Confused & Him.

Family & Secrets
It was finally the end of the school day & Eunhyuk happily walked home alone. Usually Sungmin would walk with him, telling Eunhyuk that he needed him by his side or else someone might try to bully him or even try to kidnap him.
Eunhyuk always scoffed whenever his best friend said this to him but he had to admit that he was missing his Sungmin's presence. Thinking about Sungmin not being around & that he was all alone Eunhyuk started to walk a little faster. He had the strangest feeling, like someone was watching him, but this wasn't new to Eunhyuk.
In fact a lot of the time he felt like someone was watching him but he told himself that he was being paranoid. Eunhyuk was almost home when he heard something like a key rattling or someone right behind him drop something. It made him think that maybe he wasn't imagining things & someone was following him all along. Eunhyuk started to walk even faster than before, he was almost running down the street when he almost fell.
"Hey are you ok?" asked a voice a little in front of him.
Eunhyuk looked up slightly, & then whipped his head around trying to catch a glimpse of who was following him, maybe if he were lucky his little slip up would have also slipped up his stalker.
"You were going pretty fast there" said the same voice that had talked to him earlier.
"What?" asked Eunhyuk questioningly as he couldn't believe that there was no one behind him, there wasn't even any movement, not even a car passing by.
"I said you were going pretty fast" said the guy again.
"Oh, I'm trying to get home" said Eunhyuk as he continued to look around for any sign of his stalker.
"Well don't be in such a hurry, you could seriously hurt yourself & we wouldn't want that" said a guy with a very charming smile, thought Eunhyuk as he finally looked at the guy.
"My name is Siwon by the way" said the muscular guy as he extended his hand to Eunhyuk.
"Eunhyuk," said Eunhyuk as he couldn't help but be in a daze, there was no doubt the guy in front of him was gorgeous.
"Well Eunhyukkie," said Siwon as he took Eunhyuk's hand in both of his, "Do you mind if I walk you home?" asked Siwon with his dimpled smile.
"Umm..." hesitated Eunhyuk, he didn't know if it was the best idea, I mean he didn't even know the guy, it didn't seem smart to lead him right to where he lived, for all he knew the guy could be a murder & he might come back in the dead of the night to kill him, all because he showed him where he lived.
"I won't do anything I promise," said Siwon reading his mind, "I'm a good guy, I swear, I'm just new in town & I just want to make a friend & I figure friends walk each other home" said Siwon with another dimpled smile plastered on his face.
"Oh umm..." started off Eunhyuk he still wasn't sure on whether or not he should trust a total stranger, but on the one hand the guy seemed sincere about just wanting a friend, & Eunhyuk thought that he should be nice & try to be friends but then again, there was that whole he could turn out to be bad guy, but he was so HOT, Eunhyuk wasn't sure what he should.
"Eunhyuk" said a deep voice that he recognized right away. 
"Donghae" whispered out Eunhyuk & saw that it really was him.  Immediately his heart began to race.
"Common, I'm taking you home before your uncle starts to panic because your not home yet" said Donghae not even looking at Eunhyuk but staring hard at the new guy.
"Hi, I'm Siwon" said Siwon & he extended his hand to Donghae with a handsome smile, but when Donghae said nothing & didn't make a move to shake his hand Siwon continued, "Well, Eunhyukkie, it seems like we'll have to have a rain check on the walk, maybe some other time"
"Ummm ok" said Eunhyuk, he felt very unsure & confused about what was going on.
"Nice meeting you, & I'll see you around Eunhyukkie" said Siwon as he winked & gave a little salute to Eunhyuk.
Donghae scoffed at Siwon & his stupid gestured & started walking.
Eunhyuk was left there dumbfounded. First, what was all that about, Eunhyuk thought the Siwon guy was weird, second, why was Donghae suddenly wanting to take him home, the last he remembered Donghae hated him.
Little Eunhyuk was exhausted & he had cuts all over his legs from falling over a lot but he couldn’t help but smile. He had snuck out in the middle of the night to go see Donghae, he had missed the other so much.
“Hae hyung,” called out Eunhyuk excitedly as he saw a figure standing in the middle of the field, where he, Sungmin, & Donghae would play at.
“Hae” called out Eunhyuk as he got closer to the latter. He saw the other looking at him intently & Eunhyuk knew right away that something was wrong. He could see it in the other’s eyes. “Hyung, your Hyukkie’s here” said Eunhyuk as he stopped in front of Donghae but didn’t dare to look at him in the face, he was afraid what he might see if he did.
“Don’t call me Hyung & you’re not my Hyukkie” said Donghae coldly.
