
Onyx Stars


The gang headed to Starbucks and took a chillpill there, they decided to wait till most of the workers headed home and Reggie and Taylor to go bye bye. They sat in the cafe, anxious knowing one of their friends was lost somethere. Taylor tried to flirt with the boys but they didn't give her any bait. So she decided to leave, then Reggie left shortly after to not trouble them any more. 
Changjo: Where could have she gone to?
Chunji: What if she just went to coldstone.
Ricky: No! What if some creepy weirdo kiddnapped her!?
Niel: and he did dir---
L.Joe: aww... Come on guys, we all know she would've killed him with one blow.
C.A.P: but, they could've covered with an alcohol dipped cloth to put her to sleep.
Kat: oh! You guys! That only happens in movies. This person had to be a girl.
Chunji: I knew it! Dez is lesbian!
Changjo: that would kind of explain it, but no she has her guy mances to. So she is Bi!
Ricky: Girl and Girl action isn't bad, but I would feel bad for kat to be around her.
Kat: eww, gross! No, I personally asked Dez if she was lesbian and she said no. So I would know if she lied to me!
Chunji: but maybe she did lie!
C.A.P: you guys are all crazy! If Dez was really Lesbian or Bi, she wouldn't be shy to tell us the truth. And she told us before she hates girl and girl action.
L. Joe: Yeah, so stop being paranoid.
Niel: You guys are just trying to avoid that Dez is not your perfect girl.
Both: Shut up!
Niel: see? This means its true.
Kat: *sighs* I don't know anything, but I do know that I'm tired.
Ricky: Imma hit the sack, see ya sissies later.
Chunji: me too...
Changjo: L. Joe, Imma head to the penthouse.
L.Joe: Okay. You have the spare keys?
Changjo: you have them?
L.Joe: *jingles the key in his hand* don't lose it.
Changjo: I promise!
Kat: I'm too sleepy to drive my motorcycle!
C.A.P: Niel, knows how to drive one. Maybe he can take you.
Kat: Alright, but you gonna pick him up?
C.A.P: In the morning, he can bunk in the living room. Since Dez won't be there to protect you.
L. Joe: oh come on! Be nice to your favorite girlfriend!
Niel: pshh...whatever! Thats why I go for team C.A.P! Blehh.
C.A.P: What does Team me mean?
Kat&L.Joe: you don't need to know about it.
C.A.P: L. Joe lets go, I'll take you home.
L.Joe: alright!:D
C.A.P and L.Joe walk their own way, While Niel and Kat went another way. Both of them tired and drowsy from to much caffine wasted. Niel drives Kat's cycle, while she clings on to his back, breathing in his scent and fainting in it slowly. Feeling like she drowned a rafting waterall, where slowly but quick in mind, fall to the shallow end. Soon they arrive to the house, and Niel tries to wake Kat of her nightmare but it was way too late. So her carried her bridal style and took her in the house, where he goes up the stairs. Left to her room, opens the door and walks over to her bed. He slips her in the bed, but she grabs his sweater jacket. He turns around to see her face, looking so soft and innocent, sweetly dreaming, he didn't want her to yell at him in the morning. Because he slept in her room, she wouldn't listen to him if he tried telling her the truth. So he got her hand, and little but little departed it from him. He felt bad, so he tucked her in and caressed her head to calm her down. He then instinctively dove in and kissed her gently on her forehead, then quietly backed away. He closed her door and went down the stairs, trying not to make noise. Niel remembered where Dez had told him, where the blankets were, so he went and got one. Then he took off his jacket, shoes and shirt, because it was a little hot. He then threw himself on the couch and snuggled into a sweet dream of candyland(yeah right more like images of Kat.)
In thee Morning
Niel smelled bacon and eggs being sizzled on a pan, then some pancakes cooking on another pan. He flickered his eyelids, tryin' to wake up, he then sat up and rubbed his eyes. "You woke up? Sorry if the sound disturbed you." said a familar voice. Niel turned to see it was Dez in the kitchen, cooking, he got up and walked over to the stove. "You're back. Where did you go?" said Niel still sleepy. "I tripped on my shoelace, and I told Kat to wait. But she didn't here me, so I ran to the Elevators to meet up with her. But it was too late the Elevator was already going down, so I waited 10minutes. It vaccumed." (get it!? cause vaccumes things!!) said Dez with Dismay. Niel just arched his brows and got a piece of bacon, he knawed on it, Dez told him to wake up Kat. So he walked up stairs with a strip in his mouth stil, he knoked on the door, and heard no reply. So he opened it and walked towards her bed, he yanked her sheets but she tugged back. He yanked the sheets even harder, so when she pulled back he took them off and smacked her , Then he yelled Get up, and walked off, Kat sat up and asked herself Did he just smack my ? No I don't think he would do that. She sat in the bed with a Confused look on her face. He came back in the room, and yelled hurry, she asked him," Did you smack my ?" He said, "Yes, now hurry up and go down stairs to eat breakfast." Kat then jumped off the bed, and ran down stairs, she saw Dez was cooking and Niel was sitting on the table eating and texting at the same time. She ran, and sat in her chair , where she always sat. Dez then came up to her and served her breakfast, then asked Niel, "Did you text C.A.P, to tell the guys to come have breakfast here?"  Niel answered back with food in his mouth, "yaah, heh sad dat heh meght beh lat, though"
Dez smiled, " And the rest of the crew?", "Ricky and Chunji are on their way, and Changjo said him and L. Joe are gonna stop by guitar shop, first then head here." said Niel clearly now. 
