Chapter 13 - Why Was It Kyuhyun? - Why Is She A Special Person?

Personality Of A Rock.


*The morning after the night out your a but hungover*
Laura: Omo, look who decided to join us for breakfast *smiles* How are you feeling sweetie?
You: *rub your eyes* 
Laura: Looks like you're still half asleep. Just sit down and I'll get you some breakfast.
You: Ani, I don't feel hungry.
Laura: You've got to have something, even if it's small. I'll get you some pain reliefe too.
You: Neh... *still sleepy*
Sungmin: *looks over at you*
You: *return his stare*
Kyuhyun: *senses the awkwardness* Did something happen last night between you two? 
You: Neh? What happened last night? He didn't do anything to me right?!
Sungmin: Aish! I didn;t do anything to you. I just took you home so the others could continue with their drinking.
You: Promise?
Sungmin: *rolls his eyes*
Laura: *comes out with your breakfast* Here we go, now just eat a bit arasso?
You: Neh unnie~
Laura: You did drink quite a lot last night... I shouldn't have let you.
You: *pout*
Laura: I think you better rest today.
You: Neh~ 
Laura: Kyu oppa can you go and get 'your name' a change of clothes and put them in teh bathroom? 
Kyuhyun: Underwear too?
Laura: *rolls her eyes* Well she's going to need som isn't she.
Kyuhyun: Neh~ I'm on it.
Sungmin: *over heard the two* A guy shouldn't do that.
Zhoumi: Do what?
Sungmin: *looks down at his food* Go through a womens draws or look at her *hesitates* underwear.
Laura: *smiles* Well I need to get her to take this medicine and we need to have a chat. Zhoumi oppa is about to leave so it's either you or Kyuhyun.
Sungmin: Kyuhyun is a ert
Laura: *giggles* Well I don't care who does it, just get it done.
You: *stand up* Aniyo! Let Kyu oppa do it.
Kyuhyun: Wae?
You: Just because....
*an awkward silence occurs but soon Kyuhyun returns from taking the stuff to the bathroom*
Kyuhyun: *giggles* Cute.
Laura: What is?
Kyuhyun: *Holds up a pair of mickey mouse underwear*
You: *turn to see what all the fuss is about and see your undies so you snatch them and hide them* Yah! 
Sungmin: *rolls his eyes* I told you he was a ert. The and the little kid, good match *leaves the room*
You: Oppa~
Kyuhyun: What?
You: That's why I wanted you to get them and not him.... It's embaressing and now he thinks I'm a little kid. How will he ever see me as a women now?
Kyuhyun: Omo, that was the reason?
You: *Sigh*
Laura: Aigo oppa how could you?
Kyuhyun: Neh, I'm sorry... I really didn't mean to upset you.
You: Ani, it's okay... I didn't have a chance in the first place. 
*Laura continues to make you eat and then you take your shower*
Laura: *Knocks on Sungmins door*
Sungmin: Come in.
Laura: *sits down on his bed*
Sungmin: What do you want? I'm busy.
Laura: It's about 'your name'
Sungmin: *turns to face Laura*
Laura: *smiles*  
Sungmin: Well?
Laura: Oh so now you're going to listen *teasing*
Sungmin: Aish! *goes back to what he was doing on his laptop*
Laura: You have the worst temper you know. 
Sungmin: Well I'm busy.
Laura: I'll make it quick then.
Sungmin: *turns back around*
Laura: So... I just wanted to explain the whole situation back there. As 'your name's' unnie I think it's my job to clear things up.
Sungmin: You don't need to explain. I understand perfectly well.
Laura: Aniyo, I don't think you do *giggles*
Sungmin: *running out of patients*
Laura: Okay so when she told you she wanted Kyuhyun to get her stuff and not you, it was because she was embaressed about her underwear *giggles*
       She didn't want you to see her as a child, she doesn't care how Kyu oppa sees her and that's why she told him to do it.
Sungmin: *turns back to his computer* Well if she really liked me she wouldn't be so weird over things like this.
Laura: *rolls her eyes* Sungmin-shi you do realise that you called her a little kid? and she now thinks you won't ever see her as a women.
Sungmin: Neh?
Laura: You called her a little kid. That's what she was a afraid of in the first place. You are a lot older than her you know and she's very self concious.
Sungmin: Well I wouldn't have if she didn't act that way in the first place. Why does age matter anyway?
Laura: She really looks up to you and thinks your a mature man *mumbles* I don't know why she thinks that way... Strange really.
Sungmin: *glares*
Laura: Anyway, what I was trying to say is that, and these are her words 'A guy like that would only want a girl just as smart and just as mature, 
       a girl like me hasn't got a chance'. Do you understand now?
Sungmin: *looks at his computer and starts to think to himself*
Laura: Well that's really all I had to say. You be nice to her and just because you're older you can't boss her around. She means a lot to me and Zhoumi oppa.
Sungmin: How did you get so close anyway?
Laura: When she first moved here with her parents she was a bit of a loner so I decided that I'd be her friend, simple as that.
Sungmin: And Zhoumi?
Laura: Basically the same. We were all a bit... you know, not popular and then we managed to somehow find eachother and we've been together ever since.
Sungmin: Then why is she so special?
Laura: Do you really need to ask?
Sungmin: *looks at Laura with a confused face*
Laura: She's the nicest, most honest person I've ever met. She's such a beautiful girl and she has the personality to match. Every time I have a problem she's 
       there beside me ready to take it on together. That's why Zhoumi and I take care of her the way we do. She's a special person. You don't meet to many people
       like that.
Sungmin: *deep in thought*
Laura: I'm going to go check on 'your name'... Just think about what I old you earlier. Arasso?
Sungmin: *still wearing his thinking face*
Laura: *exits the room*
To Be Continued.... :)
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Chapter 39: What a good story!!!(^o^)
Chapter 39: its so sweet. :} ermaghersh. i want my life to be like thisssss~~
It's already ending?? TT^TT
Nice ending there~
Wow, Sungmin is so sweet!
An accident?? And hows Kyu?? XD
more and please faster!!!
Luckily her parents is accepting it~
yeeeeees!!!!!! Weddings!!!!! More!!!!
I don't want to be pregnant !!!!!! :(