It's Called Admiring... From Afar.

"Researching" Lee Kiseop


Suddenly, all you felt was the warmth of his lips being pressed against yours, hands crawling up your shirt. You knew he felt the same way now. You waited for his next move. To take over control. To completely amaze you.


Then you're brought back to reality by the sound of the bell. Had you really just been staring at him all that time? The whole freaking class..?


“.. I didn't get the notes...” You whispered to yourself. You picked up your books and headed to your locker. Maybe your best friend decided not to skip today? No such luck.. she said she would be leaving after 6th period today.


You angrily opened your locker and shoved everything you needed for the night into your small backpack. Then you slammed it shut and turned quickly.


And there he was.


Getting a drink at the water fountain just across the hall from your locker.


You just stared for a moment. How his chic red hair fell into his eyes when he bent over to drink was so dreamy. And oh, his lips. The way he just gently pulled the water into his mouth. His lips... they looked so very soft... And delicious. And gentle. And...


Then he stopped, stood up, and turned towards you. He blinked a couple times and then just turned to walk out the front doors.


.. He just caught me staring!


Wait, when he turned... was he... I think he was! He was smirking.. I swear.


Then you remembered that school was out for the weekend so you also walked out the front doors.


You picked up the pace because you knew you had to walk home. And you wanted to get home before your younger brother did. If you didn't, well, there wouldn't be very much food left for you would there?


And again. You saw him. Kiseop. Just walking along so ordinarily. Yet, how he walked.. you couldn't quite describe it. It was with some confidence, but not enough to be considered a cocky sort of stride. And it seemed.. fluent. That would be the word. Smooth, fluent. Almost like he was dancing.


Wait a second was he... dancing?


You noticed some slight arm motions and him sliding his feet from side to side as he walked along. You swore you could hear quiet humming too.


You were so taken aback you didn't even notice the other student you ran into. After they cussed at you for a minute or so you just continued walking, not wanting to miss a moment of Kiseop's “dance walking.”


Has he always walked like that...?


You don't remember in all the times you've seen him walking home. At least it was never so obvious.


It was entrancing. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. It was the strangest thing you'd ever seen, yet also the most beautiful. It wasn't what he normally was like. And you loved it.


You hadn't noticed how long you had been following him, but suddenly he turned into the parking lot of a small, worn out building. And so you just continued following, unaware of how long ago you passed right by your house. Not like you would've really cared. You never got to observe this beautiful creature for such a large amount of time.


He opened the doors and walked inside. For whatever reason he left them open slightly ajar. You just stood in the parking lot for a moment, not sure of what to do next.


Suddenly you jumped due to a loud burst of music coming from inside the building. And this was some seriously good music. The kind that made you just want to move; whether it be jumping up and down or just swaying your body or even doing twirls, spins, and difficult jumps. The kind you see in all those cool music videos.


And wait... It sounded like what he was humming earlier.


Then, you found yourself walking towards the open doors. You had lost control of your body and began swaying as you reached them. You peeked cautiously inside, hoping that you wouldn't witness anything too strange.


But it was strange.


And beautiful.

And perfect.

And you loved it.


Kiseop. He was.. dancing. Moving like crazy, yet it appeared clean and rehearsed. His dance fit perfectly with the beat of the music, and even seemed to reflect the lyrics. You could feel the expression and even see it on his face.


You felt your mouth open slightly as he continued moving. You loved it. It wasn't him. At least not the him you knew. But it was amazing.


It was so unique. And y. And cute. And meaningful. All at the same time.


You never wanted to tear your eyes away from him again. You just wouldn't be able to.


You were so intrigued you didn't even notice the music stop. And him turn. To see you standing there watching him.


And walk towards the doors; a look of complete horror on his face.

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ilabya29 #1
CallmeAnon #2
Chapter 3: Holy mother of god this is I can't even adksahdkashd I LOVE YOU SO MUCH PLEASE WRITE MORE!!! <3<3<3<3
Heyitschristinelopez #4
Chapter 3: God when I saw the picture greeting me my heart died. Ahhhh.... Love the story
Chapter 3: Aaaaarrrhhhhgggg.....
I love it !!!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 3: best Kiseop fic ever \o/
lemme hug you ;A;
XxBlackBeat #7
Chapter 3: Can I just kiss you right now for writing this???
This is so far the best writing for a Kiseop fic I've ever read so....
I lab you~~~
Hope to see more of your fics kekekeke ♥
ItzJaeKay #8
Chapter 3: Awww kiseop... I wish I discovered who you were haha