[O6 ♥

Technology + Vintage. Excuse Me!?

} f.cuz - Dreaming I


{No one's pov •

"Here's your order. Enjoy." The waiter said and served your mocha latte. You nodded politely and took a small sip of it. 

You and Minhyuk went to a nearby cafe as you two shared about yourselves. You learnt that Minhyuk was a really friendly and carefree person. He's quite clumsy and falls all the time, but is really caring. He seemed to be the type that would put his friends before him.

The topic slowly went to education and Minhyuk was now talking about his school.

"Our school specializes in music, mainly in instruments. We also have a small dance group there formed by a group of girls." Minhyuk explained as he took a big gulp on his ice lemon tea. "So are you interested?"

You looked up from your cup of latte and blinked, unaware of the foam on your lips.Minhyuk looked at you with hopeful eyes.

"Do they serve guitar-"

"They teach ALL instruments. The drums, bass, guitar, harp, flute, name it all. There's also a girl that plays with glasses filled with water! I'm sure you'll get along perfectly!" He assured you. You chuckled at his cute behavior and nodded, "I'll consider. For now, I need to find a job. Can't go anywhere without money, can't I?" Minhyuk smiled. He started to like this new friend of his. 

He was about to open his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

He took out his phone and looked at the caller ID: 용화형 [yonghwa hyung].

'Aish this hyung.' He glanced at you, and you blinked. "Wae?" "Excuse me for a minute," he said and went out of the shop. 

'Was that a phone? Why doesn't it look like dwaeji's? Dwaeji's was a full screen and had no buttons. But Minhyuk's had buttons. Are they the same thing? Is it really that exciting to use it?' You tilted your head and cupped your mug. You looked at it for a while and pouted.

'It'll be really hard to mix here in Seoul.Kwangyeon found me weird, just because i didn't know what a phone was. Will Minhyuk laugh at me too?' You rested your chin on your palm and stirred your latte. You were thinking of the disadvantages being here in Seoul. 

You probably wouldn't have much friends especially if you didn't know what a phone was. A simple phone might be old for the people here, but not for you. It was just like going to Mars and knowing nothing about the culture or habits of the Martians.

Minhyuk came in a few seconds later ruffling his messy hair. But he stopped when he saw you daydreaming. He wondered why you appeared to look so disheartened, but not knowing you that much, he decided that prying wouldn't be such a good idea.

He walked up to you and patted your head. You looked up and he smiled, "Smile, Yoonjo-ah." The corner of your lips curled, and you felt more comfortable. 

Despite the fact that you just knew Minhyuk a few hours ago, he already seemed like a bestfriend, and he reminded you of Jinyoung. 'I wonder how Jinyoung oppa is now.' You took a sip from your latte and the foam off your upper lip. He sat down and continued chatting for about half an hour until both of you finished your drinks and left the shop.


You looked at the time on your clock necklace — 4.00PM.

A question suddenly popped into your head about the phone. You looked at Minhyuk and he looked back at you. "That was a phone, right?" you pointed to the bulge in his right pocket. He followed where your finger was pointing to and took out his phone. "Igeo?" he asked. You slowly nodded, a bit frightened of what is reaction would be like. But he just nodded. "You wanna try using it?" he handed you the phone. You looked at it and blinked in curiosity.

"May I?" 

He nodded with a grin. You slowly took it and flipped it open.

The screen lit up and a lot of applications started popping out. You widened your eyes and started to panic. 'What do I do? Did I damage it? OMO.'  Your fingers fumbled and twitched and almost dropped the phone. You had that half-a-second mini heart attack when the phone slipped off your fingers but immediately caught it and held it towards your chest.

Minhyuk chuckled and pushed the red phone button. The screen remained still and there was a small little icon saying "hello!" You sighed and handed him back the phone. "I don't think I can handle it, hehe." You sheepishly smiled. He laughed along with you and headed home. 

— ♥ —

At night you decided to write a letter to send back to Chuncheongbuk. You tapped the pencil on your head as you thought of what to write. You had already written 3 separate letters to your mom, Yoonjin (your 12-year old sister) and Yoonjae(your stupid vein sister), and you were now cracking your brain to find the right words to write to Jinyoung. 'Jinyoung oppa is always the most frustrating one. I wonder how he even became my bestfriend. We have so many differences.  Aigoo...' you thought and shook your head. You proceeded in writing the letter. 


10 minutes later, you signed out "Love, Your baby chingu, Son Yoonjo." You put your pencil on the desk and stretched your arms.  You looked at the time on your necklace that was on the desk — 7.00PM. You sighed and leaned back. 'Why does time fly so slowly today?' Your stomach growled and you knew it was time for dinner. You walked out of your room and down the stairs heading to the kitchen. You opened the refrigerator to find it absolutely empty. You furrowed your eyebrows. 'Of course. No grocery shopping equals no food. Stupid me.' You grabbed your wallet and keys and as you opened the main door, Minhyuk was standing at the doorstep. You jumped back, startled. "Why are you here, Minhyuk-ssi?" 

"I'm offering you for dinner! I somehow had a feeling that your fridge was empty and my noona also thought that bringing you in was a good idea! Were you perhaps going to the market?" 

You nodded. He grabbed your wrist and started dragging you out of the house. "Wait-yah! Minhyuk-ssi! Jamkkanman!" But he ignored you. "Minhyuk-ssi-" But he kept on dragging you.


"Minhyuk oppa!!


He suddenly stopped and blushed crept up to his face. He let go of your wrist and you bowed, "kamsa." You rushed back and quickly locked the door. You sighed and smiled. "Okay. NOW we can go." You saw Minhyuk standing there, dumbfounded. "Minhyuk-ssi, aren't we going to your house?" You waved your hand in front his face. He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and blinked at you. "Gwenchana?"  you asked.

He stared at you and nodded feverishly. "KAJA!"


the melon's note —

kay, updated ^ ^ but i didn't think the song fit the mood of the chapter._.

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Sorry for not updating >


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Chapter 7: Very interesting idea ~ I love it! I wish more people would write stories like this. I hope you update soon.
I Likey this its so cute Update Soon!!!
update soon
PrincessKitty #4
Update soon
iloveuforever #5
Yay!!!! LED APPLE :D great story by the way update soon pls
-xminhye #6
Ahehh.. poor 'me' ㅠㅠ The car just left me theree.
Why did jinyoung do this to 'me', pabo-yah!
Can't wait for ledapple's appearence ><