Final Day

JannCakes Short Story Contest (CLOSED)

The contest ends tonight at midnight so everyone who wishes to participate, get the stories in quickly!

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KauType #1
Chapter 11: Where can we read the 55-word stories?
Chapter 11: Congratulations to the winners! Thank you for the honorable mention.
Chapter 11: Oh wow! Thank you so much for giving me an honorable mention!!! ! I'd love to know what you thought, and how I scored on your marking chart ^_^
Chapter 11: Wow, I'm surprised you liked my story enough to put it in the honourable mentions, thank you for that.
Congratulations to the winners ^^

My entry is number 11 and I'd like a story with SHINee's Onew and SNSD's Jessica as the main couple ^^
Chapter 2: Congratulations to all the winners! ^^
My entry number is #42 and I'd like a story with TaoRis as the main pairing ^^ if you don't mind, could it be angst? I love reading angst haha ^^ if not then it's okay :)
Chapter 11: O.M.G.....

*ahem!* Congrats on the others as well!
KimPossible21 #7
Chapter 11: Thank you for putting me in the honourable mentions list. Very surprising. But I appreciate it and am glad you like it :)
My entry no. is 46 and I'd like a story with MyungBer as the main couple please :)

Congratulations to the winners! :)
2482 streak #8
Chapter 11: Congratulations to all of the winners! ^-^ It was so much fun participating in this contest! I am entry #18 and I would like my story's pairing to be with an OC and Lee Ki Kwang. Thank you! :)
Chapter 11: Good job everyone, ^^ it was fun participating in this contest.
Chapter 11: Congratulations to all the winners! :D
First contest I've entered, and even though I didn't win, I'm glad I'm on the honorable mentions list :D
I'm entry 23 and can I have a story for Lay? :D

Btw, I changed my username, my old one was sweethollyichigo :)