Chapter 14

Is it hard to say "I Love You" ?


It’s been a week after the accident, Yoona have been scolded a lot by her manager for the bruises on her face. She told manager that she was falling from stair in her dorm but of course her unnies will never approve that reason as they know, Yoona will never use stairs except when the lift cannot be used. They know that Yoona was hiding something from them. The management decided to postpone the comeback to another date until Yoona completely recover and the bruises gone and cover it up with media by state other problems occurred.

“Yoona….” Yoona look up and saw Taeyeon approach her in the couch. They were just arrived home from practice as tomorrow they will attend Hallyu Dream Concert.

“Ohh, unnie. Sit here” Yoona make a room for Taeyeon to sit beside her. She smiled to her and put down her Ipad.

“Are you okay?” asked Taeyeon.

Yoona look into her eyes, she can see that she can never hide anything from Taeyeon as well as Yuri. Taeyeon always knows when something happens to her members even though that person never told them. Maybe it’s because she is a leader, a good leader actually. She can observe her members and always be the one who brings the members together. She can be a leader, unnie, mom that always care for others.

“I’m fine unnie” Yoona look down, not willing to faced Taeyeon.

“Look here Yoona, I know something is not right. You can talk to me dear.” She put her hand onto Yoona’s cheeks; force her to look to her.

“I’m really really okay unnie, I’m just perfectly fine” She tries to smile even though the tears b in her eyes.

 Yoona knows she will lose to Taeyeon sooner or later, she knows that Taeyeon want her to share her problem. After 15 minutes try to convince Yoona to let it go, Taeyeon successfully makes Yoona open and explain what’s happen that night.

“You are keeping that from us for 1 freaking week? I can’t understand you Yoona-yah. Why you being like this?” Taeyeon still control her anger towards Yoona.

“I just too scared to tell you and others, I don’t know what your reaction when you heard that. I don’t want makes you worry as well as appa” Yoona started to sobbed, she noticed that Taeyeon was angry and that were the last things she wants to happening.

“I’m sorry, I’m didn’t mean to scolded you, I’m sorry” Taeyeon hugs Yoona and crying with her.

“No, unnie. I’m the one who should apologize for making you worry, I’m sorry unnie” She spoke in Taeyeon’s embrace.

“It’s okay, but one thing you should not forget, the members love you, they are worrying about you ever since you not coming home that night, most of them are not even sleeping for a whole night as they afraid that the manager will find out about your missing. They contact everyone to make sure you are okay and gladly Taeyang oppa told Yuri that you are with TOP oppa” explained Taeyeon.

“How Taeyang oppa know that?” asked Yoona while release the hug. Taeyeon smiled.

“For sure from TOP oppa.”

“He didn’t tells me that he call Taeyang oppa” Yeah, she even told him not to tell anyone.

“Taeyang oppa call Yuri that night and tell us that you are safe with TOP oppa. Of course it’s quite weird, I mean we all know that you are close with him but never knows that you will spend night with him.” Taeyeon smirked.

“Unnie, it’s not like that” Her cheeks were blushed.

“Yeah, I know, he was helping you, right? Yuri told us that TOP oppa was willing to bring you home if we want it. He was so kind, ahhh so handsome too” Taeyeon was like a fangirl.

“Unnie, are you interested in him?” asked Yoona, waiting for Taeyeon’s reply.

“Yahh, of course not. Where should I put Junsu oppa then....” Its look likes slipping words; she immediately shut with her hands.

“Oppss, unnie. Really? I’m happy with you. When and where?”

“Just, arghh. I met him at Elizabeth musical and we are still contacting each other until today. We are just friend. You know what I mean right?”

“Yeah, of course. But I’m still glad. Keke” She hugs Taeyeon immediately.

“I love you unnie….” Taeyeon smiled and patted Yoona’s head.

“And I love you more…….”

“We love you double triple more!!!!!” Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny and Seohyun running towards them and create a hug group. They are sneaks to listen their conversation.

“Thanks you unnies, I love you too” Tears falling, she hugs everyone individually. Everyone just put up a smile to make Yoona stop crying.

“Yahhh, I’m hungry” Sooyoung scream all of a sudden.

“Me too” Quickly accepted by Taeyeon.

“Let’s have some chicken then” said Jessica.

“Let’s have Jjangmyun, my throat cannot digest western food tonight” Said Hyoyeon witty.

“No, no. Let’s have spaghetti. I’m craving for it 2 days ago” Tiffany protest.

“Let’s listen to our Yoona unnie. What are you want to eat tonight, unnie?” asked maknae while holding Yoona’s hands.

“I think I wanna eat…emm… HAMBURGER!”

“Unnie, you will die if you eat that!!” All of them laughed in unison when hear Seohyun whining. She always feels glad and grateful having the members like them.


