful when he slept, almost like an angel.

His lips came out into a pout before he cuddled the pillow tighter. His eyelashes were long. I felt mine before hesitating but eventually touching his. They were longer than mine.

I giggled before lying across from him.

It was funny, watching him sleep, the fact that he didn’t complain, or nag while he slept was relieving.

“That’s disgusting.” He mumbled.

I pulled back and he just his lips before staying silent again.

I take that back, he does complain while he sleeps.

I laid directly across from him, my face a few inches away from his and I stayed silent, looking at him as he slept.

And that’s when the idea struck my head.


Morning the next day.


Key’s POV

“Morning Key ~” Aecha smiled happily, trying to hold in her laughter as she drank her juice.

“Is there something on my face? Why do keep looking at me and laugh?” I asked her as she nearly choked on her juice

“Yep, right there.” She giggled.

“Where?” I asked as I rubbed my face frantically.

“There.” She pointed.

“Here?” I asked

“No, there.” She pointed again.

“RUB IT OFF FOR ME!” I ordered and she just laughed.

“Go to the toilet and rub it off yourself” She shrugged as she held in her laughter before turning on the tv.

I huffed before storming into the bathroom and looking in the mirror.

“CHOI AECHA!” I screamed out.

She had drawn love hearts, written Key in black marker and random squiggles all over my face, she had also coloured in my eyes.

I washed my face with hot water.

It didn’t rub off.

“CHOI AECHA!” I screamed as I ran out of the room and switched off the tv.

“What is this?!” I demanded an answer as I pointed to my face.

“What? What’s what?” She shrugged innocently.

“THIS! ALL THIS MUCK ON MY FACE! WHAT IS THIS?!” I fretted around the room before coming to a halt in front of her.

“Oh, that? I draw on people while I sleep. Sorry, that’s why no one keeps any pens around me, it’s not that bad, I can hardly see it.” She smiled sweetly.


“Your face, isn’t worth anything, you’re not a celebrity, unless you’ve had work done.” She explained.


“Oh, stop being such a girl.” She complained as she turned her attention to the TV.

“Yah, you wait, one second.” I ran into the room and grabbed the permanent marker that was on Aecha’s bed side table before running back out and opening up the pen.

She looked at me will fear filled eyes before standing up on the couch and threatening me with her half filled glass of juice.

“One more step and I’ll give you a Juice facial.” She threatened as she gargled the juice in .

“Fine, do it, you’ve already done a lot, you might as well continue.” I smirked before grabbing her and pushed her down on the couch before trying to draw on her forehead.

She struggled, making the pen go in weird directions.

I held her down before drawing a nose and whiskers on her face before writing ‘I am Kim Key’s wife’ on her forehead, oh, and ‘I love Key so much’ on her cheeks.

She gave up on fighting and I grinned victoriously.

“Happy now?” She threw the juice at my face before going into the room and I took in a long sigh.

End of Key’s POV

Aecha’s POV

So this is revenge huh? OH, he does not know what I have in store for him…

I grabbed the special soap I had packed and washed my face.

Good as new, I bet Key’s fretting on how to get rid of the permanent marker off his face.

Psh, I’m used to having permanent marker on my face, it’s something you learn while living with a sister that enjoys pranks.

I quickly got changed and grabbed my wallet, phone and shoving them all into my bag.

“Ah, right the cheque.” I took my wallet and made sure the cheque was inside.

I walked out with a teasing grin and he stared at me with awe.

“How did you…?” He pointed at my face before dragging down on his.

He buried his head in a pillow before screaming into it.

“I’m going out.” I stated with a smile.

“Where are you going with $2000?” He asked as he got up and faced me, I tried not to laugh.

“To buy myself a husband.” I stubbornly said.

“Aecha, you can’t just, BUY yourself a husband, and although I don’t want to be here, I am right here.” He crossed his arms before muttering something to himself under his breath.

“To buy myself a DECENT husband.” I emphasized before going to the elevator.

I heard his feet shuffle behind me.

“You’re serious?” He raised his eyebrows, the heart on his forehead wrinkled up.

“Positively.” I winked before walking entering the elevator, laughing at his priceless expression.

My phone started to ring as soon as I exited and started walking.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Aecha, it’s me!” Taemin’s voice said on the other side.

“Ah, Taemin~ What’s up?”

“Where are you going?” He laughed.

“How did you know I was going somewhere?” I asked with a scratch of my head.

“I’m right behind you.” He hung up the phone before tapping my shoulder and I turned around to face him. I gave him a hug.

“What are you doing here?” I giggled.

“I thought I might come visit Key Hyung but I saw you going off.” He smiled. “Going somewhere?”

“Yeah, I’m going to buy an Alaskan Malamute, they make good companions.”

“Don’t you have Key hyung as your companion? Isn’t he enough to take care of?” He laughed loudly.

“He doesn’t make a very good husband.” I sighed.

“Oh.” Taemin tried not to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I asked and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

“Nothing, I’ll take you to the pet shop.” He dragged me along with him to his car.


I updated on time!

I actually quite liked this chapter...but yeah :L

Sorry for my long chapters of complete nonsense ==

Sorry for the slow flow, once again :)

Yoona, will be something big in this, and yes, i mean Girls Generation's Yoona :)

I already thought of a few other complications so yeah!

I hope you enjoyed!

I hope you liked it.

comments are love.

i will update faster that way ;)

Eat your fruits and veges ~

onhyukmin ~

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Awe`. I love the story.!
Thank you for your time.!

<3<3<3 - nancynuggets
I love the story <3
I love this story ♥ ^^
Lou_26 #4
I'm not wrong about subscribing! (: All you must do is Updating! ^^
annieandkey0923 #5
YAYAYAYAY!!!<br />
update soon:)<br />
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ<br />
You've been distracting me from my homework with this great story!!! Hehe I love how you portray Key! :D
Nice story~!<br />
Update soon ma frnd~! :DD
moemonster #8
I'm crying now... I loved this story so much and it was one of the first I subscribed to.. ㅠㅠ all the best in your studies anyway.