MeanWhile with C.A.P
C.A.P: Hey, Ebony. Wake up.
Ebony: hmm...where are you going?
C.A.P: to one of the guys' place, to practice. Alright?
Ebony: What time is it? *checks C.A.P's phone and sees a new text message, she reads it. And all the rest from Niel for today* to a guys' place my .
C.A.P: huh? Ebony, why are you looking at my phone?
Ebony: I was checking the time, and a message appeared, so I checked it.
C.A.P: Checking the time only takes a second, but you took 5 minutes.
Ebony: Who is Dez?hmm?
C.A.P: One of the new guys, we got in the group.
Ebony: Don't lie to me! I know exactly who Dez is! She is that one, you kissed on the concert, huh?!
C.A.P: look I don't have time for this. I got to go.
Ebony: You like her, huh? Answer me, C.A.P!!!
C.A.P: You know what!?
Ebony: Whaat? That you love that little girl?! Hmm?
C.A.P: Whatever...
Ebony: Don't Whatever me, Its a good thing I taught that little girl to back off.
C.A.P: *he comes back in the room* Did you take Dez? Huh?
Ebony: What if I did? What are you gonna do about it?
C.A.P: You know what? Don't ever go near me or Dez, because she didn't do anything to you! We're done! Take your things and leave! If you're not gone by the time I'm back, I am gonna call the cops on you! That you had an affair with your student and you are stalking me! 
Ebony: your kidding,right?! You aren't seriously gonna do that and pick that little girl?! Are you!?
C.A.P: I'm dead serious, get all your stuff and leave! *he storms out the room*
Kat: Did your cheek get worse, Dez?
Dez: oh, uhh...Yeah. I guess I got an infection or allergy.
Niel: You should be careful with crazy ladies. Mmm...this is good.
Kat: haha...have you ever tasted Dez's cooking?
Niel: not till now.
Kat: You should taste her Italian food , oh no! Her Asian food is better.
They suddenly hear a car park, and someone slam the door real hard.
They ding-donged on the door bell, Dez went to go answer it. It was C.A.P, he looked mad and worried at the same time, when he saw Dez's face. He got even more jumpy, he asked her if she was okay and then asked what happened to her. She hesitated, and changed the subject, but C.A.P didn't let her, he got her face and riped off the bandage, you could see a deep scar mark on her cheek. C.A.P got red and ready to burst, but Dez got his hand and squeezed it, she got him to look in her eyes. "look, look at me, C.A.P, It's okay. Calm down, please. I am not hurt deeply, okay, so calm down. And eat breakfast, just please calm down." said Dez softly. C.A.P calmed down and sighed of stress, He slumped, and Dez walked him over to the kitchen. She gave him a plate filled with pancakes, fruit, and bacon, he was surprised at this colorful food. Niel gave him a thumbs up, and Kat smiled, they were on their seconds already.
Dez: Niel, when you're done, go put on a shirt, my brother has some of his clothes here. Wear that while I wash your clothes from last night, okay?
Niel: okay.
Kat & C.A.P: You have a brother!?
Dez: Yes...I do. I have a big family.
C.A.P: how come you nevet speak of it?
Dez: because I don't have time to.
Kat: We have time, right now.
Dez: *hears doorbell* not now.*goes over and opens door* hello! Good morning!
Ricky: You back! 
Chunji: Woohoo!
Changjo: Good morning.
L. Joe: Are you okay, Dez?
Dez: haha, yeah. I'm cooler then a cucumber.
They walk in and smell the food, they rush over to the table.
Dez serves all of them and they all enjoy the fruittiness and sweet flavors.

That Same Afternoon.

Miles: Alright, girls. Today we will be testing your voices, moves and skills. Okaay?

