Incurable disease

Anatomy's class

Ryeowook was glaring at the dead body that was on the cold table, with the strong scent of formalin being exhaled from it. The skin was already dissected and the thoracic cavity was opened, exposing the internal organs. He found himself wavering if he indeed wanted to follow the career as a future doctor, it seemed wrong as he noticed his decided-self hesitating only from seeing the corpse. Kyuhyun quickly noticed his friend’s expression palling only by the sight provided by an anatomy’s class.

“Are you okay?” Kyuhyun asked worrying about his friend that seemed to worsen his expression as each minute passed by. Ryeowook simply shook his head lightly, feigning to be fine, even though he was clearly shaken by the view.

Kyuhyun simply shrugged, not being fooled by the petite’s act, but forcing him into telling wasn’t between the options. It would be better to let the older tell him willingly what passed in his mind. After that, Ryeowook avoided looking directly at the eyes of the corpse that were, unfortunately, still open. He shivered thinking how frightening it was. It was just like facing the death itself.

It would be a long, very long class.

Even though Ryeowook tried avoiding, he would still be drawn towards those lifeless eyes. It felt like they were sending a piercing gaze towards his direction. As the group kept trying to tell apart the blood vessels inside the thoracic cavity, he felt paralyzed, incapacitated of moving in any way to help the others. Only by staring and thinking of the features, now completely ruined, Ryeowook realized this used to be a living person filled with dreams, desires and needs.

Those thoughts made him sulky. He pitied that person, because he ended up being used in a class instead of having a deserved burial ceremony. Ryeowook cursed himself mentally for being so soft, because soon he felt his eyes watering. Kyuhyun tugged Ryeowook’s sleeve, being fast to notice tears piling up ready to start their path on the pale skin.

“There is definitely something wrong. Mind to tell me?” Kyuhyun snapped, with concern increasing as each tear fell down individually. However, Ryeowook was very stubborn. He would never admit he started wavering only because that was the first time he ever saw a corpse, neither that he considered the idea of abandoning medicine already. He felt like he wasn’t adept to endure such stirred feelings every time he confronted death. “Nothing, only the formalin causes irritation to my eyes.” Ryeowook justified with a lame answer (could be true though), trying to sound just fine. The petite made sure to quickly dry his tears from his face.

Kyuhyun, being Ryeowook’s childhood friend, knew him better though. He could see there were some hesitating feelings on the smaller’s expression and it bothered him quite a lot for not knowing the reason behind it. Sighing, he let him be for now, because they were in the middle of class. He would be sure to have a serious talk with his dear friend later.


“Ryeowook, you can’t fool me. You’d better tell me what’s up and I demand it to be now!” Kyuhyun snorted, feeling very impatient for his friend that was acting awkwardly all this time. They had a shared apartment, because it was convenient for both, since they did study together and it was also a way of reducing expenses. Kyuhyun tapped impatiently his foot against the floor.

“Not now, Kyu ah.” Ryeowook was slumped down on the coach, as he asked softly hoping this could fool Kyuhyun. However, he knew his friend could tell he had some psychological problems now, but, like stated earlier, he was very, very, stubborn. Ryeowook slowly closed his eyes, pretending to be falling asleep so Kyuhyun would just stop bothering him.

Suddenly, he felt warm hands pinching his cheek forcefully, causing him to wince in pain and open his eyelids immediately. “Ouch! Meanie.” Ryeowook complained while trying to smack Kyuhyun for doing that to him while he was undefended. Kyuhyun stuck his tongue out childishly, mocking his friend for missing the hit. “Either tell me or I won’t let you sleep for the next nights. Believe me, I can endure just fine a few nights without sleep, but I can’t assure you will be fine like me.” He grinned wickedly, which caused Ryeowook to groan in dissatisfaction.

“Fine, I give up.” Ryeowook sat normally on the couch and patted the seat next to him so Kyuhyun would occupy it. Kyuhyun grinned victoriously, which caused Ryeowook to roll his eyes. He felt insecure in many ways. “I don’t think I’m suitable for being a doctor.” Ryeowook finally admitted feeling completely discouraged.  Kyuhyun put his arms around Ryeowook’s shoulders pulling him closer to provide the warmth a friend would give.