Hallyu Dream Concert.

They arrived at the Gyeongju Civic Stadium at 4pm and waiting for their rehearsal. While waiting for their turn, all the members watching other groups rehearsal. Sooyoung are still argue with manager oppa since he prohibit Sooyoung from eating snacks, Seohyun was chatting with Yonghwa and Changmin and the others are still watching the rehearsal. Suddenly her Iphone vibrate tell that have incoming message.

~~You are looking good~~

It’s from him! Yoona smiled and looking around but could not find him.

~~Of course I am, I always looking good, keke. Where are you oppa??~~

Sent! She still looking around and try to find him but there are too many groups. The crew called them to rehearsing. They perform Genie and Hoot since The Boys have yet to be released, after finished the rehearsal, they rush to waiting room to get prepared. Many juniors greet them along the way to their waiting room. Yoona walk out to drinks machine near their room since her manager still busy to get all the girls prepared. She was the first one to finished dress up and make up. She sit on the bench beside the drinks machine while enjoying her coffee alone, there are not many people around as everyone prepared for the event to start.

“Don’t drink coffee too often” Someone take the coffee from her hand.

“Oh, oppa.” She saw Yunho who stand infront of her and smiling.

“Hi Yoona-yah” He ruffled Yoona’s hair like he always do when he meet her. He takes place beside her and sit together.

“Hi oppa, what’s up? It’s been a long time since I saw you” asked Yoona. She faced him and still smiling, he is Yunho, a senior who always taking care of others more than taking care of him. He always have her respect.

“Nothing, I’m busy for upcoming concert. Ohh, Seunghyun.” That name makes she smiles. She turns around and saw TOP who still shock at first but then he managed to smile.

“Hyung, what’s up?”

“Both of you have same questions, asking what’s up every time you see me, are you….” Yunho could not finish her as his manager was signaling him to get back to waiting room.

“I have to go now, we will chat some other time okay Seunghyun” He patted TOP’s shoulders and turn around to faced Yoona.

“Do not take too much coffee, young lady; it’s not good for your body. But for this time I will forgive you” He put the cup back to Yoona’s hand and walk away.


“Hi oppa” He take the place that leave by Yunho and sit there.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine, how are you then?”

“Perfectly fine, I heard that your comeback have been pushed back, when will the new date?”

“It will be release 19th October, are you going to buy my album?”


“No? Why not? Oppa you are so disappointing” Yoona pouted.

“No because you will give me one, don’t you?”

“Why should I?”

“You should, I already you GD&TOP album back then, remember?”

“Ohhh, hehehe I’m forgot. I will give you 5 then.”

“5? Why too many? It’s only me, it’s not it will be different album”

“1 for Seungri , 1 for Daesung oppa, 1 for GD oppa, 1 for Taeyang oppa ahh Taeyang oppa will receive from Yuri unnie. It will be 4 then including you.”

“Ahh, you are really…. Just give one for me, let’s the other buy for themselves.”

“Oppa you are so selfish” Yoona faced him and chuckled. She just saw his childish attitude without he noticed it.

“It’s final; you can’t give it to any of them, just for me. Promise me”

Yoona look direct to her face, ahhh he too handsome to handle.

“Okay then”

“Then should we going out tonight, for dinner maybe?”

Yoona was taken aback, he never be this forward before. It’s new for her but her heart liked it. He was asking her to go out tonight.

“Ahhhhh……emmmm….okay” She was stuttered to give answer.

“Okay, see you soon then. I will text you later.” Without expect, TOP take the coffee in her hand and drink it. He just walking with the coffee in his hand and it was her coffee!


p/s : ENJOY, I already have other chapter but still need to be checked. DO comment and subscribes 

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I accidently mark hidden the chapter, sorry guys.. enjoy the update :D


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deerburning19 #1
Chapter 23: Omg i miss this story very much
bigbang0388 #2
Where are you author-nim? Its already 2 years that you are not updating your great story. I hope you always fine and healthy. I missing your story. Keep hwaiting. I love it....
please update soon author-nim, its been 2 years since your last update. this is a great great great story, when will you continue this story? Good luck & fighting!! ^^
Chapter 30: this is awesome. author, i hope you continue this story. :)
Chapter 30: It's a great story,,, I miss ur update,,, fighting!!!
Chang1995 #6
Please Continue the Story! I miss this story so much! and can't wait to find out what happen next. Maybe two or three more chapter please!
Chapter 30: An awesome story! Hope for an update real soon!
marisa88 #8
Where are you author-nim? I missing your story so bad. Please updating. Keep fighting...
Chapter 30: An update real soon!
steiyoon #10
Chapter 30: It's been a long time now, when will you continue this story? Complete the story please...