Taylor: Yay!!!


Kat: cool.
Dez: hmm...
Miles: Now, you guys are to go the third floor, first.
Girls nod and head toward the door, when all of the sudden Mr. Sakaru said, " If you don't pass any of these tests you won't be debutted as Onyx" The girls got worried and just headed upstairs to the dancing studio room. There they met with a guy and a stereo, he told them to dance to the rhythm of a song, he put on. First, it Taylor she wiggled this weird dance move to Clap by Teen Top. She put up her hands and waved them, but then she put in her foot and wringled it. The guy looked at her weirdly, and stopped her, he pushed her to get out of the dance floor. Then he called in Kat, He gave her an awesome dance song. It was Lucifer by SHINee. She moved swiftly, quick but steady, everyone in the room(except for Taylor) admired her graceful movement. The man clapped his hands and then proceeded with Reggie, Reggie was nervous. So when it was her turn she was stiff and very slow. The guy got his clipboard and wrote something on it, then told Reggie to go back where she was. Then he pointed at Dez, she stood in the center, and waited for the song to come up. It was a remix of Big Bang's song Bad Boy. Dez stood quiet for a few moments then Blam! She started moving like crazy, she moved her whole body to the beat of the mix, counting each step, she did it quick but colorful. The man clapped, and wrote some more on is clipboard, then said " You girls, are to go to, the recording room for your second test." They all nodded and moved on, they went down the hall way to the recording room. There they met with a girl and another man, they greeted them, they told them to rehearse a song they gave them. Each one had a different one, so they spent an hour practicing in different places. Then Reggie was up first, she just read her song, and just gave exclaimation to some parts. Next was Dez, she sang her part, she put emotion, beat and vocalized it. After it was Kat, she was a little stiff, but then rocked it out good. She sang really good she made the people cry, Finally it was Taylor, she sang her song, but was horrible! Her voice was cracking, screechy and sounded like a cat dying. They cut her off as soon as possible to not hurt their ears or cause any infection. They dismissed then to the music room, where they were to pick an instrument, Kat picked a piano. Reggie picked the drums, Taylor picked the bass guitar and Dez picked the guitar. They were to play a few notes on them, Reggie played a few beats it sounded good. Taylor played a string and got nothing but a screech, Kat played some chords and got a melodic sound. Finally, Dez played a couple of strings that sounded cool. The lady that was there wrote on the clipboard, and told them it was the end of tests and to go get lunch. So they all went to the chilling room, and were just there hanging out, when all of the sudden the boys came from upstairs. There was only 5 of them, Kat wondered who was missing, then got a lightbulb it was Niel. She asked C.A.P, where he was and he said changing in the room, because he was sent to practice more. Because he kept goofing around, and the teacher got mad, so thats why he isn't with us. Kat laughed and then continued her conversation with Dez, then Taylor got up and said she forgot something. So she left, and everyone was like okay !
Ricky: Have you guys tried the new crazy cores from Skittles?
Chunji: No, I haven't
Changjo: I have, it was a dare, I had to stuff 15 skittles in my mouth and try to chew and swallow them down.
L. Joe: Was it fun?
C.A.P: why would it be fun?
L. Joe: I dunno, I was just asking.
Changjo: no it wasn't fun, they tasted very sour and I couldn't stand the sourness anymore, so I vomited.
Kat: thats gross.
Dez: Too much information?
Reggie: Yuck.
Changjo: Well, L. joe wanted to know. So I told him.
Kat: but with details!
Changjo: I had to.
Reggie: You could've just said something less details.
Changjo: well, sorry! For ruining your day!
C.A.P: hey, Its been long hasn't it? Kat can you go get Niel?
Kat: why me?
Ricky: because you kissed him.
Kat: it was just a stupid kiss! And for that you guys are saying he is my responsiblity! Well, shouldn't You and Dez be  responsible for each other too?!
Chunji: They are responsible for each other. But so is L.Joe of Dez, because he kissed her too.
L. Joe: when did we kiss?!
Dez: Yeah, when did we kiss!?
Chunji: You guys don't remember?
Ricky: Chunji, L.Joe only kissed her on the cheek. Not the lips.
Chunji: oh yeeeeeaaaah!
Kat: whatever!* leaves upstairs*
Dez: You guys made her mad.
C.A.P: hey, its true.
Dez: ...whatevs.
Kat goes up the stairs and in the elevator to floor 5, she looks for the dressing room that says Teen Top. She finds it and Knocks on the door, she doesn't hear anything back. So she opens the door and walks in, she doesn't see Niel, so she goes further in. She spots the closet door open, she pushes it. When it swings open, she sees Taylor on top of Niel, who is shirtless and she was like an inch away from kissing him. Kat is in shock, but then puts on a straight face.
