Scarves and All.

Scarves and All.

'JiYong-ah! Come here and tell me if this looks okay.'

Seunghyun stood in front of a mirror in his enormous closet, trying to pick out something to wear for a party later that night. He was surrounded by articles of clothing that had been carelessly tossed about in a frantic search of the perfect outfit. Unfortunately, that perfect outfit was nowhere to be seen, so this would have to make do. Yet no amount of posing, spinning, smiling, and checking himself out in the mirror made the outfit look right. So he had called for some assistance.

'Yes hyu-Oh dear god...'

JiYong had walked into a storm, a storm of fashion disaster in a closet of' fashion faux pas. Giant rings, suits of every color, sequined sweaters, loafers, spiked boots, masks, jackets, and a large variety of pants with hideous patterns. Seunghyun himself stood in the middle of the chaos, wearing a pink blazer and gold scarf, he was at a point of no return.

'Seunghyun, darling, um, what are you wearing?'

'Well I've had the jacket but I just got the scarf in the mail today, do you like it?' He was jumping up and down, obviously satisfied with the length of shimmering fabric. He looked ridiculous, and he must've recognized the look of distaste on JiYong's face.

'Why are you making that face?'

'What face?'

'That face! The one you make when GaHo sneezes on you! If you dont like it then just tell me.'

JiYong fidgeted and bit his lip before deciding the honest truth was better than a lie that'd come back and bite him in the .

'Fiiinnneee, you look really...flaming. Especially with the scarf.'

Seunghyun looked like he was gonna cry, tears building in the corners of his eyes, blurring his vision and diminishing any confidence he had. He had spent a lot of money on that scarf, it was gonna be his pride and joy but to hear that it was too...'gay'...broke his heart. JiYong's eyes widened when he saw that Seunghyun had started crying, he hiked up his pants and ran out of the closet at top speed, closing the door behind him and leaving Seunghyun sitting on the ground feeling abandoned. This, obviously, made Seunghyun feel ten times worse, he had it in his mind that JiYong had left because he thought he was a wimp, a pathetic, unfashionable wimp that cries over scarves.


-knock knock-

Seunghyun perked his head up, the tears dried and his eyeliner smeared across his face. He stood up slowly and walked to the door, his steps faltering and his vision still blurred. He reached one hand out for the handle and tentatively opened the door, to find JiYong standing there... a pink blazer and gold scarf. 'I decided gold scarfs are totally the look this year, it's like having money around your neck, and who cares if they scream 'flaming homoual', that should be something we strive for.' Seunghyun's eyes started tearing up again, he closed the last gap of awkward space in between them and embraced the smaller man, smiling into his shoulder and telling him how much he loved him.

That night they were the life of the party, scarves and all.

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Danees #1
Chapter 1: Omg! They are just cute!!
mikadosm #2
Chapter 1: This was very cute. Seunghyun is so emotional, it's kind of funny. And I bet Seunghyun and Jiyong still looked handsome and y as hell with their pink blazers and gold scarfs.
im_sucks_LOL #3
awesome fic!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Aww this is adorable!
soo cute... >,< Jiyong, u r such a great boyfriend for seunghyun..
haruhisuo #6
Ooooh so cuuuute!!! Crying baby TOP & fashion leader GD... So kind!!! Really love it!!!
Oh sweet jesus this was so cute I don't even know what to do with myself! T^T I love this. Absolutely love it. Yes.
That was cute :)
/posted this from le phone

I'll fix the minor formatting issues when I get home lmao its bothering me.