“Hey, Kyu.” Kyuhyun stared down towards the origin of the high pitched voice he happened to love very much. “Yes?” He asked while holding Ryeowook in his arms, hoping the smaller would notice his heart beats growing faster only by the close proximity of their bodies. “Do you think it’s better to change career while I still can?” Ryeowook questioned with pleading eyes to his friend. Kyuhyun sighed inwardly. It was obvious the smaller would never notice his feelings when he didn’t voice them. The older was very sweet, but he was definitely a blind idiot.

“I can’t change your mind if this is what you want.” Kyuhyun answered and shrugged, leaving Ryeowook disappointed, because on the inside he hoped that his friend would have faith on his capacity – even if he didn’t have it on himself. “But! I do think you have a kind heart, you take others pains like it was your own. This is exactly how doctors should be: human.” Kyuhyun completed his trail of thoughts and ruffled his crush’s hair, smiling gently at him.

Ryeowook eyes radiated with hope and delight for hearing those words coming from Kyuhyun. “You think I’ll be able to help many lives?” He said worriedly, thinking he wouldn’t be efficient in saving lives and those people would just end like the corpse on the anatomy’s class.

“Definitely you will help many lives.” Kyuhyun assured him, as his smile grew larger because Ryeowook leaned against his shoulder, causing his heart to flutter. Unfortunately, he knew the older held no other feelings besides friendship. “Hopefully, mine included.” Kyuhyun stated bitterly as he brushed the bangs of the older’s forehead.

“What you mean by that?” Ryeowook stared up, seeing his friend avoiding looking directly at him.

Kyuhyun quickly came up with a fake smirk, but, unlike Ryeowook, he could deceive others very well. “That’s a secret.” He said with a mysterious tone added purposely onto it, causing the petite to frown.

“Please don’t say you have an incurable disease at this point.” Ryeowook started panicking starting to grow concerned for his friend’s well-being. Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow, impressed of how Ryeowook would take him seriously, causing him to chuckle. “Yes, it is incurable.” He stated with a serious tone, but soon laughed it off, making a pout to emerge in Ryeowook’s lips.

However, inside Kyuhyun’s mind he only thought:

“ Yes, it is incurable.
That one I’d call: Love sickness.”


Please remember to comment ^^

This was to commemorate Ryeowook's birthday as you can see it wasn't fluff LOL (damn it, it was supposed to be)
I had to write something in this day, but this was the only idea I had in the moment (really sorry)

The sequel/more chapters would depend on the demand of course since I'm quite busy with my other fanfic still (oh god why?)

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Chapter 3: I don't know why I haven't subscribed to this story before! Please continue when you have time. College isn't everything, and weekends mornings are for sleep e.e xdd take caree :D
Nha_elf #2
Chapter 3: wooah nice story...please don't stop writing this.. I love the plot!! waiting for u to update
wintertmm #3
Chapter 3: One of them should make the move.!!! Don't want them to miss each other.pls update soon
Wow I found this now that it's almost 2 years since the last time it's updated o.O It 's beautiful,I wonder why you neglected it.Hope to see you update it sometime...
Chapter 2: stygmom- what
anyways ehhehdgdhxhxhsj i was giggling the whole time and djdhjdudis mOTHER OF GOD KYUHYUN YOU HOPELESS ROMANTIC OTLOTLOTLOTLOTL
ahha i still cant pronounce the stygmom thing
anyway dhdhxjsi i liked the idea of examining heartbeats dnkso ;u; perfect for this story yesyes
update sooooon <3 i read it late otl
One sided love are always the worst. Poor Kyuhyun
sounds really good!
katharine #7
please update more and very soon i love this story so much please update soon
Just a comment... ^-^ The device is sphygmomanometer (sphygmomanometry is getting the blood pressure)... ^-^ And I'm not sure of other schools, but the usual term is heart rate (instead of heart frequency)... :D