Kat: C.A.P told me to find you, and here you are, making out with Taylor. How rude, your friends were worried about you. * she walks out of the closet and goes to the door to leave*
Niel: wait! Its not what it looks like! She just came in and attacked me! Kat, listen to me!
Kat: Niel, there is nothing to listen to. You perfectly prefer to make out with an unknown girl, shirtless. Then to be with your friends.
Niel: no its not like that! Just listen to me! Please, Kat!
Kat is about to open the door and walk off, when Niel grabs her hand and pulls her to him. He pushes her against the wall, cornering her so she won't escape. He looks straight in her face, " Kat, listen to me, I was just in here changing. When all of the sudden, that chick over there walks in and pounces on me! She was trying to seduce me, but I told her to back off. But she wouldn't listen to me, so I tried pushing her off, she wouldn't budge. She pushed me to the closet and started taking off her shirt and mine. And then you walked in, and witnessed something else!" said Niel seriously. Kat just turned away, "Kat, look at me! Look at me, don't you believe me?" says Niel furious and desperate. Kat doesn't look at him , but says " I believe you." Niel just sighs, "Then why, don't you look at me?hmm?" Kat glances at his face and looks to the side again, "Because your half , how can I take you, seriously if your bare chest is right by my face!" says Kat shyly and raged. Niel chuckles and, "You like my s?" he says playfully. She laughs, "No, I don't like your s." Niel laughs and says "Its just you're Jello of my s" Kat laughs and says what s you have none, way to kill the scene, Niel. He just puts on his shirt and sees Kat was leaving again. So he grabs her from behind, "Where are you going?" he says, she tries to pull him off, "I'm going downstairs back to the Chillax room." Niel doesn't let her go, "No, you're not. Your gonna stay right here with me until I finish dressing." She mumbles and goes back inside pouting, then all of the sudden Taylor walks out quickly. "there goes the ." says Niel. Kat laughs and Niel looks at her, "What are you laughing at?" he asks in confusion. "I never thought that chick would pounce on you. Also that you called her a ." says Kat laughing. "Well, me either. But she is one, she just barged in and jumped me." said Niel surprised. "I didn't like her one bit, since I first saw her. Dez would've beaten her up, if she hadn't been restraining herself." said Kat in thought. "You probably didn't like her anymore, because you saw her pressed up against me." says Niel joking around. "Whatever, you just lucky I came to save you or else. You would've be eaten by the y blond." said Kat serious. "Yeah, why did you come?" asked Niel curious. Kat wanted to dodge the question, because she hadn't known herself, usually if someone told her to check on someone she didn't care for, she would say no and disobey. "I dunno, because C.A.P told me to." said Kat careless."No, you do know. Because you wouldn't have come if C.A.P told you to. You came because you wanted to." said Niel knowingly. Kat was about lash out on him, but it came to her mind that he was right. But she really didn't know why, she had came at all. She sat in wonder, she couldn't have came out of mere boredom, it had to be something else. "I really don't know, because if I knew. I probably would have told you, by now." said Kat in wonder. "Kat, you shouldn't lie to yourself."said Niel. Kat now red, "I'm not lying I really don't know.I guess because I was worried about you or something. But I don't understand." said Kat mad at herself. Niel just ruffled her head and smiled, "Its alright I was just joking, to have some fun." Niel says. Kat gets up to leave, because Niel was finished dressing, but she suddenly tripped. Niel noticed her falling and went quick to help her. They rumbled to the ground, Niel first, then Kat, like a sandwich. She had closed her eyes to prevent, any anything to get in her eyes. When she flicked them open she was on top of Niel, where she couldn't move because of his fierce embrace. She lifted her head, and wiggled out of his arms, slowly getting out, but then he flashed his eyes open. And saw her on top of him, he scooted away enough to sit up, they sat there. Their gaze fixed on each other, them Kat burst out laughing and Niel followed. Then they got up and left the room, they went downstairs to meet up with the gang. 
Chunji: Hey! The lovers are back!
Ricky: I wonder what they were doing.
Changjo: you know thats the only time, it doesn't sound bad.
L. Joe: Does it take half an hour to get a person?
C.A.P: Well, for them yes.
Dez: Thats why. Their responsible for each other.
Kat: So what are the results?
Dez: Reggie and Taylor didn't make the cut. So now its just the two of us.
Dez: I wanted to say the same thing.
Kat: haha.
Cutting it off right now cause its raining and I wanna go play in it.. Thanks for reading! :D


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