So the Truth Comes Out

"Researching" Lee Kiseop


You felt him grip your shoulders and pull you inside, slamming you against the door to shut it.


“Will you stop following me already?” He sounded so frustrated. Not so much angry, but frustrated. Almost embarrassed actually.


You didn't know quite how to respond. When it hit you. He just spoke to you. And his voice made you want to melt, no matter how much it hurt to be slammed against the door. But at the same time you kind of liked it. He was so close. You could feel his body heat against you.


“You.. you knew I was following you?” You blushed and looked down, embarrassed. You felt your eyes tear up.


He... He thinks I'm a creep now...


He released his grip on you and turned to walk around for a second.


What is he thinking about?


“Why.. why do you follow me?”


His voice made you jump. You looked up and he was right in front of you, staring at you. Those eyes... made you want to melt. Or pinch his cheeks. Or do something that would make the whole situation that much more awkward. But you saw the curiosity in his eyes. He needed to know.


“I... I wanted to know you. I knew there was something more. And I wanted to know what it was...” You looked down again as you finished the sentence, unable to handle his stare any longer.


“Well I guess you do now...” You heard him sigh and take some steps toward you.


You looked up just in time as he wrapped his arms around you. You gasped loudly, shocked.

“Wh-what are you doing?!” You gasped again and felt your cheeks burn up again.


“Hugging the one person who ever seemed to care about me... No matter how creepy it may have seemed...” He let go and stood in front of you again, staring anywhere but at you.


The one person who ever seemed to care about me...


What in the world did he mean?!


“Wait... what?!” You stared at him, completely surprised by his response.


He looked up at you and smiled sweetly.


It was the most adorable thing you'd ever seen.


And then he giggled.


A cute, sweet giggle. Like a young child in school telling jokes with their friends.


And you felt your knees go weak. Literally. And you felt yourself drop onto the ground.


Luckily you put your hands out just in time and you caught yourself, knees bent up underneath you. You sat up and looked anywhere but at him. Man, you felt dizzy.


“Oh my! Are you alright?!”


He ran over to you and bent down, a look of concern on his face. And you could've died right there. He was worried about you.


“Answer.. my.. question...”


You had trouble thinking straight, let alone speaking, so getting those three simple words out was quite the challenge. Your breath felt shallow and quick as well.


“Oh.. that.. Heh...”


That heh. Oh, he's so meltworthy...


He sat up next to you, pulling his knees into his chest. Almost like he was becoming all shy over answering you.


“It's quite the story actually. But I'd rather not bother you with details... It isn't something people would like to hear...”


You heard his voice drop at the end. Then he took a deep breath. So you looked over at him. And he.. he was tearing up.


It broke your heart.


“No... I want to know.” You smiled reassuringly at him.


So he smiled back.


“Well...” He took a deep breath. “Ever since I was young my parents had high expectations of me. But, of course all parents do. Especially Asian ones.” He laughed awkwardly. You could tell it wasn't really a joke. And that it hurt him to tell you this.


“Anyway. I never did as well in school as they wanted. Never was as popular as they wanted. Never as mature or charismatic as they wanted. So in their eyes I was a failure.”


You leaned in closer and set your head on his shoulder. Surprisingly, he leaned his against yours too. You could feel his breathing grow harsher and quicker. Like he was about to cry. All you wanted to do was comfort him.


“Of course, I never really wanted to be that way. The 'perfect Asian son.' I just wanted to be Kiseop. And I discovered that Kiseop just isn't likable. He's too childish, and sickingly sweet, and so effeminate. Not to mention, a bit of a show off. And completely starstruck by the glamorous life of stars.”


You cuddled closer to him, wrapping your arms around him. He gasped when you did it, but then he put his arms around you too. You were surprised at how calm you were. How calm he was.


“So I started teaching myself to dance. In hopes of becoming big one day. But, then my parents found out. And they weren't one bit happy. It wasn't a wise career choice they said. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not thin enough. I'm not smart enough. So I stopped.”


“No..” You whispered, suddenly feeling the utmost sympathy for this pitiful creature.


“Well, I made them think I did. I started acting differently. Cooler, calmer. Started doing slightly better in school. Started working out. Taking better care of myself. Made them think I had so many friends. Although that was still far from true. For some reason nobody liked me. And I got bullied a lot. So, it drove me to become the person everyone believed me to be. For awhile the real me was dead. Gone. And forgotten.”


You felt a tear roll down your cheek and onto his shirt. He shivered and hugged tighter.


“Then, I found this place. And that old stereo.” He pointed to the stereo he had been using. “So one day I brought some of my old music here and began dancing again. It felt so good to be me again. But, it felt so... wrong. Almost like it was forbidden to be me because it wasn't me, if that makes any sense at all. So I kept it hidden.”

“But... I like this you.”


You could feel him smile against you.


“Me too.”


You looked up at him to see his face tear streaked.


How did he still act so calm, even while he was crying? Maybe that isn't an act.


“Aw..” You heard yourself whisper.


He must've heard you too because he began to look away and you could see the slightest tint of red on his cheeks.


Then he did the one thing that shocked you most. He turned quickly, your head sliding off his shoulder and into where his hands now were. And he leaned in close, staring into your eyes. His eyes sparkled with so much intensity, passion, and... love..? You gasped and stared right back.


“You know. You're the only one to see this side of me... And I think I like it. The way you lose your focus when you look at me. The way you can find something great about me when I can't. Even the way you follow me. Only because you manage to get lost in me. You're the complete fangirl. And I love it.”


You were about to respond when suddenly he leaned in closer and kissed you gently on your lips, your head cupped in his hands while pulling you onto his lap.


And you just lost it.

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ilabya29 #1
CallmeAnon #2
Chapter 3: Holy mother of god this is I can't even adksahdkashd I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE WRITE MORE!!! <3<3<3<3
Heyitschristinelopez #4
Chapter 3: God when I saw the picture greeting me my heart died. Ahhhh.... Love the story
Chapter 3: Aaaaarrrhhhhgggg.....
I love it !!!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 3: best Kiseop fic ever \o/
lemme hug you ;A;
XxBlackBeat #7
Chapter 3: Can I just kiss you right now for writing this???
This is so far the best writing for a Kiseop fic I've ever read so....
I lab you~~~
Hope to see more of your fics kekekeke ♥
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 3: Awww kiseop... I wish I discovered who you were haha