
Family & Secrets
The bell rung & soon students were rushing to gather their things to head to their next class. Eunhyuk followed behind his best friend as he talked non-stop about something or other, to be honest Eunhyuk wasn't really paying attention, he had other things on his mind. This passing period was the only one in which he could see, him.
"Yah, Eunhyukkie, are you even listening to me" huffed an annoyed Sungmin & pulled Eunhyuk out of his thoughts.
"Wh-what, sorry Minnie" said Eunhyuk sheepingly.
"I knew it, you're not paying attention to me, what is so important that you have to ignore your very best friend?" pouted Sungmin, he knew Eunhyuk couldn't resist his pouting face, no one could.
"I'm sorry Minnie" said Eunhyuk as he hesitantly took his eyes away from the sea of people.
Even a glimpse of him would have made his heart go crazy but he didn't want Sungmin to be mad at him so he finally turned & gave his full attention to his best friend.
"I swear Eunhyuk sometimes I feel so neglected by you, why are we friends again?" asked Sungmin.
Friends, why were they friends again...
Little 6 year old Eunhyuk stood behind his mothers legs as the new neighbors came over to introduce themselves. Eunhyuk cowered more into his mother's dress as he saw two boys & their parents walking toward them.
 Eunhyuk had always been a shy little boy. As an only child, he was greatly loved & coddled. Eunhyuk parents doted on his greatly, they called him their miracle love child, because they loved him so much & because they thought Eunhyuk was a miracle.
Eunhyuk parents loved children but unfortunately try as they may they couldn't get pregnant. It wasn't until they had almost given up all hope on having children did Eunhyuk's mother discover that she was pregnant. From then on Eunhyuk's parents swore that they would do everything in their power to always have their son, happy, healthy & to always protect him, no matter what.
"Eunhyukkie, you're doing it again" said Sungmin as he put both hands on his hips & glared at Eunhyuk.
"Sorry Minnie, I was just thinking about the day we met each other & how we became friends" answered Eunhyuk as he tried to appease his friend.
"The day we met," started Sungmin as he looked up trying to recall the day. "Oh I remember, you were such a tiny scaredy cat, cry baby" said Sungmin as he laughed.
"I was not" said Eunhyuk, it was now his turn to pout & be upset.
"Yes you were," said Sungmin in between laughing, "You looked like you were going to cry the day my parents took me & my brother to go meet you"
"I was not crying" said Eunhyuk as his pout became deeper.
"Aww Eunhyukkie, don't pout, even though you were crying & hiding behind your mom like a baby, there's still one thing that is as true now as it was back then"
"What?" asked Eunhyuk curiously
"You're still the cutest thing ever" said Sungmin as he pinched Eunhyuk cheeks.
"Owww stop Sungmin," said Eunhyuk as he tried getting out of Sungmin's grip.
"Aww Eunhyukkie, when you pout you just make me want to hug you & pinch your cheeks & hold you & never let anything bad happen to you" said Sungmin as he embraced Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk inhaled deeply as he let himself feel comfort in his best friend's embrace. But he quickly pulled away from his friend as he felt a pair of eyes burning holes into his back.
Eunhyuk let go of Sungmin & looked behind him to try to catch a glimpse of who was watching him, though he had a feeling & kind of knew who it was. It was the same person who made his heart beat like crazy whenever he thought of him.
Eunhyuk turned around & sure enough, it was him.
Their eyes met & for a second Eunhyuk's heart skipped a beat before it started thumping crazily. It was so loud Eunhyuk was afraid he might be able to hear it from all the way across the hallway. Eunhyuk continued to look at him until one of his friends said something to him & left, probably to their next class.
Sungmin stood in silence as he watched the exchange, shaking his head in disapprovement but also pity. "You really shouldn't stare at people Hyuk, especially him. He's not worth the time".
"How can you say that Minnie" said Eunhyuk a little too quickly, he tried to play it off as no big deal by laughing, the last thing he needed was for Sungmin to suspect something.
Sungmin laughed along too. "I can say that because it's true, & because he's my brother, so I know him best, & trust me, Lee Donghae should be the last thing on your mind" said Sungmin as he playful nudged Eunhyuk, "Especially when his much more handsome, cuter & smarter baby brother is giving you the gift of his undivided attention & you can't even do the same" said Sungmin as he stomped off, ahead of Eunhyuk.
He wasn't really mad, he was just pretending, he just wanted to avert Eunhyuk's attention from thinking of him, because there was something that Eunhyuk didn't know, something that would destroy him if he ever found out.
"Minnie~ wait I'm sorry" smiled Eunhyuk as he caught up with Sungmin.
"I'm sorry too" said Sungmin as he returned Eunhyuk's smile, apologizing for something entirely different, and hopefully he would never know why he was so truly sorry.
 dum dum dun~ what do you all think? Hmm, I'll try to write another chapter today but I'm at work so, here's hoping the boss doesn't throw in a special project or something. And who else is super excited for Suju's comeback~! My bias is Hyukkie so I was ah~ when I saw his teaser pic, I don't get it but I like it. It motivated me to write, lol.
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Chapter 3: I really wonder what happan after that for donghae to hate and push hyukkie away?? hyukkie doesn't seem to remember what happen and only remembers the painful memory of donghae's hate.. please update soon
Chapter 3: I hope you update this fic soon too.. I really want to know what happen?? why did donghae have to stay away from hyukkie?? what does minnie know that will definitely hurt hyukkie if he finds out?? why did donghae change?? please update soon
ionlytoldthemoon #3
Chapter 3: ooohh this is very interesting! Will you continue writing this? its really good ^^
differentworld #4
I am now commenting to give u motivation. Love it please keep writing lol
MrsBrightside #5
I actually have no idea how this is going to turn out. Does this make me stupid? X)
aigoo update soon, u always left me curious what will going to happend
HaeHyuk!! Wahaha :)) I love what you said there "HaeHyuk=my motivation" LOL it goes the same for me XD haha
Thanks for the update! Fighting! :D
OH WHYYY... I really like your fanfic author-nim.. But.. WHY IS HAE THE MAAN? //sadness// Thank you for posting anyhow...
So Sungmin will get hurt somehow in this?
Update soon seriously <333