“Hyung” said Eunhyuk as he looked up to see Donghae
“I said don’t call me Hyung” said Donghae loudly & he pushed Eunhyuk down. Eunhyuk fell on the ground, landing on his . Immediately Eunhyuk started to tear up, not because of the pain he felt on his bottom but because of the way Donghae was acting towards him.
“Hae” called out Eunhyuk, usually at times like this, it would be Donghae himself who would comfort Eunhyuk & tell him soothing things & make him feel all better.
“Don’t call me like that either” said Donghae & he kicked dirt at Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk looked at Donghae confusedly. He didn’t understand, Eunhyuk was full blown crying now, he was confused why was Donghae treating him like this.
“Stop crying! You’re always crying, I’m sick of it & I’m sick of you” said Donghae.
“Hae” called Eunhyuk again, he wanted all this to stop, everything with his parents, how weird Sungmin was acting lately & especially now, how Donghae was treating him.
“I said stop calling me that” said Donghae & he pinned Eunhyuk to the ground. “Only my family & friends are allowed to call me that” he said as he tightened his grip on Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was scared but he dared to look up at Donghae & that’s when he noticed that Donghae had tears in his eyes too. “I hate you Eunhyuk, I hate you so much, I want nothing more to do with you, I don’t want to be your friend, or anything, if I never see you again I’d only be too happy” said Donghae as tears ran down his face.
Eunhyuk could literally feel his heart break with everything that Donghae said, he didn’t think it was possible, even at his age, but he knew at that moment that his heart ached so much because he really did love Donghae but now there was no hope for him & that made his heart hurt so much.
“Why” was all Eunhyuk could choke out.
“Because of you my brother was hurt, it’s all your fault, my parents are mad at me, & he was hurt & its all your fault, I hate you, I never want to see you again” said Donghae as his grip tightened & then he got off & started walking away leaving Eunhyuk in the field.
Eunhyuk didn’t know how long he had been lying there but some time after his parents found him & took him home but Eunhyuk didn’t say what happened. It scared his parents, it was a week before Eunhyuk stopped crying & started eating again & a month before he started talking again.
“Eunhyuk, common already,” said Donghae as he had stopped walking & waited on Eunhyuk.
“Sorry” said Eunhyuk as he followed closely behind Donghae, he didn’t ask him how he knew the route to his new house or why he wanted to walk him home but he just starred longingly at Donghae’s back.
“You’re home” said Donghae as he stopped in front of Eunhyuk’s house.
“Thanks Donghae” said Eunhyuk quietly.
“Hmm” Donghae responded & started to walk away. “How’s your uncle treating you?” Donghae suddenly asked, with his back still turned to Eunhyuk.
“Umm” Eunhyuk started, a little taken aback at the question. “He treats me well”
“Good. & don’t go around talking to strange guys like that again, you don’t know what their intentions are, they could end up hurting you” said Donghae.
“No more than you did, no one could ever hurt me as bad as you did” Eunhyuk wanted to reply but he didn’t, he just nodded & headed inside, wondering what the hell just happened. Even though he was very confused he was still a little bit happy, this was the first time in years Donghae had talked to him, he smiled, maybe he was a masochist like Sungmin says.
Oh well, he’s still happy, at least he got to talk to him.
Hey I'm so sorry for the long wait~ work got CRAZY! Then I had my family staying with us for a couple of days & that made things even crazier. But thanks for reading, & I know especially after reading this chapter you might be thinking WTF~ but I assure you that all will become clear & be revealed soon~. I will try to update again this week as an I'M SO SORRY, until then happy reading~!
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Chapter 3: I really wonder what happan after that for donghae to hate and push hyukkie away?? hyukkie doesn't seem to remember what happen and only remembers the painful memory of donghae's hate.. please update soon
Chapter 3: I hope you update this fic soon too.. I really want to know what happen?? why did donghae have to stay away from hyukkie?? what does minnie know that will definitely hurt hyukkie if he finds out?? why did donghae change?? please update soon
ionlytoldthemoon #3
Chapter 3: ooohh this is very interesting! Will you continue writing this? its really good ^^
differentworld #4
I am now commenting to give u motivation. Love it please keep writing lol
MrsBrightside #5
I actually have no idea how this is going to turn out. Does this make me stupid? X)
aigoo update soon, u always left me curious what will going to happend
HaeHyuk!! Wahaha :)) I love what you said there "HaeHyuk=my motivation" LOL it goes the same for me XD haha
Thanks for the update! Fighting! :D
OH WHYYY... I really like your fanfic author-nim.. But.. WHY IS HAE THE MAAN? //sadness// Thank you for posting anyhow...
So Sungmin will get hurt somehow in this?
Update soon seriously <333